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Islington Council: Pension Fund Changes & Supporting Local Businesses

This week in Islington:

  • The Pensions Committee discussed the performance of the Islington Pension Fund and considered proposals to change its investments in order to reduce their impact on climate change.
  • The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed future plans and reviewed recent reports on the health and wellbeing of residents.
  • The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee heard presentations on the Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme, the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion's annual report, and on Islington's work with Anchor Institutions.

Pensions Committee - Monday 10 March 2025

The Pensions Committee met to discuss the performance of the Islington Pension Fund, a fund that provides pensions to people who have worked for Islington Council, as well as some other public bodies in the borough. The fund is managed by a committee of councillors, who are responsible for making sure that the fund is invested wisely and that it can meet its obligations to pensioners.

Investment Strategy Review Update On Implementation

The committee considered a report on the implementation of the Investment Strategy agreed at its previous meeting. This strategy sets out how the fund’s money should be invested and aims to ensure that the fund is invested in a way that is both financially sound and socially responsible.

The committee heard that Apex, the council’s independent investment advisors, had been asked to investigate opportunities to invest 50% of the 3% of the fund allocated to social impact investing1. Apex reviewed three investment opportunities in more detail, and the committee heard a presentation about them.

The committee discussed the three opportunities and the potential risks and rewards associated with each of them. They also discussed the importance of ensuring that any investments made by the fund are aligned with the council's values and priorities.

The committee also considered a report on the London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV)2 Natural Capital Fund. The committee had previously agreed to allocate 3% of the fund to investment in natural capital, which refers to the world's stocks of natural assets, including geology, soil, air, water and all living things, through this fund. However, the committee had expressed concerns about the fund's use of carbon credits3 and asked for more information about them.

The committee received a response from the LCIV to these concerns. This response said that, while carbon credits can be used by heavy polluters to offset their emissions, they are a critical component of reducing overall global emissions and meeting sustainability goals. The LCIV's response argued that the carbon credit market is still evolving, and that excluding them from the Natural Capital Fund could present challenges.

The committee discussed the LCIV's response, and the implications of investing in a fund that uses carbon credits. They also discussed the importance of ensuring that the fund is investing in projects that are genuinely contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions.

The LCIV Sustainable Equity Fund Review

The meeting heard that the LCIV Sustainable Equity Fund which manages £209m of the Islington Pension Fund's investments has underperformed compared to its benchmark. The fund was therefore under formal review by the London CIV.

The meeting received a report comparing the LCIV Sustainable Equity Fund to the LCIV Sustainable Equity Exclusion Fund. This fund is very similar to the one the council invests in, but it does not allow investment in adult entertainment, alcohol, fossil fuels, gambling, tobacco or weapons manufacturing. Because of these exclusions, this fund has less of an impact on climate change.

The committee discussed the pros and cons of transferring the investment from the Sustainable Equity Fund to the Sustainable Equity Exclusion Fund. They were particularly interested in the likely financial impact of transferring the investment and the potential impact on the fund’s carbon footprint. The committee ultimately decided to delegate the decision about whether to transfer the investment to Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Corporate Director of Resources, with the proviso that the decision was dependent on the outcome of the formal review of the Sustainable Equity Fund being conducted by the London CIV, and that any costs associated with the transfer were reasonable.

TPR General Code Review Assessment

The committee considered a report on whether the fund is complying with the Pensions Regulator (TPR)4 new General Code of Practice, which came into force on 27 March 2024.

The committee heard that the council is already complying with 25 out of the 28 requirements in the new code of practice, but that three requirements needed more work. The committee discussed the three requirements and agreed to receive a further report on these three requirements at its next meeting.

Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday 11 March 2025

The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory body, created by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, which has a duty to improve the health and wellbeing of the people in its area, and to reduce health inequalities. The board is made up of representatives from the council, the local NHS, and other organisations, and meets every two months.

The board reviewed a number of reports.

Integrated and Partnership Working across Health and Social Care in Islington

The board discussed integrated and partnership working across health and social care in Islington, and considered how this is working in the borough. The board heard about the importance of partnership working, particularly in light of the current financial and workforce challenges facing the NHS and social care.

The board discussed the impact of integrated working and the importance of working collaboratively with partners.

The board discussed how the upcoming NHS 10-year plan5 and development of a National Care Service will further shape how health and care services are delivered in Islington.

Islington's Annual Public Health Report 2025

The board discussed Islington's Annual Public Health Report 2025, which focused on the impact of healthy environments on health and well-being in Islington and how these impact on health inequalities. The board considered the importance of ensuring that the council’s services and activities contribute to improving the health of the borough's residents.

The board discussed a number of key areas in relation to health and the environment, including:

  • Housing
  • The Public Realm
  • The Commercial Environment
  • Climate Change

The report discussed a number of challenges, and made a number of recommendations.

The board then discussed the report, highlighting the importance of ensuring that sufficient attention was given to the accessibility of pavements and public spaces, particularly for people with disabilities.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025

The board received a report on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025. This document, which is required by law, will identify the needs of Islington residents for pharmaceutical services, for example prescriptions, and the services that are in place to meet those needs.

The board agreed to delegate authority to the chair to approve the draft and final assessment.

Better Care Fund 2025/26

The board received a report on the Better Care Fund 2025/26, a national programme that provides funding to local areas to integrate health and social care services.

The report set out the two key objectives for the Better Care Fund in 2025/26: to support a shift from sickness to prevention, and to support a shift from hospital to home. The board discussed the three headline metrics that will be used to measure the impact of the Better Care Fund in 2025/26, noting that these metrics should be reducing over time.

The board agreed that the chair would sign off the final plan, alongside the Chief Executive of the council and the Chief Executive of the North Central London Integrated Care System. They also agreed that reporting on the Better Care Fund would be integrated into the board's wider reporting on health and social care integration.

Draft Annual Health & Wellbeing Board Work Plan 2025

The board considered its draft Annual Work Plan 2025, noting that it reflects the priorities in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that had been agreed at the November 2024 meeting. The board noted the plan.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 11 March 2025

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee heard presentations on the Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme, the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion's annual report, and on Islington's work with Anchor Institutions.

Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme

The committee received a presentation about the Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme, a programme designed to get start-up businesses into the council's supply chain.

The committee heard that Kestrix, a start-up company that provides heat loss maps to householders, had been selected to provide thermal imaging for 100 homes in the Nags Head area. This pilot aims to see whether this information increases the uptake of the council's retrofit grant scheme and its Green Directory of local retrofit businesses.

The committee discussed the scheme, asking questions about how businesses that are not selected for procurement are supported and whether it would be more cost-effective for the council to conduct thermal imaging itself. They also asked questions about the council's plans to promote the retrofit scheme.

Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion - Annual Report

The committee received Councillor Sheila Chapman's annual report on her Equalities, Communities and Inclusion portfolio.

Access Islington Hubs

The committee heard about the Access Islington Hubs, which provide support and advice to residents on a range of issues, including housing, benefits, and council tax. The committee was informed that 99% of residents who used the Hubs would recommend them.

The committee discussed the Hubs, asking questions about why a high proportion of residents use them for housing queries and how communication about the Hubs could be improved. The committee also discussed the location of the South Hub and whether it was in the right place, noting that it receives significantly fewer visitors than the Hub at Manor Gardens.

Bright Lives Alliance

The committee received an update on the Bright Lives Alliance, which aims to provide a seamless journey for residents accessing a range of services, including health, social care, and benefits. The committee heard that the council had joined the Making Every Adult Matter network, a nationwide initiative to support people facing multiple disadvantage.

The committee discussed the Alliance and the Bright Lives Coaching scheme, which provides support to residents with issues like coping with isolation and anxiety.


The committee heard about the council's work on equalities, including its community cohesion events, which are designed to bring together people from different communities. The committee also heard about the Black Cultural Centre's pop-up model, which sees the council provide a space for providers in exchange for social value.

The committee discussed the council's equalities work and asked questions about why LGBTQ+ work was not mentioned in the report, whether sufficient data was being captured on the work of Community Connectors, and why the council is still trying to “embed” equalities work despite this being an objective of the Challenging Inequalities Strategy adopted in 2021.

Supporting Refugees and Migrants

The committee received an update on the council’s work to support refugees and migrants, including its Borough Sanctuary Grant, which will provide £500,000 of funding to projects supporting refugees and migrants. The committee was informed that the council had received 96 applications for funding, totalling £3.4 million.

The committee discussed the grant and asked questions about how the council can get messages about its services to communities who are not digitally aware, and what was the outcome of a round-table discussion on Muslim women feeling safe that took place in 2024.

Islington Anchor Institutions

The committee received a presentation from officers about the council's work with anchor institutions, which are large organisations like hospitals, universities, and local authorities.

Local Purchasing

The committee heard that the council is working with 12 anchor institutions to support local businesses through procurement. The committee heard about the Islington Construction Directory, a portal for local construction businesses to advertise their services.

The committee discussed the directory, asking questions about whether there is sufficient awareness of the group’s work among officers from other parts of the council and whether the new Procurement Act applies to anchor institutions.

Digital and Data

The committee received a presentation from Melanie Rose, Director for IT and Digital Services, about the social value the council is seeking to achieve through digital procurement.

The committee heard that the council is using its new Digital Strategy to embed social value into contracts. The strategy also includes a focus on sustainability, with the council benchmarking its carbon footprint in relation to its digital estate.

The committee discussed the strategy, asking questions about how the council can ensure that it is getting value from its suppliers and whether the council was aware of any other local authorities that were doing well in relation to their digital carbon footprint.

  1. Social impact investing is the practice of investing money in companies, organisations, and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. 

  2. The London Collective Investment Vehicle (LCIV) is a collaboration between the 32 London boroughs and the City of London Corporation, which pools the investment of their pension funds. 

  3. Carbon credits are permits that allow the holder to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. They are bought and sold on a carbon market, allowing companies to offset their carbon emissions.  

  4. The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is the UK regulator of work-based pension schemes. 

  5. The NHS Long Term Plan was published in January 2019. The reference in the transcript to a consultation on the plan is incorrect, and should probably be a reference to a consultation on an updated Long Term Plan.  

Islington Planning Committee approves Chiswell Street development.

This week in Islington:

  • The Planning Committee granted permission for a controversial development at 48 Chiswell Street, subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement.
  • Licensing Sub Committee B were due to consider licensing applications from two businesses: World Organic & Wholefoods, and House of Doner.

Planning Committee - Monday 03 March 2025

The Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for the development at 48 Chiswell Street subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement. The application was deferred from previous meetings to allow the applicant to address concerns about the development's height, the provision of affordable workspace, and the proposed social value plan.

48 Chiswell Street

This application sought permission for the partial demolition, recladding, and refurbishment of the existing building at 48 Chiswell Street, alongside the erection of a two-story roof extension to provide additional office floorspace.

Building Height

The proposed development would represent a departure from the Islington Local Plan as it would not comply with Policy DH3, relating to tall buildings.

It's considered that the harm associated with the non-compliant height has been reduced through the introduction of the additional setback.

In particular the committee were concerned about the impact on the nearby Whitbread Estate, but it was decided the impact would be acceptable.

Affordable Workspace

Local Plan policy B4 requires major developments in the Central Activities Zone1 (CAZ) to provide 10% of their floorspace as affordable workspace. The applicant originally proposed to provide this on-site at basement level, but this was deemed unacceptable. The applicant then explored alternative locations for the affordable workspace, and ultimately agreed to a policy-compliant off-site contribution of £2.875 million to be spent by the council towards the provision of affordable workspace elsewhere in the borough.

Social Value Plan

The committee had previously expressed concerns that the proposed social value plan was not sufficiently detailed or relevant. In response to these concerns, the applicant has provided further information on how they intend to generate social value from the site. They have also agreed to fund the delivery of a number of programmes in the surrounding area across a three-year period. These programmes will promote engagement between knowledge economy businesses and local communities, create employment opportunities for local residents, and help support local enterprise. The applicant estimates that the social value plan will generate £1,835,036.40 in social value. The committee was satisfied with the updated social value plan and the applicant's commitment to generating social value.

Roof Terrace

The development proposes to create a number of roof terraces for the tenants. During the meeting concern was raised that a stretch of roof on the west side of the development, overlooking Whitecross Street, could be used as a roof terrace, because any guarding required to make the space safe would have an adverse impact on the building's appearance. It was decided that Condition 27 of the planning permission would be amended to prevent this area being used as a roof terrace. You may recall that similar concerns about the impact of roof terraces on the surrounding area were raised at a meeting of the Planning Sub Committee B on 11 February 2025, when the committee were asked to consider plans to infill two courtyards and enlarge an existing roof terrace at a penthouse flat on 14-22 Coleman Fields.

Licensing Sub Committee B - Tuesday 04 March 2025

The Licensing Sub Committee B meeting was scheduled to discuss two applications for new licences: one for the sale of alcohol at World Organic & Wholefoods, and another for serving hot food after 11pm at House of Doner.

World Organic & Wholefoods

The Licensing Sub-Committee were scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for World Organic & Wholefoods at 495-497 Hornsey Road.

The applicant was requesting permission to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises from 8am to 11pm, seven days a week. The application had been amended to this effect after representations from the Metropolitan Police.

Three residents objected to the application, and another resident supported it. The Metropolitan Police and the Council's Pollution Team withdrew their objections after the applicant agreed to certain conditions.

The sub-committee was scheduled to consider the application and representations in line with the Licensing Act 2003 and Islington Council’s Licensing Policy.

In making its decision the Sub-Committee also considered Licensing Policy 1, in that planning consent had not been obtained prior to making the application.

House of Doner

Councillors were also scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence to serve hot food after 11pm from House of Doner at 88-89 Cowcross Street.

The applicant was requesting permission to serve hot food until midnight from Sunday to Wednesday, until 2am on Thursday and Friday, and until 2.30am on New Year's Day. They had initially sought permission to trade until 3am from Sunday to Wednesday and until 5am from Thursday to Saturday, but amended their application following representations made.

The application was opposed by the Licensing Authority, the Metropolitan Police, the Islington Community Safety Team, and six local residents.

The premises is currently unlicensed, Licensable activities and timings applied for: Late Night Refreshment: Sunday - Wednesday - 23:00 - 03:00, Thursday - Saturday - 23:00 - 05:00 [Framework hrs are Sun-Thurs 23:00 -00:00 and Fri-Sat 23:00-01:00]

Because the premises is in the Clerkenwell Cumulative Impact Area 2, the sub-committee was scheduled to consider the application in line with Licensing Policy 3, which states that:

there is a presumption of refusal unless the Sub-Committee is satisfied that there will be no adverse cumulative impact on the licensing objectives.

The sub-committee was scheduled to determine the application, taking into account all of the representations and the Council’s Licensing Policy.

  1. The Central Activities Zone (CAZ) is an area of central London that is designated for a mix of uses, including offices, shops, and leisure facilities. Islington's portion of the CAZ is in Clerkenwell. 

  2. You may recall that we have discussed Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) in previous emails. CIAs are areas where there is a presumption against granting new licences because of the high concentration of licensed premises in the area. The Licensing Authority will usually object to applications for new licences, or for variations to existing licences, in a CIA, unless the applicant can demonstrate that their application will not add to the existing problems in the area.  

Islington Council sets budget, with 4.99% council tax rise.

This week in Islington:

  • Islington's Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard about the accessibility of Islington's streets, the performance of dockless cycle hire schemes in the borough, and the work of the council's street cleansing team.
  • Licensing Sub Committee A met to consider an application made by the Licensing Authority for a review of the premises licence for The Sekforde Arms, at 34 Sekforde Street.
  • The Executive meeting scheduled for Thursday 27 February 2025 was cancelled.
  • Islington Council adopted the 2025-26 budget and medium-term financial strategy, which included a 4.99% increase in council tax.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 25 February 2025

Islington's Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard from officers and members of the public about a range of topics relating to the council’s transport and environment strategy. Scrutiny committees are responsible for reviewing and scrutinising the work of the council's Executive. They play an important role in holding the Executive to account, and in ensuring that the council is delivering its services effectively. Islington Council has six scrutiny committees, each of which has nine councillors.

You may recall that we discussed the role of scrutiny committees in a previous email.

Accessibility and Inclusivity of Islington Streets

The committee heard evidence from Barbara Tamska, the council’s Inclusive Design Officer, about how she works with officers and councillors across the council to ensure that new developments are designed to be inclusive, as well as how she works with existing council infrastructure to identify and remove barriers to access for disabled people.

You may recall that the Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee discussed the importance of inclusive design at its meeting on 6 February 2025. The committee heard from officers about the challenges of identifying and supporting hidden homelessness, and how traditional approaches can often fail to reflect women’s experiences of rough sleeping. The committee was told that Islington Council had committed to using a new, gender-informed definition of rough sleeping.

The committee heard about the council’s approach to inclusive design, which is embedded in the council's Local Plan and other planning policy documents. The Local Plan is the council’s strategic planning document, and sets out the council’s policies for the use of land in the borough, including housing, employment, and the environment. These policies are informed by the Equality Act 2010 and aim to ensure that the built environment is accessible to everyone, including people with protected characteristics.

The committee also heard from Emmanuel Beck, a resident of Islington and a member of the Thomas Pocklington Trust's North London Sight Loss Council, who described some of the challenges he faces as a visually impaired person navigating Islington’s streets. He described the lack of tactile paving and audible signals as particular issues, noting that he had been involved in an accident as a result of the removal of an audible signal from a pedestrian crossing. He called for more communication from the council about changes to the borough’s streets.

Finally, the committee heard a statement from Disability Action Islington, which highlighted a lack of meaningful engagement with disabled residents and called on the council to commit to embedding the social model of disability in all its policies and practices. The social model of disability recognises that disability is caused by the way society is organised, rather than by an individual's impairment.

Dockless Cycles in Islington

The committee heard about the performance of dockless cycle hire schemes in Islington, a topic that has been discussed at numerous meetings in recent months. The committee heard evidence from Eshwin Prabhu, the council’s Head of Transport Strategy, who explained that the schemes had led to a number of problems associated with badly parked cycles. He explained that the council was working with operators to try and address the issues through a range of initiatives, including the introduction of parking bays and strengthened agreements that set standards on response times for dealing with obstructively parked cycles.

Mr Prabhu said that in the longer term, TfL was developing a pan-London licensing arrangement, which would give the council greater powers to regulate the schemes.

The committee also heard evidence from representatives of Lime and Forest, who explained that their organisations were also taking steps to tackle the problem of badly parked cycles, including through the use of AI to identify and remove them.

