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Weekly updates

Warwickshire Council to Modernise Fire Service and Improve Winter Road Safety

This past week, Warwickshire County Council held several notable meetings, including the Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 26 June 2024, the Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel on Monday 24 June 2024, and a Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions meeting on Monday 24 June 2024.

Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service: Resourcing to Risk

The committee discussed the Resourcing to Risk proposal, Model A for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (WFRS). This proposal aims to modernize the service by ensuring the availability of 14 fire engines during the day and 13 at night, along with four 'Resilience Appliances' that can respond within two hours. The proposal also includes the creation of 30 new full-time firefighter positions and requires a revenue investment of £556,000 per year for three years, plus a capital investment of £600,000.

It's not a cut. There's going to be an extra commitment of 2.268 million, £600,000 of latest capital over the next three years. - Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue

The committee decided to refer the proposal to Cabinet with a request for further public consultation before making a decision.

Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24

The committee reviewed the Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24, which highlighted the need for a briefing note on employee sickness due to increased sickness levels.

Treasury Management and Investment Outturn 2023/24

The committee endorsed the Treasury Management and Investment Outturn 2023/24, noting that the Council's Weighted Average Yield was 4.45%, slightly lower than the benchmark of 4.96%.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel

Reappointment of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

The panel met to consider the reappointment of Emma Daniell as the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC). After a question-and-answer session, the panel decided to proceed to a private session to finalize their decision.

Prevention is key... police officers alone cannot prevent crimes from occurring; it absolutely needs to be an integrated approach. - Emma Daniell, DPCC

Ms Daniell emphasized the importance of partnership working, community engagement, and addressing crime prevention through collaborative efforts.

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Winter Weather Stations and Bureau Contract

The council signed a £1.1 million contract to replace its six weather stations, which are crucial for deciding when to grit roads in winter. The new stations, supplied and maintained by Vaisala, will enable the council to potentially move to a domain-based approach, which could save at least 5% of the salt used each year, equating to £32,000 annually.

The winter service would like to review how the service operates and move to a multi domain-based approach as it is felt there would be environmental and revenue savings with reduced vehicle movements and salt usage compared to our current 'one out all out' approach to treatments.

Implications and Future Considerations

The discussions and decisions made during these meetings highlight ongoing themes of governance, community engagement, and service improvement. The Resourcing to Risk proposal for WFRS reflects the council's commitment to modernizing emergency services and ensuring community safety. The reappointment of the DPCC underscores the importance of leadership continuity in addressing crime prevention and community concerns.

The new weather stations contract indicates a proactive approach to improving winter road safety and operational efficiency. As these initiatives progress, they will likely bring significant benefits to the community, enhancing safety, service delivery, and environmental sustainability.

These meetings and their outcomes are crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the council's operations are efficient, transparent, and responsive to community needs.

Warwickshire Council Re-elects Leadership and Launches Hunt Policing Review

This week, the Warwickshire council held several meetings, including the Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel on Thursday 20 June 2024, the Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 18 June 2024, the Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme on Monday 17 June 2024, and the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 19 June 2024. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find video broadcasts for the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday 19 June 2024 and the Schools Forum on Thursday 20 June 2024.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel

Re-election of Chair and Vice Chair

The meeting saw the re-election of Andy Davis as Chair and Councillor Derek Poole as Vice Chair for the next year. This continuity in leadership is expected to provide stability and ongoing focus on key issues.

Public Speaker on Warwickshire Hunt

Dr. Denise Taylor addressed the panel, raising concerns about the enforcement of hunting legislation and the lack of convictions against the Warwickshire Hunt despite evidence of illegal activities. The Police and Crime Commissioner refuted claims of bias and emphasized the complexity of the law and the high bar for evidence required for prosecution. He announced an independent review of the policing of the Warwickshire Hunt to ensure transparency and public confidence.

Police and Crime Plan

The Commissioner discussed the upcoming comprehensive consultation for the new Police and Crime Plan, which will include wide-ranging input from communities, businesses, and various stakeholders. The draft plan is expected to be presented to the panel in November.

Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Public Speakers on Complaints Process and SEND

The committee heard from Mr. Dooley, who criticized the council's handling of his complaints regarding safeguarding and early help services. Elaine Lam from Warwickshire Parent Care Voice also spoke, emphasizing the need for improved relationships between councillors and the SEND community.

Voice Influence and Change Team

The committee received an update on the work of the Voice Influence and Change team, which has expanded its focus to include SEND, youth justice, and parental participation. Young people from various forums, including the Children in Care Council and the Youth Council, presented their experiences and priorities, highlighting the importance of feeling safe, being heard, and having consistent support.

Pathfinder Program

The committee discussed Warwickshire's selection as a sector-led improvement partner by the Department of Education and its involvement in the Families First for Children Pathfinder program. This initiative aims to implement reforms in social care for children, with a focus on early intervention and support.

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme

Risk Register and Governance Updates

The board reviewed updates to the risk register, including the Matthews project, which allows retained officers to buy into their service pension. Governance updates included a revised valuation of employer contribution rates and the delegation of scheme manager functions to the Section 151 officer.

Pension Administration

The board discussed the progress of the McCloud age discrimination remedy and the Matthews project, with efforts to trace individuals who have not responded to communications. The West Yorkshire Pension Fund provided an update on administration activities, including the completion of annual scheme returns and ongoing court cases.

Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Economic Development Update

Isabel Bates provided an update on economic development activities, highlighting a decrease in unemployment to 2.4% and significant business support initiatives. The committee discussed the success of the Warwickshire Investment Fund and the transition from EU funding to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

20 mph Speed Limit Zones

The committee reviewed the implementation of 20 mph speed limit zones, with six schemes completed and several others in design or consultation stages. The importance of post-implementation studies to assess the impact on speed and safety was emphasized.

Implications and Future Considerations

The discussions during these meetings reflect ongoing themes of governance, community engagement, and service improvement. The re-election of the Police and Crime Panel's leadership and the independent review of the Warwickshire Hunt policing highlight the council's commitment to transparency and accountability. The focus on early intervention and support in children's services aligns with previous efforts to enhance social care and educational outcomes.

The economic development update underscores the council's proactive approach to supporting local businesses and reducing unemployment, while the review of 20 mph speed limit zones indicates a continued emphasis on road safety and community well-being.

These meetings and their outcomes are crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the council's operations are efficient, transparent, and responsive to community needs.

Warwickshire Council Approves Key Financial Reports and Extends Concessionary Travel Scheme

This week, the Warwickshire council held several meetings, with the most significant being the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 13 June 2024. Other meetings included the Staff and Pensions Committee on Monday 10 June 2024, the Health and Wellbeing Board on Thursday 13 June 2024, and the Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions on Friday 14 June 2024.

Cabinet Meeting

Integrated Performance Report for 2022-2027

The Integrated Performance Report highlighted several areas of concern and positive performance. Notably, sickness absence has increased to 9.86 days per full-time employee, reflecting a national trend. The report also noted that 64% of target areas were on track at the year-end, while 36% were not. Councillor Sarah Feeney raised concerns about hospitalisations due to alcohol and childhood obesity, prompting discussions on public health initiatives and the effectiveness of existing measures.

Financial Out-turn Report for 2023-2024

Councillor Peter Butlin presented the Financial Out-turn Report for 2023-2024, which reported an overspend of £7.314 million, equivalent to 1.95% of the net revenue budget. Key overspends were attributed to the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and social care. Despite these challenges, the Council achieved significant savings and reported strong performance in capital investments, particularly in education.

Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report

The Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report revealed that the Council's investment strategy had yielded an interest income of £18 million, significantly exceeding the budgeted £4.7 million. This surplus has helped offset financial pressures. The Warwickshire Investment Fund (WIF) was also highlighted for its role in creating jobs and supporting local businesses.

Menopause Services Task and Finish Group

The Menopause Services Task and Finish Group report was endorsed, with recommendations to improve communication about available services, enhance access to primary care specialists, and share best practices within the Council. The report emphasized the importance of supporting women with menopausal problems to improve their quality of life and retain them in the workforce.

Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2029

The Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy for 2024-2029 was endorsed, outlining plans to address the increasing demand for school places due to population growth and housing developments. The strategy focuses on strategic planning, effective commissioning, partnership and collaboration, and managing change.

Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial Review

The Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial for disabled persons was extended until 31 March 2027. The trial, which allows disabled passholders to travel all day, has been successful in supporting education, training, and employment. The scheme is estimated to cost £40,000 annually and has received positive feedback from users.

Staff and Pensions Committee

The Staff and Pensions Committee meeting on Monday 10 June 2024 focused on the annual review of staff engagement and the pensions productivity plan. The committee discussed the importance of improving response rates to staff surveys and addressing workload issues. The pensions productivity plan was also reviewed, with discussions on pooling funds and the fiduciary duty to members.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on Thursday 13 June 2024 primarily focused on the Better Care Fund Plan for 2024-2025. The Board reviewed updates to the previously approved two-year plan, focusing on financial adjustments, capacity and demand plans, and the assurance process. The plan was approved with the understanding that any necessary changes would be resubmitted.

Implications and Future Considerations

The discussions during the Cabinet meeting reflect ongoing themes of governance, risk management, and financial oversight. The resolution of the 2017-18 accounts objection and the emphasis on Section 106 agreements highlight the council's commitment to transparency and compliance. The focus on cyber security in the context of the pension fund indicates a proactive approach to safeguarding sensitive information, a theme we've discussed before in relation to digital transformation and data protection.

The endorsement of the annual governance statement and the review of committee activities underscore the importance of effective governance and continuous improvement. The approved work program for the year ahead suggests a structured approach to addressing key issues and ensuring accountability.

These discussions and decisions are crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the council's operations are efficient, transparent, and secure.

Key Updates on Governance, Risk Management, and Cyber Security from Warwickshire Council

This week, the Warwickshire council held one meeting: the Audit and Standards Committee on Thursday 23 May 2024.

Audit and Standards Committee

Tribute to Virginia Rennie

The meeting began with a tribute to Virginia Rennie, who is retiring after over 21 years of service. The chair highlighted her exceptional service and professionalism, and the committee collectively expressed their gratitude and best wishes for her future endeavors.

External Auditor's Update on Audit Certification

The committee discussed the external auditor's update on the audit certification based on the 2017-18 accounts objection. Andrew provided a detailed report, mentioning that the objection had been formally closed by Grant Thornton on April 10th. The report included a recommendation for the council to ensure that Section 106 agreements are adequately demonstrated and complied with in future reports. The committee expressed relief that the matter was finally resolved and discussed the delays caused by capacity issues within the audit team and the impact of COVID-19.

Annual Governance Statement

Chris introduced the draft annual governance statement for 2023-24, which assesses the council's governance arrangements and their effectiveness. The statement includes updates reflecting the new council structure, the council delivery plan, and the sustainable future strategy. The committee discussed the importance of effective transitions in senior positions and the need for training to ensure that members are well-prepared to manage technical issues. The committee endorsed the governance statement for publishing and issuing to external auditors.

External Audit Risk Assessment for the Council

Grant Thornton presented the external audit risk assessment for the council, highlighting that there were no major concerns or specific audit risks identified. The committee discussed the importance of reviewing past risk assessments and ensuring that any changes or updates are reported promptly.

External Audit Risk Assessment for the Pension Fund

The external audit risk assessment for the pension fund was also presented by Grant Thornton. The committee discussed the importance of cyber security, especially in light of recent cyber attacks on other pension funds. Chris mentioned that the council has engaged external consultants to review their cyber security policy and that the annual governance statement includes commentary on cyber security risks.

Review of Committee Activities

The committee reviewed a summary of their activities over the past year, prepared by Amy. The summary included key issues such as SEND funding, which was highlighted as a significant concern. The committee expressed satisfaction with the account of their activities.

