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Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday, 4th March, 2025 2.00 p.m.

March 4, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee is scheduled to include consideration of two applications for new premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003, one for a venue in Shoreditch called Shoreditch & Soul on Cheshire Street and another for a venue in Bow called Breid on Morgan Street. Both applications have received objections from local residents.

Shoreditch & Soul, Cheshire Street

This application from 110/116 Cheshire Street Limited is for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol (both on and off the premises), the provision of regulated entertainment in the form of films, and 24-hour opening hours.

The venue is described in the application as a mixed-use site comprising new apartments and a multipurpose warehouse, with the intention that the bar will be alcohol-free except during occasional supper clubs.

Representations objecting to the application have been received from residents Jessica & Oliver Berg, Nischal Patel and Roberta Lombardo. Their concerns primarily relate to potential public nuisance from the venue and a lack of clarity on how crime and disorder will be prevented. The applicant’s agent has contacted each resident to clarify the nature of the application and how these concerns are addressed.

The application includes a number of proposed conditions aimed at promoting the licensing objectives. These include the operation of a comprehensive CCTV system, the maintenance of an incident log, and the prominent display of notices asking customers to leave the area quietly.

The applicant has also agreed to a condition, requested by the Environmental Protection Team, that [p]atrons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g., to smoke, shall not be permitted to take drinks or glass containers with them, and shall be limited to 8 persons.

Breid, Morgan Street

This application from David Miller is for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol (both on and off the premises) and opening hours of 08:00 to 23:00 from Monday to Sunday.

The applicant, in a communication with a member of the Metropolitan Police's Central East Basic Command Unit Licensing Team, PC Jamie Stanley, has described the premises as A new shop which will continue with off sales of alcohol and incorporate a small seating area (16-18) where we can serve drinks and hot and cold food.

The application is opposed by local residents Francis Bown, Gaurav Kapoor & Jessica Geddes, John Hicks, Jeremy Jennings and Kate O’Donnell, who have concerns that granting the licence will lead to public nuisance and an increase in crime and disorder.

The applicant has proposed a number of conditions, including the provision of comprehensive CCTV coverage, thorough staff training in responsible alcohol sales, and the prominent display of notices asking customers to respect local residents.

After discussions with the applicant, the Metropolitan Police have agreed to the application subject to the following amendment:

Having spoken to the applicant for this premises, he has agreed to alter the last sale of alcohol timing on Sundays to 2230hrs (as opposed to 2300hrs).

The Environmental Protection Team have agreed to the application subject to the following additional conditions:

  1. No noise shall emanate from the premises nor vibration be transmitted through the structure of the premises, which gives rise to a public nuisance.
  2. Patrons permitted to temporarily leave and then re-enter the premises, e.g. to smoke, shall be limited to 5 persons at any one time.
  3. There shall be no loudspeakers located in the entrance lobby, or outside the premise building nor on ceilings, and anti-vibration mounts used to speakers attached to internal walls of the premises.

The Licensing Authority has agreed to the application subject to the following conditions:

  1. The supply of alcohol at the premises shall only be to a person seated taking a table meal there and for consumption by such a person as ancillary to their meal. (Including small plates and desserts)
  2. The supply of alcohol shall be by waiter or waitress service only.