You may recall that the issue of badly parked cycles was also discussed at the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting on 14 January 2025, where the committee heard about the council's plans to replace its fleet of refuse trucks with electric vehicles.

Cleaner Streets

Finally, the committee heard from Bill Sinfield, the council’s Acting Assistant Director of Street Environment Services, about the work that the street cleansing team was doing to make Islington a cleaner and greener borough.

The committee heard about the introduction of a new back-office system called Alloy and the Love Clean Streets app, which makes it easier for residents to report issues such as fly tipping and graffiti. The meeting heard that highways services will be moving into Love Clean Streets on 27 February 2025.

The committee also heard from Dan Lawson, Assistant Director of Civil Protection, about the council’s approach to environmental enforcement. Mr Lawson explained that the council’s waste enforcement contractor, Kingdom Services Group, had been transferred to his service in January 2025, and how his team were integrating Kingdom staff into the council’s own enforcement teams.

Licensing Sub Committee A - Wednesday 26 February 2025

The Licensing Sub Committee A of Islington Council met to consider an application made by the Licensing Authority for a review of the premises licence for The Sekforde Arms, at 34 Sekforde Street. After hearing evidence from a range of individuals, the committee decided to modify the existing licence conditions. The decision aimed to relax the existing conditions on the opening of windows and replace the numerical limits on the number of customers drinking outside with demarcated areas.

Licensing Sub Committees are responsible for a wide range of licensing decisions. Islington Council has four Licensing Sub Committees, each of which has three councillors, who are appointed by the Licensing Committee.

You may recall that we discussed the role of Licensing Sub Committees in a previous email.


The Licensing Authority argued that the existing conditions, which were imposed by the Magistrates’ Court in 2019 following a previous review, were no longer appropriate and should be amended to:

improve clarity and reduce ambiguity. They could make it easier for the license holder to comply with the conditions but also improve transparency for residents that the pub has got appropriate arrangements in place to minimise public nuisance issues.

The Sekforde Arms, a gastropub, is located at the junction of Sekforde Street and Woodbridge Street in Clerkenwell. The pub, which is known for its award-winning architecture and its connection to the Sekforde House charity, was previously the subject of a licensing review in 2018. You may recall that, in a previous email, we discussed the changes made to Islington's licensing policy in 2025. These changes aimed to make it easier for the council to grant licences for new pubs and restaurants, but also included stricter controls on the use of outdoor space.

The case for the review

The committee heard from a number of local residents, who spoke in support of the review. These residents, who all live in properties immediately adjacent to the pub, described the pub as a “nuisance” and made a number of allegations about the pub’s management.

The residents’ evidence focussed on a number of alleged breaches of the existing licence conditions, including:

  • Excessive noise from the pub, particularly on weekends when weddings and other private events are held;
  • Failure by the pub’s staff to enforce the existing restrictions on drinking outside, leading to people congregating and making noise in the street;
  • Customers blocking the pavement on Sekforde Street.

The residents also made a number of allegations of intimidation and harassment by the pub's owner and staff, and described feeling scared to leave their homes.

The case against the review

The committee also heard from local residents who opposed the review. They described the pub as a “community asset” and said that they did not feel that the noise from the pub was excessive, particularly given its location in central London.

These residents argued that the pub was an important part of the local community, providing a meeting place for local groups and a social function for residents. They argued that the existing licence conditions were sufficient to protect local residents from noise nuisance, and that the proposed new conditions were unnecessary and would be harmful to the pub’s business.

One resident, Dr Farad Karnal, described how his life had been transformed by a charity called The Sekforde House Trust, which is funded by the pub’s profits. Dr Karnal argued that the pub should be allowed to continue to operate successfully so that it can continue to support the charity.

The licensee's response

The committee then heard from the pub’s owner, Mr David Lonsdale, and the Designated Premises Supervisor, Mr Harry Smith.

Mr Lonsdale described the proposed new licence conditions as “outrageous” and argued that they would force the pub to close. He said that he wanted to create a pub that was “inclusive” and that he was prepared to work with local residents to find a solution that worked for everyone.

Mr Lonsdale admitted that the pub had not always fully complied with the existing licence conditions, but argued that this was because they were “unworkable” and that he and his staff had tried their best to enforce them. He argued that the proposed new conditions were even stricter than the existing conditions, and that he would be forced to appeal against them if they were imposed.

The committee’s decision

The committee considered the evidence presented by both sides and concluded that the existing licence conditions were “no longer appropriate”. The committee were concerned about the allegations made against the pub’s management, but they also recognised that the pub was a valuable asset to the community.

The committee decided to modify the existing licence conditions. The committee’s decision aimed to relax the conditions on the opening of windows and replace the numerical limits on customers drinking outside with demarcated areas.

Islington Council - Thursday 27 February 2025

Islington Council met this week to discuss a range of matters, including the council's final budget for 2025-26.

Public Toilet Provision

The meeting began with a petition calling for better provision of public toilets in Islington. The petition, organised by the Luz Business in Campaign and Age UK, was introduced by Cornelius McAfee, who argued that the existing facilities were “broken and unhygienic”.

Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz, Executive Member for Community Development, responded to the petition, outlining the council’s plans to invest in new automated toilets and changing places facilities, as well as a business engagement campaign to encourage more businesses to allow the public to use their toilets.

You may recall that a petition on the same topic was presented to the council in 2022.

Budget Debate

The final item on the agenda was the budget proposals for 2025-26, which had previously been discussed by both the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee.

The budget included a 4.99% increase in council tax, which Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, argued was necessary to protect frontline services and help the council to deliver its five missions, which include:

  • creating a fairer Islington;
  • making Islington a place where everyone has a safe, decent and genuinely affordable place to call home;
  • making Islington a more environmentally friendly borough;
  • creating an inclusive, thriving local economy for all;
  • making Islington a more child friendly borough.

Councillor Ward explained that the council had made “hard choices” to balance the budget while protecting frontline services.

Councillor Benali Hamdache, Leader of the Opposition, criticised the budget as a product of Conservative austerity.

The Green-led opposition proposed an amendment to the budget, which included a range of initiatives, including:

  • a weight-based surcharge for parking large vehicles in the borough;
  • additional funding for youth and special educational needs (SEN) services;
  • additional funding for blue badge officers to process applications from disabled residents for exemptions from low traffic neighbourhoods.

The amendment was not supported by the Labour group, who argued that it was not properly costed, and the main budget was eventually approved.

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Monday 24 February 2025

Islington's Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee heard evidence from two secondary schools about their approaches to improving school attendance.

Persistent Absence

The committee took evidence from St Aloysius College and Acklin Burley, two secondary schools in the borough, about their approaches to improving school attendance.

You may recall that school attendance has been a recurring theme at meetings in recent months.

The committee heard from Owen Galgee, Assistant Head at St Aloysius College, about their use of a 'dogged' approach to ensuring parents and pupils follow the school’s attendance policy. He described the work of the school’s attendance team in chasing down parents to provide sick notes, and explained that families in the school know that they will be fined if they take their children out of school during term time or if their attendance falls below 96%.

The committee also heard from Martha Collins, Headteacher at Acklin Burley, and Aaron Shufflebotham, the school’s Deputy Head with responsibility for attendance. Ms Collins argued that the school had a number of challenges in improving attendance, including the high proportion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and the fact that many pupils live outside of the borough. She explained that the school had combined its special educational needs, behaviour and attendance functions into a single department, because the school believed that attendance is an educational need.

The committee heard that both schools had implemented a range of strategies to try and improve attendance, including:

  • close monitoring of attendance data;
  • early intervention to address any emerging patterns of absence;
  • a range of in-school and external interventions;
  • working in partnership with other agencies;
  • fining parents who fail to ensure their children attend school regularly.

The committee heard that Acklin Burley were piloting a new scheme in partnership with the Brandon Centre, which provides support for parents who are struggling to get their children into school. The committee also heard about the challenges faced by schools in supporting children with SEND.

Child Friendly Islington

The committee received an update from Tane Townsend, Head of Strategic Programmes, about the council’s Child Friendly Islington scheme. Ms Townsend explained that the scheme aims to make Islington a better place for children to grow up in, and that it is based on the UNICEF Child Friendly Cities Initiative.

Ms Townsend led an interactive session in which the committee members were asked to describe what they thought an ideal experience for children in Islington would look like, and what needed to be put in place to make that ideal experience a reality.

The attendees then shared their ideas, which included:

  • Making Islington's streets safer for children, including by tackling drug dealing and phone muggings.
  • Improving the accessibility of Islington’s public realm, including by providing more drop curbs and ensuring that pavements are free from clutter.
  • Improving access to mental health support for children.
  • Providing more support for young mothers.
  • Providing greater support for young people aged 16 to 18.
  • Providing more cycle lanes and bicycle parking for children, and banning electric scooters from pavements.
  • Making more spaces available for children to grow food.
  • Encouraging children to become involved in civic engagement, including through the use of technology.
  • Creating more spaces for young people to meet, socialise, and develop life skills.
  • Improving the narrative of some of Islington’s social housing estates by making them more vibrant.

Ms Townsend explained that the scheme will be delivered in a phased approach. The first phase will involve taking stock of what the council has already achieved in making Islington a more child-friendly borough. The second phase will involve working with children and young people to define specific objectives for the scheme. The third phase will see a range of initiatives rolled out and tested from August 2025.

Alternative Provision

The committee received a report on alternative provision in Islington.

Alternative provision is education that is provided outside of mainstream schools. This includes pupil referral units, special schools, and other settings.

The report explained that pupils might attend alternative provision for a variety of reasons, including:

  • being permanently excluded from school;
  • being suspended from school;
  • having medical needs that cannot be met in a mainstream school;
  • being electively home educated.

The committee heard that the number of pupils in alternative provision has increased in recent years, and that attendance figures for these pupils tend to be lower than for pupils in mainstream schools. The committee discussed the challenges faced by the council in supporting pupils in alternative provision, and agreed an action to make the council's alternative provision action plan available online.

The committee also discussed flexi-schooling, an arrangement where pupils attend school part-time and are home educated for the rest of the time. The report argued that flexi-schooling is a better alternative to elective home education because it ensures that pupils attend school for some of the time.

Quarter Two Performance Report

The final item on the agenda was the Quarter Two Performance Report for 2024/25. This report provided data on a range of indicators relating to children's services in the borough, including:

  • early years development;
  • school readiness;
  • special educational needs;
  • children in care;
  • youth offending.

The committee noted that there had been a significant increase in the number of primary school pupils being suspended, but the committee heard that this was largely due to a single primary school that had suspended a high proportion of its pupils. The committee heard that the council was working with the school to try and address the issue.

The committee also noted that the attainment of black Caribbean boys in the Year 1 phonics check was lower than the Inner London and national averages, but that it was in line with the average for black Caribbean boys nationally. The committee discussed a number of potential explanations for this, including the possibility that some black Caribbean boys might be entering school without the same level of language development as other children.

The committee agreed to seek clarification from the DfE about the Early Language Support for Every Child scheme, and to investigate what support is available to help parents to get a speech and language diagnosis for their child.

Islington Council: Accounts approved, licensing updates & committee plans.

This week in Islington:

  • The Licensing Sub Committee A meeting, scheduled for 6.30pm on 20th February at the Town Hall, was due to consider applications for new and revised licences for two premises: Detroit Pizza, on Upper Street, and Sandscape, a new business on Stroud Green Road.
  • The Audit and Risk Committee approved the council's statement of accounts for 2023-24, as well as the Pension Fund accounts, and heard from auditors KPMG about their Value for Money conclusions.

Licensing Sub Committee A - Thursday 20 February 2025

The Licensing Sub Committee A was scheduled to consider applications for two premises: Detroit Pizza, on Upper Street, and Sandscape, on Stroud Green Road. No decisions were made in this meeting, and this article will therefore describe only what was scheduled to be discussed.

Licensing Sub Committees are responsible for making decisions on a wide range of licensing matters, including the granting of new licences for the sale of alcohol, the variation of existing licences, and the review of licences where there are concerns about the way in which a premises is being run. Each committee has three councillors, who are appointed by the Licensing Committee, which has 10 councillors.

You may recall that we discussed the role of Licensing Sub Committees in a previous email.

Detroit Pizza, Rear Of, 134-137 Upper Street, London, N1 1QY

Detroit Pizza had applied for a variation to its licence to allow it to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises until 1am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and to add late night refreshment 1 and recorded music to its license at the same times.

The restaurant is located in the Angel and Upper Street Cumulative Impact Area 2. You may recall that we have discussed Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) in previous emails. CIAs are areas where there is a presumption against granting new licences because of the high concentration of licensed premises in the area.

Five local residents submitted representations objecting to the application, raising concerns about noise and anti-social behaviour.

The application was previously scheduled to be decided on 21 January 2025, but the decision was adjourned to allow the applicant to provide more information.

Sandscape, 93 Stroud Green Road, London, N4 3PX

Sandscape, a new business, applied for a new licence to allow it to:

  • Sell alcohol on and off the premises from 6pm to 11pm from Sunday to Thursday, and from 6pm to midnight on Friday and Saturday.
  • Provide late night refreshment from 11pm to midnight on Friday and Saturday.
  • Open from 9am to 11pm from Sunday to Thursday, and from 9am to midnight on Friday and Saturday.

The applicant, Mr Mehmet Sabri Sezek, amended his original application following representations made by the Metropolitan Police, who raised concerns about the hours of operation and the potential for crime and disorder.

Representations were also received from the Council's Community Safety team, and one local resident. The resident’s representation focussed on the potential for the business to increase anti-social behaviour in the area, and noted that the applicant had described the premises as a children's play area. The Community Safety team’s representation noted that For the past six-months, Tollington Ward (which includes the area around 93 Stroud Green Road), has recorded a significant increase in reports of ASB [^3] in relation to drug and alcohol misuse.

Mr Sezek subsequently wrote to the Community Safety Team and the local resident, explaining that the children's play area in the business would be closed at 5pm each day, after which time the premises would operate exclusively as a restaurant and bar. He also said that our revised operating hours have been carefully designed in consultation with the local police and are fully in line with the Islington Licensing Policy framework. Mr Sezek asked the representors to withdraw their representations.

The report pack for the meeting does not include any response to Mr Sezek's letter from the representors.

Audit and Risk Committee - Tuesday 18 February 2025

The Audit and Risk Committee approved the council's statement of accounts for 2023-24, as well as the Pension Fund accounts, and were satisfied with the Auditor's Annual Report and Value for Money conclusions. The Committee noted the decision to end the shared Internal Audit service with Camden, and discussed the future work plan for the Committee.

Audit Committees are responsible for overseeing the council’s financial reporting and internal control systems, and for reviewing the effectiveness of the council's risk management, internal audit and corporate governance arrangements. Islington's Audit and Risk Committee has eight councillors, and is chaired by Councillor Paul Convery.

You may recall that we discussed the role of Audit Committees in a previous email.

Statement of Accounts

The Committee received a presentation from officers about the Statement of Accounts for 2023-24. The auditors, KPMG, were largely satisfied with the accounts. They noted that a number of adjustments had been required and gave an unqualified audit opinion 3, but these did not affect the overall financial position of the council.

The auditors explained the audit process in some detail, and responded to questions from members about it. In particular, they noted the importance of data accuracy in ensuring the accuracy of the accounts. This included data used to assess the value of the council's housing stock. The council use a method called 'beacon valuation' to value its 25,000 homes. They do this by grouping properties into around 600 categories, or 'beacons', based on things like size, number of bedrooms, type of property and location. They then choose a representative property in each group, value that one, and apply that valuation to the rest of the properties in that group.

Internal Audit Shared Service

The Committee discussed a report on the decision to end the shared internal audit service with Camden Council. This arrangement had been in place for 13 years, but the decision had been made to end it, with both Islington and Camden appointing their own, full time, Heads of Internal Audit and Risk Managers.

Members raised concerns about the proposals, particularly around the need for the council to make efficiency savings and the additional cost of the new posts. They were also concerned about the timetable for recruiting to the new posts, with a start date of July 2025, and the potential risks of having a gap in this service while recruitment takes place. Officers explained that they believed the timescale was achievable, but that there were mitigation plans in place should this prove not to be the case.

Forward Plan

The Committee discussed its future work plan, and agreed on three areas for future deep dive scrutiny:

  • A review of the risk register, including the risks associated with falling school rolls, recycling rates, progress towards Net Zero, and councillor involvement in senior staff appointments.
  • An update on the financial position of schools in the borough, and any financial risks to the council associated with school closures or schools becoming academies.
  • An update on the council's parking account.

  1. Late night refreshment is the sale of hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am. 

  2. Cumulative Impact Areas (CIAs) are areas where the number of licensed premises is considered to be so high that it is having a negative impact on the local community. This could be due to things like noise, anti-social behaviour, or crime. 

  3. An unqualified audit opinion is a statement by an auditor that the financial statements of a company are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). 

Islington Council approves school closures consultation & 2025/26 budget.

This week in Islington:

  • The Planning Sub Committee B meeting saw the approval of a new community garden at Sunnyside Community Center, plans for the installation of heat pumps at Archway Leisure Centre, and a controversial proposal to demolish a house on 33-37 Corsica Street and build a new home.
  • The Executive voted to move to formal consultation on the possible closure of St. Jude and St Paul's CofE Primary School and Highbury Quadrant Primary School, and also approved the 2025/26 budget.

Planning Sub Committee B - Tuesday 11 February 2025

The Planning Sub Committee B meeting considered four planning applications: for a new community garden at the Sunnyside Community Center, the installation of heat pumps at Archway Leisure Centre, the infilling of two roof terraces and the enlargement of another at a penthouse flat on 14-22 Coleman Fields, and the demolition of a house on 33-37 Corsica Street and the construction of a new home on the site.

Planning applications are decided by the council’s planning committees. Islington has three area planning committees: North, Central, and South. Each committee has nine councillors, with three councillors from each of the three political groups represented on the council. The committees usually meet once a month to consider planning applications in their area.

You may recall that we discussed the role of planning committees in a previous email.

The committees make their decisions based on the council’s Local Plan, national planning policy, and other material considerations. The Local Plan sets out the council’s planning policies for the next 15 years, and is used to guide decisions on planning applications. It covers a wide range of issues, including housing, transport, employment, and the environment.

33-37 Corsica Street

The committee approved an application to demolish the existing house on 33-37 Corsica Street and build a new home, subject to the developer contributing £9,000 to the planting of three trees elsewhere in the borough. This was the second time that the application had been considered by the committee. It was previously approved in June 2024, but the committee had to reconsider it after receiving a legal challenge from local residents who were unhappy about the loss of a protected tree in the front garden.

