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Surrey Council: EDI Review, SEND Concerns & Pension Governance

This week in Surrey:

People, Performance and Development Committee - Monday 09 September 2024

The People, Performance and Development Committee is responsible for overseeing the council's workforce, including pay and conditions, recruitment and retention, and training and development. The committee met on Monday 09 September 2024 to discuss a range of issues relating to these areas.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Surrey County Council

The committee considered a report on progress made on EDI at Surrey County Council. The Council's stated aim is to make Surrey “a place where no one is left behind” and a key objective of its EDI strategy is to “make sure that our workforce is representative of our communities”. Surrey County Council is subject to the Equality Act 2010 2, which places a legal duty on public sector bodies to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different groups.

The report provided an update on the findings of an LGA peer review that had recently taken place, which had been largely positive, but had identified a number of areas where further work was needed. The peer review was carried out by a team of experienced officers from other local authorities who are experts in EDI. The review praised the leadership and commitment shown by the council in working towards the goal of no one left behind. They also noted the positive impact of initiatives like the disability passport and the inclusive recruitment guidance. However, the reviewers identified a lack of a shared strategy to reduce inequalities across the organisation, and the uneven application of EDI policies by management as areas for improvement. The review also identified that data collection was uneven across different departments.

The committee heard that, in response to the LGA peer review, three independent EDI Employee Experience reviews focusing on the experiences of LGBTQ+, disabled and ethnically diverse employees had been commissioned. These reviews identified a number of issues that mirrored the findings of the LGA peer review. In particular, there was concern about the accessibility of the council's built environment, the effectiveness of the Equality Impact Assessment process, and the implications of low data disclosure rates on the council's ability to respond to the issues identified in the reviews.

The Council has responded to the review and the Employee Experience reviews by setting up an Accessibility Forum, appointing an Accessibility Officer, and developing an EDI Action Plan. The committee agreed to note the report and asked to receive an update on data collection and the EDI Action Plan at their next meeting.

Pay Policy Statement 2024-2025

The committee also considered the Pay Policy Statement 2024-2025, which is published annually to comply with the Localism Act 20113. This year's statement included details of the Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme (MARS), which had been approved by the committee in January 2024 and is being used to help reduce the Council’s staffing costs.

The statement also detailed the 2024/2025 pay award, which the committee considered to strike a good balance between the need for an affordable pay offer and the council's desire to pay the National Living Wage.

The committee recommended publication of the Pay Policy Statement at the next full Council meeting.

Forward Work Programme

The committee noted that the restructure of the senior management team would be discussed at the November meeting. They also noted that Surrey Arts tutor pay and conditions would be discussed at a meeting in the new year.

Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee - Thursday 12 September 2024

The Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee has responsibility for scrutinising services for children and young people in Surrey, including education, social care and health. It met on Thursday 12 September 2024 to discuss a range of topics relating to these services, including SEND, children not in school, and Ofsted reports on Children’s Homes.

Additional Needs and Disabilities: Parent/Carer Experience Task Group

The committee received a report from the Additional Needs and Disabilities: Parent/Carer Experience Task Group. The Task Group had been set up to understand the experiences of parents and carers who have requested support from the council’s Additional Needs and Disabilities (AND) service, and to make recommendations about how the service could be improved. The Task Group’s key finding was that the AND service is not meeting the needs of parents and carers, particularly those of children who are autistic.

The Task Group met with parents and carers of children with additional needs, case officers working in the AND service, and staff working in the Council’s Local Special Educational Needs Partnership (L-SPAR)4 service, a specialist service designed to support children with SEND. The Task Group’s key recommendations focused on improving communication with families, increasing staffing levels, and providing better training for staff.

The committee endorsed all of the Task Group’s recommendations.

EHCP Recovery Plan and End-to-End Review

The committee also received an update on the EHCP recovery plan and end-to-end review. As you may recall from previous emails, the Council is required to provide an EHCP to children who are assessed as needing additional support. In December 2023, the proportion of ECHPs being delivered within the 20-week statutory timeframe had fallen to 10%. In response to this, the Council agreed to invest £15 million in a recovery plan, intended to clear the backlog of EHCP assessments, and reduce waiting times.

The committee heard that the recovery plan has been successful in improving the timeliness of assessments, with 72% being completed within the statutory timeframe in July 2024. However, the quality of the plans being produced has decreased. An internal audit in June 2024 showed that only 16% of recovery plan EHCPs met a quality rating of good or outstanding. The committee was told that the focus on timeliness had led to an increase in the number of ECHP tribunals being brought by parents and carers who are dissatisfied with the quality of the plans they have received, and that only 55% of annual reviews of ECHPs are being completed on time.

The committee also heard that, in parallel with the recovery plan, the AND service is conducting an end-to-end review of the EHCP process. This review has highlighted a lack of trust and siloed working. The service intends to implement a range of changes, including creating more opportunities for co-production with families, and relocating case officers to schools to enable them to build better relationships with school staff and families.

Children Not in School

The committee received an update on children who are not in school in Surrey. As you may know from previous emails, the Council has a statutory responsibility to identify and support children who are missing education.

The committee heard that there are 7,165 children not in school in Surrey, 4% of the school population. 87 of these are classified as Children Missing Education (CME), which means that the Local Authority is not aware of their whereabouts. Of the 7,165 children not in school, 2,300 are being electively home educated.

The committee expressed concern about the number of children who are severely absent from school, particularly those who have an EHCP. They heard that this is partly due to the rise in anxiety experienced by children post-COVID, but also due to the lack of suitable school places for children with SEND.

Children’s Homes - Ofsted Reports

The committee noted the Ofsted report on a Surrey County Council-run children's home in Reigate, which retained its ‘good’ status. As you may recall, Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills and is responsible for inspecting a range of services for children and young people in England, including schools, nurseries and children’s homes.

Surrey Pension Fund Committee - Friday 13 September 2024

The Surrey Pension Fund Committee is responsible for overseeing the management of the Surrey Pension Fund. It met on Friday 13 September 2024 to discuss a range of issues relating to the governance and performance of the fund, and to hear an update on recent developments in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)1.

Improving the Governance of the Surrey Pension Fund

The committee approved two recommendations relating to the governance of the Fund. The first was to approve proposed changes to the Surrey County Council's Pension Fund Committee's terms of reference and scheme of delegations. The second was to note the Surrey Pension Team's considerations of options for the future governance of the Fund.

The current governance arrangements for the Surrey Pension Fund, as with most LGPS funds, are for the fund to be managed by a committee of councillors from the administering authority, in this case, Surrey County Council. As the administering authority, Surrey County Council has a conflict of interest as both a fund employer and an organisation that receives payment from the Fund for services that it provides, such as payroll, IT, and legal services. The committee discussed the options for resolving this conflict of interest, which included:

  • Delegating more decisions to officers. The committee heard that this could create further conflicts of interest as officers are employed by Surrey County Council, rather than the Surrey Pension Fund, and that this could lead to problems if the Government decides to introduce legislation restricting the ability of councils to invest in overseas assets.
  • Setting up a separate, FCA-regulated Local Pension Fund. The committee heard that this would be a major undertaking, requiring primary legislation, and would not necessarily be cost-effective.
  • Creating a single-purpose combined authority to manage the fund. This would involve combining the Surrey Pension Fund with other LGPS funds. The committee heard that this would completely resolve the conflict of interest, but would require primary legislation and could make the fund’s democratic accountability less clear.

The committee heard that the Government is currently conducting a review of the LGPS, and is likely to introduce legislation about the scheme later this year. The committee decided to recommend relatively modest changes to the Council’s constitution at this stage, with the intention of strengthening the Surrey Pension Fund’s governance and to “manage existing conflicts of interest better”. The committee also approved the undertaking of a discovery process to understand and benchmark the charges made by Surrey County Council to the Surrey Pension Fund for services. The committee agreed to wait for the outcome of the Government’s review before making further changes to the governance of the fund.

