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Chief Officer Key Decision, Publishable Officer Decisions - Friday, 21 March 2025 12:00 pm

March 21, 2025 View on council website
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A report about the possible extension of an interim leisure agreement with Lampton Leisure Ltd was scheduled to be considered at this meeting.

Extension of Interim Leisure Agreement with Lampton Leisure Ltd

The report pack includes a recommendation from Jake Bacchus, the Executive Director of Finance and Resources for Hounslow Council1 to extend the existing Interim Leisure Agreement with Lampton Leisure Ltd for a period of three months, until 30 June 2025.

The report says that the current interim agreement is due to expire on 31 March 2025 and that more time is needed to finalise a new leisure contract. The report goes on to say that V4 Services Ltd have been engaged to review the current arrangements. It also says that the extension will allow the council to continue to benefit from VAT related savings of around £60,000 per month that are delivered by the Agency Agreement. The total cost of the three month extension is estimated to be approximately £3.4m, which is within the service budget.

The report recommends that the ability for the decision to be called in be waived due to its urgency, and explains that the decision will be made by the Executive Director under delegated authority. It also provides details on the implementation plan, which involves a formal extension letter prepared with external legal advisors, Trowers & Hamlins.

As Lampton Leisure Limited is a subsidiary company of Lampton 360 Limited, which is a company wholly owned by the Council, it operates as a ‘Teckal Company’ and there is therefore no requirement for the Council to go out to procurement in order to engage it provide services on behalf of the Council.

The report pack also links to a previous report from March 2024 here which concerns the same topic.

  1. Hounslow Council is a local authority responsible for local government in part of West London.