The committee heard from both the objectors and the applicant, who is the owner of the existing house and who intends to live in the new home once it is built. The objectors argued that the loss of the tree would have a significant impact on the character of the street, and that the new home would be out of keeping with the surrounding properties. The applicant argued that the new home would be an improvement on the existing house, which is in a poor state of repair, and that the new planting scheme would more than compensate for the loss of the tree.

The committee voted to approve the application by a vote of two to one, with Councillor Penelope Hamdash voting against.

Sunnyside Community Center

The committee approved plans to transform the disused former ballcourt at the Sunnyside Community Center into a landscaped community garden with accessible play equipment. The plans were presented by Councillor Diarmaid Ward, who explained that the proposal would meet the commitments made by the Labour Party in its 2022 local election manifesto to [transform] this unloved patch into a community space at Sunnyside.

You may recall that, at a previous meeting, we heard from residents who were unhappy about plans to replace the existing play equipment at the Sobell Leisure Centre with a new “destination play area”. In that case, the committee decided to defer their decision, in order to allow more time for consultation with residents.

Archway Leisure Centre

The committee approved an application from Islington Council to install air source and water source heat pumps at Archway Leisure Centre. The committee heard from an employee of Vital Energi, who is working on the project. They explained that the new heat pumps would lead to an 83% reduction in CO2 emissions at the leisure centre. The proposals attracted no objections and were approved unanimously.

You may recall that the council has committed to becoming a net-zero carbon borough by 2030. These proposals will help the council to achieve its targets by reducing its own carbon emissions.

14-22 Coleman Fields

The committee approved an application to infill two courtyards and enlarge an existing roof terrace at a penthouse flat on 14-22 Coleman Fields. The committee heard from a representative of Mutiny Architecture, who explained that the proposal would provide the flat with a larger and more functional roof terrace. The application attracted a number of objections from local residents, who were concerned about its impact on their privacy and daylight, but the committee voted unanimously to approve the application.

Executive - Thursday 13 February 2025

The Executive meeting considered a number of reports. This meeting was the first time that the newly elected Executive Member for Community Safety, Councillor Angelo Weekes, had attended a meeting. The Executive is responsible for making decisions on the council’s behalf. It is made up of 10 councillors, all of whom are from the Labour Party, the party which currently has a majority on the council.

As you know, UK local government operates on a “leader and cabinet” system, which means that the leader of the council, who is elected by all the councillors, appoints the members of the Executive, who are known as Executive Members. The Executive is responsible for making decisions on most matters, but some decisions, such as setting the council tax, are reserved for the full council, which is made up of all 51 of the borough's elected councillors.

You may recall that we discussed the role of the Executive in a previous email.

Proposals for the future of St. Jude and St Paul's CofE Primary School and Highbury Quadrant Primary School

The Executive made the decision to move to formal consultation on the possible closure of St. Jude and St Paul's CofE Primary School and Highbury Quadrant Primary School. This decision followed a period of informal consultation on the proposals, which began in December 2024. The Executive heard deputations from parents and teachers at both schools, who expressed their opposition to the proposals.

The Executive heard that pupil numbers at both schools had been falling in recent years, and that the schools were now operating at a significant financial deficit. The Executive were told that there was a surplus of primary school places in the borough, and that the closure of the two schools would help to address this imbalance. The Executive also heard that the school buildings were in need of significant investment, and that the cost of this investment could not be justified given the falling pupil numbers.

You may recall that the Audit and Risk Committee discussed the financial challenges facing schools in the borough at its meeting on 28 January 2025, and the potential risk of schools going into deficit.

The decision to move to formal consultation does not mean that the schools will definitely close. The formal consultation will provide parents, teachers, and other stakeholders with an opportunity to express their views on the proposals, and the council will consider all of the responses before making a final decision.

Final Budget 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy

The Executive approved the final budget for 2025/26 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2029/30.

You may recall that the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee discussed the draft budget at its meeting on 30 January 2025.

The final budget includes a number of changes to fees and charges, including an increase in the cost of resident and business parking permits and a range of new fees. You may recall that Councillor Benali Hamdache raised concerns about the proposed increases in parking charges at the Executive meeting on 16 January 2025.

The budget also includes a number of savings measures, which will be implemented across all council departments. The Executive heard that the council was facing significant financial challenges, but that it had managed to deliver a balanced budget that would protect frontline services.

Corporate Performance Update

The Executive received the Corporate Performance Update for Quarter 2 (July-September 2024). You may recall that the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee received a presentation from Councillor Diarmaid Ward on his annual report on the Resources and Finance directorate at its meeting on 30 January 2025.

The report highlighted that the council was performing well against many of its targets, but that there were some areas where performance needed to improve. The Executive agreed to note the report and to discuss any further actions.

Admissions to Community Schools 2026 to 2027

The Executive approved the admission arrangements for community schools in 2026/27. The report proposed a number of changes to the admissions arrangements, including a reduction in the Published Admission Number (PAN) 1 for Beacon High School and for three primary schools: Hanover, Hargrave Park and Vittoria.

Extension to the Parking Enforcement Services Contract

The Executive approved an extension to the parking enforcement services contract. The current contract is with NSL Limited) and is due to expire on 31 March 2025. The Executive agreed to extend the contract until 30 September 2025, to allow time for the procurement of a new contract.

Appropriation of Land at Finsbury Leisure Centre

The Executive considered a report on the proposed appropriation of land at the Finsbury Leisure Centre for planning purposes. The report relates to a planning application to redevelop the Finsbury Leisure Centre site, which was submitted to the council in September 2024. The proposed development includes a new leisure centre, 198 new homes, and a new GP practice.

The Executive agreed in principle to appropriate the land for planning purposes. Appropriation is a legal process that allows the council to change the purpose for which a piece of land is held. It enables local authorities to override existing third-party rights, such as rights of way or rights to light. These rights would then be subject to statutory compensation rather than potentially hindering the development.

The Executive also agreed to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Community Wealth Building to settle any claims for compensation relating to rights to light or rights of way.

  1. The Published Admission Number (PAN) is the maximum number of pupils that a school can admit to a particular year group. 

Islington Council: Adult Social Care budget & housing for vulnerable residents

This week in Islington:

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 04 February 2025

The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee discussed the budget for Adult Social Care, and explored how the Local Plan can be used to secure more housing for older people and vulnerable adults. The committee also received the Executive Member for Health and Care’s Annual Report.

Adult Social Care Budget

The committee heard that Islington Council has a gross Adult Social Care budget of £163m for 2024/25, with a net budget of £57m to be funded by the Revenue Support Grant and Council Tax. The budget is allocated to a range of services including home care, residential care, nursing care, supported accommodation and other support services.

The committee heard that there is a projected overspend of £739,000 for Quarter 2 (July-September 2024), which is primarily due to the historic under-occupancy of three care homes run by Care UK - Lennox House, Muriel Street and Highbury New Park. The committee was told that these homes are now filling up, and that the overspend is expected to reduce in Quarter 3.

The committee heard that the council is on target to achieve its savings targets for the year, but that there are a number of potential risks to the Adult Social Care budget going forward, including additional demand from the NHS, an increase in the acuity of need of existing service users, funding changes to the NHS, more children transitioning into adult social care, delays to the opening of social care accommodation, and potential slippage in the council’s savings programme.

You may recall that the challenges of meeting the growing demand for Adult Social Care services, and the impact of austerity on local government budgets, has been a recurring theme in recent emails.

Local Plan

The committee heard about how the council’s Local Plan can be used to help increase the amount of social care accommodation in the borough.

You may recall that the Local Plan sets out the council's planning policies for the next 15 years, and is used to guide decisions on planning applications.

The committee heard that Islington's current strategic policy is that 50% of all new housing in the borough should be affordable, with 70% of this affordable housing being social rented housing. On larger sites that provide 10 or more homes, 45% of the affordable housing should be provided without any public subsidy. On smaller sites, the council asks developers to make a financial contribution towards the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the borough.

The committee heard that, in addition to this general requirement for affordable housing, there are also specific planning policies that aim to increase the amount of housing for older people and other vulnerable adults. However, these policies can only be used to secure new homes where there is clear evidence of unmet need.

The committee heard about how the council had recently used these planning policies to secure 60 extra care units at the site of the former Holloway Prison, which is currently being developed by Peabody, a housing association. The committee was told that the council has 100% nomination rights to these homes, meaning that the council will be able to decide who lives in them.

The committee also heard about the Mildmay Extra Care Scheme on Newington Green, which provides extra care housing for older people. The committee discussed how the process of securing new social care accommodation through planning can be made easier for smaller organisations like the Mildmay Extra Care Scheme, which often do not have the same level of expertise or resources as larger developers.

The committee also discussed the potential for the Local Plan to be used to encourage intergenerational living, where older people live alongside younger people. The meeting heard that there is no barrier to this type of development in the Local Plan, and that the council's design policies encourage a good mix of homes of different sizes, and that inclusive design principles are embedded in the Local Plan's policies.

Executive Member for Health and Care Annual Report

Councillor Flora Williamson, the Executive Member for Health and Care, presented her annual report to the committee, highlighting some of the council's achievements in Adult Social Care in 2024. These included the council's work on its Age Friendly Communities programme, the launch of a new Carers Strategy, and the adoption of the new Adult Social Care Accommodation Strategy.

Councillor Williamson also highlighted the council’s new home care framework, which is designed to provide more stability in the home care market and increase the number of local providers. She explained how the council had introduced a new home care framework, designed to provide more stability in the home care market and increase the number of local providers. Councillor Williamson praised the council’s efforts to promote diversity and equality in the Adult Social Care workforce through its Diverse by Design programme and by signing up to the Social Care Workforce Race Equality Standard. She explained how the council is working in partnership with Whittington Health to deliver a new Integrated Front Door Service that acts as a single point of access for all Adult Social Care referrals in the borough.

Councillor Williamson then highlighted some of the challenges that Adult Social Care is facing. She expressed concerns about low rates of uptake for the MMR vaccination, and warned that measles is a serious public health threat to the borough. She also highlighted the ongoing issue of instability in the care market, noting that many providers are facing financial difficulties.

Councillor Williamson then set out her priorities for Adult Social Care in 2025. She said that she would be focusing on reviewing the findings of the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection of Adult Social Care services in Islington, and on developing the council’s locality model. She stated her intention to work with the Islington Food Partnership to tackle food poverty in the borough.

Councillor Chowdhury expressed concern about the impact of government funding cuts on Adult Social Care. He urged Councillor Williamson to meet with the Secretary of State to lobby for increased funding for the sector.

The committee also discussed the timeline for the government’s Adult Social Care Review, noting that the sector had responded with despair to the announcement that the target date for its completion is 2028.

You may recall that the committee has previously discussed the issue of Adult Social Care funding and the need for a national solution to address the funding crisis in Adult Social Care. It is likely that the committee will continue to monitor this issue closely.

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 06 February 2025

The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee heard about a new approach to supporting women experiencing rough sleeping, the results of a pilot scheme in Barnet to lease community assets to local groups, and how Islington is using contractors to carry out repairs to its housing stock.

Rough Sleeping

The committee received a presentation on a new approach to supporting women experiencing rough sleeping, which was piloted by Islington Council in partnership with Solace Women’s Aid and Single Homeless Project.

The committee heard that women’s experiences of rough sleeping are often hidden and do not conform to the English definition of rough sleeping, as women tend to sleep in places like 24-hour McDonalds, rather than bedding down on the street. This can mean that women are missed by outreach services, and that their needs are not reflected in the data that councils use to assess and plan services. The pilot project involved using a new, gender-informed definition of rough sleeping that included experiences such as walking around all night to avoid danger.

You may recall that the committee has previously discussed the challenges of identifying and supporting hidden homelessness.

The committee was told that the pilot had been successful, helping Islington to identify and work with a significant number of women who would not have been found using traditional methods. The committee also heard about the challenges of working with women who are rough sleeping, and the need for a trauma-informed approach that recognises the high levels of violence and abuse that women experience.

The committee heard that Islington Council had committed to continuing with the new definition of rough sleeping and the partnership working arrangements that were established as part of the pilot. The committee also heard about the need for funding to ensure that the pilot can be embedded into the council’s mainstream services.

Community Assets

The committee heard a presentation from Sal Waheed, Head of Property and Portfolio Management at the London Borough of Barnet, about Barnet’s new approach to leasing community assets.

Mr Waheed explained that Barnet has 61 community assets, which are occupied by a range of different groups, including faith groups, arts and culture groups, theatres and sports clubs.

The committee heard that Barnet has recently adopted a new approach to leasing these assets, which includes introducing a 10% service charge to cover major repairs. The committee discussed the rationale for this change and the potential impact on community groups. The committee also heard that Barnet is looking at ways to rationalise its estate, including encouraging community groups to collaborate with one another and share buildings.


The committee heard a presentation from Michael Hall, Assistant Director of Housing Property Services, about the use of contractors and agency staff in the repairs service.

You may recall that the committee has previously discussed the use of agency staff in a range of council services, including social care, and that the committee has expressed concern about the high cost of agency staff and the impact on service quality.

The committee heard that the repairs service was brought back in house in 2014 and is now delivered by a Direct Labour Organisation (DLO). The committee heard that the DLO carries out 86% of repairs, with the remaining 14% being delivered by contractors, who are used for specialist works, long duration works, and to cover peaks in workloads.

The committee heard that the council uses agency staff to provide flexibility for the service, and that they are used to cover long-term sick, maternity leave, and secondments. The committee discussed the council’s legal responsibilities when carrying out repairs, and what happens in situations where repairs are not carried out properly.

The committee also discussed the council’s efforts to recruit more staff permanently, in order to reduce its reliance on agency staff. The committee was told that the service has struggled to recruit surveyors and that it has recently undertaken benchmarking with other boroughs and has increased the salaries offered in an effort to attract more candidates.

You may recall that the council's commitment to reducing its reliance on agency staff was also discussed at the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting on 30 January 2025.

The committee discussed the performance of contractors and what happens when contractors fail to meet the council’s expectations. The committee heard that the council monitors the performance of its contractors and that it will not hesitate to terminate contracts with contractors who do not improve their performance.

Performance Report

The committee received an update on the council’s performance in relation to complaints and asbestos management surveys. The committee heard that the council is working to improve its performance in these areas and that there has been some progress.

Councillor Swift explained that the council has been working to improve its performance in these areas, and that there has been some progress. However, he acknowledged that there is still room for improvement.

You may recall that the committee has previously discussed the council’s performance in relation to complaints, and that the committee has expressed concern about the number of complaints that are upheld by the Housing Ombudsman. The committee was told that the council has introduced a number of initiatives to improve its complaints handling, including a new quality checklist for stage 1 complaints, mystery shopping, and an escalation process.

The committee also discussed the council’s work to complete all of its asbestos management surveys. Mr Swift told the committee that the council had introduced an improvement plan to ensure that 100% of asbestos management surveys would be completed by 31 March 2025.

You may recall that, in previous meetings, the committee has discussed the council’s commitment to becoming a “listening council”, and that the council has been working to improve its complaints handling across all departments. It is likely that the committee will continue to monitor the council’s performance in these areas closely.

Islington Council: Budget concerns & net-zero risks.

This week in Islington:

  • The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee dissected the proposed budget for 2025-26, finding that temporary accommodation costs, agency staffing and a falling birth rate were putting strain on the council’s finances.
  • The Audit and Risk Committee approved the Council Tax base for 2025-26 and heard about the challenges facing the council in delivering its ambitious plans for retrofitting its housing stock and achieving net-zero carbon by 2030.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutinty Committee - Thursday 30 January 2025

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutinty Committee meeting considered Islington’s proposed budget for 2025-26. This was Councillor Diarmaid Ward's third budget presentation in his role as Executive Member for Finance and Performance. The Committee also heard Councillor Ward’s annual report on the Resources and Finance directorate and considered a report on the performance of the Community Wealth Building directorate.

The committee heard that the budget has been produced against the background of the ongoing cost of living crisis, rising inflation, and 14 years of austerity. The Council's external auditors had stated that they were confident in the Council's financial standing, but the committee heard that the council is facing significant financial challenges, particularly in relation to the cost of temporary accommodation and the impact of rising interest rates on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), the separate account that holds the money the Council receives from tenants’ rents.

You may recall that the council's rising expenditure on temporary accommodation was also discussed at the Executive meeting on 28 November 2024.

The budget proposes a number of savings measures to balance the budget, including a reduction in the workforce budget, which relies on reducing the Council's reliance on agency staff. The committee heard that a dedicated workforce controls panel had been established to scrutinise agency appointments.

The committee also heard about plans to reduce the general fund subsidy for vacant places in council-managed children's centres with nurseries in 2027-28. This proposal is due to a predicted fall in the birth rate. The committee heard that there are currently no plans to close any of the Council's 19 children's centres.

The committee also considered the corporate performance of the Community Wealth Building directorate. The committee heard that the directorate had already exceeded its target of getting 5,000 residents into paid work over four years, and had also helped residents to claim £12.5 million in benefits through the Islington Advice Service (IMAX) in the last two years. Councillor Stephen Biggs, Corporate Director for Community Wealth Building, told the committee that the IMAX model works and that he would be looking at ways to increase investment in the service.

The committee heard that the directorate was planning to broaden its range of performance measures to cover all of its services, and that it would be publishing a new strategy later in the year setting out its plans for “ending poverty in Islington”.

Audit and Risk Committee - Tuesday 28 January 2025

The Audit and Risk Committee approved Islington’s Council Tax base for 2025-26 and heard about the financial challenges facing the council in delivering its ambitious plans for retrofitting its housing stock and achieving net-zero carbon by 2030. The committee heard that the council is forecasting a depletion of schools’ balances over the coming years, and that the ongoing cost of living crisis is putting increasing pressure on residents’ finances.

The committee heard that there is a risk that schools in deficit might have to be bailed out by the council, placing additional pressure on the general fund. David Hodgkinson, the council’s Corporate Director of Resources and Section 151 officer 1, stated that:

...if a school is in a negative deficit and they become an academy... they leave to be an academy, if you like, without that deficit and that becomes our problem and that is a fundamental risk of it in terms of the way that's the same for all councils, all schools. So that is, that is a risk for sure.

Councillor Nick Wayne expressed concern that schools with healthy finances might opt out of the Islington network and become academies. The committee discussed the correct approach to dealing with one school, which is planning to join a multi-academy trust that has a substantial deficit.

The committee were concerned about the level of contingency in the 2025-26 budget, which they heard is just £5 million.