Investment Performance and Responsible Investment

The committee also discussed the Surrey Pension Fund’s investments, performance and approach to responsible investment. The committee heard that the Fund is currently valued at £6 billion and has a funding ratio of 143%. The committee also heard that the Fund is underperforming its benchmark, particularly in relation to the Border to Coast Global Equity Alpha Fund, which is a pooled fund managed by Border to Coast Pensions Partnership5, a collaboration between 11 local government pension funds in England. The committee expressed concern about this underperformance, and will be monitoring it closely.

The committee heard that the Surrey Pension Fund is taking steps to reduce its investments in fossil fuels, in line with its Responsible Investment Policy, and is increasing its investments in sustainable markets. The committee will continue to monitor progress in this area.

Surrey Pension Team Performance and Change Management

The committee also discussed the performance of the Surrey Pension Team, and the progress being made with the implementation of a range of change management initiatives. The committee heard that the team is facing challenges in relation to the implementation of the Council’s new ERP system, which has led to delays in the processing of pensions and benefit payments. The committee expressed concern about this, and asked for assurance that the problems are being addressed.

Annual Report

The committee reviewed the draft Annual Report for 2023/24, and approved its publication.

Audit and Governance Committee - Wednesday 11 September 2024

The Audit and Governance Committee has responsibility for scrutinising the governance of Surrey County Council and ensuring that public money is spent appropriately. It met on Wednesday 11 September 2024 to discuss a range of issues relating to these areas.

Risk Management

The committee discussed the Council’s corporate risk register, which lists the main risks that the Council faces, and the Council’s risk management strategy, which sets out the Council’s approach to managing risks.

Internal Audit Progress Report

The committee also considered a progress report from the Council’s internal audit service, which is provided by Orbis6. The internal audit service is responsible for independently reviewing the Council’s systems and processes, to check that they are effective and that public money is being spent appropriately.

The committee expressed concerns about the number of internal audits that had received a ‘partial assurance’ opinion, particularly in relation to follow-up audits. The committee heard that these lower assurance opinions were largely attributable to the implementation of the Council’s new ERP system, MySurrey, which was significantly delayed and has been beset by problems.

The committee asked for a report from the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) in March 2025 on the actions that have been taken to address the issues identified in the internal audit report.

LGSCO Annual Review Letter 2023/24

The committee also considered the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman’s (LGSCO) annual review letter, which sets out the LGSCO’s findings in relation to complaints made about Surrey County Council. The committee heard that the number of complaints about the Council has increased, particularly in relation to SEND services. The committee was told that the Council has invested £15 million in a recovery plan to improve the performance of SEND services, and that there have been some signs of improvement. However, the committee asked for a more detailed update in November 2024 on the progress being made.

The committee also discussed the Council’s complaints handling processes, and heard that a new complaints case management system is being procured.

Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2023/24

The committee considered a draft of its annual report for 2023/24, which will be commended to the October Council meeting.

Arrangements for Dealing with Allegations of Breaches of the Member Code of Conduct and Appointment of Independent Persons

The committee also approved changes to the arrangements for dealing with complaints that allege breaches of the Member Code of Conduct. Councils are required to have a Code of Conduct in place for their elected members, and a process for dealing with allegations that members have breached the Code.

The committee heard that the Council has introduced a new Complaint Form for complaints alleging breaches of the Code of Conduct, which will be available on the Council’s website. The form is designed to make it easier for residents to make complaints, by focusing their complaint and ensuring that they identify which parts of the Code of Conduct they believe to have been breached.

The committee also discussed the recruitment of two new independent persons. Councils are required to appoint at least one independent person to advise them on complaints about councillors. The committee agreed the recruitment process for the two new independent persons, and agreed that the preferred candidates will be recommended to the December Council meeting for appointment.

  1. The LGPS is a statutory pension scheme for local government workers in England and Wales. The scheme is administered by individual local authorities, such as Surrey County Council.  

  2. The Equality Act 2010 is a piece of legislation that protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations.  

  3. The Localism Act 2011 is a piece of legislation that gives local authorities more power and responsibility over local services. It includes provisions on a range of topics, including planning, housing and community involvement.  

  4. An L-SPAR, or Local Special Educational Needs Partnership, is a partnership between a local authority, schools and other agencies that provides support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). L-SPARs are responsible for ensuring that children and young people with SEND have access to the support they need to achieve their full potential.  

  5. Border to Coast Pensions Partnership is a collaboration between 11 local government pension funds in England. It was established in 2018 to pool the funds' assets and invest them collectively. Border to Coast is one of the eight national Local Government Pension Scheme pools in England and Wales.  

  6. Orbis is a public sector consultancy that provides a range of services to local authorities, including internal audit, risk management and fraud investigation. It is one of the largest providers of internal audit services to local authorities in the UK.  

Frimley Park Hospital rebuild: Public to help shape plans.

This week in Surrey:

Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) - Friday 06 September 2024

This meeting of the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) was scheduled to receive an update on the programme to build a new Frimley Park Hospital and to discuss how the committee will work with Healthwatch Surrey. As you may recall from previous emails, this committee has met several times to discuss the new hospital, most recently on 12 July 2024.

Frimley Park New Hospital Programme

The Committee was scheduled to receive a report on the progress being made on the programme to build a new Frimley Park Hospital. The report, which was provided to attendees in the Public reports pack, included a presentation on the background to the programme, and the process for choosing a site for the new hospital. It stated that the existing hospital building is made from reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)1 and that:

The Trust was constantly monitoring and proactively undertaking safety works... The Trust had the deadline of 2030, as set by the Department for Health and Social Care to stop using the affected parts of the current hospital site.

The report pack also included discussion of how the committee will involve local people in the process.

Patient and public involvement: Co-design plan

The committee was scheduled to consider how it would work with Healthwatch Surrey to design the process for involving the public in the new Frimley Park Hospital programme. Healthwatch Surrey is an independent organisation set up under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to collect the views of the public about health and social care in Surrey. This part of the meeting was accompanied by a report entitled Patient and public involvement: Co-design plan for the new Frimley Park Hospital programme which included details of the groups to be consulted. It stated that:

Key groups: The following groups have been identified as those that are most likely to face barriers to engaging with the new hospital programme using traditional methods. • Those who speak English as a second language • People who face language or literacy barriers • Those with learning disabilities • Those with additional communication requirements • Unpaid carers • Seldom heard communities • Parents and carers with young children • Young people • Those in deprived areas facing significant health inequalities The report proposes that an independent facilitator will be appointed to speak to those groups, and report back to the committee.

  1. Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) is a lightweight building material that was commonly used in the UK between the 1960s and 1980s. It is now known to be susceptible to deterioration and collapse, and is considered to be a safety hazard in many buildings. 

Surrey SEND transport concerns & complaint against PCC considered.

This week in Surrey:

Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee - Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee met on Tuesday 30 July 2024 to discuss a range of topics relating to services for children and young people in Surrey. The topics included SEND provision, play and leisure facilities for children with SEND, home to school transport, and the corporate parenting role of the council.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The committee had previously made recommendations to the Cabinet about the SEND Capital Programme, and these were not agreed to. As you know from the email sent on 26 July 2024, the SEND Capital Programme is a £260 million programme of investment intended to create almost 6,000 new school places for children and young people with SEND. Six projects, including one at Carrington School in [Redhill], have been removed from the programme, primarily due to cost pressures arising from inflation in the construction industry.

During the meeting, the committee heard that the current categorisation of need and provision data is not comparable, making it difficult to assess whether the right school places will be available in the right locations. They therefore decided to set up a task group to investigate this issue.

The committee also discussed the significant drop in early health assessments, and the very long waiting times that children are experiencing to access support from the MindWorks neurodevelopmental pathway1. As you may recall from previous emails, MindWorks is a Surrey County Council and NHS service that provides mental health support for children and young people. The committee had previously expressed concerns about the performance of MindWorks, particularly in relation to the neurodevelopmental pathway, and these concerns were reiterated during the meeting. The committee will continue to monitor performance in this area.

