Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 18 September 2024 10.00 am

September 18, 2024 View on council website
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The 18 September 2024 meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will include a series of updates on existing projects and initiatives across Surrey. The meeting will also consider whether to formally combine the Health and Wellbeing Board with the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership.

Combining the Health and Wellbeing Board and Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership

The Board will consider whether to formally combine with the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding sets out the aims, responsibilities and procedural arrangements for this meeting, as well as detail around the membership and roles of each member of the HWB and ICP.

Enabling stronger community safety leadership and governance

The Board will discuss the existing governance arrangements for Community Safety in Surrey, and consider whether to move them to a separate board with stronger and clearer leadership. The intention would be to move the responsibility for Community Safety out of the Health and Wellbeing Board, but to maintain links between the two via the Prevention and Wider Determinants of Health Delivery Board.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Highlight Report including Health and Wellbeing Strategy Index update

The Board will receive an update on the progress of a series of initiatives that relate to the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Board will discuss a series of challenges that have emerged from the projects, including funding issues for a range of services, including the Changing Futures Bridge the Gap service, and the Active Surrey programme. The report also includes details of opportunities that have been created from the work, including funding for the Surrey Cancer Inequalities Programme, and new funding for the Mental Health Investment Fund.

Enabling a Surrey System Approach to Poverty: signing and enacting the End Poverty Pledge

The Board will consider whether to formally adopt the End Poverty Pledge, a campaign for a poverty free Surrey. The Board is being asked to lead from the front in taking action to alleviate poverty in the county, and to support members’ organisations/networks to consider signing and enacting the pledge.

Better Care Fund Update

The Board will receive an update on the work that is being done in Surrey under the national Better Care Fund scheme. The Board will consider the ongoing demand on health and social care services, and discuss whether to agree the strategic direction of the scheme in Surrey.

Library of Experiences Update

The Board will receive an update on the Library of Experiences approach to learning from past projects in Surrey. The Board will discuss whether to actively consider the key lessons emerging through this approach when reviewing relevant future HWB/ICP items and recommendations, and whether to endorse the further development of the library of experiences method.

Integrated Care Board update: Surrey Heartlands ICB and Frimley Health and Care ICB

The Board will receive updates on the activities of the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care Boards. The Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board update will include details of their work to ensure a smooth transition as they begin working with the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care Board update will include details of the new ‘Work Well’ scheme, intended to help people back into work after a period of poor health.


  • Bernie Muir
  • Clare Curran
  • Dr Charlotte Canniff
  • Dr Pramit Patel
  • Fiona Edwards
  • Karen McDowell
  • Kevin Deanus
  • Mark Nuti
  • Ruth Hutchinson
  • Sinead Mooney
  • Steve Flanagan
  • Tim Oliver OBE
  • Alistair Burtenshaw Business - Director & Chief Executive at Watts Gallery Trust
  • Aruna Mehta Chairperson - Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Borough Ann-Marie Barker Leader, Woking Borough Council
  • Borough Ann-Marie Barker Surrey Leaders’ Group representative
  • Borough Richard Biggs Leader, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
  • Carl Hall Deputy Director of Community Development, Interventions Alliance
  • Dr Russell Hills Clinical Chair, Surrey Downs ICP
  • Dr Sue Tresman Carers System Representative
  • Dr Sue Tresman Surrey's Independent Carers Lead
  • Graham Wareham Chief Executive, Surrey and Borders Partnership
  • Helen Coombes Executive Director – Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships, Surrey County Council
  • Jason Gaskell CEO, Surrey Community Action, VCSE Alliance representative
  • Jo Cogswell Executive Director Strategy and Joint Transformation, Executive Lead for Guildford and Waverley, Surrey Heartlands ICB
  • Jo Cogswell Place Based Leader, Guildford and Waverley Health and Care Alliance
  • Julie Llewelyn Vice President - Community Foundation for Surrey
  • Karen Brimacombe Chief Executive, Mole Valley District Council
  • Kate Barker Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands
  • Kate Scribbins Chief Executive, Healthwatch Surrey
  • Lisa Townsend Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey
  • Liz Williams Joint Strategic Commissioning Convener, Surrey County Council and Surrey Heartlands
  • Lucy Gate Co-Chair of the Mental Health: Prevention Board
  • Mari Roberts-Wood Managing Director, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
  • Mari Roberts-Wood Managing Director, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council / Chair - Prevention and Wider Determinants of Health Delivery Board
  • Michelle Blunsom MBE CEO at ESDAS - VCSE
  • Paul Farthing Chief Executive , Shooting Star Children’s Hospices - VCSE
  • Paul Farthing Chief Executive,Shooting Star Children’s Hospices
  • Professor Helen Rostill Director for Mental Health, Surrey Heartlands ICS and SRO for Mental Health, Frimley ICS
  • Professor Monique Raats University of Surrey
  • Professor Monique Raats University of Surrey - Associate Dean Research and Innovation for the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Rachael Wardell OBE Executive Director for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning
  • Sarah Cannon The Probation Service
  • Sarah Kershaw Strategic Director - Transformation, Integration and Assurance, Surrey County Council
  • Siobhan Kennedy Homelessness, Advice & Allocations Lead, Guildford Borough Council
  • Siobhan Kennedy Housing - Homelessness, Advice & Allocations Lead, Guildford Borough Council
  • Sue Murphy Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst - VCSE
  • Sue Murphy VCSE Alliance Co-Representative
  • Terence Herbert
  • Terence Herbert Chief Executive, Surrey County Council
  • Tim De Meyer Chief Constable of Surrey Police