The committee also discussed the lack of funding to mitigate climate change. They noted that rising costs had impacted the viability of some of the council's retrofitting projects and that there is a significant risk that the council will not be able to meet its target of becoming net-zero carbon by 2030.

The committee were concerned about the lack of progress on the council's commitment to be net zero carbon by 2030, in particular the lack of funding to decarbonise 25,000 council homes that are still heated by gas boilers. Councillor Caroline Russell highlighted the risks posed by the council's continued reliance on gas and the increasing likelihood of extreme weather events.

Mr Hodgkinson told the committee that:

...without doubt it seems like the biggest challenge that the world has had to deal with in my lifetime. And we need to do everything we can to be ambitious and press on with it.

The committee agreed to do further work on these issues, including undertaking deep dives into the risks associated with the council’s new build programme, the potential impact of social inequalities, and the council’s ability to deliver its capital programme.

  1. The Section 151 officer is the council's Chief Financial Officer. The role is defined in the Local Government Act 1972, which states that the officer must ...have responsibility for the administration of the financial affairs of the authority. 

Thames Water Scrutinised Over Investment Plans and Major Incident Response

This week in Islington:

  • The Licensing Sub Committee C meeting discussed applications for new licences and for variations to existing licences for a number of businesses in the borough, but no video of the meeting has been made available.
  • The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee met with representatives from Thames Water to discuss their investment plans for the borough, the quality of Islington's water supply, and how the company responds to major incidents such as burst water mains.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 23 January 2025

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee met this week with representatives from Thames Water to scrutinise their performance. This is a topic that the committee has returned to a number of times since 2017, when they undertook a review of Thames Water following a major burst water main on Upper Street. The committee heard a presentation from Thames Water, and then questioned their representatives, focussing on water quality, investment in Islington, and the company's response to major events.

Water Quality

The committee heard assurances from Martin Padley, Thames Water's Water Director, about the quality of London's water supply. You may recall that Thames Water was criticised last year for its response to an outbreak of Cryptosporidium 1 in Devon, and for reports of E.coli contamination in Beckenham and Sydenham.

Councillor Rowena Champion, the Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport, raised concerns about a recent report in the Guardian about the discovery of E.coli in Islington's water supply, but Mr Padley assured the committee that this was an isolated incident, caused by a problem with the internal plumbing in a single property.

Paul Wethan, Thames Water's Water Asset Director, reassured the committee about the safety of the borough's reservoirs. He told the meeting that the company's large raw water reservoirs, such as the reservoirs in the Lee Valley and at Walthamstow, are visually inspected every 48 hours by trained technicians. The committee heard that these inspections are overseen by external panel engineers, in accordance with the requirements of the Reservoirs Act 1975. Mr Wethan told the committee that service reservoirs, which hold treated water before it is supplied to customers, are inspected every other day, and that internal inspections are carried out every 3-10 years.

You may recall that, at its meeting on 14 January 2025, the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard from officers about the council's plans to harvest rainwater. Councillor Champion highlighted the environmental benefits of collecting rainwater, but Mr Padley responded that the reservoir storage we have in London is quite small relative to demand.


The committee heard about the age of Islington's water mains, and Thames Water's plans for investing in the borough over the next five year period (2025-2030). The committee was told that 53% of the borough's water mains were installed before 1950, which is higher than the average for London. Thames Water told the committee that 80% of Islington's water mains had been replaced between 2000 and 2020.

The committee heard that Thames Water is planning to significantly increase the rate of mains replacement, from 150km in the previous five year period to 550km in the next five year period. The committee were told about a number of recent projects undertaken by Thames Water in Islington, including the replacement of 2.4km of water mains on Seven Sisters Road. Work is currently underway to replace mains on Offord Road and on Pentonville Road, following a major burst last year.

You may recall that the committee has raised concerns about the age of Islington's water mains in previous meetings. At its meeting on 6 January 2025, the Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee discussed the rise in the number of no-fault evictions in the borough, and the challenges of finding suitable temporary accommodation for homeless families. Councillor Swift, the Director of Housing Operations, told the committee that the council was forecasting a significant overspend on temporary accommodation, primarily due to an increase in demand for and the cost of temporary accommodation. The Executive approved the council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy on 28 November 2024. The strategy identified extra care housing as a key element in the council's efforts to prevent and relieve homelessness.

The committee heard that Thames Water will be prioritising Islington in its investment plans for the next five year period, but that the company was unable to share detailed plans at this stage because they were currently awaiting the final determination from Ofwat, the industry regulator.

Ofwat's final determination sets limits on the amount that water companies can charge their customers, and sets performance targets, including targets for reducing leakage and pollution. The committee were told that Thames Water was considering whether to accept Ofwat's final determination or appeal to the Competition and Markets Authority, and would decide by 18 February 2025.

Councillor Claire Jeeps, a member of the committee, highlighted residents' concerns about the potential for water bills to increase, particularly for vulnerable residents who are already struggling with the cost of living crisis. Mr Padley responded by saying that Thames Water has committed to providing financial support to 647,000 households, or 10% of its customer base, in the next five year period, and that in Islington 16% of customers already receive support with their water bills.

Major Events

The committee heard from residents and councillors about a number of incidents where Thames Water's communications and response times had been inadequate. The Islington South MP, Emily Thornberry, submitted a question in advance of the meeting, highlighting the case of a major incident on Horton Road where residents in three blocks of flats were without running water for over a week. Residents reported feeling completely lost, with no leadership or crisis plan from Thames Water.

The committee were told that Thames Water had taken steps to improve its response to major incidents, including:

  • introducing a new structure for managing incidents, with a dedicated communications team operating 24/7;
  • hiring more full-time staff to manage communications during incidents;
  • introducing night technicians across London to ensure that engineers are always available to respond to incidents immediately.

Councillors expressed concerns about the use of WhatsApp as the primary method of communication during major incidents.

The committee also heard about the experience of a resident who had been billed £820 for water used during a leak. Although Thames Water had eventually accepted responsibility and repaired the leak, they had still charged the resident for the water and had taken the money from her account. The resident had eventually received a credit on her account, but only after weeks of trying to resolve the issue with Thames Water via WhatsApp.

Councillor Troy Gallagher asked what Thames Water had done to change its culture since the last time they had appeared before the committee in 2022. Mr Padley replied that it's changed quite a lot, but conceded that it's got further to go.

The committee asked Thames Water to return in 12 months' time to provide an update on its progress.

Licensing Sub Committee C - Tuesday 21 January 2025

The Licensing Sub Committee C was scheduled to consider applications for new licences and variations to existing licences for a number of businesses in the borough. No video of the meeting has been made available.

  1. Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis. Both the parasite and the disease are commonly known as Crypto.  

Islington Council: Draft budget adopted for 2025-26.

This week in Islington:

  • The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee had a busy meeting this week, discussing greening in Islington, hearing an update on the Climate Action SPD 1 and Retrofit Handbook, and receiving annual updates on the Circular Economy and the Council's Net Zero Carbon Programme.
  • The Executive adopted the draft budget for 2025-26, heard about procurement strategies for CCTV and the Harvist Estate 2 Retrofit works, and considered the Cost of Living Scrutiny recommendations.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 14 January 2025

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting discussed the council's progress towards creating a greener, healthier borough, hearing presentations from Andrew Bedford, Assistant Director for Green and More Active Borough, John Ryan, Head of Natural Environment, Matt Bonamy, Head of Transport Strategy, and Sakiba Gerda, Head of Planning Policy and Development Viability. The committee also heard a deputation from Jana Rock, an Islington Greener Together Champion from the Earlstock Estate 3. The meeting then received annual updates on the Circular Economy and the Council's Net Zero Carbon Programme from Sarah Hitchcock, Head of Climate Action.

Greening in Islington

You may recall that the committee last discussed the council's progress in creating a greener borough at its meeting on 12 November 2024. As you know, the council has committed to increasing tree canopy cover to 30% by 2050 and to creating a 1.5 hectare increase in public green space by 2030. At the 12 November 2024 meeting, the committee heard from representatives from Octopus Community Network about their plans to develop a Nature Neighbourhood in Tufnell Park.

This week, the committee heard a presentation from Mr Bedford about the council's plans for green streets, which will be delivered through a number of initiatives, including its Liveable Neighbourhoods Programme, its street tree planting programme, and the Islington Greener Together Scheme. The committee were told that the council had secured £300,000 in funding for tree planting in 2025 and was working to plant 600 more trees than it loses each year. The committee heard that 24% of the borough had been covered by Liveable Neighbourhoods, with a further 37% planned.

You may recall that the council's plans for Liveable Neighbourhoods were last discussed by the committee at its meeting on 5 November 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Caroline Russell asked whether it would be possible for councillors to use their ward budgets, known as the Small Improvement Licence (SIL), to fund additional greening measures.

The committee were told that the council had been successful in securing funding for a number of projects to support the delivery of greening in the borough, including the Highways Greening Accelerator programme and the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund. The committee heard how these projects were helping to improve the council's capacity to deliver greening through developing its staff's skills and knowledge and exploring new ways to attract green finance.

The committee discussed the idea of converting some of the 250 stub roads 4 in the borough into pocket parks 5, noting that these schemes could potentially attract green finance from organisations like WSP, a global engineering professional services consulting firm.

Councillor Russell asked about the difference between Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) 6 and Liveable Neighbourhoods, noting that Islington had put in a number of LTNs during the pandemic. She asked whether there was a plan to retrofit LTNs to deliver the additional benefits associated with Liveable Neighbourhoods, such as greening, walking, cycling, and placemaking.

The committee also discussed how the council would work with residents to implement the pocket parks programme. The meeting heard that the information was currently being used to inform the Liveable Neighbourhood programme.

Ms Rock told the committee that she found it challenging to find space to store materials for her gardening projects, and asked for more support from the council.

Climate Action Supplementary Planning Document

The committee received an update on the progress of the Climate Action SPD and the Retrofit Handbook.

As you may recall, the committee last discussed these documents at its meeting on 17 July 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Gary Heather raised the issue of greywater 7 recycling.

The meeting was told that the council had been working on the SPD for a long time and that it had been through a number of iterations. Ms Gerda explained that the SPD was a technical document, primarily aimed at planning stakeholders and that the Retrofit Handbook was a more accessible document aimed at residents and businesses.

The meeting heard how the council had worked with residents during the development of the documents, and that there had been a lot of interest in the retrofitting of homes.

The committee were told that there is a dedicated officer in place to provide free, pre-application advice to residents and businesses who were interested in undertaking retrofit projects.

The committee discussed the importance of publicising the documents and the role that councillors could play in this. The meeting heard that the council would be working to develop a communications strategy, including the production of leaflets about specific topics, such as solar panels.

Councillor Jeeps asked about the support that was available to council tenants, and whether the committee could do more to encourage investment in retrofitting social housing. He noted that the council's poorest residents would continue to be disproportionately affected by high energy bills if their homes were not properly insulated. Ms Gerda replied that the council would be working with colleagues in legal and housing to address this issue.

Councillor Potts asked whether the council had considered using its permitted development rights 8 to follow the example set by Kensington and Chelsea Council, which has a permitted development right for solar panels on unlisted buildings. Ms Gerda replied that the take-up had been low in Kensington and Chelsea, and that the council would instead be focusing on providing free advice and support to residents.

12 Month Update on The Circular Economy and Green Jobs Review

The committee received a 12-month update on the progress made on the recommendations from the Circular Economy and Green Jobs Review, which was undertaken by the committee in 2022-23.

Ms Hitchcock explained that the council had completed year one of its Recycling and Weight Reduction Plan, and had run a successful programme of repair and reuse events in partnership with community groups. The committee heard that the council had been working with the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to promote reusable nappies and period products, and that this had led to an increased uptake of these items.

Councillor Champion explained that the council had been working with the NLWA and with London Energy, the waste management company which operates the NLWA’s energy recovery facility in Edmonton, to improve the Reuse and Recycling Centre on Hornsey Street 9.

Councillor Russell asked about the work the council was doing to improve the lives of delivery riders. The meeting heard that the council had been working with Transport for London (TfL) to provide a dedicated motorcycle bay for delivery riders at Highbury Corner 10, and that the council was working with delivery riders to provide them with support. Councillor Champion noted that it is the model in itself that is the issue because riders are under pressure to complete deliveries as quickly as possible.

Councillor Heather asked about progress towards the council's target of reaching 40% recycling by 2030. Mr Bedford explained that the council was working to develop proposals to address this, including considering options for the introduction of food waste collections from all properties in the borough. Councillor Champion highlighted that the government would require councils to offer food waste collections to all properties by 2026, and that the council expected to receive funding from the government's Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for packaging.

The EPR scheme will make producers of packaging responsible for the full cost of managing packaging waste. The scheme is intended to encourage producers to use less packaging, design packaging that is easier to recycle, and increase the recycling of packaging.

Councillor Hayes asked for an update on the Community Energy Scheme. Councillor Champion told the committee that the council was currently evaluating the scheme.

12 Month Update on The Overview of the Council's 2030 Net Zero Carbon Programme Review

The committee received a 12-month update on the progress of the Council's Net Zero Carbon Programme. The report set out the council's progress on a range of projects, including a pilot scheme to introduce food waste collections from flats above shops, the development of a new model Passivhaus at Highbury Quadrant 11, and the retrofitting of council buildings.

As you may recall, at its previous meeting, the committee had discussed the difficulties of attracting green finance. The meeting heard that rising costs had impacted the viability of some of the council's retrofitting projects, including the Borley Road Passivhaus project. The committee were told that the council was continuing to develop plans for retrofitting its corporate buildings, but that it was facing challenges securing the necessary funding.

Councillor Ward announced that he would be writing to the government about the lack of funding for retrofitting.

Executive - Thursday 16 January 2025

The Executive meeting welcomed the new Executive Member for Community Safety, Councillor Angelo Weekes, to his first meeting. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Una O’Halloran, Leader of the Council. The Executive agreed to adopt the draft budget for 2025-26 and approved the procurement strategies for CCTV and for refurbishment work to Harvist Estate. The Executive also received a report on the council's response to the Cost of Living Crisis Scrutiny recommendations.

The Draft Budget

Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, introduced the draft budget for 2025-26. He thanked the officers involved in its preparation and told the meeting that the council had faced significant financial challenges, but had managed to deliver front-line services for residents and continue to implement new policies and schemes. He explained that the council tax would be increased by 4.99% in 2025-26, to reflect the 2.99% increase to the core council tax and the 2% increase to the adult social care precept.

Councillor Ward told the meeting that “none of us are talented enough to reverse 14 years of Tory austerity in six months” and explained that this was one reason why the council was having to continue to make cuts. However, he said that the new Labour government had promised to implement multi-year financial settlements for local government from next year, and that he expected this to be a “game changer” for councils like Islington.

You may recall that, at its previous meeting, the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard that rising costs had impacted the viability of some of the council's retrofitting projects. This is a recurring theme, and it is likely that the council will need to find new and creative ways to fund its ambitions for creating a greener, healthier borough if it is to meet its target of becoming net-zero carbon by 2030.

Councillor Benali Hamdache raised a number of concerns about the budget, including the potential impact of the proposed increase in charges for resident parking permits and the 17% increase in the NLWA levy.

Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong raised concerns about the impact of the budget on children and young people, noting a range of proposed cuts. Councillor Michelline Safi Ngongo, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families, responded to his concerns, explaining that the council was working with our VCS and across different portfolios to ensure that children in Islington had the best start of life, noting that sometimes we need to do things differently. The Executive approved the draft budget proposals and agreed to recommend them to Full Council for final approval.

The Procurement Strategy for CCTV Provision

Councillor Weekes presented a report setting out the council's procurement strategy for the supply, installation and maintenance of CCTV equipment. The report noted that there were currently over 2,100 CCTV cameras in the borough, and that footage from on-street cameras was monitored 24/7 from the council's control room. The meeting heard how CCTV footage had been used in a number of high-profile cases, including murder investigations, as well as in the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour.

Councillor Hamdache asked whether the procurement process would ensure that any new CCTV technology procured by the council would be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations, noting that he was concerned about the potential for facial recognition technology to be misused. Councillor Weekes assured him that these issues would be addressed as part of the procurement process. The Executive agreed with the recommendations of the report and approved the procurement strategy.

The Procurement Strategy for the Harvist Estate Retrofit Works

Councillor John Woolf, Executive Member for Housing, presented a report setting out the procurement strategy for a new programme of refurbishment works to Harvist Estate. Councillor Woolf highlighted that the works would include the replacement of cladding, windows, and roof finishes, the installation of new air source heat pumps, and other works to improve energy efficiency, building safety, and the quality of the internal environment.

The committee were told that the works would cost around £45m and would be delivered over a three-year period, with a start date of November 2025.

You may recall that the previous procurement strategy for this project, for the replacement of defective fire doors, was discussed by the Executive at its meeting on 24 October 2024.

The meeting heard that a Resident Steering Panel had been established to oversee the works. Councillor Champion thanked the housing team for their work on the project. The Executive agreed with the recommendations of the report and approved the procurement strategy.

The Response to the Cost of Living Crisis Scrutiny Recommendations

Councillor Ward introduced the council's response to the recommendations made by the Cost of Living Crisis Scrutiny, which was undertaken by the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee (which has now been superseded by the Executive and Scrutiny committees).

You may recall that Councillor Ward previously introduced the council’s interim response to the Cost of Living Crisis Scrutiny recommendations at the Executive meeting on 24 October 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Hamdache asked for an update on plans for a new Warm Hub at the Drovers Centre in Holloway. The meeting heard that the Drovers Centre is not a council-owned building, so the council was exploring alternative options for establishing a Warm Hub in Holloway.

This week, Councillor Ward told the Executive that the council had accepted all of the recommendations and was implementing many of them. The meeting heard that the council had already established a number of drying lines on estates as part of its Thriving Neighbourhoods Programme.

Councillor Hamdache asked whether the report should have mentioned the work the council had already undertaken in installing drying lines, and Councillor Ward assured him that he would “shout about it”. The Executive formally agreed with the council’s response to the Scrutiny recommendations.

This is another example of the council's commitment to working in partnership with residents and communities, and to listening to and responding to their concerns.

  1. A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides more detailed advice or guidance on policies in the Local Plan. They are not part of the statutory development plan, but they are a material consideration when determining planning applications.  

  2. Harvist Estate is a large council estate in Arsenal ward, situated between Hornsey Road, Seven Sisters Road and Blackstock Road. 