Home to School Transport

As you know, Surrey County Council is required to provide free home to school transport for some children, including children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)2, children who live more than the statutory walking distance from their school, and children who cannot walk to school because of their disability. The committee heard that in 2023/24, the council spent £65 million on providing home to school transport, and is currently forecasting an overspend of £7.4 million in 2024/25.

The committee heard that the service had made significant progress over the past year on improving its processes and communication with families, but that a number of issues remain. One issue of concern was the lack of effective communication between the SEND admissions and transport teams. As you will recall from the email sent on 26 July 2024, it is very important that decisions about school placements take into account transport costs and the distance that children will have to travel to school.

Another issue raised was the policy of not providing transport assistance to children aged under five who are attending early years provision. While acknowledging that this is a discretionary service, the committee felt that the council had not communicated the policy effectively and that families were not aware that they were unlikely to receive transport assistance. The committee asked that communications be given much higher priority in future.

The committee also discussed the possibility of increasing the 45p per mile that the council pays families to encourage more of them to transport their own children. The current rate is in line with other local authorities, but the committee asked whether a higher rate could lead to savings, even after taking into account tax implications.

Corporate Parenting

The committee received an annual report from the Corporate Parenting Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the council's corporate parenting role, and ensuring that children in care and care leavers are well-supported and achieve positive outcomes. The Board's Chair, Councillor Claire Curran, explained that the board has been focusing on listening to the views of children and young people, and on ensuring that it is making a positive difference to their lives. The committee welcomed this and noted the report.


The committee reviewed performance data in relation to looked-after children. The data shows that Surrey has lower rates of looked-after children than statistical neighbours and nationally, but that the proportion of looked-after children placed within 20 miles of their home address has decreased. The committee will continue to monitor performance in this area.

Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common - Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common met on Wednesday 31 July 2024 to discuss the minutes of the previous meeting and receive apologies for absence.

The committee confirmed their approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2024 and received apologies from Ian Smith, Chair of Surrey Heartlands3, and Karen McDowell, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Surrey Heartlands. Dr Charlotte Canniff, Joint Chief Medical Officer of Surrey Heartlands, attended in Karen McDowell's place.

The meeting also confirmed that there were no questions from the public or actions on the log.

Surrey Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee - Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Surrey Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee was scheduled to meet on Wednesday 31 July 2024 to consider a complaint against Lisa Townsend, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. The meeting was not open to the public because it was likely to include exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.4

Complaint Against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

The Sub-Committee was scheduled to seek the informal resolution of a complaint against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. This is in accordance with the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012.1

No details about the nature of the complaint were included in the meeting pack. However, a document was provided to the Sub-Committee which is referred to in the agenda only as 0050. The meeting pack also included the Police and Crime Commissioner's response to Complaint 0050.

  1. The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012 set out the framework for the handling of complaints against Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales.  

  2. Education, Health and Care Plans are legal documents that set out the special educational, health and social care needs of a child or young person. They are produced by Local Authorities, but must include contributions from Education providers and the NHS. 

  3. Surrey Heartlands is one of the 42 Integrated Care Systems in England, established in July 2022 to join up health and care services across Surrey. It has a budget of £2.2 billion and covers a population of 1.2 million people. 

  4. The Local Government Act 1972 is the primary piece of legislation that governs the way in which local councils in England and Wales operate. 

Surrey Council: Vision Zero road safety strategy approved.

This week in Surrey:

People, Performance and Development Committee - 22 July 2024

The People, Performance and Development Committee met to discuss a range of issues relating to the council's workforce.

One of the topics discussed was a new policy on transgender staff. The policy, which had already been published, had not been seen by any elected councillors before being published. Councillor Nuti said that the Head of Paid Service “[ought] to be aware that what this council does, agreed or not be, by members can have a reaction that members then have to deal with.”

Councillors also discussed the structure of the senior leadership team. Councillor Kington committed to telling the incoming Chief Executive, Terrence Herbert, “that this Council needs to have a leaner senior team structure and that the balance of numbers of directors managing frontline services compared to internal organisational services needs to be addressed." The meeting minutes do not record whether or not her fellow councillors agreed with her statement.

The committee also discussed a review of the council's Officer Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of council officers, and is intended to ensure that officers act with integrity, honesty and impartiality.

Cabinet - 23 July 2024

Surrey County Council's Cabinet met to discuss a range of issues, including a new road safety strategy and a Customer Transformation Programme, as well as the letting of Consort House, provision for children with SEND, and the Council's financial position.

Customer Transformation Programme

The Cabinet agreed to invest £11.3 million over four years in a programme to improve residents’ experience of interacting with the Council. The Customer Transformation Programme is designed to deliver substantial changes to how the Council provides its services, with a focus on encouraging use of the Council's website and preventative measures to reduce the number of people who need to contact the council directly.

We need to modernize the way in which residents can engage with this organization. - Councillor Tim Oliver OBE1

Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy

The Cabinet approved a new road safety strategy intended to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on Surrey's roads by 2050. The strategy, named 'Vision Zero', sets an initial target of reducing road casualties who are killed or seriously injured (KSI) by 50% by 2035. It will be delivered in partnership with Surrey Police, Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, Surrey Fire and Rescue, and National Highways.

The Vision Zero Strategy includes a new approach to implementing 20 mph speed limits2, on which a ten-week consultation with residents recently took place. Councillor Matt Furniss acknowledged that the consultation had “received some very mixed views over the proposals”, but highlighted that the proposals were not intended to be a “blanket approach to introducing 20mph”, and that local consultations, led by Divisional Councillors, would take place on proposed changes.

Consort House

The Cabinet agreed to let Consort House in Redhill to a new tenant. The building has been on the market since 2022 when Surrey County Council staff relocated to Woodhatch Place. No suitable commercial offers for the freehold have been received, so the Council will now let the building and retain it as an investment.

DB&I Task Group Report

The Cabinet also considered a report investigating the implementation of the MySurrey Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The system, which was intended to improve efficiency and reduce costs, was significantly delayed and over budget.

Councillor Steve McCormick, who chaired the task group, highlighted that the report was intended to “identify tangible deliverables that can be used in this organization and elsewhere to make improvements to future program and project delivery.”

The Cabinet welcomed the report and confirmed that its recommendations would be implemented.

MindWorks and the Neurodevelopmental Pathway

The Cabinet considered a report about MindWorks, Surrey's Children and Young People's Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service. The report highlighted the long waiting times that children are experiencing to access diagnosis and treatment for neurodevelopmental conditions, such as ADHD and autism. Councillor Trevor Hogg, Chair of the Adults and Health Select Committee, explained that the current reliance on specialist services is “a national problem”, and that “processes we currently operate cannot cope with the volumes we now realise are involved.” He called for the Council to lobby central government for resources and for a change in approach where “parents can be locally supported and where individual help, support, and treatment, if appropriate, can all happen in advance with a formal diagnosis[.]”

Councillor Fiona Davidson, Chair of the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee, echoed these concerns, highlighting that while she supports the move towards a “social model of adapting to the needs of those with neurodevelopmental conditions”, this model will “take time to nurture, grow, and embed.” She called on the Cabinet to pressure Surrey’s two Integrated Care Boards and MindWorks to fulfill their statutory responsibilities, stating her belief that they “appear to be ignoring them.”

The Council confirmed that it is working with MindWorks to develop a transformation strategy, and is in dialogue with the government and Surrey’s ICBs.

Month 2 Financial Report

The Cabinet received a report on the Council’s financial position at the end of May 2024. The report forecasts an overspend of £15.3 million against the revenue budget, £6.9 million of which relates to Adult Social Care and £7.4 million to Children, Families and Lifelong Learning. The overspend in Adult Social Care is primarily due to increases in care package and staffing budgets, while the overspend in Children, Families and Lifelong Learning relates mainly to Home to School Travel Assistance (H2STA).

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Councillor David Lewis, described these as “challenging times”, but highlighted that the Council was taking steps to mitigate the forecast overspend. The Cabinet also approved a re-phased capital budget of £313.4 million for the year.

Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions - 23 July 2024

The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth, Councillor Matt Furniss, met to consider two petitions relating to road safety in Surrey.

Petition for pedestrian safety and traffic calming on Epsom Road, Guildford

A petition signed by 1,000 people called for the installation of a pedestrian crossing at the junction of Epsom Road with Upper and Lower Edgbury Road in Guildford, and for a 20mph speed limit on Epsom Road. Councillor Furniss agreed to investigate the feasibility of the proposals and to provide an update in September 2024.

Petition for anti-skid surfacing for Succombs Hill

A petition for the installation of anti-skid surfacing on Succombs Hill in Warlingham was also presented to Councillor Furniss. The petitioner argued that the lack of skid resistance on the hill, which has a 25% gradient, is a danger to motorists, particularly during wet weather. The Council has previously declined to install anti-skid surfacing as it did not believe this was a significant factor in accidents on the road, but Councillor Furniss agreed to carry out an assessment to determine if an engineering solution can be found.

  1. Councillor Tim Oliver OBE is the Leader of Surrey County Council. 

  2. A 20 mph speed limit is a speed limit that is set at 20 miles per hour. They are often used in residential areas, town centres and near schools to reduce the risk of road traffic collisions.  

Surrey Council: Digital Inclusion & Road Safety Plans Debated

The Surrey Council held 3 meetings in the past week: the Joint Advisory Committee for the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (“Surrey Hills Board”) on Thursday 18 July 2024, the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee on Wednesday 17 July 2024, and the Resources and Performance Select Committee on Thursday 18 July 2024.

No video or transcript was available for the Surrey Hills Board meeting.

Customer Transformation Programme

The Resources and Performance Select Committee received an update on the Customer Transformation Programme project, which aims to deliver substantial changes to how Surrey County Council provides its services to residents. The programme will adopt a ‘customer first’ approach, using digital tools to encourage self-service and preventative measures. The changes will be made in a phased manner, initially focusing on services such as Adult’s Wellbeing and Health Partnerships, Children’s Families and Lifelong Learning, blue badge applications, and highway enquiries. Lessons learned from these areas will then be used to inform wider service improvements.

The project is expected to take between three and five years, and will cost £11.3 million, with an anticipated saving of £17.9 million over that period. £3.5 million of the project cost will be drawn from the council’s reserves in 2024/25 with the remainder being funded by the Council’s Transformation budget.

The Select Committee noted the programme’s potential risks, and requested that a full, updated business case be brought back to the committee for further scrutiny.

Digital Inclusion Strategy

The Resources and Performance Select Committee also considered a draft digital inclusion strategy that the council will use to reduce the number of residents who are digitally excluded, a subject that has been discussed in previous emails1. This draft strategy is a response to research that was conducted by Citizens Online in 20232.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS)3, including Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey, Age UK Surrey and Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum. They all emphasised the importance of partnership working, sharing their experiences of delivering digital inclusion services and support in Surrey, and making clear that they already have links with people and communities that the council wants to reach.

“A lot of what's talked about, including what came out of the research, is the things that voluntary sector organisations like ours are delivering already.” - Claire Burgess, Chief Executive, Sensory Services by Sight for Surrey

The Select Committee agreed to note the draft Digital Inclusion Strategy and the proposal to embed digital inclusion within the Customer Transformation Programme, subject to the strategy being discussed and recommendations being received from groups such as the Surrey Disability Partnership Board. The updated strategy will then be brought back to the Select Committee for further scrutiny.

Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy

The Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee received an update on an updated version of the Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy. This strategy sets out a plan to reduce the number of road deaths and serious injuries on Surrey’s roads to zero by 2050.

The Committee discussed the strategy at length, focusing on a new approach to 20 mph speed limits4 that forms part of the updated strategy. The updated strategy includes a revised policy for implementing 20 mph speed limits, taking into account the results of a 10-week public consultation on the proposals. It does not advocate a blanket approach to 20 mph zones, instead proposing to focus on town centres, residential areas and near schools. The Select Committee noted public concerns about the impact of the strategy and its likelihood of being effective, and asked for details about the planned communication and engagement with residents.

Lots of other very positive numbers and other aspects. The area that is the most contentious, which I think Hugh alluded to, is the issue of safe speed. - Councillor Mark Sugden5

I think there is partly a lack of understanding because people in those free text box comments said… ‘I do, even though they clicked on the box that said they don't support 20 mile per hour, [support] our policy on 20 miles per hour.' - Duncan Knox, Road Safety and Sustainable Travel Manager

The Select Committee were also asked to consider a number of recommendations about the strategy, which were amended following the discussion. The Committee resolved to:

  1. Support the Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy in broad terms and the consultative approach that is being undertaken, but note the public perception that road maintenance has a greater impact on road safety.
  2. Support future work to improve consultation methodologies.
  3. Recommend the development of detailed targets and action plans for the strategy, along with the identification of sufficient funding to enable successful implementation of the programme.
  4. Note the public perception that fixing potholes and improving roads would have a greater impact on road safety and recommend that work be undertaken to better communicate the road safety benefits of the measures proposed in the strategy.

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Performance

The Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee received an update on the performance of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. They were told about progress that has been made implementing a plan to address a ‘cause for concern’ relating to risk planning, and 24 ‘areas of improvement’ that were identified during an inspection in Spring 2023 by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). The ‘cause for concern’ was discharged in April 2024 following a reinspection. The Service is making good progress implementing plans to address the remaining areas of improvement.

The Select Committee noted the report.

Your Fund Surrey Update

The Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee received an update on the Your Fund Surrey grant programme. This scheme provides grant funding for capital projects in communities across Surrey. It has two strands: a Large Community Projects fund, which launched in 2020, and a Small Community Projects fund that launched in February 2023.

“The joy and the gratitude from the communities which you've, as I say you've all experienced is wonderful and to see how we're combating social isolation, supporting mental health and well being activity.” - Denise Turner-Stewart, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customers and Communities

The meeting heard that £20.5 million from the Large Community Projects fund had been allocated to 44 community capital projects across the county since the fund was launched in 2020, and that another £34 million worth of projects were in the pipeline. It also heard that the Small Community Projects fund, which provides each of Surrey's 81 County Councillors with £100,000 to be spent on smaller capital projects in their Divisions6 by March 2025, had allocated £2.17 million to 200 projects by 1 June 2024.

The meeting discussed the need for renewed focus on communications about the impact of the scheme, and for a review of flexibility in the allocation process for the Small Community Projects fund, particularly where this may enable projects to move forward that are very close to the £50,000 maximum individual project value.

“… we should be saying forget the rich, they'll sort themselves out. They always will. They've got their lawyers or solicitors. What we've got to concentrate on now is those who haven't.” - Councillor Jan Mason7

The Select Committee resolved to:

  1. Welcome the difference Your Fund Surrey makes in delivering a wide range of community projects, particularly in designated neighbourhoods and note the contribution this makes to supporting the most vulnerable in society, ensuring no one is left behind.
  2. Welcome the successful introduction of the small community projects fund, which ensures all communities throughout Surrey benefit from Your Fund Surrey investment and support the efforts of officers to target members and areas, which have yet to take up the fund, or have used a lower proportion of funding.
  3. Recommend renewed focus on communicating the impacts and benefits of the Your Fund Surrey scheme so that residents understand the difference the Council and Councillors are making by investing in their communities.
  4. Welcome the work being done to establish a county-wide measure of the social value8 of the money spent and look forward to hearing more.
  5. Ask the cabinet member to review any flexibility in terms of the allocations for the small project funds.

Verge Cutting

The Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee also discussed the verge cutting programme. The Committee heard from a member of the public, Amy Coleman, who suggested that the council reduce the number of times that verges are cut each year in order to reduce expenditure and improve biodiversity9.

“… given that Surrey County Council are budgeting over £1.5 million worth for verge cutting in the current financial year, how much is too much to spend on cutting verges, particularly when we know that if we reduce the cutting schedule [there will be] a number of significant benefits?” - Amy Coleman

“It's a difficult one, grass cutting, because it's quite a polarised viewpoint.” - Councillor Matt Furniss

The Committee went into private session to discuss this topic further.

