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This meeting will consider the Council’s budget and Council Tax level for 2025/26, as well as a number of reports from its committees. In addition, the Council will consider the response of the relevant Cabinet Members to two motions that were not considered at the meeting on the 20th of January due to lack of time, as well as three new motions.
Revenue Estimates and Council Tax setting
The Council will consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living on the revenue estimates and Council Tax setting for 2025/26. This report proposes a balanced budget for 2025/26 and recommends to Council a council tax increase of 4.99%, made up of a core council tax increase of 2.99% and a 2% Adult Social Care precept.
This report contains a number of significant investments in both revenue and capital spending plans in line with the Council’s current Medium Term Financial Strategy, including an investment of £11.1m to purchase residential properties for Children Looked After (CLA) and care experienced residents, and an investment of £10m to purchase properties to increase the Council’s stock of Social Rented housing.
Business from the Ordinary Council Meeting of 20th January 2025
The Council will consider a report of the Borough Solicitor setting out the response of the Cabinet Member for Planning and a Sustainable Camden to a motion on the Government’s new housing targets for London Boroughs, and the response of the Cabinet Member for New Homes and Community Investment to a motion celebrating the Community Investment Programme.
Appointments to Formal Council Bodies
The Council will be asked to agree to the nomination of Councillor Patricia Leman to the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee to fill the vacancy left following the resignation of Councillor Ajok Athian.
Treasury Management Strategy
The Council will consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living which presents the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy (TMS) for 2025/26. The TMS sets out the Council’s approach to managing its borrowing and investments, with the strategy continuing to prioritise security and liquidity for the coming year.
Members’ Allowances Scheme
The Council will consider a report of the Director of Participation, Partnerships and Communication which sets out the Members’ Allowances Scheme (MAS) for 2025/26. The report invites the Council to adopt the MAS for 2025/26, which includes an increase in all allowances by 2.5% in line with the national pay award for local government staff.
Pay Policy Statement
The Council will be asked to agree the Pay Policy Statement for 2025/26, as recommended by the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee. The report proposes no changes to the Council’s Pay Policy Statement and sets out the salary scales for the Council’s Chief Officers, as well as its pay policy for its lowest paid employees. The statement also includes details of the Council’s approach to termination payments and redundancy pay.
Report on Changes to the Constitution
The Council will be asked to agree changes to the Constitution. The report proposes that the Joint Chairs of Scrutiny Committee be disbanded, that a requirement to provide more information in advance about Oral questions at Council is introduced, that the rules surrounding the acceptance of deputations and petitions be amended to ensure that they concern matters which significantly impact the Borough or its residents and refer to issues over which the Council has control or influence, and that the rules surrounding deputations and petitions to Full Council and committees be further amended to exclude those standing for or holding political office.
The report also proposes that the Council Procedure Rules be amended to give formal recognition to the Mayor’s common law power to exclude members of the public from meetings, and for a new rule to be added to both the Council and Committee Procedure Rules to prohibit members of the public bringing banners into meetings.
Annual Joint Report of the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees 2024-25
The Council will be asked to note a report from the Chairs of the five Scrutiny Committees on their activities during the past municipal year (2024-25). The report sets out an overview of the key issues that the Scrutiny Committees have focussed on, including a summary of all the deputations they have received, and the recommendations that they have made. The report concludes with an outline of their planned areas of focus for the coming year (2025-26).
Working with Partners and Institutions to Benefit Camden - Update to Council
The Council will be asked to note a report of the Cabinet Member for Jobs, Young People and Culture on the outcome of the themed debate on Working with Partners and Institutions to Benefit Camden which took place on the 20th of January 2025.
The Council will be asked to consider three motions:
Motion 1
A motion proposed by Councillor Steve Adams, and seconded by Councillor Andrew Parkinson on the cost of agency staff to Camden Council. The motion proposes a commitment to reduce Camden’s reliance on agency staff to 5% and to make use of technology to achieve staff reductions.
Motion 2
A motion proposed by Councillor Patricia Leman and seconded by Councillor Tommy Gale on Camden Council’s budget for 2025/26. The motion commends the new Labour government’s commitment to multi-year funding settlements and celebrates a number of the measures included in this year’s budget, including the Council Tax Support Scheme, capital investment to provide better accommodation for care-experienced young people, investment in social care and homelessness prevention, and the continuation of the £2m Cost of Living Fund.
Motion 3
A motion proposed by Councillor Judy Dixey, and seconded by Councillor Tom Simon on Young Carers Action Day, which takes place on 13 March 2025. The motion proposes that Camden Council signs up to the Young Carers Covenant, commits to implement the Carers Trust’s ‘No Wrong Door’ for young carers and delivers Young Carers Awareness Training in schools and colleges.
- Adam Harrison
- Ajok Athian
- Andrew Parkinson
- Anna Burrage
- Anna Wright
- Awale Olad
- Camron Aref-Adib
- Eddie Hanson
- Edmund Frondigoun
- Heather Johnson
- Izzy Lenga
- James Slater
- Jenny Headlam-Wells
- Jenny Mulholland
- Jonathan Simpson MBE
- Joseph Ball
- Judy Dixey
- Julian Fulbrook
- Kemi Atolagbe
- Larraine Revah
- Liam Martin-Lane
- Linda Chung
- Lorna Greenwood
- Lorna Jane Russell
- Lotis Bautista
- Marcus Boyland
- Matt Cooper
- Matthew Kirk
- Meric Apak
- Nadia Shah
- Nancy Jirira
- Nanouche Umeadi
- Nasim Ali OBE
- Nasrine Djemai
- Nazma Rahman
- Nina De Ayala Parker
- Patricia Callaghan
- Patricia Leman
- Rebecca Filer
- Richard Cotton
- Richard Olszewski
- Rishi Madlani
- Robert Thompson
- Sabrina Francis
- Sagal Abdi-Wali
- Samata Khatoon
- Shah Miah
- Sharon Hardwick
- Shiva Tiwari
- Stephen Stark
- Steve Adams
- Sue Vincent
- Sylvia McNamara
- Tom Simon
- Tommy Gale
- Minutes 20012025 Ordinary Council other
- Agenda frontsheet 03rd-Mar-2025 19.00 Council agenda
- Written Council Questions 03rd-Mar-2025 19.00 Council
- Minutes 20012025 Extraordinary Council other
- Unconsidered business from the Ordinary Council meeting on 20 January 2025 other
- Appointments to Formal Council Bodies FINAL
- 2025 2026 Revenue Estimates and Council Tax Setting
- Appendix A - The Legal Framework for Setting the Council Tax
- Appendix B - Statutory Determination of Council Tax 2025-26
- Appendix C - Directorate and Departmental Budgets and Levies
- Appendix D - Fees and Charges
- Appendix E - Camden Climate Budget
- Appendix F - Equality Impact Assessment Form
- Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26
- Treasury Management Strategy 2025-26 - Appendix 1
- Members Allowance Scheme Report 2025 -26
- Appendix A - Members Allowance Scheme 2025-26
- Appendix B - Borough IPMR London 2023 report
- Pay Policy Statement Report 2025-26
- Appendix - Pay Policy Statement 2025-26
- Changes to the Constitution
- Annual Joint Report of the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committees 2024-25
- Working with Partners and Institutions to benefit Camden - Themed Debate Follow Up Report
- Motions 3 March 2025
- Public reports pack 03rd-Mar-2025 19.00 Council reports pack