Licensing Committee - Thursday, 19th September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 19, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Committee met to consider an application for a new premises licence for Savalan Kebab1 at 289 Sydenham Road. The committee decided to grant the licence.

Application for a new premises licence for Savalan Kebab, 289 Sydenham Road, SE26 5EW

The committee considered a report on an application for a new premises licence for Savalan Kebab. The application had been submitted by Admitat Ltd and proposed to allow the sale of late night refreshment from 11pm to 2am, Monday to Saturday, and 11pm to 1am on Sunday.

The committee heard from a representative of the applicant, who stated that they were a family-run business and that they had agreed a number of conditions with the Licensing Authority in order to address concerns that had been raised.

The committee also heard from Councillor Chris Best2, who objected to the application. Councillor Best raised concerns about the potential for the premises to contribute to crime and disorder, public nuisance and harm to children in the area. Councillor Best stated that:

Providing another late-night source of alcohol could increase the problems associated with drunken disturbances and aggressive behaviour.

Two written representations from members of the public objecting to the application were also considered by the committee.

The Licensing Committee decided to grant the licence, as they were satisfied that the conditions that had been agreed with the applicant would be sufficient to promote the licensing objectives.

  1. Savalan Kebab is a kebab shop on Sydenham Road in the London Borough of Lewisham 

  2. Councillor Chris Best is a local councillor, representing Sydenham ward on Lewisham Council. He is a member of the Labour party.