  3. Earlstock Estate is a council estate located near Gillespie Road and the Emirates Stadium. 

  4. Stub roads are roads that have been closed at one end, often to prevent through traffic. 

  5. Pocket parks are small parks, often created on vacant or underused land. 

  6. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) are areas where motor traffic is restricted. They are designed to encourage walking and cycling and create a more pleasant environment for residents.  

  7. Greywater is wastewater generated from domestic activities such as dishwashing, laundry and bathing, which can be reused for non-potable purposes such as irrigation. 

  8. Permitted development rights allow certain types of work to be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission.  

  9. The Reuse and Recycling Centre on Hornsey Street is the main council facility for the disposal of household waste and recycling. 

  10. Highbury Corner is a major junction in the borough, where Holloway Road, St Paul's Road, Highbury Park and Highbury Place meet. 

  11. Highbury Quadrant is a major junction in Highbury ward, where Holloway Road, Highbury Park, Highbury New Park and St Paul's Road meet. 

Islington Council: Housing concerns & school attendance strategy debated.

This week in Islington:

  • The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee discussed housing performance, the challenges of homelessness and no-fault evictions, and heard evidence from the Bromley by Bow Centre about their approach to community centres.
  • The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee heard evidence from a range of experts about school attendance and were updated on the council's efforts to improve attendance across the borough.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee B was scheduled to consider two applications for new premises licences, for Doppio Zero at 4 Gillespie Road and for Chicken Cottage Holloway Road.

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday 06 January 2025

The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee met on 6 January 2025 to discuss a range of issues relating to housing in the borough. The committee discussed a report on housing performance in the second quarter of the financial year and then heard a presentation from Elie Dedecker, the Chief Executive of the Bromley by Bow Centre, on their approach to community centres. They then discussed the upcoming schedule for the committee.

Housing Performance

The committee received the second quarter performance report on housing in Islington, which included data on tenant satisfaction, repairs, rent arrears, homelessness and temporary accommodation. You may recall that these issues were last discussed at the committee's meeting on 14 October 2024. The report found that performance had been strong across most metrics, but highlighted a number of areas of concern, including that the number of people in temporary accommodation had increased by 16.3% in the past year, that there had been a 50% rise in homelessness due to no-fault evictions, and that 65% of complaints upheld by the Housing Ombudsman related to repairs. Councillor Ian Swift, Director of Housing Operations, introduced the report.

The committee discussed the reasons for the rise in no-fault evictions, which allow landlords to evict tenants without having to give a reason, and the lack of registration of private landlords with the council. As you know, Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 allows landlords to evict tenants on Assured Shorthold Tenancies at the end of the fixed term, or during a periodic tenancy, without having to give a reason.

The committee were told that the council is working on a number of initiatives to address the issue of no-fault evictions, including increasing the number of council homes available for rent, providing more support to tenants at risk of eviction, and lobbying the government to change the law. The committee also discussed the importance of private landlord registration, which helps the council to monitor standards in the private rented sector and to identify rogue landlords.

The committee also discussed the challenges of finding suitable accommodation for people who are homeless. The meeting heard that the council is currently struggling to find enough temporary accommodation for homeless families, and that the cost of temporary accommodation is rising. You may recall that the council's rising expenditure on temporary accommodation was also discussed at the Executive meeting on 28 November 2024.

The committee agreed to request a report on the council’s plans to increase the supply of temporary accommodation.

The committee also discussed the performance of the council’s repairs service. The meeting heard that the council is working to improve the performance of its repairs service, but that there are still some challenges. You may recall that the performance of the repairs service was last discussed by the committee at its meeting on 14 October 2024. At that meeting, the committee heard that the council was working to improve the quality of its repairs service, and to reduce the number of complaints.

The committee also discussed the council’s work to reduce rent arrears. The meeting heard that the council is working to improve its rent collection rates, and that it is providing more support to tenants who are struggling to pay their rent.

Bromley by Bow Centre

The committee heard a presentation from Elie Dedecker, Chief Executive of the Bromley by Bow Centre, on its approach to community centres.

You may recall that, in previous meetings, the committee has shown an interest in hearing from other providers about their approaches to community centres.

The Bromley by Bow Centre is a charity that provides a range of services to the community, including a health centre, a nursery, an adult education centre, and a community cafe. The committee heard how the centre works in partnership with the NHS and Tower Hamlets Council to deliver integrated services, and how it relies on a wide variety of funding streams to deliver its services. The committee also heard about the centre’s challenges, including the increasing demand for its services, the pressure on funding, and the siloed nature of the different sectors that it works with.

The committee discussed the lessons that could be learnt from the Bromley by Bow Centre's experience, and how those lessons could be applied to the council’s own approach to community centres.

Work Programme

The committee discussed the upcoming February work programme. This included discussion about whether to hold separate scrutiny sessions for housing associations and contractors, and how to ensure that these sessions were productive. The committee heard that, in previous years, many housing associations had not attended these meetings, and those that did arrive with pre-prepared speeches that did not address the committee’s concerns. The committee agreed to send questions to housing associations in advance of the meeting, in order to ensure that they were prepared to answer the committee’s questions.

You may recall that the committee has raised concerns about the responsiveness of housing associations in the past.

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 07 January 2025

The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee met on 7 January 2025 to discuss school attendance and heard evidence from a range of experts on the topic.

School Attendance

The committee received a report on the progress of the Attendance Strategy for Islington schools, which aims to improve school attendance by 1% by the Summer Term of 2025. The committee heard about the work the council is doing to support schools to improve attendance, including the development of a borough-wide Attendance Summit to be held in May 2025, targeted work with schools that are struggling with attendance, the introduction of an Attendance Mentor programme, and the development of three Family Hubs in the borough.

The committee also heard about the national picture in relation to school attendance, including the impact of the pandemic and the increasing prevalence of mental health problems amongst children and young people. The committee discussed the importance of schools taking a “support first” approach to attendance, and of working with parents to identify and address the root causes of poor attendance.

The committee also discussed the importance of ensuring that schools were aware of their statutory duty to submit their attendance data daily to the Department for Education's central portal.

The committee also discussed the impact of the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill, which received Royal Assent in December 2024, on the council’s work to improve school attendance. The Bill requires schools in England to promote the wellbeing of pupils, and the council is currently reviewing its Early Help offer to take account of the new legislation.

You may recall that the council’s plans to improve school attendance were last discussed by the Executive at its meeting on 28 November 2024.

Evidence from Experts

The committee also heard evidence from a range of experts on the topic of school attendance. These included:

  • Place2Be, a charity that provides mental health services for children in schools. The committee discussed the challenges of embedding a “whole school approach” to mental health, and the importance of early intervention and support for families.

You may recall that Place2Be gave evidence to the committee on a previous occasion, on 15 October 2024.

  • Dr Jill Sasseni, Principal Educational Psychologist, who gave a presentation on Emotional-Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA), the phenomenon previously known as ‘school refusal’. Dr Sasseni explained how understanding the ‘function’ of a child’s non-attendance is crucial to developing effective interventions. She told the committee about the council's new EBSNA Protocol for Schools, which is designed to help schools understand and meet the needs of children who are not attending school.

The committee discussed the challenges of implementing the protocol in schools, and the need for greater accountability for schools who are not following the best practice outlined in the protocol.

Licensing Sub Committee B - Tuesday 07 January 2025

The Licensing Sub Committee B meeting was scheduled to include discussion of two applications for new licences, for premises at 4 Gillespie Road and 169 Holloway Road. The meeting was also scheduled to consider whether to exclude the public and press for some items.

Doppio Zero, 4 Gillespie Road, London, N5 1LN

This application for a new premises licence for Doppio Zero was scheduled for consideration following the receipt of representations from three local residents objecting to the application. The application requested permission to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises, to provide regulated entertainment in the form of recorded music, and to open until 11pm on weekdays and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

The residents’ representations raised a number of concerns about the application, including the potential for crime and disorder, public nuisance, and public safety. The residents highlighted that the applicant had been selling alcohol without a licence, that they had erected an unauthorised extension to the premises, and that they had been playing music too loudly.

You may recall that the council has a Statement of Licensing Policy, which sets out its approach to licensing decisions. The policy is based on the four licensing objectives:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

The Licensing Sub-Committees are required to have regard to the Licensing Policy when making licensing decisions.

Chicken Cottage Holloway Road, 169 Holloway Road, London, N7 8LX - New Licence Application

This application for a new premises licence for Chicken Cottage Holloway Road was scheduled to be considered following the receipt of representations from the Metropolitan Police and the Licensing Authority. The application requested permission to sell Late Night Refreshment from 11pm to 2am every day, and to open until 2am every day.

The Metropolitan Police raised concerns that the application did not provide enough information about how the premises would be managed, and that the hours requested were outside of those set out in the council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.

The Licensing Authority also raised concerns about the application, highlighting that the applicant had not provided enough information about where delivery drivers would wait and pick up orders. The report notes that the premises is situated in an area with several late-night takeaway and delivery food businesses, which can lead to noise and anti-social behaviour from delivery drivers.

Exclusion of the public and press

The meeting was also scheduled to consider whether to exclude the press and public from the meeting for some items. This is a decision that the committee can make under the Local Government Act 1972, where it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The committee must give reasons for its decision.

New Director of Safeguarding to be Appointed in Islington?

This week in Islington:

  • The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee discussed adult social care accommodation, heard a performance update from the London Ambulance Service, and considered the annual report of the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board.
  • The Licensing Committee meeting was scheduled to confirm the minutes of its previous meeting and to consider proposed changes to the membership of one of its Licensing Sub-Committees.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee A considered an application for a new premises licence from London Lebanese Grill and another from Blooms Yard.
  • The Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the vacant Director of Safeguarding and Family Support post.

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 17 December 2024

The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee heard evidence from two providers of Adult Social Care accommodation in the borough, received a performance update from the London Ambulance Service, reviewed the annual report of the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board, and heard an update on the performance of the council's Public Health objectives for the first quarter of 2024-25.

Adult Social Care Accommodation

The committee heard presentations from Centre 404, a charity that provides accommodation and support for people with learning disabilities, and Mildmays Extra Care, a provider of Extra Care housing in Islington.

Centre 404's presentation focused on the importance of person-centered care and the challenges of finding suitable accommodation for people with learning disabilities. The committee heard that Centre 404 currently supports 62 people across eight supported living services in the borough, all of which provide 24-hour support. The committee was told that the process of finding suitable accommodation can take up to eight months, depending on the availability of accommodation, the level of need of the service user, and if the accommodation needs to be adapted to meet their needs.

You may recall that the difficulties of finding suitable accommodation for vulnerable people in Islington was discussed at the Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 November 2024. At that meeting, the committee heard evidence from Housing LIN, a national centre of excellence on housing with care and support. They highlighted the particular challenges faced in densely populated urban areas, where suitable accommodation is in short supply and costs are high.

Mildmays Extra Care provides 87 self-contained flats for people over the age of 55 in Islington. The committee heard about the range of activities that they provide for their residents, including trips to Southend, creative writing workshops, and days out to Arsenal Football Club. The committee heard how the Extra Care model, in which residents have their own tenancies but can access support when they need it, helps to promote independence.

You may recall that the Executive approved the council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy on 28 November 2024. The strategy identified extra care housing as a key element in the council's efforts to prevent and relieve homelessness.

London Ambulance Service

The committee heard a performance update from James Johnson, Associate Director of Operations for the London Ambulance Service (LAS). The LAS is responsible for providing ambulance services across the whole of London.

The committee heard that the LAS is under considerable pressure, with demand for its services exceeding the levels usually experienced at New Year. Mr Johnson told the committee that only 50% of 999 calls result in an ambulance being dispatched, and that only half of those dispatched ambulances actually convey the patient to hospital.

You may recall that the LAS's performance was also discussed by the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health on 11 November 2024. The committee raised concerns about the impact of winter pressures on the ambulance service, and the implications for patient safety.

The committee questioned the impact of the NHS 111 service on demand for A&E, and were told that the LAS was working with its partners to develop a multidisciplinary team that would act as an additional filter to direct patients to the most appropriate service.

The committee were informed about the range of initiatives that the LAS has implemented to try and address the increasing demand for its services, including the introduction of mental health ambulances, investment in training for members of the public in CPR and defibrillation, and working to reduce the number of defib deserts - areas of London where there is a lack of public access to defibrillators.

Islington Safeguarding Adults Board

The committee considered the annual report of the Islington Safeguarding Adults Board (ISAB), which is responsible for ensuring that adults at risk in Islington are kept safe from harm.

The committee heard that there had been a significant increase in safeguarding referrals to the council, which Fiona, the independent chair of the ISAB, suggested was a positive sign, as it indicated greater awareness of safeguarding amongst professionals and members of the public. However, she told the committee that only 12-15% of referrals resulted in a safeguarding enquiry.

The ISAB highlighted the challenges of addressing concerns about adults at risk in their own homes, as social workers do not have the automatic right of access to private residences.

The committee raised questions about cuckooing and financial abuse, both of which can have a significant impact on vulnerable adults. You may recall that the Executive discussed the council's response to a recent Scrutiny Review of its approach to tackling complex anti-social behaviour at its meeting on 28 November 2024. The meeting heard that the council had been particularly successful in tackling cuckooing.

The ISAB told the committee that they were working to improve understanding and awareness of cuckooing, and that the council has a dedicated cuckooing panel, which brings together professionals from housing, social care and the police to address concerns.

Fiona told the committee that the ISAB had been working with banks to raise awareness of financial abuse and to encourage them to report concerns to the council. She also emphasised the importance of individuals making arrangements for trustworthy people to act as Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and taking steps to protect themselves from scams.

Public Health Update

The committee heard an update from Jonathan O'Sullivan, Director of Public Health, on the performance of Islington’s public health objectives for Quarter 1 of the 2024-25 financial year.

The report contained a number of key performance indicators, including smoking rates, cardiovascular mortality, vaccination rates, and access to drug and alcohol treatment services.

Mr O'Sullivan told the committee that Islington's smoking rate had fallen significantly over the last 20 years, from 33% to 13%, and was now close to the national average. The committee were informed that performance on vaccination rates remained challenging.

The committee heard about the work the public health team was doing to improve outcomes for people accessing drug and alcohol treatment, including increasing the number of treatment workers, expanding access to residential rehabilitation, and introducing a new online and weekend peer support service.

Councillor Burgess expressed concerns about the increase in cardiovascular mortality in recent years, which Mr O'Sullivan confirmed was a key area of focus for his team.

You may recall that the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee received a report on the council's progress in tackling climate change at its meeting on 3 December 2024. That report included a focus on improving air quality, which is an important factor in cardiovascular health.

Licensing Committee - Tuesday 17 December 2024

The Licensing Committee meeting was scheduled to confirm the minutes of its previous meeting and to consider proposed changes to the membership of one of its Licensing Sub-Committees. No video of this meeting was provided, so it is not known if any decisions were made.

You may recall that Licensing Sub-Committees play a vital role in ensuring that licensed premises in Islington are run responsibly, and in balancing the rights of businesses to operate with the rights of local residents to enjoy peace and quiet. It is therefore important that the Sub-Committees are comprised of experienced councillors who have a good understanding of the licensing regime.

Licensing Sub Committee A - Tuesday 17 December 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee A considered two applications for new premises licences. The committee considered an application for the London Lebanese Grill at 120 St John Street, and another from Blooms Yard at 4-10 North Road. No video of this meeting was provided.

Employment and Appointments Committee - Wednesday 18 December 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the vacant Director of Safeguarding and Family Support post. The Director of Safeguarding and Family Support is a key role in the council, responsible for ensuring that children and vulnerable adults in Islington are protected from harm.

You may recall that this committee recently appointed a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care at its meeting on 3 December 2024.

It is vital for the council to have experienced and capable individuals in these senior management roles to ensure that these critical services are effectively delivered.

Islington Council: New Leader Elected & Winter Fuel Allowance Means-Tested

This week in Islington:

  • The Planning Committee gave the go-ahead for an application to demolish and redevelop a site on Tileyard Road, and deferred a decision on a controversial application to extend a building on Chiswell Street.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee C meeting considered applications for new licences and changes to existing licences for a number of bars and restaurants.
  • The Pensions Board heard a presentation from Apex, the fund's independent investment advisers, on the quarterly performance of the fund's investment managers, received an update on administration performance, and received a report from Mercer, the fund's actuaries, on the ongoing triennial actuarial review.
  • The Council elected Councillor Una O'Halloran as the new Leader of the Council, debated a motion calling on the government to extend the move-on period for refugees to 56 days, and voted to means-test the winter fuel allowance.

Planning Committee - Monday 09 December 2024

The Planning Committee considered two applications at its meeting on 9 December 2024. The committee approved a planning application for the demolition and redevelopment of 18-20 Tileyard Road to provide light industrial space at ground floor level and flexible research and development and light industrial use on the upper floors. The committee also approved, subject to conditions and an updated Section 106 Agreement, a planning application to partially demolish, reclad and refurbish the existing building at 48 Chiswell Street, alongside a two-storey roof extension to provide extra office floorspace and retail use at ground level.

You may recall from previous emails that both of these applications were deferred by the committee at its meeting on 14 November 2024. At that meeting, the committee raised concerns about a number of issues, including the loss of daylight to neighbouring properties, the impact on heritage assets, and the applicant's proposals for affordable workspace and social value.

Licensing Sub Committee C - Tuesday 10 December 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee C meeting considered applications for new licences for Go Mezza and Shahs Halal Food, and applications for variations to the existing licences for Grillshack Steakhouse and Cocktail Bar and Ceru.

These applications are likely to be of interest to you, as they relate to the sale of alcohol, the provision of late-night refreshment, and the playing of recorded music. The Licensing Act 2003 gives local authorities a range of powers to regulate licensed premises. Councils can grant, refuse, or revoke licences, and they can also attach conditions to licences to ensure that licensed premises are run in a way that does not cause problems for local residents.

The applications were opposed by a number of local residents who raised concerns about the potential impact of the licences on crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety, and the protection of children from harm.

As you may recall, the Licensing Sub Committees play a vital role in ensuring that licensed premises in Islington are run responsibly, and in balancing the rights of businesses to operate with the rights of local residents to enjoy peace and quiet.

Pensions Board - Tuesday 10 December 2024

The Islington Pensions Board met on 10 December 2024 to discuss the administration and performance of the Pension Fund. The committee heard about the progress of the triennial actuarial review and reviewed the performance of the fund's investments over the last quarter. The meeting also discussed the council’s plans to connect to the Pensions Dashboard, a government scheme that will allow people to view all of their pension entitlements in one place. The committee heard that the council was working with the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) national framework provider to ensure that the fund's data is cleansed and accurate and that the connection is made by the deadline of 31 October 2025.