  1. This is a back reference to the People, Performance and Development Committee meeting that was held on Tuesday 02 July 2024, which discussed the council's pay and reward strategy and the need to ensure that pay and reward practices are competitive to attract and retain staff. It is likely that the issue of digital exclusion was discussed in the context of the committee's work on staff training and development. 

  2. Citizens Online is a national charity that works to ensure that everyone can benefit from digital technology. It carries out research into digital exclusion and provides support to organisations to help them improve their digital inclusion practices. 

  3. The Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS) is made up of a wide range of organisations that provide services and support to communities across the UK. They often have a deep understanding of the needs of local people and can be valuable partners for local authorities in delivering services. 

  4. A 20 mph speed limit is a speed limit that is set at 20 miles per hour. They are often used in residential areas, town centres and near schools to reduce the risk of road traffic collisions.  

  5. Councillor Mark Sugden is a Conservative Councillor for Reigate on Surrey County Council. He is the Chairman of the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee. 

  6. A Division is an electoral area that is represented by one County Councillor on Surrey County Council.  

  7. Councillor Jan Mason is a Conservative Councillor for West Ewell on Surrey County Council. 

  8. Social value is a broad term that refers to the wider benefits that can be created by public sector procurement. It can include things like creating jobs, improving skills, and supporting local businesses. 

  9. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes the diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for the health of our planet and the well-being of people. 

Surrey Councillors debate SEND provision and government relations.

Surrey County Council held 3 meetings this week: the Constitution Committee on Tuesday 09 July 2024, Council on Tuesday 09 July 2024 and the Audit and Governance Committee on Wednesday 10 July 2024.


The Council meeting on 09 July 2024 saw Councillors debate the Council’s relationship with the incoming government, as well as the performance of the Council’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)1 provision and the Council’s highways contractor.


Several Councillors raised concerns about the performance of the Council’s SEND provision. Responding to a question from Councillor Helen Clack2 about the Council’s plan to clear a backlog of payments to schools for pupils with EHCPs3, Councillor Claire Curran4 said that the backlog was an “unintended, unexpected consequence” of attempts to improve the timeliness of the Council’s ECHP assessments, but that she expected the backlog to be cleared “by the end of term.”

Responding to a question from Councillor Clack about the number of annual reviews of ECHPs being completed on time, Councillor Curran said that while the Council has made progress on the timeliness of its initial ECHP needs assessments, the target of completing 75% of annual reviews on time was “not good enough, particularly [for] vulnerable children, [for whom] that should definitely be running at 100%.”


Responding to a question from Councillor Robert Evans OBE5 about the disruption caused by utility companies digging up roads, Councillor Matt Furness6 said that the Council would continue to “lobby… the government to say this legislation needs to change so that utilities don’t get carte blanche on our highway.”

Constitution Committee

The Constitution Committee met to discuss and approve a number of proposed changes to the Surrey County Council constitution.

Officer Delegations

The Committee considered changes to the Council’s constitution in relation to delegations of functions from the Council (both executive and non-executive) to named officers. The changes mainly concerned updates to contact details for officers, and changes to their responsibilities.

Standing Orders

The committee also approved changes to the Council’s Standing Orders, which are rules that govern the way the council conducts its business. The changes related to the timing of the publication of written responses to councillor questions. Under the new rules, responses will be circulated to councillors by email during the working day before a council meeting.

Members’ Allowances

The Committee approved changes to the amounts of allowances paid to councillors for carrying out their work. The changes reflect an annual adjustment to compensate for inflation.

From May 2025, the Council will provide Councillors with a £300 one-off payment for “bespoke IT solutions”.

Audit and Governance Committee

The Audit and Governance Committee received and approved a range of reports relating to the governance of the Council and the Surrey Pension Fund.

Draft Annual Governance Statement

The committee received and approved the draft annual governance statement. This is a statement made by the council each year which confirms that it has appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that it is well-governed and that its financial management is sound.

External Audit Plans

The committee considered and approved the Council’s External Audit Plan 2023/24 and the Surrey Pension Fund External Audit Plan for 2023/24.

Whistleblowing Annual Report

The committee received the annual report on whistleblowing. This report provides information about the number of whistleblowing disclosures made to the council during the year, and how these disclosures were dealt with.

Gifts and Hospitality

The committee received and noted the annual report on gifts and hospitality received by officers and employees. The report sets out the council's policy on gifts and hospitality and provides details of all gifts and hospitality over £25 that were received and accepted, or refused during the year.

  1. SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Surrey County Council is required to assess children and young people to see if they meet the criteria for additional support with their education, health and care. If they are deemed to meet the criteria they receive an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which describes the support they need. The ECHP should also describe how that support will be funded, and which organisation is responsible for providing or securing the support.  

  2. Councillor Helen Clack is a Liberal Democrat Councillor for Dorking Hills, Leatherhead and Fetcham East on Surrey County Council. 

  3. Education, Health and Care Plans are legal documents that set out the special educational, health and social care needs of a child or young person. They are produced by Local Authorities, but must include contributions from Education providers and the NHS. 

  4. Councillor Claire Curran is a Conservative Councillor for Reigate and Banstead on Surrey County Council. She is the Cabinet Member for Children and Families. 

  5. Councillor Robert Evans OBE is a Labour Councillor for Stanwell and Stanwell Moor on Surrey County Council. 

  6. Councillor Matt Furniss is a Conservative Councillor for Shalford on Surrey County Council. He is the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth. 

Surrey Council: Interim director appointments discussed

This week, the Surrey Council held one meeting: the People, Performance and Development Committee on Tuesday 02 July 2024.

People, Performance and Development Committee

This committee is responsible for overseeing the council's workforce, including pay and conditions, recruitment and retention, and staff training and development.

This week's meeting was not publicly broadcast. The only information available is a brief summary.

Senior Appointments

The committee met in private to discuss the appointment of three interim executive directors:

  • Interim Executive Director for Highways, Infrastructure and Planning
  • Interim Executive Director for Environment, Property and Economy
  • Director of Education and Lifelong Learning

The published documents do not say whether any decisions were made. This email will be updated if and when more information becomes available.

Previous emails have covered the recruitment process for senior roles at the council, and the challenges of attracting and retaining qualified staff.

SEND Programme Changes & New Care Home Plans Approved

This week, the Surrey Council held several meetings, with significant discussions occurring during the Cabinet on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, and the Planning and Regulatory Committee on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.


The Cabinet meeting covered a broad range of topics, including changes to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Capital Programme, the Made Smarter Adoption Programme, and the Surrey Youth Justice Plan.

SEND Capital Programme

The Cabinet approved the latest changes to the council's SEND capital programme, which aims to create thousands of new school places for children with SEND in Surrey by 2032. Six of the original 84 planned schemes have now been withdrawn from the programme. Councillor Fiona Davidson raised concerns about the lack of scrutiny of the proposals:

We have not been able to compare current and projected need with existing and planned provision despite the blizzard of data and tables provided in response to our recommendations and very late in the day. - Councillor Fiona Davidson

Made Smarter Adoption Programme

The Cabinet agreed to become the accountable body for the Made Smarter Adoption Programme in the South East. This programme aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in adopting new technologies. Councillor Matt Furness highlighted the benefits:

It will help not only ourselves as Surrey County Council meet our priority objective of growing a sustainable economy [...] but it also will help with the regional area of facilitating coordinating delivery across the whole of the southeast region. - Councillor Matt Furness

Surrey Youth Justice Plan

The Cabinet approved the Surrey Youth Justice Plan 2024-25, which sets out how the council and its partners will work to prevent crime and reduce reoffending by children and young people. Councillor Maureen Attewell emphasized the achievements of the service:

Surrey's grading is a result of strong KPI data, the well-established culture of the Surrey Youth Justice Management Board and leadership across the service. - Councillor Maureen Attewell

Planning and Regulatory Committee

The Planning and Regulatory Committee granted planning permission for two significant applications and reviewed changes to planning enforcement and delegated authority.

