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- Andy Nash
- Anthony Bates
- Bob Butcher
- David Burton
- David Chapman
- David Hughes
- Dawn Greatorex
- Dermot Murphy
- Gareth Gee
- Geoff Bond
- Helen Froggatt
- Joanne Linthwaite
- John Bointon
- Laura Mellstrom
- Lucy Peacock
- Marilyn Franks
- Martin Burfoot
- Matt Buckler
- Neil Buttle
- Nick Whitehead
- Nick Wilton
- Nigel Norman Edwards-Walker
- Peter Dobbs
- Peter O'Brien
- Peter Slack
- Robert Archer
- Roger Shelley
- Simon Ripton
- Steve Flitter
- Steve Wain
- Stuart Lees
- Sue Bull
- Sue Burfoot
- Susan Hobson
- Capital and Investment Strategy Report 2025-26
- Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-26 to 2029-30
- Appendix 3 - Proposed budget to orignal budget variances
- Capital Programme Update March Council other
- APPENDIX 2-Capital strategy- Sources of Financing 2025-26
- Revenue Budget Report 2025-26
- Agenda frontsheet 03rd-Mar-2025 18.00 Council agenda
- Appendix 4 - MTFP
- Public reports pack 03rd-Mar-2025 18.00 Council reports pack
- Appendix 5 - Transfers to and from Revenue Reserves
- Minutes 23012025 Council other
- TMS 2025-26
- Minutes 30012025 Council other
- Appendix 1 - Summary Revenue Account
- Appendix 2 - Net Cost of Services Analysed by Corporate Priority
- APPENDIX 1 -Corporate Investment Strategy 2025-26
- APPENDIX 3- MRP 2025-26