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Cabinet - Wednesday, 2nd April, 2025 7.00 pm

April 2, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting will include a range of reports covering planning, youth services, children in care, mental health, and the Leader's Annual Report. Some significant changes to planning policy are proposed, including new sites for development allocated in the Camden Local Plan Proposed Submission Draft. The Council is also proposing to act as the lead authority in the administration of a multi-borough Youth Guarantee Trailblazer programme.

Camden Local Plan Proposed Submission Draft

The most significant report on the agenda is for the Camden Local Plan Proposed Submission Draft. This draft has been prepared following a period of consultation and engagement on the previous draft. The new Local Plan will set out the framework for development in the borough from 2026 to 2041, and replace the Camden Local Plan 2017.

The report sets out a number of ambitions for the new Local Plan. These are to:

  • maximise the supply of housing and affordable homes;
  • respond to the climate and ecological emergency;
  • deliver a sustainable and inclusive economy; and
  • promote health and well-being.

In order to deliver these ambitions the Plan seeks to allocate around 70 sites for development to deliver new homes, jobs and infrastructure. The Plan also sets out the Council's approach to a range of other planning considerations.

Youth Guarantee Trailblazer Funding 2025-6

The report seeks Cabinet approval for Camden Council to act as the lead administration authority for a multi-borough Youth Guarantee Trailblazer programme across the Central London Forward area. This will provide support for care leavers aged 18–24, helping them into education, employment or training (EET).

The Council will act as the lead administration authority for the programme, entering into a grant funding agreement with the Greater London Authority for £4.9 million. Camden will also be required to enter into grant funding agreements with the other boroughs taking part in the programme.

The proposal has been developed in line with the requirements set out in the Government’s 'Get Britain Working' White Paper and recommendations for support for care leavers outlined in The Independent Review of Children's Social Care.

Corporate Parenting Strategy 2025 – 2028

This report seeks Cabinet approval for Camden’s proposed Corporate Parenting Strategy for 2025-28. The strategy sets out the Council's plan to ensure that all children in care and care-experienced young people have the best possible start in life and are supported into adulthood.

The proposed strategy outlines five key promises for children and young people with care experience: Belonging and Relationships; Rights and Aspirations; Well-being; Interests and Life Goals; and Home. Each promise is accompanied by a plan of action to ensure that Camden can deliver these commitments.

The strategy also puts a strong emphasis on the importance of corporate parenting being everyone's responsibility, calling for a shared commitment across the whole borough to put young people at the centre of everything we do.

Commissioning Strategy for Mental Health Supported Living

The report proposes the commissioning strategy for Mental Health Supported Living services.

Currently, services provide accommodation-based support to 199 residents across 7 projects delivered by 2 support providers in 19 buildings across Camden, costing approximately £4.14 million annually.

The report seeks to deliver on the recommendations from an engagement exercise to strengthen the support available. This will include a focus on addressing the lack of provision for women by providing a dedicated women-only service. The strategy also seeks to build in a clearer focus on equalities to better support residents who may also face multiple disadvantage.

The Leader’s Annual Report 2024 - 2025

The Leader's Annual Report sets out the achievements of the Council, over the last year, across the work of all the Council’s services. This report also highlights a number of challenges that will be addressed going forward, including the cost of living crisis, energy efficiency, fire safety, anti-social behaviour (ASB), housing and development, HS2, supporting refugees, and climate change.

Councillor Richard Olszewski1 highlights the excellent work carried out to support Camden’s diverse communities, and the role of the Council in delivering these successes. It draws attention to the importance of the Council’s work on its four missions: Diversity; Young People; Food; and Estates and Neighbourhoods.

  1. Councillor Richard Olszewski became Leader of Camden Council in July 2024, replacing Councillor Georgia Gould. 


Profile image for Councillor Camron Aref-Adib  Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living
Councillor Camron Aref-Adib Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living  Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living •  Labour •  Highgate
Profile image for Councillor Marcus Boyland  Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families
Councillor Marcus Boyland Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families  Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families •  Labour •  Gospel Oak
Profile image for Councillor Nasrine Djemai
Councillor Nasrine Djemai  Cabinet Member for New Homes and Community Investment •  Labour •  Haverstock
Councillor Adam Harrison