Work Program for the Year Ahead

The committee reviewed and approved their work program for the upcoming year, which includes various reports and updates scheduled throughout the year.

Other Business

There was no other business for the open part of the meeting. The committee then moved into a private session to consider exempt and confidential information.

Implications and Future Considerations

The discussions during the Audit and Standards Committee meeting reflect ongoing themes of governance, risk management, and financial oversight. The resolution of the 2017-18 accounts objection and the emphasis on Section 106 agreements highlight the council's commitment to transparency and compliance. The focus on cyber security in the context of the pension fund indicates a proactive approach to safeguarding sensitive information, a theme we've discussed before in relation to digital transformation and data protection.

The endorsement of the annual governance statement and the review of committee activities underscore the importance of effective governance and continuous improvement. The approved work program for the year ahead suggests a structured approach to addressing key issues and ensuring accountability.

These discussions and decisions are crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring the council's operations are efficient, transparent, and secure.

Key Updates on Health, Education, and Leadership from Warwickshire Council Meetings

This week, the Warwickshire council held several meetings, with the most significant being the Health and Wellbeing Board on Wednesday 15 May 2024. Other meetings included the County Council, Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions, Regulatory Committee, Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Staff and Pensions Committee, Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee, Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find video broadcasts for many of these meetings.

Health and Wellbeing Board

ICB Voice of the Patient Report

Danielle provided an update on meetings between Public Health directors for Coventry and Warwickshire, local health watch organizations, and the Integrated Care Board (ICB). They agreed on principles to ensure the resident patient voice is heard meaningfully. A citizen involvement working group will develop a project specification for a system-wide gap analysis of community involvement activity.

National Action Plan for GPs

The national action plan for GPs was circulated, and a local action plan will follow after the ICB meeting. Updates included the new bladder service and exploration of becoming a signatory on the healthy aging consensus.

Provider Organization Updates

  • UHCW: Justine reported high emergency flow pressures and preparations for the EPR launch on June 15.
  • George Eliot and SWIFT: High emergency demand, building developments at Warwick and Stratford sites, and new surgical wards at George Eliot were highlighted.
  • CWPT: Diane Whitfield mentioned high demand for mental health services and the success of the community routine outreach service.
  • Public Health: Recent health protection activities were discussed, including actions following a death from pertussis in Rugby.
  • Social Care and Support: Becky reported on preparations for CQC assurance and support for acute trusts.
  • Police: An increase in recorded crime and demand on services was noted, along with new processes to maintain performance levels.

Place Plans

  • North Warwickshire: Steve Maxey and Ryan Coffey discussed priorities like cardiovascular disease checks and the Back to Health volunteering pathway.
  • South Warwickshire: Chris Elliott and Adam Carson focused on prevention, with initiatives like the Patmore Centre and new country parks.
  • Rugby: Tom and Maddy highlighted the town centre regeneration and barriers to accessing healthcare.

Health and Wellbeing Board Executive Group Update

Becky presented the updated delivery plan and proposed focusing on the best start in life at a future meeting. The relationship with the developing care collaborative was also discussed.

Public Health Update

Sharday provided an overview of the new structure, budget allocation, and key challenges. The importance of evaluating the impact of public health initiatives was emphasized.

Better Care Fund

Rachel Bryden discussed the funding, core services, and impact of the Better Care Fund. The need for a single version of the truth for data on hospital discharge times was highlighted.

JSNA on Empowering Teachers

Michael Maddox and Kelly Hayward presented an interactive Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) focused on children's physical health. The dashboard will be used to monitor and respond to child health needs across Warwickshire.

Menopause Task and Finish Group

Penny Anne reported on the group's work, emphasizing the importance of communication and support for women experiencing menopause.

Board Updates

Updates were provided on the Children and Young People's Partnership, safeguarding annual report, dementia strategy, and the transfer of services to the ICB.

Forward Plan

The plan includes future discussions on best start in life, the dementia strategy, and the transfer of services to the ICB.

