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Brentford and Syon Area Forum - Monday, 31 March 2025 7:30 pm

March 31, 2025 View on council website
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The meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum will include updates from Councillors on issues that affect their wards, and presentations from council officers on weed planning maintenance and the future of Brentford Leisure Centre. Attendees will also hear from Transport for London on issues including bus services and traffic, and will be able to ask questions. There will then be an opportunity for residents to raise any other issues of concern.

Brentford Leisure Centre

The meeting report pack refers to the existing Brentford Fountain Leisure Centre as being 50 years old and at the end of its life, and states that the intention is to build a brand new leisure centre on the same site. The report pack states that:

What the public wanted from a leisure centre had changed significantly over the past half century and so the council was carrying out public engagement on the subject.

It goes on to say that there are no designs for the new centre yet, and that no planning application has been made.

Transport in Brentford

Rob Heslop, Hounslow Council's Head of Transport Planning and Road Safety, will provide an update on the council's Traffic and Transport Strategy. This will be followed by a Q&A session. The minutes of the previous meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum1 indicate that transport is likely to be a significant topic of discussion at the meeting.

Weed Planning Maintenance

Tim Hurley, a council officer, will present the council's plans for weed control in the borough. The report pack states that:

The council’s aim is to create a more effective, long-term strategy that addresses the concerns of residents.

  1. You can read the minutes of the previous meeting of the Brentford and Syon Area Forum here: Minutes Public Pack 02122024 Brentford and Syon Area Forum 


Profile image for CouncillorDan Bowring
Councillor Dan Bowring  Labour •  Syon & Brentford Lock
Shazna Burkinshaw
Councillor Theo Dennison  Independent •  Syon & Brentford Lock
Profile image for CouncillorKatherine Dunne
Councillor Katherine Dunne  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Syon & Brentford Lock
Profile image for CouncillorGuy Lambert
Councillor Guy Lambert  Independent •  Brentford West
Councillor Max Mosley  Labour •  Brentford East
Profile image for CouncillorMarina Sharma
Councillor Marina Sharma  Labour and Co-operative Party •  Brentford East
Profile image for CouncillorEmma Yates
Councillor Emma Yates  Labour •  Brentford West