Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 18th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting covered a wide range of topics, including the Council Tax Support Scheme, the Life Chances Strategy, youth homelessness, the Council's finances, and the licensing policy.

Review of Council Tax Support Scheme

A report on the Council Tax Support Scheme was prepared for the meeting.

Appendix A to the report contains the current scheme.

Review of the Life Chances Strategy

The Committee were scheduled to review a report on the Life Chances Strategy.

The report details how the Life Chances Strategy 2020-24 had been presented to the Committee and given approval in March 2020. Since then a range of successful initiatives have been implemented with regular reports to the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board.

Appendix A contains the Children and Young People’s Plan 2023-2027.

Youth Homelessness Task and Finish Group Report

The Committee were scheduled to consider the final report of the Youth Homelessness Task and Finish Group, which had been commissioned by the Children and Education Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee. The final report is being presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as the recommendations apply to a number of Council services.

The Task and Finish Group has now completed its investigation and the final report is attached as Appendix A.

Revised Statement of Licensing Policy

A report on the proposed Revised Statement of Licensing Policy was produced for the meeting. The report explains that the policy had been subject to public consultation. The responses were being considered at the time the report was prepared for the meeting.

The Licensing and General Purposes Committee can make any other amendments necessary, to enable it to respond to issues of concern or to request new pre-decision items, ahead of the consideration of the Licensing Policy by Council.

Chief Finance Officer Report - 2024/25 Quarter 1 Financial Forecast and 2024/25 Budget Management

The meeting was scheduled to receive a Chief Finance Officer Report on the financial forecast for Quarter 1.

Annex A contains a report to Cabinet on the same topic. This report shows that the Council were forecasting an overspend of £20.196m.

If the forecast overspend crystallises, and none of the risks materialised, Barnet’s un-ringfenced reserves at the end of 2024/25 would stand at £7.987m, with General Fund balances of £15m. This is clearly an unsustainable position, and, in response, the council has developed a clear action plan to ensure overspends are contained and services remain on budget.

Task and Finish Group Updates

The Committee were scheduled to receive a report on Task and Finish Group Updates.

Appendix A contains a Task and Finish Groups Progress Update.

Appendix B provides a Task and Finish Groups Narrative.

Cabinet Forward Plan (Key Decision Schedule)

The Committee were scheduled to review the Cabinet Forward Plan.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme

The Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme was scheduled to be reviewed and approved.


  • Allan Clark
  • Andrew Charlwood
  • Ash Shah
  • Ben Thomas
  • Daniel Elton
  • Dean Langsdon
  • Ella Smallcombe
  • Fiona Rae
  • Gaby Kagan
  • Kevin Bartle
  • Kofi Frimpong
  • Lee Robinson
  • Scarlett Ryan
  • Stella Akintan
  • Tina McElligott