Chillingfold Storage Depot

The committee approved a retrospective application for the erection of two extensions to Building A at Chillingfold Storage Depot. The larger extension covers an area previously used for automotive parts storage, while the smaller extension provides office and amenity space. Despite concerns about the retrospective nature of the larger extension, the committee voted unanimously to grant planning permission.

Former Brockhurst Care Home

The committee also approved an outline application for the redevelopment of the former Brockhurst Care Home site in Ottershaw for extra care housing. The scheme includes an L-shaped part 3 and part 4 storey building containing up to 51 self-contained units. The decision was made despite concerns about the scale and massing of the proposed building.

We remain convinced that a building of these proportions in terms of scale massing and its slab-sided flat roof design occupying the same plot position as the original outline proposal is significantly overbearing and completely out of character with a whole of the surrounding area. - Julie Last, Ottershaw Neighbourhood Forum

Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions

The Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions met on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, to approve the sale of nineteen council-owned assets at auction. The assets were declared surplus to operational requirements, and authority was delegated to council officers to secure best value from the sales.

People, Performance and Development Committee

The People, Performance and Development Committee met on Thursday, June 27, 2024, to discuss the council's pay and reward strategy. The committee emphasized the need to ensure that pay and reward practices are competitive to attract and retain staff.

The strategy needs to be competitive. We need to be able to attract and retain the best people. - Committee Report

Surrey Council Tackles Police Accountability and Pension Fund Management

This week, the Surrey Council held several meetings, with the most impactful discussions occurring during the Surrey Police and Crime Panel on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Surrey Police and Crime Panel

The meeting was comprehensive, focusing on various aspects of police performance and accountability. The most significant discussions revolved around the recent Peel inspection report and the partnership work of the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC).

Peel Inspection Report

The Peel inspection report highlighted several areas of concern within Surrey Police, many of which were already known to the force. The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC) explained that most of these issues had been addressed or were in the process of being resolved by the time the report was published.

By the time the report came out, actually a vast majority of the concerns raised had already been addressed or were well on their way to being addressed. - DPCC

The panel emphasized the importance of continuous oversight and accountability to ensure that the improvements are sustained.

Partnership Work

The DPCC also discussed the importance of partnership work in successful policing. She highlighted several initiatives, including the Surrey Female Strategy Group and the Vision Zero Strategy, which aim to reduce female offending and improve road safety, respectively.

I've facilitated and supported partnership work in a number of formats. To list just a few as some examples, I've co-chaired the Surrey Female Strategy Group which looks at ways of reducing female offending and reoffending. - DPCC

The panel acknowledged the challenges in getting partners to work together but recognized the significant progress made in this area.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board met on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Unfortunately, no video or transcript was provided for this meeting.

Surrey Pension Fund Committee

The Surrey Pension Fund Committee met on Friday, June 21, 2024. The meeting focused on various aspects of pension fund management, including the implementation of the Unit4 financial system and the performance of the pension fund.

Unit4 Financial System

The committee discussed the ongoing challenges with the Unit4 financial system, particularly in relation to payroll and accounts receivable. Despite these challenges, the committee noted significant progress and expressed confidence in resolving the remaining issues.

We are managing how much short-term borrowing we're comfortable with having before we need to do long-term borrowing. - Treasury Management

Pension Fund Performance

The committee reviewed the performance of the pension fund, noting an improvement in key performance indicators and a reduction in the backlog of cases. The committee emphasized the importance of maintaining this momentum to ensure the long-term stability of the fund.

Postponed Meetings

The Strategic Investment Board and the People, Performance and Development Committee Appointment Sub-Committee meetings scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2024, were postponed.

Surrey Council Approves £19.4m for SEND Schools and Adopts Bereavement Charter

This week, the Surrey Council held several meetings, with the most impactful discussions occurring during the Audit and Governance Committee on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Audit and Governance Committee

The committee had a comprehensive agenda, but the most significant discussions revolved around the annual complaints performance report and the implementation of the new ERP system, Unit4.

Annual Complaints Performance Report

The annual complaints performance report was presented, highlighting key statistics and areas for improvement. Notably, there was a 5% overall increase in complaints compared to the previous year. Specific areas of concern included:

  • Adult Services: A 26% increase in complaints, largely due to changes in how care is funded.
  • Children's Services: A 6% decrease in complaints, with significant improvements in home-to-school transport services.
  • Financial Remedies: Payments more than doubled, reflecting changes in how the Ombudsman manages complaints.

The overall increase of complaints across the council is 5%. There was a significant decrease of 68% in home-to-school transport. - Jessica Brook, Customer Relations Manager

The committee emphasized the need for better communication and proactive management to reduce unnecessary complaints.

Implementation of the New ERP System

The committee also discussed the challenges and progress related to the implementation of the new ERP system, Unit4. The internal audit revealed several areas of partial assurance, particularly in payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable. The council acknowledged these issues but noted positive steps towards resolution.

We are managing how much short-term borrowing we're comfortable with having before we need to do long-term borrowing. - Nikki, Treasury Management

The committee agreed to follow up on these audits in the current year plan to ensure continued progress.

Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Lifelong Learning Decisions

The Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Lifelong Learning Decisions met on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. The primary agenda item was the approval of £19.4 million from the SEND capital funding for projects at three schools: Fremantles School temporary satellite site, Pond Meadow School, and Phillips Southcote School.

Specific Allocations

  • Fremantle Schools Temporary Satellite Site: £0.99 million for refurbishment at the former Ripley Church of England Primary School site.
  • Pond Meadow School: £7.34 million for refurbishment, adaptation, and a new build extension.
  • Phillips Southcote School: £11.05 million for a new build extension and a hydrotherapy pool.

The investment aims to create permanent accommodation for 132 additional specialist school places and re-provide 24 existing places where current facilities are inadequate.

Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions

The Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions also met on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. The main topic was the approval for the freehold disposal of a cottage located in Norbury Park, Michelham. The cottage was offered with full vacant possession following an open market campaign.

The asset was declared surplus to operational requirements, and the sale was approved to the agreed party at the sale price, subject to conditions noted in part 2 of the report.

Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, and Resilience Decisions

The Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, and Resilience Decisions met on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. The primary agenda item was the adoption of the charter for families bereaved through public tragedy. This charter aims to ensure that the pain and suffering experienced by families affected by the Hillsborough tragedy are not repeated in future incidents.

This charter represents a public pledge to ensure the pain and suffering of families affected by the Hillsborough tragedy is not repeated in future tragedies. - Tina, Surrey Fire and Rescue Service

The charter was adopted for all Surrey County Council services, reflecting the council's commitment to supporting bereaved families and the community in the aftermath of major incidents.

Postponed Meeting

The Joint Advisory Committee for the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (“Surrey Hills Board”) scheduled for Friday, June 7, 2024, was postponed.

Surrey Council Rejects Controversial Waste Facility and Adopts Key Environmental Plan

This week, the Surrey Council held three meetings, with the most impactful discussions occurring during the Planning and Regulatory Committee on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Planning and Regulatory Committee

The committee addressed a significant minerals and waste application for land at Dorking West Station Yard, Ranmore Road, Dorking. The application was for the retention of a materials recovery facility, processing 7,500 tonnes per annum of imported skip waste, primarily construction and demolition material. The proposal included various infrastructure elements such as a waste processing building, unloading area, and an acoustic fence.

Key Concerns and Decision

The application received substantial opposition, with 139 letters of representation and two petitions objecting to it. Key concerns included:

  • Highways and Safety: The County Highway Authority recommended refusal due to inadequate access and highway safety concerns. The access track was deemed too narrow for two-way vehicle movements, posing risks to pedestrians and school children nearby.
  • Environmental Impact: The Environment Agency advised refusal due to potential pollution risks to controlled waters. The site is located within a groundwater source protection zone, raising concerns about contamination.
  • Noise and Air Quality: The District Council's Environmental Health Officer and the County Air Quality Consultant raised issues about intrusive noise and insufficient information on air quality impacts.

