West Area Committee - Wednesday 18th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 18, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting was scheduled to include a report on the West Area Committee's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Road Safety & Parking funds, and to provide an opportunity for members of the public to raise issues. The Committee was also scheduled to consider funding applications from a number of local organisations.

Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Applications

The West Area Committee was scheduled to consider a report on its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds, and the following applications for funding from them.

Area Committee Funding - Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Road Safety & Parking Fund Update

This report was scheduled to provide members with an update on how much money is available in the West Area Committee's CIL and Road Safety and Parking funds.

As of September 2024, the West Area Committee had £619,974 of CIL funding available to allocate to new schemes. The report listed all of the schemes that are in progress, and showed how much money was left in the fund for each ward.

The total budget available to this committee as of September 2024 for the allocation to new schemes is £619,974.

- West - Area Committee Funding NCIL and RSP Update - September 2024

Green Social – Councillor Kamal Bahadur Gurung

The Committee was scheduled to consider a request for £13,304 to fund the Green Social Project, which provides gardening and social activities for people with learning disabilities at the Oak Lodge Medical Centre in Burnt Oak. The application was submitted by Councillor Kamal Bahadur Gurung.

Granville Road Estate Community Garden – Councillor Nigel Young

Councillor Nigel Young submitted an application for £11,000 from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) to improve the Granville Road Estate Community Garden in Childs Hill.

Basing Hill Park – Councillor Matthew Perlberg

Councillor Matthew Perlberg applied for £150,000 from the West Area Committee's Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) fund to make improvements to Basing Hill Park in Childs Hill.

Environmental and Wellbeing Project – Councillor Sara Conway

Councillor Sara Conway submitted a funding application for £7,516.75 from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) for an Environmental and Wellbeing Project, run by Sparklers Nursery at the Watling Community Centre in Burnt Oak.

Barnfield Primary School 3G Sports Surface – Councillor Ammar Naqvi

Councillor Ammar Naqvi applied for £65,000 from the West Area Committee's Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) to fund a new 3G sports surface at Barnfield Primary School in Burnt Oak.


The Committee was scheduled to consider three issues raised by members of the public.

Installation of pavement bollards at site (outside Lahore Restaurant and the GMB offices)

Mr Martin Selby, a resident of Hendon, submitted an issue about the pavement outside the Lahore Restaurant and the GMB offices. He requested that the Committee install bollards on the pavement to prevent illegal parking, which he said was causing traffic jams and noise.

I really cannot understand why installing pavement bollards at the site specified (outside Lahore Restaurant and the GMB offices) to prevent this is a matter of possible contention given that it is illegal to park on double yellow lines and on the pavement but is done with impunity day and night.

- Issues List 18.09.24

Western side of Algernon Road NW4

Mr Colm Fitzgerald, a resident of West Hendon, requested that the council take action to deter people from urinating on the wall on the Western side of Algernon Road.

Permit Holders only parking restrictions on Cecil Road (NW10)

Jain Network, a religious organisation based in Colindale, requested that the council install parking meters on Cecil Road, so that worshippers at the Jain Temple would have somewhere to park during restricted times.