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Weekly updates
New Shops & School Expansion Approved in Peterborough
This week, the Peterborough City Council held a Planning and Environmental Protection Committee meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024. The committee discussed three planning applications, all of which were approved.
New Developments at 551 Lincoln Road
The committee approved a planning application (24/00496/FUL) for the construction of two new buildings on vacant land at 551 Lincoln Road. The application proposed one building for use as a shop and another as a restaurant or cafe. The site, currently fenced and unused, will also provide 26 car parking spaces.
Councillor Peter Hiller expressed concerns about the adequacy of parking spaces, especially for a restaurant or takeaway. However, John Kirton, the council's Assistant Director for Planning Services, reassured the committee that the site's proximity to the city centre, main bus routes, and good cycle connections made it a sustainable location. He stated:
...this is a very sustainable location. The site is within walking distance of the city centre. It's also on a main bus route with frequent services... and it has good cycle connections as well. So, officers are satisfied that the development complies with the council's parking standards.
Expansion of Castor Church of England Primary School
The committee also approved a planning application (23/00600/R3FUL) for the expansion of Castor Church of England Primary School on Stocks Hill, Castor. The new two-storey building will increase the school's capacity from 210 to 315 pupils and expand early years provision from 30 to 52 places. The proposal also includes a new playing field and hard play area.
Councillor Brian Rush, representing Castor, objected to the application, citing concerns about overdevelopment, potential harm to the village's character, and traffic issues. However, the agent for the applicant, Cambridgeshire County Council, argued that the design was developed to respond positively to site constraints while providing a high-quality environment for the increased pupil numbers. Councillor Judy Fox, local ward councillor for Castor and Ailsworth and cabinet member for Planning, supported the application, noting the village's growth and the need for expanded school facilities.
Appeal Decision for 100 Oundle Road
Lastly, the committee reviewed an appeal decision (22/01400/FUL) concerning a site at 100 Oundle Road. The application involved demolishing existing buildings to construct a mixed-use development, including a drive-through restaurant, car showroom, and 24-hour petrol station. The site is currently occupied by a car dealership, Allen Ford, and an office building.
The committee had initially refused the application in June 2022 due to concerns about the development's impact on the local area and traffic congestion. However, the applicant appealed to the Planning Inspectorate, which overturned the council's decision and granted planning permission. The Planning Inspectorate is an independent national body that handles planning appeals in England and Wales, and their decisions are binding.
The committee noted the appeal decision.
Recent meetings
Growth, Resources and Communities Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 25th March, 2025 7.00 pm
13 attendees, 11 documents, 0 media files
Audit Committee - Monday 24th March, 2025 7.00 pm
10 attendees, 22 documents, 0 media files
Shareholder Cabinet Committee - Monday 24th March, 2025 10.00 am
10 attendees, 4 documents, 0 media files
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee - Friday 21st March, 2025 1.30 pm
5 attendees, 12 documents, 0 media files
Local Plan, Joint Meeting of the Scrutiny Committees - Thursday 20th March, 2025 7.00 pm
52 attendees, 7 documents, 1 media files
Cabinet - Thursday 20th March, 2025 10.00 am
7 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files
Council - Wednesday 19th March, 2025 7.00 pm
59 attendees, 26 documents, 0 media files
Planning and Environmental Protection Committee - Tuesday 18th March, 2025 1.30 pm
12 attendees, 19 documents, 1 media files
Children and Education Scrutiny Committee - Monday 17th March, 2025 7.00 pm
14 attendees, 15 documents, 0 media files
Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel - Monday 17th March, 2025 1.30 pm
12 attendees, 11 documents, 0 media files
Upcoming meetings
Planning and Environmental Protection Committee - Tuesday 8th April, 2025 1.30 pm
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee - Thursday 10th April, 2025 1.30 pm