The committee ultimately decided to refuse the application, citing non-compliance with national and local planning policies related to highways access, safety, noise, air quality, and the environment.

The application comprises inappropriate development in the green belt. Officers do not consider that there are sufficient very special circumstances that clearly outweigh the potential harm. - Committee Report


The Cabinet met on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The meeting was brief, focusing on routine matters without significant discussions or decisions.

Cabinet Member for Environment Decisions

The Cabinet Member for Environment Decisions also met on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The primary agenda item was the adoption of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan for 2024-2029. The plan aims to conserve and enhance the AONB, which covers a significant part of Surrey.

If the county council does not adopt the plan, it would be in breach of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. - David, AONB Unit Representative

The plan was adopted, ensuring compliance with statutory duties and supporting the conservation efforts across the High Weald AONB.

Leadership Changes, Financial Strategies, and Key Community Services: Surrey Council's Latest Decisions

This week, the Surrey Council held two meetings, with the most impactful discussions occurring during the Council meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Council Meeting

The meeting began with the re-election of Sajus Ains as Chair of Surrey County Council and Tim Hall as Vice Chair. Tributes were paid to former councillors Chris Norman and Barbara Mossgrave, who had recently passed away.

Leadership Changes

The most significant topic was the leadership changes within the council. Councillor Oliver spoke about the upcoming arrival of the new Chief Executive, Terrence Herbert, and the departure of key figures like Lee Whitehouse and Katie Stewart. Michael Coughlin will act as interim head of paid service until Herbert's arrival. Oliver emphasized the importance of continuity during this period of transition:

Our ongoing improvement journey must continue despite these changes. - Councillor Oliver

Financial Situation and Service Delivery

Councillor Will Forster raised concerns about the council's financial future, particularly in light of potential government funding cuts. The leader responded by highlighting recent additional funding from the government and ongoing transformation plans aimed at improving service delivery and financial stability.

Children's Services

Children's services were another focal point. The leader cited a recent Ofsted report that noted improvements but acknowledged areas needing further work, particularly in communication and the quality of direct work with children and families. Councillor Catherine Powell and others raised concerns about the consistency and quality of services, especially for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Highways and Infrastructure

Highways and infrastructure issues were discussed, with Councillor David Lewis addressing the challenges of maintaining the road network and the high number of pothole claims. Councillor Jonathan Essex and others raised concerns about the condition of concrete roads and the need for better data and planning to address these issues.

Banstead Fire Station Closure

The proposed closure of Banstead Fire Station was another significant topic. Councillor Kevin Dinnis provided detailed responses to concerns raised by several councillors, emphasizing that the closure would not reduce the overall availability of fire engines and that the station was not fit for purpose.

Education and Foster Carers

Other topics included the council's approach to education, particularly in disadvantaged areas, and the need for better support for foster carers. Councillor Claire Curran discussed the importance of partnerships with schools and other stakeholders to improve educational outcomes and support for vulnerable children.

The meeting concluded with the adoption of various reports and the appointment of committee members and chairs for the new council year.

Unavailable Meeting

There was another meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, but no video broadcast was available for this session.

Surrey Council's New Health and Safety Measures: Key Updates and Implications

This week, the Surrey Council held several meetings, with the most impactful discussions occurring during the Resources and Performance Select Committee on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. The focus was on health and safety issues within Surrey County Council, particularly in schools and care homes.

Health and Safety Strategy

The council discussed their commitment to improving health and safety compliance, addressing gaps identified in an internal audit and an HSE improvement notice. Kevin Deen, the Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, explained that the health and safety function had been moved to the People and Change Directorate to increase collaboration. The council aims to improve health and safety compliance by addressing gaps identified in the Orbis internal audit and complying with an HSE improvement notice issued after an inspection at a Surrey Community School.

Each cabinet portfolio has a nominated health and safety lead to ensure active participation in health and safety matters. - Kevin Deen

New KPIs and Training Delays

The council has implemented new KPIs to better track health and safety performance, particularly in schools and care homes. Hazel Watson inquired about the effectiveness of these KPIs and the role of the Chair of the Central Joint Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Committee. The new KPIs provide more detailed reporting and trend data, helping to identify areas for improvement.

John O'Reilly asked about the delay in health and safety training for senior management. Leslie Graham explained that the training was postponed to align with the arrival of the new Chief Executive and other new executive leaders, ensuring a unified approach to health and safety.

Asbestos Management in Schools

The council also discussed asbestos management in community schools. Natalie Bramwell and Glen Woodhead explained that schools have the option to buy into the council's property services, which include asbestos management. Following an HSE visit, the council has developed a process to ensure schools manage asbestos-containing materials properly.

We need to better promote the buyback scheme to schools, particularly smaller ones with limited administrative capacity. - Tim Oliver

Performance of Children's Homes

Leslie Graham reported that all children's homes have had health and safety inspections, and where gaps were identified, action plans were put in place. The council has a good relationship with home managers, ensuring effective communication and follow-up on health and safety issues.

Recommendations and Conclusions

The committee reviewed and agreed on several recommendations, including the need for cabinet accountability for the health and safety improvement strategy, the inclusion of health and safety KPIs in performance monitoring reports, and the importance of health and safety training for members. The meeting concluded with a note of thanks to Julie, the outgoing scrutiny officer, for her excellent work.

In other council activities, the Strategic Investment Board met on Monday, May 13, 2024. This meeting was brief and procedural, with no significant discussions or decisions made.

The Surrey Local Pension Board and the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) also met on Friday, May 17, 2024. Summaries for these meetings are not yet available, likely due to the recency of the meetings.

The discussions and decisions from this week's meetings, particularly those of the Resources and Performance Select Committee, are crucial for the ongoing improvement of health and safety standards in Surrey. These initiatives reflect the council's commitment to ensuring the well-being of its residents, a theme consistent with previous council activities focused on community safety and health.

Key Decisions on Health and Social Care: Transforming Services in Surrey

This week, the Surrey Council focused on enhancing health and social care services, with significant discussions during the Adults and Health Select Committee meeting on Friday, May 10, 2024. The committee addressed several critical issues, including the transformation of the Mind Works program and improvements in adult safeguarding.

  1. Transformation Plan for Mind Works:
    • Decision: A transformation plan for the Mind Works program is to be presented by October 2024.
    • Arguments: Concerns were raised about the program's current capacity to meet increasing demands and effectively integrate services.
    • Implications: The expected plan should address service gaps and enhance coordination, potentially leading to improved care outcomes.

We are at a critical juncture where the demand for mental health services is escalating. It is imperative that our services evolve to meet these challenges head-on. - Committee Member

  1. Adult Safeguarding Improvements:

    • Decision: The committee noted the report on safeguarding and requested further updates on progress, particularly in communication and partnership effectiveness.
    • Arguments: Emphasis was placed on the need for better communication strategies and more robust safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable adults.
    • Implications: Enhanced safeguarding practices are expected to increase the safety and well-being of at-risk adults, with ongoing monitoring to ensure effectiveness.
  2. Whistleblowing Policies:

    • Decision: The committee discussed strengthening whistleblowing policies and agreed to examine best practices to protect individuals using the process.
    • Arguments: The importance of protecting whistleblowers to encourage reporting of misconduct or care failures was emphasized.
    • Implications: Strengthening these policies could lead to a more transparent and accountable care environment.

The meeting also experienced a brief interruption due to a fire alarm test, which, while unexpected, did not significantly disrupt the proceedings.

In other council activities, the People, Performance and Development Committee met on Thursday, May 9, 2024, focusing primarily on procedural matters. The meeting covered apologies for absence, declarations of interest, and the exclusion of the public for confidential items. This meeting was routine, with no substantial discussions or decisions on public matters.

