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Licensing Panel - Tuesday, 1 April 2025 7:30 pm

April 1, 2025 View on council website
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This Licensing Panel will consider whether to grant a new premises licence to L’Amore Coffee and More in Isleworth. The meeting will also consider feedback from the Monitoring Officer on declarations of interest, discuss the order of business for the meeting and consider how the meeting will be run.

L’Amore Coffee and More, Unit 1, 33 South Street, Isleworth

An application for a new premises licence has been submitted by L’Amore Coffee and More Ltd. They are asking to be able to sell alcohol on the premises from 09:00 to 23:00, seven days a week.

A report in the meeting pack from the council's licensing officers describes the premises as a currently unlicensed Licensed café/bar in an area of mixed commercial and residential properties.

The report pack contains a representation from PC Mark Johnstone 1943WA1 of the Metropolitan Police Licensing Team. PC Johnstone notes that he has reviewed the application and asks for a number of conditions to be attached to the licence if it is granted. They include conditions that Notices shall be prominently displayed at all exits requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and businesses and leave the area quietly and that Customers will not be permitted to remove from the premises any alcoholic drinks supplied by the premises in open containers.

The pack also contains a representation from an unnamed resident, sent on behalf of a residents association, who describes a number of concerns about the application including The visibility of alcohol consumption and the potential for intoxicated behaviour pose safeguarding risks that should not be overlooked in reference to the cafe's proximity to The Blue School.

The report pack also contains a withdrawn representation from the three Isleworth ward Councillors. It notes that the applicant has agreed to add a number of conditions suggested by the Councillors to the licence if it is granted, and therefore the Councillors have withdrawn their representation. One of those conditions is that A condition should be they do not set up any outside drinking areas.

The application is located inside the Hounslow, Isleworth and Heston Cumulative Impact Policy (CIP) area. A CIP restricts the granting of new premises licences in areas that are considered to be at risk of the negative impacts of licensed premises, including crime, disorder and public nuisance. When an application falls inside a CIP the applicant must demonstrate that they will not add to the cumulative impact in that area. In the case of the Hounslow, Isleworth and Heston CIP, the council’s policy is that:

where a relevant representation is made to any application within the Hounslow, Isleworth and Heston CIP area, the applicant will need to demonstrate that the proposed activity and the operation of the premises will not add to the cumulative impact that is currently being experienced in these areas. This policy is to be strictly applied.

The council's licensing policy is that alcohol sales for consumption off the premises will generally be restricted to between 09:00 and 23:00. The policy states that:

Evidence from the police and public health suggests that the availability of alcohol from premises authorised to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises has had a negative impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives in the Borough, particularly in areas where there are clusters of such premises.

The documents in the pack describe three possible options for the panel: to grant the application in full; to grant the application subject to modifications; or to reject the application.

  1. PC Mark Johnstone is a Licensing Officer covering the West Area for the Metropolitan Police. He is responsible for working with licensees to ensure that they are able to meet the four licensing objectives.