The meeting concluded with a reminder of the importance of data and evaluation in measuring the impact of health and wellbeing initiatives. - Meeting Transcript

County Council

The County Council meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2024 primarily focused on the election of the Chair and Vice Chair for the year 2024-2025. Chris Mills was elected as the Chair, and Andy Gens as the Vice Chair.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Councillor Sacon nominated Chris Mills, highlighting his long-standing commitment to the community of Kindon. Councillor Cump seconded the nomination, adding a humorous touch by mentioning Mills' helpful nature and his occasional role as Santa Claus. The council unanimously voted in favor of Chris Mills.

Councillor Bell proposed Andy Gens as Vice Chair, emphasizing his dedication and hard work. Councillor Watson seconded the nomination, sharing a personal anecdote about Gens' influence on his own involvement in local government. The council unanimously approved Andy Gens.

Farewell to Virginia Renee

The meeting included a heartfelt farewell to Virginia Renee, the Director of Finance, who is retiring after nearly 25 years of service. Councillors praised her expertise, integrity, and kindness.

Educational Capital Program

Councillor Cam Core moved the recommendation for additions to the Educational Capital Program for 2024-2025, which included significant investments in expanding school capacities and improving facilities. Councillor Peter Butlin highlighted the financial challenges but emphasized the importance of providing adequate school places.

Annual Report on Call-In and Urgent Decisions

Councillor Yusef Dimash explained the process and criteria for urgent decisions, noting that most were related to funding applications. The report showed stability in the council's decision-making process.

Overview and Scrutiny in Policy Development

Councillor Izzy Seccombe emphasized the value of checks and balances and thanked the members and officers involved in the scrutiny process. Councillors highlighted the need for external perspectives and direct feedback from service users.

Implications and Future Considerations

The Health and Wellbeing Board's discussions on patient voice, public health updates, and the Better Care Fund reflect ongoing themes of community involvement and health service integration. The focus on data and evaluation aligns with previous council efforts to measure and improve service impact.

The County Council's emphasis on educational investments and the election of new leadership highlights a commitment to continuity and addressing financial challenges in education. The farewell to Virginia Renee underscores the importance of experienced leadership in maintaining financial stability.

These meetings indicate a continued focus on health, education, and effective governance, with significant implications for community welfare and service delivery.

Key Decisions on Education and Transport: Warwickshire Council's Strategic Moves This Week

This week, the Warwickshire council held three meetings, with the most significant being the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 09 May 2024. The other meetings were the Regulatory Committee, which was cancelled, and the Appointments Sub-Committee, for which notes have not yet been summarized.

Cabinet Meeting

Educational Capital Program

The council approved significant investments in school infrastructure to accommodate growing student numbers and include special educational needs provisions. Despite financial challenges due to inflation and funding gaps, this decision was deemed crucial for future educational needs. The implications include enhanced school facilities and increased capacity, ensuring local children have access to education within their communities.

SEND Provision and Delivery Better Value Program

The council endorsed the expansion of specialist resource provisions and the implementation of strategies from the Delivery Better Value program, aimed at improving services for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The discussion revolved around the financial sustainability of SEND services and the need for more inclusive local education options. This decision is expected to reduce long-term costs and improve educational outcomes for SEND students.

Bus Service Improvement Plan

Approval was given for the updated bus service improvement plan, which includes funding for electric buses and enhancements to existing services. The focus was on improving accessibility and environmental sustainability. The decision is set to improve public transport infrastructure, making it more environmentally friendly and accessible, particularly benefiting those with hospital travel needs.

Educational Attainment Working Group Report

The council considered a report from the working group focused on educational attainment, particularly among disadvantaged students. The group recommended legislative changes to ensure disadvantaged students automatically receive free school meals. This decision aims to address educational disparities and support disadvantaged students more effectively.

An interesting aspect of the meeting was the collaborative and cross-party approach to tackling significant issues like education and transportation, reflecting a comprehensive strategy towards community welfare and development. - Meeting Transcript

Implications and Future Considerations

The decisions made during the Cabinet meeting highlight a strong focus on education and transportation, crucial sectors that directly impact community welfare. The investments in educational infrastructure and SEND provisions align with previous discussions we've had about enhancing local education systems. Similarly, the updated bus service improvement plan ties into ongoing efforts to improve public transportation discussed in past council meetings.