The committee was told that the value of the fund had risen to £2 billion, but that the fund had underperformed against its benchmark. The meeting was told that this was due, in part, to global factors such as the war in Ukraine and the unstable economic situation, but that steps were being taken to review the fund's investment strategy and ensure it is delivering the best possible returns for members.

You may recall that the council last discussed plans for divesting from companies that are complicit in human rights abuses at the Pension Committee meeting on 3 December 2024. At that meeting, it was agreed to consolidate two existing passive equity funds into a single, pooled fund, using the Paris-aligned benchmark. This allowed the fund to exit its investments from ten companies on the UN's list of businesses involved in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The report pack for the meeting indicated that officers were also seeking ways to divest from a number of travel and tourism companies, but that this was proving to be challenging because of technical and legal reasons.

Council - Thursday 12 December 2024

At the Council meeting on 12 December 2024, Councillor Una O'Halloran was elected as the new Leader of the Council, following the resignation of Kaya Comer-Schwartz at the previous meeting. Councillor O'Halloran promised to build on the work of the previous administration and to deliver on the council's commitments.

The council noted a report on the political balance of the council, following the recent by-election in Junction Ward and the formation of the new Independent and Green Group. The council is now made up of 44 Labour councillors, and 7 councillors in the Independent and Green Group.

The council also debated two motions. The first, proposed by Councillor Heather Staff, was about the need to extend the move-on period for refugees. The motion noted that the Home Office had recently begun trialing a 56-day move-on period, an increase on the current 28-day period, but called on the government to make the change permanent and to do more to support refugees. The motion was passed unanimously.

The second motion, proposed by Councillor Matt Nathan, was about the means-testing of the winter fuel allowance. The motion criticised the government’s plans to remove automatic winter fuel payments for those pensioners not receiving Pension Credit. The motion was amended by Councillor Diarmaid Ward to reflect the fact that the council would be providing a £300 grant to pensioners who were not receiving Pension Credit but were on other low-income benefits. The amended motion was passed.

You may recall that the winter fuel allowance was also discussed at the Executive meeting on 28 November 2024. At that meeting, the Executive agreed to allocate funds from the Household Support Fund to provide a £300 grant to pensioners who were likely to lose out because of the means-testing of the winter fuel allowance.

This is another example of how the council is working to mitigate the impact of central government cuts on Islington residents. As you may recall, the council has previously used the Household Support Fund to provide support to residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help residents with the cost of living. The council has been a vocal critic of the government’s austerity measures, and has argued that they have had a disproportionate impact on Islington.

Islington Council appoints new Director of Adult Social Care

This week in Islington:

  • The Pensions Committee meeting was dominated by discussions about the restructuring of the passive equity portfolio and the potential for divestment from companies involved in human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
  • The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard presentations from community groups and council officers about the Council's efforts to tackle climate change, with a particular focus on reducing e-waste, improving recycling rates and creating nature neighbourhoods.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee D was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Cinnamon Village Whole Foods on Blackstock Road and for Proper Tacos in Nags Head Market.
  • The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee considered a report on complaints about council services, received an update on the council's finances, and discussed the rising cost of temporary accommodation.
  • The Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to meet to interview candidates for the vacant Corporate Director of Environment and Climate role.
  • The Employment and Appointments Committee met to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care.

Pensions Committee - Tuesday 03 December 2024

The Pensions Committee meeting received updates on the performance of the Islington Pension Fund, discussed an interim funding review, progress on the implementation of the Investment Strategy, and the restructuring of the passive equity portfolio. The committee also considered the government's proposal to consolidate the assets of all Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) funds into eight “mega pools”.


The committee discussed the ongoing process of divesting from companies that are complicit in human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). These companies have been listed in a database produced by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The committee were informed that the Pension Fund currently holds investments in 10 of these companies. You may recall that the committee discussed the possibility of divesting from these companies at its meeting on 10 July 2024.

The committee heard that the consultation with members of the pension fund, and the equalities impact assessment, had been completed. It is not yet known what the outcome of these processes was.

London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV)

The committee received an update on the London CIV, which is a pooled investment vehicle for local government pension schemes in London. Islington Council was one of the founding members of the London CIV. The meeting heard that the London CIV was launching a new nature-based solutions fund. Nature-based solutions are actions that protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems. The committee were asked to consider whether to commit 2% of the Islington Pension Fund to this new fund.

Consolidation of LGPS Funds

The committee considered the government's proposal to consolidate the assets of all LGPS funds into eight “mega pools” of £80bn each by 2030. As you may recall, these plans were first discussed by the committee at its meeting on 10 July 2024, and at subsequent meetings. The committee heard that the government had recently consulted on the proposal, which had received a mixed response from local authorities and pension funds.

The committee discussed the potential implications of the proposal for the Islington Pension Fund, including the impact on its investment strategy, its governance arrangements, and its costs. The implications are significant because, at present, the council has a high level of control over how its pension funds are invested. Under the proposed arrangements, this control would be lost.

Interim Valuation Funding Review

The committee reviewed the interim valuation funding review of the Islington Pension Fund, which is carried out every three years. You may recall that the last full actuarial valuation of the Islington Pension Fund was carried out in 2022. The review found that the fund is in a relatively strong financial position.

The committee noted that global events, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine and conflict in the Middle East, as well as economic instability, have had a significant impact on the value of the fund’s assets.

Performance and Investment Strategy

The committee reviewed the performance of the Islington Pension Fund over the last quarter. The meeting heard that the fund had performed well over the period, outperforming its benchmark. The committee also received an update on the implementation of the fund's investment strategy. The investment strategy, agreed in 2022, sets out the fund's approach to investing its assets. It takes into consideration the fund's long-term objectives, its risk appetite, and its commitment to responsible investment. The meeting heard that the fund is making good progress in implementing its investment strategy.

The committee were informed that a new manager for the Emerging Markets equities portfolio had been appointed, but that the procurement process for selecting a new European Private Debt manager had been delayed.

Investment Consultancy and Forward Work Programme

The committee considered the performance of its Investment Consultant, Mercer. The meeting heard that Mercer had performed well against the strategic objectives that had been set for it. The committee also discussed its forward work programme for 2024/25. This is a list of the key issues that the committee will be focusing on over the next year.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 03 December 2024

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee received an update from Octopus Community Network on their work creating a Nature Neighbourhood in Tufnell Park, heard evidence from Merete about the growing problem of e-waste, and received an update from the Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport on the council's progress in tackling climate change.

Nature Neighbourhoods

The committee received a presentation from Octopus Community Network about their ongoing work creating a Nature Neighbourhood Plan for Tufnell Park. You may recall that the committee received a previous update on this project at its meeting on 12 November 2024.

The committee heard how Octopus had identified Tufnell Park as an area with poor access to nature, and with a high level of deprivation, and had begun the process by undertaking a walk and talk with residents and local organisations, starting at the Octopus Community Plant Nursery on the Tufnell Park Estate and finishing at Whittington Park.

Octopus explained that they were in the process of consolidating the findings from a series of themed community conversations into a framework which will inform their ongoing efforts to create the Nature Neighbourhood. They also told the Committee that they had recently been given the go ahead to create a woodland garden and new growing space on the Tufnell Park estate.


A representative from Merete, a non-profit organisation that provides digital inclusion programmes, electronic waste recycling and refurbishment, spoke to the Committee about the growing problem of e-waste. The committee heard how the UK was one of the worst offenders in the world for e-waste, and that it was important to focus on strategies of repair and reuse rather than simply recycling electronics.

She argued that there were a number of reasons why people did not repair or reuse old electronics, including a lack of infrastructure, the cost of repairs, and a perception that devices retained a financial value even when they were broken.

You may recall that the issue of e-waste was previously discussed by the committee at its meeting on 17 July 2024. At that meeting, the committee heard about the council's plans to introduce a new e-waste collection service, which was due to be launched in the autumn of 2024. It is not known why this service has not yet been implemented.

Climate Action Q1 and Q2 Performance Report

Councillor Diarmaid Ward, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport, and Martijn Cooijmans, Director of Climate Change and Transport, presented the committee with a report on the council's progress in tackling climate change. The report included a range of key performance indicators, including the council's progress in reducing its own carbon emissions, the number of trees that had been planted in the borough, and the number of schools that are participating in the TfL Travel for Life scheme.

The committee heard that the council is developing a Supplemental Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance to residents, developers and property owners on retrofitting their properties.

The committee was updated on progress in a number of areas, including establishing heat networks in the borough, the decarbonisation of council homes, plans for a pilot scheme to close refuse chutes on a number of estates to increase recycling rates, and the progress of a project to build 79 new flats on Vorley Road to Passivhaus standard.

You may recall that the committee discussed the council's plans for a new Passivhaus development at its meeting on 17 July 2024.

The committee discussed the council's target of ensuring that 50% of the borough was covered by Liveable Neighbourhoods by the end of 2025-2026.

The committee heard about progress in relation to the natural environment, noting that the council had planted a record number of trees in 2023-2024.

The committee also discussed the Council’s efforts to create more green spaces in the borough, which currently has the second lowest amount of greenspace per person in the UK.


The final item on the agenda was a presentation from Matthew Homer, Head of Waste Strategy and Circular Economy, about recycling rates in Islington.

The committee heard that, whilst the amount of residual waste produced per household in Islington was relatively low, the amount of contamination in mixed dry recycling had been increasing.

The officers explained the various steps being taken to address the problem of contamination, including investment in improved recycling sites, new signage and labels, better crew training and engagement with landlords. The Committee were also told about a new pilot scheme using AI technology from the French company Lixo to identify sources of contamination.

The committee heard about the progress of the Council's efforts to increase food waste recycling, including the recent rollout of food waste collections to purpose-built blocks of flats.

The Committee were told that, following the rollout of food waste collections, a new 100% electric food waste vehicle would be entering service shortly, having been named The Food Waste Muncher in a competition run by the Council.

The committee also heard about the success of a series of events being run by the Council to promote repair and reuse, including textile repair and upcycling events and electrical items repair events run by Islington Fixers.

Licensing Sub Committee D - Thursday 05 December 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee D was scheduled to consider two applications for new premises licences: one for Cinnamon Village Whole Foods on Blackstock Road and one for Proper Tacos in Nags Head Market.

Cinnamon Village Whole Foods

The meeting was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Cinnamon Village Whole Foods, submitted by Soner Golbas. The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises from 9am to 11pm, and for the premises to be open to the public between 7.30am and 11pm every day.

Twelve representations were received from local residents raising concerns about the potential impact of the licence on anti-social behaviour. The residents highlighted that there were already several shops in the immediate vicinity of the premises that sold alcohol.

Proper Tacos

The second application was for a new premises licence for Proper Tacos, located in Nags Head Market and submitted by Scott Collinge. The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol, both on and off the premises, until 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

The report notes that the application site is located within the Holloway and Finsbury Park Cumulative Impact Area, where there is a presumption of refusal for new premises licences.

Cumulative Impact Areas are designated by the council to address evidence that the number, type and density of licensed premises in a particular area is having a negative cumulative impact on one or more of the licensing objectives. Within these areas, applicants for new premises licences must demonstrate that the operation of their premises will not add to the cumulative impact.

The application received one representation from a local resident raising concerns about the potential impact on crime and disorder, public nuisance, public safety, and the protection of children from harm.

You may recall that the Licensing Regulatory Committee meeting scheduled for 21 November 2024 was cancelled. This is the first time since then that applications for new premises licences have been considered by the council. As you may recall, applications are routinely considered by Licensing Sub-Committees, which are comprised of three councillors.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 05 December 2024

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee considered the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s annual review of complaints about council services, discussed the council's finances, and received an update on the council's work to maximise social value in its home care framework. The committee also heard from residents of the Parkview Estate who were unhappy with the council's response to their complaints.


The committee considered the Ombudsman’s annual review letter, which was critical of the council's complaints handling, highlighting that residents’ issues were frequently not being resolved at the first point of contact, which was leading to delays and unnecessary escalation.

The committee questioned Councillor Diarmaid Ward, Executive Member for Finance and Performance, and Manny Lewis, Head of Complaints, on Islington's progress in implementing the Ombudsman's recommendations.

Mr Lewis described the changes to the complaints process, including a new complaints board, a new complaints management system, and new training for staff.

Members of the public raised several concerns about the responsiveness of the council's New Build Team, and the quality of responses they had received from the complaints department.

The committee agreed to request a written response from the council within 14 days, and to add the topic of New Build to the agenda of the next meeting.

You may recall that the council's performance in relation to complaints was last discussed by the Executive at its meeting on 24 October 2024.

Social Value in the Home Care Market

The committee heard a presentation on the council's work to maximise social value in its Home Care framework. The meeting heard that the council had made social value 20% of the award criteria when procuring the new framework, which had led to much greater diversity in the market. The meeting was told that, in the past, the council had relied on two large national organisations for the provision of home care, but that the new framework allowed for a wider range of providers.

The committee was told about some of the social value commitments that had been negotiated with the new providers, including the London Living Wage, paid travel time for care workers, guaranteed hours contracts, and trade union recognition. The meeting heard that over half of the staff employed by the council’s Home Care providers lived in Islington.

You may recall that the council's Ethical Care Charter was last discussed by the committee at its meeting on 16 July 2024.

The committee heard about some of the challenges associated with driving social value, including the difficulty of balancing ethical considerations with financial constraints.

Council Finances

The committee considered a report on the council's finances. The report highlighted that the council is forecasting a significant overspend on temporary accommodation, primarily due to an increase in demand for and the cost of temporary accommodation. The meeting heard that the council is forecasting a £5.4 million overspend on temporary accommodation, an increase of £4 million since the first quarter.

The committee discussed the work the council is doing to mitigate the rising costs of temporary accommodation, including its Property Acquisition Programme, changes to its allocations policy, and its prevention work. The committee also considered the council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). The MTFS sets out the council’s financial plans for the next five years. The committee heard that the council is forecasting a budget gap of £30.6 million in 2025/26, an increase of £2.8 million since the summer.

The committee discussed how the council would attempt to close this budget gap, including through a combination of new savings, additional government funding, and increases to council tax.

You may recall that the council's finances were last discussed by the Executive at its meeting on 28 November 2024.

Undeliverable Savings

The committee raised concerns about the council's ability to deliver the savings it has identified as part of its budget setting process. These included savings associated with its Future Works Programme, increased income from littering enforcement, and income from unoccupied council properties.

The committee heard that the Future Works programme, which is intended to rationalise the council’s office estate, was behind schedule and unlikely to deliver the planned savings this year.

You may recall that the committee raised similar concerns about the Future Works programme at its meeting on 24 September 2024. At that meeting, the committee heard that the council was facing challenges in implementing the programme due to delays in the relocation of the Islington Clinical Commissioning Group (ICCG) from the Laycock building. It appears that this situation has not yet been resolved.

The committee also heard that the council was unlikely to meet its savings target relating to increased income from the enforcement of littering. The meeting was told that, although the number of Fixed Penalty Notices issued for littering had increased, the council was finding it “difficult” to collect the fines.

Councillor Jenny Kay raised concerns that nearly 100 council homes had been unoccupied for over 12 months and suggested that bringing these properties back into use could help to reduce the council’s spending on temporary accommodation.

The committee heard that the process of consolidating the council’s contact centres, from which many resident enquiries are dealt with, had been more complicated than expected, and that the expected savings had not yet materialised.

Employment and Appointments Committee - Tuesday 03 December 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee met to discuss the vacant Corporate Director of Environment and Climate role.

Appointment of Corporate Director Environment and Climate

The committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the vacant Corporate Director of Environment and Climate role. The salary range for the post was advertised as Grade CO1 £128,704 - £154,390. Any offer of employment would be subject to the Executive Notification Procedure, which is a statutory process set out in the Officer Employment Procedure Rules in the Council's Constitution.

The Executive Notification Procedure requires members of the Executive to be notified of the proposed appointment and given an opportunity to make an objection.

You may recall that this committee previously shortlisted candidates for this role at its meeting on 5 November 2024.

Employment and Appointments Committee - Tuesday 03 December 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee met to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care.

Appointment of Corporate Director - Health and Adult Social Care

The purpose of this item was to appoint a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care. The meeting considered a report which explained that the Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care is responsible for a range of social care services, working in partnership with the NHS.

The post became vacant in September 2024. The successful applicant will be paid between £150,000 and £160,000 per year. The committee interviewed candidates and agreed to appoint a new Corporate Director. Any offer of employment will be subject to the Executive Notification Procedure.

You may recall that this committee previously considered a report about the recruitment of a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care at its meeting on 19 November 2024.

Islington Council: New Rough Sleeping Strategy Agreed.

This week in Islington:

  • The Executive meeting made a range of financial decisions, reviewed the council's progress in managing its budget, set fees and charges for council services from January, and approved the council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy.
  • The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee noted a range of reports, including the Quarter 1 2024-25 Children's Services Performance Report, discussed a proposed protocol for supporting homeless families that have children, and heard evidence about the new DfE statutory guidance on attendance codes.
  • The Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods.

Executive - Thursday 28 November 2024

The Executive met on Thursday 28 November 2024. The meeting made a range of financial decisions, reviewed the council's progress in managing its budget, set fees and charges for council services from January, and agreed to extend the current contract for the provision of agency workers for a year. The meeting also approved the council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy and agreed to consult on plans to expand the borough's selective licensing scheme for private landlords.

Council Finances

The council's current budget for 2024-25 is forecasting an overspend of £4 million, although this figure does not include the £5 million contingency that is included in the budget each year.

Although we have seen light at the end of the tunnel, it continues to be very difficult for local authorities.

The meeting heard that the most significant budget pressure facing the council is the rising cost of temporary accommodation, which is affecting councils across London. Asked whether the council did anything proactively to reduce overspends on damp and mould, the meeting heard that the council was one of the first in London to retrospectively assess all reports of damp and mould and that

London councils are coming to us asking us for advice.

The meeting also heard that the council was having to make a five-year back payment for service charges relating to N4 Library. These back payments were due because the organisation that manages the building in which the library is situated had not recharged the council for the cost of providing services to the library.

The meeting also received the council's Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-26. The report stated that the forecast for the council's budget over the next five years showed that the authority could expect significant changes and additional costs and that the rising cost of temporary accommodation would be a significant challenge over that period.

