Strategic Planning Committee - Monday 16th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 16, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting
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The Strategic Planning Committee voted to grant planning permission for amendments to the Silk Park development at Unit 4 Hyde Estate Road. The amendments include the insertion of second staircases to several blocks, additional storeys to several buildings, an increase in the total number of homes, and minor internal changes to the layout of the buildings.

Fire Safety at Silk Park

The committee welcomed the applicant's decision to include second staircases in the design of buildings B03, B04, B07 and B08, in anticipation of upcoming changes to the Building Regulations1.

This application is all about fire safety. And so that is the purpose is to make sure that the blocks that haven't gone past are sort of a tipping point in terms of the amount of progress that they've made. It's to make sure that they've got second staircases to make them as safe as they can be to making sure we're according to all the relevant standards that have come into the fold since the original planning provision was granted.

- Nick Alston, Agent for the applicant

Councillor Cohen asked if a fire safety note would be published, but Mr Alston confirmed that this would not happen as the decision to include a second staircase was being taken voluntarily, due to the date at which the initial building notices were served.

The Health and Safety Executive had also been consulted on the plans and while they welcomed the applicant's proposal, they did raise concerns about the design of the ground floor lobbies in relation to fire-fighting, and the level of detail provided about the escape routes. The applicant's fire consultants had responded to these concerns, but the HSE was not wholly satisfied by their responses. Nonetheless, the committee was satisfied that there were sufficient grounds to recommend approval of the application.

Density and Building Heights at Silk Park

Councillor Sargent raised concerns about the proposed increase in building heights, particularly in relation to Buildings B06, B07 and B08. Mr Alston confirmed that these changes would not materially affect the overall visual impact of the development, but Councillor Sargent stated that she would have preferred a reduction in heights.

Unit Mix at Silk Park

The committee discussed the changes to the unit mix that would result from the insertion of the second staircases. In particular, there would be a loss of 14 three-bedroom flats from the London Affordable Rent allocation, replaced with 16 two-bedroom and 1 one-bedroom flats. The applicant stated that this was due to the need to work within the existing building footprint, and that the two-bedroom flats would be suitable for families. They also confirmed that the overall number of London Affordable Rent units would increase.

The applicant also confirmed that the total number of affordable housing units in the development would increase and that the overall proportion of affordable units would remain the same.

Social Value and Community Space at Silk Park

The committee discussed the provision of social value in the development, and Councillor Chakraborty asked what amenities would be provided to residents on site. Mr Alston said that the scheme would include a gym and cinema room, but did not provide further details.

Councillor Chakraborty also asked about the provision of community space, and the applicant confirmed that the scheme includes 951 square meters of flexible commercial space. This space has been allocated Use Classes A1 to A4, B1, D1 and D2, as per the original planning application. However, the committee noted that Use Class A4 was replaced by a sui generis use class some years ago.

  1. Approved Document B is part of the Building Regulations for England. It covers fire safety matters within and around buildings.