These decisions reflect a comprehensive strategy towards not only enhancing educational and transportation services but also ensuring sustainability and inclusivity in these improvements. As these projects progress, they will likely bring significant changes to the community's educational landscape and public transport systems, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable environment.

Warwickshire Council Explores AI and Youth Engagement: Key Takeaways from This Week's Meetings

This week, the Warwickshire council held two notable meetings. The first, the Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee, took place on Wednesday, 24 April 2024. The second, the Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions, occurred on Thursday, 25 April 2024, but the meeting notes have not yet been summarized.

Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting

Adoption of Previous Meeting Minutes

The committee adopted the minutes from their previous meeting without any amendments. This action confirms the council's agreement on the record of prior discussions and decisions.

Public Question on Youth Firefighter Program

A significant point of discussion was the potential re-establishment of a youth firefighter program, prompted by a public question from Jill Machinado. The council has shown support for this initiative by referring it to the decision-making body. This move could potentially revive the program, enhancing youth engagement and community involvement in public services.

Discussion on Artificial Intelligence

The council also delved into the implications and future use of artificial intelligence (AI) within council operations. Although no formal decision was made, the discussion highlighted both the potential benefits, such as improved efficiency and decision-making, and the concerns, including ethical considerations and the impact on employment. This indicates the council's interest in modernizing operations while considering the broader impacts on staff and ethical standards.

The presentation highlighted AI's potential to improve efficiency and decision-making. - Meeting Transcript

An interesting event during this meeting was the demonstration of AI used to transcribe the meeting in real-time. This not only showcased the council's commitment to integrating new technologies but also sparked a broader discussion on the potential applications and challenges of AI in governance.

Implications and Future Considerations

The discussions from this week's meetings, particularly on AI and the youth firefighter program, reflect the council's proactive approach towards community engagement and technological integration. These initiatives could have significant implications for operational efficiency and community relations in the future.

As this is the first email update, we will continue to monitor these developments and their outcomes in subsequent council meetings.

Recent meetings
Corporate Parenting Panel CANCELLED

Corporate Parenting Panel - Monday 24 March 2025 10.00 am

2 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files

March 24, 2025
Audit and Standards Committee

Audit and Standards Committee - Thursday 20 March 2025 10.00 am

11 attendees, 14 documents, 1 media files

March 20, 2025
Schools Forum

Schools Forum - Thursday 20 March 2025 2.00 pm

0 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files

March 20, 2025
Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Thursday 20 March 2025 12.00 pm

2 attendees, 5 documents, 0 media files

March 20, 2025
Warwickshire Waste Partnership

Warwickshire Waste Partnership - Wednesday 19 March 2025 2.00 pm

13 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files

March 19, 2025
County Council

County Council - Tuesday 18 March 2025 10.00 am

57 attendees, 7 documents, 1 media files

March 18, 2025
Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Urgent Decison, Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Tuesday 18 March 2025 12.00 pm

3 attendees, 9 documents, 0 media files

March 18, 2025
Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 14 March 2025 12.00 pm

2 attendees, 13 documents, 0 media files

March 14, 2025
Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 14 March 2025 1.00 pm

7 attendees, 10 documents, 0 media files

March 14, 2025
Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel

Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel - Thursday 13 March 2025 2.00 pm

15 attendees, 13 documents, 1 media files

March 13, 2025
Upcoming meetings
Health and Wellbeing Board

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 27 March 2025 2.00 pm

March 26, 2025
Regulatory Committee

Regulatory Committee - Tuesday 1 April 2025 10.30 am

April 01, 2025
Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee CANCELLED

Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 8 April 2025 10.00 am

April 08, 2025
Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee CANCELLED

Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 9 April 2025 2.00 pm

April 09, 2025

Cabinet - Thursday 10 April 2025 1.45 pm

April 10, 2025
Unknown Committee

Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 11 April 2025 12.00 pm

April 11, 2025