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Weekly updates
Planning Approvals & New Restaurant Licence in East Hampshire
This week, East Hampshire District Council held several important meetings. Here's a summary of the key discussions and decisions made.
Planning Committee – 26 June 2024
The Planning Committee considered three planning applications, issuing decisions on all of them.
The Golden Pot Public House, New Odiham Road, Shalden
The committee reviewed an application for the erection of a detached dwelling and garage following the demolition of The Golden Pot Public House. This application was recommended for approval by planning officers, subject to conditions, despite concerns from Councillor Ferris about the loss of a community asset.
This application is before the committee at the request of Councillor Ferris, local ward member, who considers that the proposal would result in an unacceptable loss of a community asset, contrary to Policy INF1 of the Joint Core Strategy and Policy DM8 of the East Hampshire District Local Plan.
The applicant's agent, Mr Matthew Clayton of MT Planning, argued that there was no demonstrable need
for the public house, which had been marketed for two years without success. The committee voted to approve the application.
Land to the north of 233 Catherington Lane, Horndean
The committee also considered an application for the erection of nine dwellings (two detached and seven semi-detached) on land to the north of 233 Catherington Lane, Horndean. The application was recommended for approval, subject to conditions, and received no objections during the meeting. The committee approved the application.
4 Stoner Hill Cottages and Honeysuckle Cottage, Stoner Hill, Petersfield
An application for a lawful development certificate for the stationing of two caravans for residential purposes for a temporary period exceeding four years at 4 Stoner Hill Cottages and Honeysuckle Cottage, Stoner Hill, Petersfield was refused.
I do sympathise with the applicant, but if you look at the photos and read the report it’s very clear this has been going on for quite a while. I’m just wondering whether the four years is actually relevant. I think I’m going to struggle with this one… because we’re here to uphold the law and if people are getting around the law and we don’t do anything about it, it doesn’t set a very good precedent, does it?
The committee voted to refuse the application.
Licensing Sub-Committee – 28 June 2024
The Licensing Sub-Committee met to discuss an application for a new premises licence for the Fallen Oak, a new restaurant in Whitehill. The application was approved with some alterations to the proposed hours.
Fallen Oak Premises Licence
The applicant, Mr Jones, sought permission to open the restaurant from 8am until 11pm, seven days a week, and to serve alcohol from 10am each day. Mr Jones addressed local residents' concerns about traffic, parking, and noise, stating:
I’ve taken on board the concerns of local residents and I’m confident I can run the *Fallen Oak* without it having a detrimental impact on the area. I’ve agreed to join the local pub watch scheme and we’ll have at least two members of staff on duty at all times.
Councillor Richard Millard questioned Mr Jones about noise management, to which Mr Jones responded:
We’re going to employ two security staff from [FSS]( who will be responsible for managing the car park, and making sure that customers leave quietly. They will be on duty from 9pm every night.
The Sub-Committee approved the licence but added conditions, including closing at 10pm on Sundays.
Standards Committee – 25 June 2024
The Standards Committee discussed changes to its procedures, a complaint against a councillor, and the recruitment of an Independent Person.
Changes to the Constitution
The committee reviewed changes to the council's constitution, focusing on members' interests and social media use. The new wording allows members with disclosable pecuniary interests to remain in the meeting room, aligning with changes to the Localism Act 2011.
Where a Member has a disclosable pecuniary interest in any matter under discussion at a meeting and the matter is not a sensitive interest, they may remain in the meeting room, make representations and answer questions on the matter.
The committee also debated the inclusion of a specific social media section in the Code of Conduct. Councillor Liz Jones argued against it, stating:
The code of conduct should reflect the members' code, not what individual members want it to be.
The committee agreed to recommend the removal of the social media section from the Code of Conduct.
Complaint Against a Councillor
A complaint was upheld against an unnamed councillor for breaching Paragraph 4(a) of the Code of Conduct, which requires councillors to act with selflessness. The committee resolved to issue a formal censure and publish the details after the councillor's right to appeal is exhausted.
Recruitment of Independent Person
The committee discussed recruitment challenges for Independent Persons, who advise on complaints against councillors. They agreed to increase the daily rate to £350 and to implement measures such as wider advertising and a simpler application process.
Shareholders Sub-Committee – 27 June 2024
The Shareholders Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for 27 June 2024 was cancelled.
This summary highlights the council's recent activities and decisions, providing insight into how local governance operates and impacts the community.
Recent meetings
Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 24th March, 2025 10.00 am
8 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Planning Committee - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 6.00 pm
13 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Extraordinary, Cabinet - Monday, 17th March, 2025 3.00 pm
11 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Cabinet - Thursday, 13th March, 2025 3.00 pm
14 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Standards Committee - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 6.30 pm
7 attendees, 10 documents, 0 media files
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 6th March, 2025 6.30 pm
15 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files
Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 28th February, 2025 9.30 am
0 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Budget Council, Council - Thursday, 27th February, 2025 6.30 pm
47 attendees, 19 documents, 0 media files
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th February, 2025 6.30 pm
0 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Planning Committee - Thursday, 20th February, 2025 6.00 pm
14 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files
Upcoming meetings
Planning Policy Committee - Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 6.00 pm
Human Resources Committee - Tuesday, 1st April, 2025 6.30 pm
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 3rd April, 2025 6.30 pm