Licensing Sub Committee C - Tuesday, 17th September, 2024 6.30 pm

September 17, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee will consider an application for a new premises licence for a business at 11 Hercules Street and the minutes of a previous meeting on 25 July 2024.

Bodegare, 11 Hercules Street, London, N7 6AT - New premises licence

Bodegare Ltd has applied for a new premises licence for 11 Hercules Street. The application is to permit the sale of alcohol, for consumption off the premises only, between the hours of 8am and 10pm, seven days a week. The application states that the premises will operate as a storage unit and will not be open to the public.

Two representations from local residents have been received. One resident expressed concern about the potential for public nuisance from the business, stating:

The streets here are already plagued by night street noise and littering. Adding an ‘off’ licence into Hercules Street is a measure likely to increase and encourage this problem.

The same resident also expressed concern about child welfare, because of the proximity of the business to Grafton Primary School.

Another resident wrote in to say that they were very concerned and unhappy about the application, stating that they believe it would:

directly impact on the peace, noise levels and safety of those living on it and would change the nature of our community.

The applicant has been in contact with both residents, and has sought to reassure them that because the unit is for storage only, and will not be open to the public:

another retail outlet would be inappropriate in your area

The applicant has offered to speak to residents to answer any further questions they might have.

The Metropolitan Police and Islington Council’s Noise Service initially raised representations, but these were withdrawn after an agreement was reached about conditions. For example, one of the conditions agreed with the police is that:

Couriers or delivery agents will be trained on relevant aspects of the Licensing Act 2003 including underage sales, sales to a person who is drunk, obtaining alcohol for a child or person who is drunk and delivering alcohol to someone under the age of 18

The committee will be asked to consider whether to grant the licence. The report notes that if they do, it should be subject to the conditions agreed with the Metropolitan Police and Islington Council’s Noise Service, and:

Any conditions deemed appropriate by the Licensing Sub-Committee to promote the four licensing objectives.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The sub-committee will be asked to approve the minutes of its previous meeting, which was held on 25 July 2024. The minutes detail the consideration of an application for a new premises licence for WI Curates, at 6-9 Timber Street, London EC1Y 0TQ.