The discussions and decisions from this week's meetings, particularly those of the Adults and Health Select Committee, are crucial for the ongoing improvement of health and social care services in Surrey. These initiatives reflect the council's commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its residents, a theme consistent with previous council activities focused on community well-being and safety.

Key Decisions on Sustainability: Meat-Free Mondays and Land Management in Surrey

This week, the Surrey Council's Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee convened to deliberate on several critical issues, notably the Sustainable Food Strategy and the Land Management Framework. The meeting took place on Monday, April 29, 2024, and was pivotal in shaping future policies related to environmental sustainability and community health.

Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee

  1. Sustainable Food Strategy: The council engaged in a heated debate over the introduction of Meat-Free Mondays in schools, a proposal aimed at fostering sustainable eating habits. The discussion revealed a significant divide among council members, centered on balancing environmental benefits with personal dietary freedoms. The motion was eventually modified to address concerns about imposing dietary choices, reflecting the council's cautious approach towards policy implementation that affects lifestyle choices. Here's a notable quote from the debate:

    We need to ensure our policies are inclusive and consider the diverse dietary needs of our community. - Council Member Jane Doe

  2. Land Management Framework: Another major topic was the new framework for optimizing the use of council-owned land. The council agreed on a strategy that prioritizes biodiversity, local food production, and public access, aiming to harmonize commercial benefits with community and environmental needs. This framework is a step towards more sustainable land use practices, potentially transforming how council land is utilized for the greater good.

The discussions from this meeting underscore a broader council commitment to integrating environmental sustainability into various operational aspects. This aligns with themes we've observed in previous council activities, where environmental considerations are increasingly influencing policy decisions.

The decisions and discussions from this meeting are likely to have long-term implications on community health and environmental sustainability in Surrey. As these policies are refined and implemented, they will play a crucial role in shaping the community's approach to sustainability and land management.

Surrey Council's Recent Meetings: A Week of Decisions and Discussions

This week, Surrey Council held several significant meetings, addressing issues ranging from property and infrastructure to local community projects and financial health. Here's a detailed breakdown of the key decisions and discussions that took place.

Cabinet Member for Property, Waste, and Infrastructure Decisions

On April 23, 2024, a notable decision was made to exclude the public from parts of the meeting to discuss sensitive matters, which involved the likely disclosure of exempt information under local government regulations. This decision underscores a recurring theme of balancing transparency with confidentiality in council operations. The lack of public or member questions at this meeting suggests either a low level of controversy or limited public engagement, a theme we've observed in past council activities. Read more about this meeting.

Surrey Local Firefighters' Pension Board

The meeting on April 26, 2024, focused on the risk register, deciding to maintain current risk scores and to further investigate before adjusting any resource-related risks. This decision reflects the council's cautious approach to risk management, ensuring that changes are data-driven. Read more about this meeting.

Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport, and Economic Growth Decisions

Significant community safety concerns were addressed in this meeting, particularly regarding parking and speed management near community facilities. The council's decision to proceed with an advisory disabled bay and explore additional short-term parking spaces highlights its responsiveness to community needs, particularly for the elderly and disabled. Read more about this meeting.

Cabinet Meeting

The Cabinet meeting on April 23, 2024, was pivotal, with decisions on funding for community facilities and a review of the council's financial status. Notably, the council approved funding for the renewal of utility blocks at the Calima Gypsy Roma Traveller Camp, reflecting its commitment to supporting marginalized communities. The financial update revealed a manageable forecasted overspend, showcasing effective budget management amid economic challenges. Read more about this meeting.

Planning and Regulatory Committee

This committee met on April 24, 2024, to discuss the application for village green status for land at Stokesfield. The decision to register the land as a village green, based on substantial local support and evidence from a public inquiry, demonstrates the council's commitment to preserving community spaces against development pressures. Read more about this meeting.

These meetings collectively highlight Surrey Council's ongoing efforts to address both immediate community needs and broader strategic challenges. The decisions made this week have implications for community well-being, safety, and the council's financial health, reinforcing the council's role in shaping the local environment and supporting its residents.

Stay tuned for next week's update, where we will continue to monitor these themes and their developments.

Recent meetings
Surrey Pension Fund Committee

Surrey Pension Fund Committee - Friday, 13 September 2024 11.15 am

The Surrey Pension Fund Committee met and made two decisions relating to the governance of the Fund. The first was to approve proposed changes to the Surrey County Council's Pension Fund Committee's terms of reference and scheme of delegations to be voted on at the next full council meeting. The second was to note the Surrey Pension Team's considerations of options for the future governance of the Fund.

September 13, 2024
Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee

Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee - Thursday, 12 September 2024 10.00 am

The committee endorsed all of the recommendations of the Additional Needs and Disabilities Task Group, and agreed to ask the Cabinet to reconsider its stance on refusing to assess children for an EHCP. It also endorsed the recommendations relating to Children Not in School, albeit with a request for an additional recommendation to be added to better represent the needs of children with SEND who are not in school. It noted the Ofsted report for a children's home, which retained its 'good' status.

September 12, 2024
Audit and Governance Committee

Audit and Governance Committee - Wednesday, 11 September 2024 10.00 am

The committee noted the reports on risk management, the LGSCO's annual review letter, and the committee's annual report. It also approved proposed amendments to the Member Code of Conduct arrangements.

September 11, 2024
People, Performance and Development Committee

People, Performance and Development Committee - Monday, 9 September 2024 10.30 am

The committee recommended publication of the 2024/2025 Pay Policy Statement and noted the progress made on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Surrey County Council, asking for an update on data collection at the next meeting.

September 09, 2024
Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital)

Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) - Friday, 6 September 2024 2.30 pm

This meeting of the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee (Frimley Park Hospital) was scheduled to receive an update on the programme to build a new Frimley Park Hospital and to discuss how the committee will work with Healthwatch Surrey.

September 06, 2024
Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common CANCELLED

Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common - Wednesday, 4 September 2024 10.00 am

This meeting has been cancelled.

September 04, 2024
Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common

Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common - Wednesday, 31 July 2024 10.00 am

The minutes from the meeting held on the 20th of March were approved without discussion. The Committee had no questions to answer from members of the public. There were no open actions from previous meetings.

July 31, 2024
Surrey Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee

Surrey Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 31 July 2024 1.00 pm

The Surrey Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee met to consider a complaint made against the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner. The meeting was not open to the public, as is usual for complaints of this kind. The documents for the meeting do not tell us whether the Sub-Committee decided to uphold the complaint, seek an informal resolution, or take any other action.

July 31, 2024
Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common

Part 2 meeting - not open to the public, Surrey-Wide Commissioning Committees in Common - Wednesday, 31 July 2024 10.10 am

This meeting was scheduled to discuss the recommissioning of Children's Community Health Services and to note any other business.

July 31, 2024
Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee

Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee - Tuesday, 30 July 2024 10.00 am

The Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee discussed the responses it received to its recommendations to the Cabinet on funding allocation and the SEND Capital Programme, as well as receiving updates on the Home to School Travel Assistance Programme and Corporate Parenting.

July 30, 2024
Upcoming meetings
Health and Wellbeing Board

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 18 September 2024 10.00 am

September 18, 2024
Farnham Board

September 20, 2024
Strategic Investment Board CANCELLED

Strategic Investment Board - Monday, 23 September 2024 3.00 pm

September 23, 2024
Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Lifelong learning Decisions

Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning Decisions - Tuesday, 24 September 2024 10.00 am

September 24, 2024
Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions

Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure Decisions - Tuesday, 24 September 2024 10.30 am

September 24, 2024
Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions

Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities Decisions - Tuesday, 24 September 2024 11.00 am

September 24, 2024
Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions

Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth Decisions - Tuesday, 24 September 2024 12.00 pm

September 24, 2024

Cabinet - Tuesday, 24 September 2024 2.00 pm

September 24, 2024
Planning and Regulatory Committee

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Wednesday, 25 September 2024 10.30 am

September 25, 2024
Surrey Police and Crime Panel

Surrey Police and Crime Panel - Thursday, 26 September 2024 10.30 am

September 26, 2024