I'm really proud that we still have a council home building programme and all of the work that council hallowen and team did on buying back council properties

In a wide-ranging discussion of the council's finances, the meeting heard that the council was facing particular challenges with its Future Works programme to rationalise the council's office estate, with concerns that it was not on track to deliver the level of savings that had been predicted.

It's very ambitious, and it's very ambitious for a number of reasons. Firstly, we do have to make savings. Secondly, it's a good way of doing things for all kinds of reasons. If you look at the buildings we have, I mean, Town Hall, 222, Cottage Road, there are very, very few local authorities of our size that have managed to rationalise their estate down to that very, very small number of buildings.

The meeting also discussed the council's treasury management for the first six months of the 2024-25 financial year. The meeting heard that the council had borrowed and invested money in line with its agreed strategy and had managed to make savings and generate income within the limits agreed by the council. You may recall that the council's treasury management was last discussed at the Executive meeting on 24 October 2024. As you may recall, Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, explained that the council's treasury management strategy is designed to ensure that the council can borrow and invest money at the best possible rates, and to manage the council's exposure to financial risk.

Fees and Charges

The meeting approved changes to the council's fees and charges, applicable from 1 January 2025. Most fees and charges will increase in line with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure of inflation. However, there will be above-inflation increases in a number of areas, including charges for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licenses, reflecting increased costs and the need to ensure the council's fees are in line with other similar councils.

both for all of the licensing fees, we undertook a comparison of other London boroughs and wanted to make sure the council's fees were in line with and consistent to

Specifically on HMO licensing, the meeting heard that the council was seeking to increase licence fees to bring them up into the upper quartile of charges levied by London boroughs. The meeting heard that the council had benchmarked its fees against those charged by other councils and that the new charges were a reasonable level for London. The meeting also decided to freeze charges for selective licensing schemes.

Agency Workers

The meeting agreed to extend the council's contract with Matrix SCM for the provision of temporary agency workers. The contract extension is for one year and will cost the council £50 million. The meeting heard that the council had a good record on requiring its suppliers to deliver social value. Asked if the council would consider bringing the service in-house, the meeting heard that

Outside that period, we'd be very happy to consider all options.

You may recall that the council's use of agency staff was also discussed at the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting on 5 November 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Galbally asked about the council’s plans to implement a four-day working week and whether this could help to address issues with staff recruitment and retention.

Rough Sleeping

The meeting approved the council's new Homeless and Rough Sleeping Strategy, which sets out how the council will prevent homelessness and rough sleeping in the borough. The new strategy has been developed in consultation with residents, councillors and voluntary sector partners. It sets out four key priorities for tackling rough sleeping in the borough:

  • Preventing and relieving homelessness through early and tailored intervention
  • The elimination of rough sleeping by helping people into settled housing
  • Improving housing options to meet the demands
  • Providing accommodation and resettlement services to refugees and migrants.

This new strategy supersedes the previous strategy, which was adopted in 2019. The new strategy reflects the changing landscape of homelessness in Islington, and the council's commitment to tackling the issue.

You may recall that the Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee considered a report on the council's work to reduce homelessness and rough sleeping at its meeting on 14 October 2024.

Anti-Social Behaviour

The meeting considered the council's response to a recent Scrutiny Review of how the council tackles complex anti-social behaviour. The council has accepted all the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review and will now implement them. The meeting heard that the council had put a significant amount of work into tackling anti-social behaviour, with particular success in tackling cuckooing1.

You may recall that the council's approach to tackling anti-social behaviour was also discussed at the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee meeting on 12 September 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Rowena Champion, the Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality, and Transport, explained that the council had a zero-tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour and that it was working closely with the police to tackle the issue.

Private Rented Sector

The meeting agreed to consult on plans to renew the borough-wide additional licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) for a further five years, and to extend the existing selective licensing scheme to a further nine wards. The council will now consult with landlords and residents on the detail of the proposed schemes.

Currently, the nine wards in Islington that are subject to selective licensing are Caledonian, Cantelowes, Finsbury Park, Highbury East, Highbury West, Junction, Mildmay, St George's and Tollington.

The council believes that a further seven wards meet the criteria for selective licensing and that two more wards have a strong case for inclusion in the scheme.

Effectively, we are maxing out, based on the evidence we've assembled over the last year, on those which we feel have demonstrable desktop evidence to support a selective licensing scheme

Asked why the council was not consulting on proposals to introduce selective licensing across the whole borough, the meeting heard that the council needed to provide evidence to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to justify the need for the licensing schemes, and that the data currently available did not support a borough-wide scheme. However, the council would continue to monitor the situation, and would consider a borough-wide scheme if the evidence supported it.

It's not under current legislation in the council's gift to make a determination to extend licensing for the whole borough. It's an application to a secretary of state.

If the council decides to implement selective licensing schemes in the nine new wards, it will mean that approximately 74% of all privately rented properties in the borough would be covered by some form of licensing scheme. The meeting heard that

almost a fifth of private rented homes are not of a decent standard and there are lower standards of thermal efficiency with an estimated 200 homes not expected to meet minimum EPCE standards

You may recall that the council’s work to improve standards in the borough’s private rented sector was last discussed at the Executive meeting on 24 October 2024.

Transport for London Funding

The meeting approved the council's Local Implementation Plan, which sets out how the council will spend funding from Transport for London (TfL) on transport projects in the borough. The council is seeking a range of funding from TfL for a wide variety of transport schemes in the borough, including schemes to promote walking and cycling and to improve road safety. Once the council has formally submitted its bid, TfL will consider it and make a decision on funding in March 2025.

You may recall that the council’s Local Implementation Plan was also discussed at the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee meeting on 12 September 2024. At that meeting, Councillor Rowena Champion explained that the plan sets out the council’s priorities for transport in the borough, and how it will work with TfL to deliver those priorities.

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Monday 25 November 2024

The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee met on 25 November 2024. The committee noted all of the reports presented at the meeting, including the Quarter 1 2024-25 Children's Services Performance Report (CYP-006). The committee also noted the verbal updates given on the new DfE statutory guidance on attendance codes and the third phase of the council's School Organisation plan.


The committee discussed a proposed Joint Protocol between the council's Children's Social Care and Homes and Neighbourhoods departments that seeks to provide a framework for supporting homeless families that have children. The protocol sets out how the council will find accommodation for families, the quality of accommodation that the council will accept, the locations where the council will source accommodation and the support provided to families. The committee noted that the council has the highest rate of homeless families remaining within the borough in London, at 46%. The protocol groups families into three bands to determine their priority for accommodation within the borough and sets a 90-minute maximum commute time for families placed outside the borough. The committee requested more detailed data on the length of time families spend in temporary accommodation, broken down by the number of bedrooms they need.

You may recall that a draft of this protocol was discussed by the Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee on 14 October 2024. This new draft reflects the discussions had by the committee, and sets out a more detailed framework for how the council will work with homeless families.

School Organisation

The committee received a verbal update on the third phase of the council's School Organisation plan. The committee noted that across Islington, there are over 20% surplus places in primary schools, with this figure projected to rise in the coming years. The committee were informed that two schools, Highbury Quadrant Primary School and St Jude and St Paul's C of E Primary School, are in a five-week informal consultation on a proposal to reduce the number of school places. The consultation for Highbury Quadrant will end on 11 December 2024, and the consultation for St Jude and St Paul's will end on 16 December 2024. Councillor Michelin Safin confirmed that more than 20 years in Islington, no school was closed and that the council would strive to make the process as smooth as possible for the affected school communities. The committee expressed concerns about the quality of information provided during the previous phase of school closures, in which Montem Primary School and Blessed Sacrament RC Primary School were closed, and asked officers to ensure clear communication with stakeholders. The committee also expressed concern about the impact of the closures on head teachers and governors and asked for them to be appropriately supported.

Attendance Codes

The committee received a verbal update on the recent changes to the statutory guidance on recording school attendance. The guidance now includes 34 attendance codes, with twelve new codes designed to provide greater flexibility for schools to more accurately record authorised and unauthorised absences. The committee noted concerns about the fairness of the previous guidance, which marked pupils who missed registration as absent for the whole morning or afternoon, even if they attended school for the rest of the session. Mr Michael Gooch, the Attenders Project Manager for Islington Council, told the committee:

If you have an appointment that means you are coded for a whole session as absent that's not necessarily true.

The committee were informed that the council is visiting all Islington schools to ensure a consistent approach to recording attendance across the borough. The committee asked officers to investigate if the new guidance captures the reasons why pupils are persistently late for school and for information about the attendance of young carers to be presented to the committee. Ms Kimberly Turner, an independent SEND advocate, told the committee:

One of the areas of need that I'm seeing quite a lot is a lack of reasonable adjustments around using the illness code so for mental health difficulties especially for neuro divergent children are either diagnosed or not. Parents are not being believed about the reasons and there are I'm attending more and more meetings as an advocate talking about it is mental illness. They're not in camps and no we don't have a consultant's letter to say that's what it is but it's quite clear that's what it is but it's a growing number of Islington schools that will not mark those children as unwell for mental health and it's a big problem.

You may recall that the committee received an update on school attendance at its meeting on 22 October 2024, when it noted the high level of persistent absence in the borough. The committee is clearly concerned about the impact of persistent absence on children's education, and is keen to ensure that the council is doing everything it can to address the issue.

Quarter One Performance Report

The committee reviewed the Quarter One 2024-25 Children's Services Performance Report. The report details the council's performance against a number of key performance indicators, including the number of children in need, the number of looked after children, the number of children subject to child protection plans, and school performance indicators such as persistent absence and results in statutory assessments. The committee noted that the council has continued to reduce the number of repeat Child Protection Plans. The committee requested data about the council's libraries and the number of visits made by schools and noted concerns about the increasing number of parents choosing to electively home educate their children, which rose from 312 in June 2023 to 345 in June 2024. Councillor Ilkay Cinko-Oner commented:

If we had the services within the schools, you would not see the number of pupils dropping in our primary schools and in our secondary schools, and then we would not be speaking about closing our schools. We would be talking about how more we could help these schools, because these children are remaining in schools. So, when we look at the elective home-educated pupils, could we please have a breakdown as to why these children are at home?


The committee raised concerns about the lack of provision in the borough for pupils with ASD and ADHD. Mr John Abbey, Director of Children's Services at Islington Council, told the committee:

We know that LSAs, learning mentors have reduced within school because schools have had to restructure five times because they're not full. So there is a cause and effect when it comes to school organisation and also provision for young people and it is in some ways the perfect storm where there is that paralysis at central government because they're not quite sure. Is it just throwing more and more money at it or is there about doing something differently, enabling local, locality to work differently in terms of formula, using those premises in a different way.

The committee were informed that a cross-party meeting would be held in December to discuss the issue in more detail.

The committee noted concerns about the council's continued use of single-word judgements in its evaluations of schools, despite the government's announcement that these would be discontinued. Mr Paul Senior, Director of Education and Skills at Islington Council, told the committee that:

We wish to come up with a common and consistent approach that's not just for Islington but aligns with others because we're very keen to also benchmark how we're comparing and contrasting with other London local areas. So it's not easy, but I'd agree with you and I think everyone would agree that progress has been made from a national framework within Ofsted so we'll adhere to a local solution. But I do really wish to involve my local head teachers in that conversation.

The committee requested information about the council's plans for replacing the single-word judgements.

Employment and Appointments Committee - Tuesday 26 November 2024

This meeting of the Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods.

Appointment of a Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods

The meeting was scheduled to discuss the appointment of a new Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods. This role sits on the Senior Leadership Team of the Council, which supports, enables, and monitors the delivery of the Islington Together 2030 Plan.

The Committee was scheduled to interview candidates, having already shortlisted them at its meeting on 6 November 2024. Following the interviews, the Committee was scheduled to decide whether to appoint a candidate. The salary for the post was advertised as Grade CO1 £128,704 - £154,390.

Any offer of employment would then be subject to the Executive Notification Procedure. This is a statutory process set out in the Officer Employment Procedure Rules in the Council's Constitution, which requires members of the Executive to be notified of the proposed appointment and given an opportunity to make an objection.

  1. Cuckooing is a form of exploitation in which criminals take over the home of a vulnerable person and use it as a base for criminal activity. 

Islington Council: New Leader Elected

This week in Islington:

  • The Audit and Risk Committee approved updated financial regulations and procurement rules, discussed health and social care integration, and noted the impact of non-registered vehicles on parking enforcement.
  • The Employment and Appointments Committee was scheduled to discuss the recruitment of a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care.
  • The Licensing Regulatory Committee meeting scheduled for 21 November 2024 has been cancelled.
  • The Standards Committee meeting scheduled for 21 November 2024 was about reviewing the council's code of conduct for councillors.
  • The Council meeting elected Councillor Una O'Halloran as the new leader of the council.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee C was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Marrable's Hotel at 86-88 Clerkenwell Road.

Audit and Risk Committee - 18 November 2024

The Audit and Risk Committee met on 18 November 2024. The committee noted the Health and Social Care Integration Risk Deep Dive and approved the updated financial regulations and procurement rules. The committee also discussed the increasing prevalence of non-registered vehicles in the borough, and how that was impacting on parking enforcement.

Non-Registered Vehicles

You may recall that the impact of non-registered vehicles on parking enforcement was discussed at length at last week's meeting of the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee. Councillor Paul Convery said that in his experience, non-registered vehicles are often found to have no insurance and that the drivers frequently have points on their licence. He said that he believed the police ought to be doing more checks.

At this meeting, Councillor Convery reiterated his view that many non-registered vehicles are only discovered to be such when they are stopped by the police or involved in an accident. He suggested that the police should be doing more ANPR vehicle checks1. The committee noted a briefing note prepared for the meeting which described a pilot scheme to clamp and remove non-registered vehicles.

Health and Social Care Integration

Jodi Pilling, Corporate Director of Adult Social Care2, described the range of ways in which the council was working with the new North Central London Integrated Care Board. Councillor Convery raised concerns about the council's ability to control costs in adult social care and said that he believed that service providers were dictating prices.

Councillor Andy Wayne asked if sufficient consideration was being given to the aims of the Fairer Together council mission, which states that:

everyone in Islington who needs extra help and support can access the right support for them at the right time and in the right place

You may recall that this mission was renamed Empowering People in July. It is a little surprising that this report uses the old name for the mission.

Financial Regulations

The committee discussed the proposed updates to the council's financial regulations. These regulations set out the rules that the council must follow when managing its finances. Matt Hopson, Deputy Director of Finance, explained to the committee that the regulations were intended to formalise the council's existing practices. The committee agreed that the Corporate Director of Resources should be authorised to make any necessary amendments to the regulations before submitting the final version to full council for approval.

Procurement Rules

The committee considered the proposed changes to the council's procurement rules. Alison Stuart, Director of Law and Governance, explained that the rules were updated to ensure the council's compliance with the Procurement Act 2023, which will come into force in February 2025.

Peter James Horlock, Assistant Director of Procurement and Supply, said that the new Act required the council to take a number of new approaches to procurement, including:

  • treating suppliers fairly and without discrimination
  • giving consideration to the needs of small and medium businesses
  • acting transparently
  • identifying and managing conflicts of interest.

Employment and Appointments Committee - 19 November 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee met on 19 November 2024. This meeting was scheduled to discuss the recruitment of a new Corporate Director of Health and Adult Social Care.

No video of this meeting was provided.

Standards Committee - 21 November 2024

This meeting was scheduled to discuss a number of topics relating to the council's standards regime.

No video of this meeting was provided.

Council - 19 November 2024

The Council meeting held on 19 November 2024 elected Councillor Una O'Halloran as the new leader of the council. Councillor Diarmaid Ward proposed her nomination, and Councillor Nick Sullivan seconded the motion.

Councillor O'Halloran thanked her colleagues for their support and said that she was looking forward to working with everyone to make Islington a fairer place. She will now form an Executive and take up her position as the Leader of the Council.

Licensing Sub Committee C - 19 November 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee C was scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Marrable's Hotel at 86-88 Clerkenwell Road. The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol both on and off the premises, late night refreshment, live and recorded music, and to open between the hours of 7am and midnight, Monday to Sunday.

No video of this meeting was provided.

  1. ANPR stands for Automatic Number Plate Recognition. It is a technology that uses cameras to read vehicle number plates and check them against a database. ANPR is used by the police for a variety of purposes, including enforcing road traffic laws, detecting crime, and locating missing persons. 

  2. Corporate Directors are the most senior employees of a council. They are responsible for managing their departments and delivering on the council's strategic priorities.  

Islington Council: Health Strategy Consultation & Waste Strategy Review

This week in Islington:

Health and Wellbeing Board - 12 November 2024

The Health and Wellbeing Board met on 12 November 2024 to discuss a range of matters relating to the health and wellbeing of residents.

The board was asked to consider a new draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which covers the period up to 2030 and sets out four overarching goals: Start Well, Live Well, Age Well, and Healthy Environments.

The strategy document highlighted a number of key strategic priorities, including creating an Age-Friendly Community by joining the Age-Friendly Communities network and taking a whole-systems, life-course approach to promoting healthy weight.

The board agreed to put the strategy out to public consultation.

The board also received an update on the North Central London Delivery Plan, which is intended to deliver the Population Health and Integrated Care Strategy. The delivery plan includes a focus on deprived communities, key communities, and five key health risk areas: childhood immunisations, heart health, cancer, lung health, and mental health and wellbeing across all ages.

The board was asked to consider how to work with system partners to deliver the delivery plan.

Finally, the board noted progress on the Evidence Islington programme. The programme is working to ensure that evidence is used to inform decision-making at the council, and that residents are actively involved in research.

Evidence Islington has three key workstreams:

  1. Creating a sustainable research culture that places evidence at the heart of how the council works with communities.
  2. Strengthening and maturing the council's data infrastructure to enable it to generate high-quality insights and evaluate impact.
  3. Building capacity and participation in research with residents and voluntary and community organisations, ensuring they are central to the design and delivery of the programme.

The report highlighted a number of successes during the first year of the programme, including establishing a Strategic Delivery Board with representation from across the council, residents and key partners such as Healthwatch Islington, commissioning a new data insight hub, and developing a co-designed Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy.

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health - 11 November 2024

The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health met on 11 November 2024 to discuss a range of topics, including winter planning, the collaboration between the Whittington Hospital and University College London Hospitals (UCLH), and the finances of the North Central London Integrated Care System.

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - 11 November 2024

The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee met on 11 November 2024 to hear evidence about adult social care accommodation in the borough. This is an important topic given the ageing population and the council's budget constraints.

