Licensing Sub-Committee (1) - Thursday 19th September, 2024 10.00 am

September 19, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting will include consideration of applications for new premises licences from two businesses in Westminster. The sub-committee will also be provided with an update on the membership of the committee.

143 Victoria Street, London

An application for a new premises licence for a bakery at 143 Victoria Street has been received from Pizzarlo Ltd.

The application requests permission for:

  • Late Night Refreshment both indoors and outdoors, Monday to Thursday from 11pm to 11.30pm, Friday and Saturday from 11pm to midnight, and Sundays immediately prior to bank holidays from 11pm to midnight.
  • The sale of alcohol, both on and off the premises, Monday to Thursday from 9am to 11.30pm, Friday and Saturday from 9am to midnight, Sunday 9am to 10.30pm, and until midnight on Sundays immediately prior to bank holidays.

The Environmental Health Service have made a representation in relation to the application on the grounds of public nuisance and public safety.

The granting of the application as presented would have the likely effect of causing an increase in Public Nuisance in the area and may impact on Public Safety within the area.

A local resident has also made a representation objecting to the application on the grounds that:

  • Granting the licence may set a precedent for other businesses on the street to apply for licences.
  • The application does not make clear the extent of the licensable activities applied for.
  • The application is too broad in the hours requested.
  • There is no need for the bakery to be able to serve alcohol.

Soho Mews House, 8 Lancashire Court, London

An application for a new premises licence for Soho Mews House has been received from Soho House UK Limited.

The application seeks permission for:

  • Late Night Refreshment to be provided indoors and outdoors Monday to Sunday from 11pm to 12.30am, extending to 1.30am on Friday and Saturday.
  • The sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 8am to 12.30am Monday to Sunday, extending to 1.30am on Friday and Saturday.
  • The showing of films indoors from 8am to 12.30am Monday to Sunday, extending to 1.30am on Friday and Saturday.
  • Live music indoors from 8am to 12.30am Monday to Sunday, extending to 1.30am on Friday and Saturday.
  • Recorded music indoors from 8am to 12.30am Monday to Sunday, extending to 1.30am on Friday and Saturday.

The Environmental Health Service have made a representation in relation to the application on the grounds that they wish to conduct a site visit to assess the premises' capacity and facilities.

The Grosvenor Estate Residents Group have also made a representation objecting to the application on the grounds that:

  • The applicant is seeking to increase the capacity of the premises to 300 people.
  • The extended licensing hours requested will lead to public nuisance and public safety issues.
  • The requested hours are outside the core hours for this type of premises.
  • Late night departures of patrons will disturb residents.
  • The presence of intoxicated people on the street at night will lead to crime and disorder.

If this occurs during core hours; it is annoying but may be acceptable. If it happens after 11pm it is not acceptable.