Request support for Crawley
We're not currently able to provide detailed weekly summaries for Crawley Council. We need support from the council to:
- Ensure we can reliably access and process council meeting information
- Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
- Maintain and improve the service for residents
You can help make this happen!
Contact your councillors to let them know you want Crawley Council to support Open Council Network. This will help ensure residents can stay informed about council decisions and activities.
If you represent a council or business, or would be willing to donate to support this service, please contact us at
Weekly updates
Understanding Crawley Council: Your Guide to Local Governance
This week, the Crawley Council held a meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024. Unfortunately, we were unable to obtain the transcript or minutes from this meeting, and no video was provided. As a result, we cannot provide details on the discussions or decisions made during this session.
Since this is our first email, it's a good opportunity to introduce how the Crawley Council operates and the role of local government in your neighbourhood.
Understanding Crawley Council
Crawley Council is responsible for a range of services and functions that directly impact the daily lives of residents. These include housing, planning applications, waste collection, and local amenities like parks and community centres. The council is made up of elected councillors who represent various wards within the borough. Each councillor plays a crucial role in decision-making and ensuring that the voices of their constituents are heard.
Council Meetings
Council meetings are where much of the important decision-making happens. These meetings are usually open to the public and are an excellent way for residents to stay informed about local governance. Agendas for these meetings are typically published in advance, allowing residents to see what topics will be discussed.
Key Committees
Crawley Council has several key committees, each focusing on specific areas of governance:
- Planning Committee: This committee handles planning applications and development control. They ensure that any new developments are in line with local planning policies and regulations.
- Housing Committee: Responsible for overseeing housing policies, including social housing and housing allocations.
- Environment and Sustainability Committee: Focuses on environmental issues, sustainability initiatives, and urban greening efforts.
- Finance Committee: Manages the council's budget, financial planning, and resource allocation.
How You Can Get Involved
Residents are encouraged to participate in council meetings and engage with their local councillors. You can attend meetings, submit questions, or even become a member of a local committee. Staying informed and involved helps ensure that the council's actions reflect the needs and desires of the community.
Looking Ahead
In future emails, we will provide detailed summaries of council meetings, highlight key decisions, and explain how these decisions impact you and your neighbourhood. We will also delve into the history and context of various local issues and policies to give you a comprehensive understanding of how local government works.
For more information about the Crawley Council and to stay updated on upcoming meetings, you can visit their official website.
Recent meetings
Bulletin No: IB/1276, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025
0 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Rescheduled from 5 March 2025, Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 7.00 pm
23 attendees, 11 documents, 0 media files
Audit Committee - Monday, 17th March, 2025 7.00 pm
13 attendees, 17 documents, 1 media files
Cabinet - Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 7.00 pm
19 attendees, 18 documents, 1 media files
Bulletin No: IB/1275, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025
0 attendees, 10 documents, 0 media files
Planning Committee - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 7.30 pm
17 attendees, 12 documents, 0 media files
Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 10th March, 2025 10.30 am
8 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files
Overview and Scrutiny Commission - Monday, 10th March, 2025 7.00 pm
19 attendees, 14 documents, 1 media files
Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 7.00 pm
20 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Bulletin No: IB/1274, Councillors' Information Bulletin - Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
0 attendees, 6 documents, 0 media files