Officer Key Decision - Monday 16th September 2024

September 16, 2024 View on council website
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The Officer Key Decision meeting scheduled for 16 September 2024 included the provision of an update on the construction of new affordable housing at 236 Romford Road.

Affordable Homes for Newham - 236 Romford Road, E7 9JR - Contract Variations

A report in the meeting pack requested approval for a variation to the contract for construction work at 236 Romford Road.

The report, prepared by officers, asked for approval to increase the contract price for construction work by £561,773.37.

If approved, the total contract value would increase to £4,357,090.37, up from the original contract value of £3,795,317.00.

The increase, if approved, would be funded from existing budgets.

The original contract was awarded to Glenman Ltd in May 2022, following an evaluation of bids from companies on the Newlon Housing Trust framework.

Newlon Housing Trust is a Housing Association that owns and manages over 8,000 homes in North and East London.

The report by officers says that the additional funds are needed for a number of reasons, including:

Inflationary costs of materials and labour costs above the provisional sum to progress works, such as sewer connections.

The report also confirms that the homes would be built to meet the Passivhaus standard.

Additional materials to meet PassivHaus standard with inclusion of PV cell on the roof.

The report goes on to say that, if the variation is approved, the homes would be handed over in August 2024, with no further variations to the contract anticipated.