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This meeting's agenda is dominated by planning applications, including a significant hybrid application for a site in Wandsworth Town, a smaller residential application in Balham and another in Battersea. It also covers a number of Tree Preservation Orders, and a range of reports providing updates on recent planning decisions, enforcement actions and appeals.
Former Gasworks Swandon Way, Calor Gas Unit 9 and 10 Delta Business Park Smugglers Way and Land West of the River Wandle The Causeway
The report pack includes a report that describes a hybrid planning application for a 1.87 hectare site north of Wandsworth Town Centre on land currently occupied by the former SGN Gasholder, an operational gas facility, and the Calor Gas Centre.
The site is part of a larger 2.81 hectare area designated for mixed-use development under the adopted Local Plans site allocation WT4, which seeks to facilitate housing alongside economic, employment, and small-scale town centre uses. It is also inside the broader Wandsworth Town Growth location and the Wandle Delta Masterplan area.
The application is for a phased development of four blocks, associated public realm, servicing and landscaping to provide up to 620 dwellings with affordable housing, and up to 4,555sqm of non-residential floorspace.
The report contains a detailed appraisal of the proposed development against the relevant planning policy in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2024), the London Plan (2021), the Wandsworth Local Plan (2023) and the Wandle Delta Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
The applicant has been named as the Mitheridge and SGN Joint Venture.
The report pack contains the following quote describing the phasing strategy agreed between the Council and the applicant to mitigate the risk of the affordable homes being delivered late in the construction programme:
Market housing within Buildings A1 and B will not commence on site until reserved matters for the affordable housing units in A2, A3 have been approved; and
Market housing within Buildings A1 and B to be limited to no more than 50% occupation until the affordable homes in A2 and A3 are completed and ready for occupation.
222 Balham High Road
The report pack describes a planning application for the demolition of the existing two-storey terraced building, and erection of a four-storey building with a mansard roof to provide 7 self-contained flats with communal amenity space, cycle parking, refuse storage and associated landscaping at 222 Balham High Road.
The report appraises the proposal against the relevant planning policy, concluding that the proposed development:
would be acceptable in terms of its scale, massing, design and appearance and would preserve the character and appearance of the Bedford Conservation Area and accord with policies LP1, LP2, LP3 and LP27 of the Local Plan.
13 & 13a Mallinson Road
The report pack describes a planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a three/four storey building with basement to provide 6 self-contained flats (Use Class C3) with terraces/balconies, communal amenity space, cycle and refuse storage and associated landscaping at 13 & 13a Mallinson Road.
The report appraises the proposal against the relevant planning policy, concluding that:
The proposed scheme would be acceptable in terms of its scale, design, appearance and impact on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers and would accord with the relevant policies of the Development Plan.
Enforcement (Paper No. 25-125)
The report pack describes one enforcement case, relating to an unauthorised side extension at 24A Florian Road in Thamesfield ward, which has been investigated by the Planning Enforcement Team. The report recommends that enforcement action be authorised against the owners.
Tree Preservation Orders
The report pack describes six applications for Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) made by the Interim Director of Place in accordance with Section 198 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.1 The report includes photographic evidence of the trees subject to the proposed orders, and recommends that all six TPOs be confirmed by the Committee.
The report details that there were no objections to any of the TPOs.
Decisions (Paper No. 25-127)
The report pack contains a report for information that describes the number of recent planning application decisions made by officers under their delegated powers, and by the Planning Applications Committee.
Closure of Investigation Files (Paper No. 25-128)
The report pack contains a report for information that lists a total of 42 cases relating to alleged breaches of planning control that were investigated and subsequently closed in February 2025. The report shows that 14 of the investigated cases resulted in the breaches being resolved, 2 cases were deactivated, 22 cases resulted in no breach being found, one case was closed as enforcement was not deemed expedient, one notice was complied with and 2 fixed penalty notices were issued by officers under their delegated powers.
Closed Appeals (Paper No. 25-129)
The report pack contains a report for information that describes the outcome of three planning appeals that were closed in February 2025. The report details the application description, appeal decision and whether the Planning Inspectorate awarded costs. The report states that two appeals were dismissed, and one appeal was allowed in part. The latter related to an appeal against a decision to refuse consent for the pollarding2 of a London Plane tree at St Mark’s School in Boutflower Road, Battersea. The Inspector allowed the appeal in part, stating that:
A lesser degree of pollarding, aligning with the 2017-2018 consent, would remove a reasonable amount of live foliage, whilst also conserving a balance in terms of the tree’s future health, and its overall appearance and visual amenity.

- Front sheet March 2025 other
- Agenda frontsheet 27th-Mar-2025 19.30 Planning Applications Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 27th-Mar-2025 19.30 Planning Applications Committee reports pack
- 2022-3954West
- 2024-4130 East Report
- 2024-4178 East report
- Background paper - Dec 2023 other
- TPO 497 MAP
- 2024-0343 enf
- Paper No. 25-126 other
- TPO 496 MAP
- 25-127 Decisions other
- Complaints Closed by closure reason
- Appeal Decisions 02.02.25 - 28.02.25 other