The committee received evidence from Jeremy Porteus, the chief executive of the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (Housing LIN), and Ian Copeman, the business director at Housing LIN. The committee heard about the challenges that densely populated areas like Islington face with regards to providing adult social care accommodation, and the need to make better use of existing assets, such as sheltered housing, as well as explore new models of housing, such as intergenerational living.

You may recall that this committee has previously considered reports on the council's adult social care budget. As you may recall, at the Executive meeting on 05 September 2024, Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, expressed concern about the increasing costs of adult social care and the pressure this is putting on the council's budget.

Councillor Florian Sin, the Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, attended the meeting and listened to the evidence presented by the Housing LIN. Jody Pilling, the Director of Strategic Commissioning and Investment at Islington Council, also attended the meeting and answered questions from the committee about the council's approach to adult social care accommodation.

The committee also noted the Quarter One Performance Report - Adult Social Care. Councillor Joseph Croft expressed concern that the report did not contain much information about budget targets or lines of reporting, making it difficult for the committee to understand how costs were being controlled. He specifically asked about the use of spot placements in adult social care, noting that this could contribute significantly to the council's costs.

The committee also noted the report on Adult Social Care Accommodation Costs. Councillor Croft asked about the trend in accommodation costs, and if they had increased in line with inflation. Ms Pilling said that she did not have information about trends readily available, but would provide this to the committee.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - 12 November 2024

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee met on 12 November 2024 to review the draft of a new Joint Waste Strategy for North London.

The strategy is being jointly developed by the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) and seven London boroughs: Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. It sets out how the authorities will work together to manage waste in North London for the next 15 years.

The strategy sets out four strategic priorities for managing waste:

  1. Supporting a reduction in waste by promoting prevention, repair and reuse.
  2. Improving and maximising recycling.
  3. Managing unavoidable waste as effectively and environmentally-friendly as possible.
  4. Delivering collaborative, community-focused services which provide value for money and maximise social value.

The committee was supportive of the draft strategy, but raised concerns about the council's ability to meet its recycling targets. Councillors asked what the council was doing to encourage residents to recycle more, and whether enough resources were being allocated to waste management.

This reflects a growing concern about the council's performance on recycling, which has been a recurring theme in recent meetings. At the Executive meeting on 05 September 2024, for example, Councillor Rowena Champion, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport, acknowledged that the council was still struggling with recycling rates and outlined the steps that were being taken to improve the situation, such as investing in estate-based recycling.

The committee was also scheduled to receive a presentation from the council's Nature Neighbourhood's Project. Nature Neighbourhoods is a national programme of projects run by the RSPB, the National Trust and WWF. It seeks to support community action for climate and nature in local areas. The project is a partnership between Octopus Community Network and the Ecology Centre.

The committee was also scheduled to discuss the Islington in Bloom project, but no report was prepared for the meeting, so it is not known what was discussed.

This is the first time the project had been discussed by the committee. The project was added to the committee's workplan at its meeting on 29 July 2024 (ECT Workplan 2024-25).

Islington Council: New Directors shortlisted

This week in Islington:

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - 05 November 2024

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee met on 5 November 2024. The meeting considered a range of topics, including a review of the council's procurement strategy, an update from the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion, a corporate performance update, and an annual workforce report.


The committee received a presentation on the Procurement Act 2023, which is due to come into force in February 2025. The committee also considered a report on the progress of its ongoing scrutiny review of the council's Progressive Procurement Strategy, which is intended to embed social value1 into the council's procurement practices.

As you may recall from previous emails, the committee has been scrutinizing the council's procurement practices for some time, and has made a number of recommendations for improvement. This latest meeting is a continuation of that work, and the committee is clearly keen to ensure that the council is making the most of the opportunities presented by the new Procurement Act to deliver social value.

The committee heard from a representative of the Social Value Portal, who gave a presentation on the council's performance in relation to social value. He highlighted that the council had achieved an average of 30% social value on its affordable workspace programme, which is significantly higher than the national average of 20%. He also suggested that the council could achieve even more social value if it embedded social value into its standing orders, and made it a requirement for all procurements above £100,000.

The committee was broadly supportive of the recommendations made by the Social Value Portal, but raised some concerns about the practicalities of implementing them. For example, Councillor Ruth Hayes asked how the council could ensure that social value commitments were genuinely additional, and did not simply displace existing pro bono work. Councillor Jason Jackson also asked about the challenges of ensuring that people of the global majority benefit from the council's commitment to social value.

In response, the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy, Culture and Jobs, Councillor Belle Bradford, explained that the council was already taking steps to address these concerns, such as by developing a directory of local businesses owned by people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. She also highlighted the council's work with anchor institutions, such as Arsenal Football Club, to promote social value within their supply chains.

The committee agreed to continue its scrutiny review of the Progressive Procurement Strategy, with a view to making recommendations to the Executive in the new year.

Equalities, Communities and Inclusion

Councillor Sheila Chapman, Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion, provided an update on a number of topics, including the Access Islington Hubs, the Bright Lives Wellbeing Coaching service, the VCS Grant Programme, the Black Cultural Centre, the council's service for refugees and migrants, community cohesion, and the Challenging Inequalities Strategy.

The committee heard that the Access Islington Hubs, which provide advice and support to residents on issues such as money, housing, and employment, are performing well, with over 80,000 residents having used the hubs since they were launched. The committee also heard that the Bright Lives Wellbeing Coaching service, which provides one-to-one coaching to residents experiencing issues such as anxiety, mental health, and domestic violence, is also having a positive impact, with 96% of service users not requiring statutory or acute interventions after receiving coaching.

The committee also heard about the successful launch of the council's Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Grant Programme for 2024-2028, with £2.7m of grant funding being awarded to 51 organisations across six themes. Councillor Chapman explained that the programme is being delivered using a 'funding plus' model, which provides support to organisations to ensure they are sustainable, as well as providing funding.

The committee also discussed the Black Cultural Centre, which was due to open the following day. The committee heard that the centre will host events and activities celebrating Black culture and will be delivered by four black-led organisations. Councillor Chapman explained that the council had committed £330k to refurbishing the building and will cover the running costs for the first year.

The committee heard about the challenges facing the council's service for refugees, migrants and people subject to No Recourse to Public Funds. Councillor Chapman explained that over 900 asylum seekers were currently accommodated by the Home Office in two hotels in Islington. She also said that she was concerned about the number of asylum seekers in the borough and that she would be meeting with the Home Office to discuss the situation.

The committee heard about the council's work on community cohesion, following a community conversation event held on 1 October 2024. Councillor Chapman explained that the event had resulted in a number of themes emerging, including the speed of fake news and misinformation online, fear in communities, the impact of funding cuts on VCS organisations, and a lack of ESOL classes.

Finally, the committee considered a report on the progress of the Challenging Inequalities Strategy, which was launched in 2021. The report pack indicated that the council plans to refresh the Challenging Inequalities Strategy in 2025/26.

The committee welcomed the update from Councillor Chapman and asked a number of questions about her portfolio, particularly in relation to the Access Islington Hubs and the Black Cultural Centre. Councillor Hyde asked about the council's plans to evaluate the impact of the Bright Lives Wellbeing Coaching service. Councillor Weeks asked about the lessons learned from the previous unsuccessful procurement of the Black Cultural Centre. Councillor De Juarez-Armstrong asked about the variation in usage of the Access Islington Hubs across different wards. Councillor Osterman asked about the council's plans to address the challenges facing the council's service for refugees and migrants. Councillor Pandle asked about the council's plans to tackle racism and to ensure that its staff are reflective of the communities that it serves.

Performance and Workforce

The committee received a corporate performance update for the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. It heard that the council is managing the approved general fund budget well, with a net overspend of £0.6m at quarter one.

The committee discussed the council's performance in relation to its workforce. The report pack indicated that sickness absence in quarter one was 8 days per employee, which is lower than the London Councils average, and that the percentage of the workforce who are agency staff was 16.96%, which is higher than the London Councils benchmark of 15%.

The committee asked a number of questions about the council's performance, particularly in relation to its use of agency staff. Councillor Galbally asked about the council’s plans to implement a four-day working week and whether this could help to address issues with staff recruitment and retention. Councillor Jackson asked about the apprenticeship programme and whether it was providing genuine opportunities for new entrants to the workforce.

The committee also reviewed the council's annual workforce report.

The report highlighted the council’s commitment to equality, equity, diversity and inclusion. It noted a number of positive trends, including a steady increase in the percentage of Black, Asian, and Multi-Ethnic colleagues, a reduction in the mean gender pay gap, and an increase in the number of employees with disabilities in the top 5% of earners. The committee welcomed the report and asked a number of questions about the council's performance in relation to equality, equity, diversity and inclusion, particularly in relation to the ethnicity pay gap, and the proportion of BAME employees in senior positions.

Licensing Sub Committee B - 06 November 2024

Islington Council's Licensing Sub Committee B met on 6 November 2024. The meeting considered an application for a review of an existing licence at Zapp, 2-7 Clerkenwell Close and an application for a new licence at Kings Cross Continental Stores, 26 Caledonian Road.

Zapp, 2-7 Clerkenwell Close

The application for a review of Zapp's licence at 2-7 Clerkenwell Close was made by Mr Robert Cunningham, a local resident. He alleged that the business was failing to meet a range of the conditions that were attached to its licence, including the rules that riders should not smoke or congregate in the immediate vicinity of the premises and that riders should not loiter near residential properties.

Mr Cunningham stated that Zapp's riders were intimidating and menacing, that they posed a risk to public safety by riding their e-bikes on pavements, and that they caused noise and nuisance late at night by shouting, playing loud music, smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol.

The application was supported by Islington Council's Licensing Authority and Community Safety teams, Islington's Police Licensing Team and two residents.

Kings Cross Continental Stores, 26 Caledonian Road

The second application was for a new premises licence for Kings Cross Continental Stores at 26 Caledonian Road. The applicant, Drink With Dignity Ltd, described the premises as a community licensed premises offering high quality food and drinks and proposed to open between 9am and 11.30pm Sunday to Thursday, and 9am to 12.30am Friday and Saturday.

The application received one representation from a resident objecting to the proposed licensing hours.

No transcript of this meeting was made available.

Employment and Appointments Committee - 05 November 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee held a meeting to shortlist candidates for the post of Corporate Director of Climate and Environment.

Shortlisting of Corporate Director of Climate and Environment

The committee discussed the applications for the role of Corporate Director for Climate and Environment and decided on a shortlist of candidates to invite for interview. The salary for the role will be in the range of £128,704 - £154,390.

The meeting was held in private from this point on in line with the council's Officer Employment Rules to preserve the anonymity of the applicants. The meeting decided to approve the shortlist of candidates. The next stage in the process will be to interview the shortlisted candidates at the next meeting of the committee on 3 December 2024.

Employment and Appointments Committee - 05 November 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee held a meeting to discuss the shortlisting of candidates for the role of Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods.

Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods

The committee was scheduled to agree a shortlist of candidates for the role of Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods.

The report pack said the salary will be in the range of £128,704 - £154,390. The report says that the appointment of a senior officer to the post will support the delivery of the council’s missions and objectives and that the postholder will have a key role in supporting, enabling and monitoring the delivery of the Islington Together 2030 Plan.

No transcript for this meeting was available.

Employment and Appointments Committee - 05 November 2024

The Employment and Appointments Committee met to consider applications for the post of Director of Family Help and Safeguarding.

Director of Family Help and Safeguarding

The committee was scheduled to consider a report from the Director of Human Resources about the shortlisting of candidates for the post of Director of Family Help and Safeguarding. An appendix, not available for public inspection, contains information about the candidates, who will be interviewed by the committee at a later date. The salary for the role is expected to be in the region of £116,721 - £131,742.

The report pack said that the appointment of a senior officer to the post will support the delivery of the council’s missions and objectives and that the successful candidate will, as a member of the Senior Leadership Team, be expected to play a key role in delivering the council's Islington Together 2030 Plan, which sets out the council's ambition to make Islington a fairer place for all.

No transcript was available for this meeting.

  1. Social value is the additional benefit to the community that can be achieved through the way the council commissions services. 

Islington Council: Sanctuary grants & youth justice success

This week in Islington:

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - 22 October 2024

The committee endorsed the proposed Islington Care Leavers and Housing Protocol and noted both the Islington Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report and the Child Protection Annual Report 2023-24. The committee also noted the Inspection of Youth Justice Services in Islington.

Islington Care Leavers and Housing Protocol

The committee discussed the proposed Islington Care Leavers and Housing Protocol, a document intended to help ensure that no care leaver aged under 25 becomes homeless. The protocol would commit the council to rehousing any care leaver who becomes homeless, regardless of their location or connection to the borough, and it would establish a joint approach to rehousing care leavers between Homes and Neighbourhoods and Children's Services. Director of Housing Operations, Ian Swift, described the protocol as quite a radical document and explained that the government had adopted a similar approach after consulting with Islington Council. Councillor Michelin Ngongo-Safi, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families, suggested an amendment to the protocol to clarify that housing services will work with a personal adviser when rehousing care leavers, rather than may work with one. Swift agreed to make the amendment, as well as to add a commitment to a tell us once approach to information sharing between housing and children's services. Councillor Hannah McHugh asked about how the needs of young people with disabilities or special needs would be assessed and met when they are being rehoused. Swift explained that only a small number of properties are suitable for people with mobility issues, and that only four adapted properties had been let in the last 12 months. Councillor Claire Zammit said that she had heard from care leavers who had found it difficult to find accommodation after turning 21 and had experienced a bureaucratic process when engaging with housing services. She suggested that a more trauma-informed approach be developed to avoid re-traumatising care leavers.

Islington Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report

The committee discussed the Islington Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report. Alan Caton, Independent Chair and Scrutineer for the Islington Safeguarding Children's Partnership (ISCP), said the ISCP was very effective, but that police funding for the partnership was woeful, and that the partnership needed to make better use of data. Councillor Gulin Ozdemir, Chair of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, asked about the impact of domestic violence on children, and Caton said he was pleased that the numbers are coming in so that they can be monitored. Deborah Idris, Interim Director for Safeguarding and Family Support, explained that domestic violence is the most common reason for referrals to children's social care from the police. Curtis Ashton, Director for Young Islington, observed that the increase in reports of domestic violence was not necessarily negative, and could be an indication of improved reporting. Councillor Saiqa Pandor asked what training staff receive to sensitively approach subjects that are taboo in some communities. Amber Harris-Cooper, ISCP Training and Quality Assurance Manager, explained that ISCP training covers issues such as forced marriage and FGM. Mary Clement, representing the Roman Catholic Diocese, asked about incentives for foster families to take on children with complex needs. Idris explained that recruitment is a challenge, but the council is working hard to recruit more foster carers. Councillor Hannah McHugh asked about the ethnic breakdown of the ISCP's workforce. Caton said this data is not currently available, but the ISCP will be focusing on this issue. Councillor Claire Zammit raised concerns about the lack of a next steps section in the report in relation to youth services. Ashton responded by saying that youth services are a priority for the council and are routinely reviewed.

Child Protection Annual Report

The committee discussed the Child Protection Annual Report 2023-24. Idris explained that the report was very sort of data driven and outlined some of the key findings, including an increase in the number of contacts to children's social care, and the fact that Black and mixed ethnicity children are over-represented in the children's social care system. Nick Turpin, representing the Church of England, asked about the number of children on child protection plans who also have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Idris committed to providing this data offline. Councillor Hannah McHugh asked about the key performance indicators (KPIs) used to monitor children's social care services. Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong asked for more information on the work that is being done to reduce the disproportionate number of children from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds who are referred to children’s social care by the police. Councillor Ilkay Cinko-Oner asked whether the report provides meaningful analysis of the data and whether it makes any recommendations. Idris said that the report is drawn from a much larger data set and that she would be happy to provide more detailed information. Ozdemir asked whether there is any data on the number of young carers in Islington. Idris explained that the council is “trying to clean the data around young carers” and that a new agency, Family Action, has been commissioned to support young carers.

Youth Justice Service Inspection Report

The committee discussed the Inspection of Youth Justice Services in Islington. Ashton provided an overview of the report and explained that the service received an outstanding score. He explained that a review of the 25 most prolific offenders in Islington had found that many of them had experienced adverse childhood experiences. Councillor Paul Convery, substituting for Councillor Valerie Bossman-Quarshie, described the report as a sobering experience but also a disappointing reminder of the state of the youth justice system in Islington in 2016. He praised the “breathtaking” transformation of the service since then. Susie Graves, Secondary School Parent Governor Representative, asked whether the low school attendance rate of children open to the youth justice service was linked to the issues of persistent absence and elective home education. Ozdemir asked whether there is an up-to-date alternative provision (AP) document available for parents to access. Turpin asked whether the youth justice service is working with schools to prevent exclusions from happening. Cinko-Oner asked what happens to children who are excluded from AP. Ashton said that the youth justice service would ensure that any child who is excluded from AP would still receive education. Jegorovas-Armstrong asked about the sustainability of the youth justice service, given financial pressures. Jon Abbey, Director of Children’s Services, said youth services are a priority and have been protected from cuts.

Executive - 24 October 2024

The Executive of Islington Council met to discuss a range of matters, including the adoption of a new policy for vacant school caretaker houses, the Sanctuary Grant Programme, and agreeing the next stage of the Resident Experience Programme.

Resident Experience Programme

The Executive agreed to progress to the next stage of the Resident Experience Programme and agreed to an investment of £4.411m to fund it. The aim of the Resident Experience Programme is to improve access to council services and deliver a more joined up resident experience. The Executive noted that the Council’s current performance on answering resident calls was not meeting targets.

The Resident Experience Programme is an initiative by Islington Council that aims to improve how residents access council services. It will transform resident experience and access channels by using technology to enhance existing contact channels and introduce new digital options, as well as by working closely with partners to provide the right support at the right time. It seeks to understand the challenges residents face when interacting with the council. This will be delivered through several workstreams, including: contact centre consolidation, data orchestration, online improvements and channel shift, service redesign, and culture, change, and communication.

Sanctuary Grant Programme

The Council will use government funding to deliver a £500,000 grant programme to support a range of projects in the borough that deliver services to refugees, migrants and people seeking asylum. An innovative participatory grant making approach will be used, with a Sanctuary Grants Community Panel, comprised of people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary in the UK, overseeing the programme.

The Children’s Workforce

The Executive noted a report from the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee on the challenges of recruiting and retaining staff in the borough’s children’s workforce and agreed to provide a response at a later date. The Committee’s report highlighted the perceived inequality between professions, with teaching staff and social workers feeling that their work was more valued than those working in youth work or play work, and the significant pressure on school staff to support children with mental health difficulties.

New Build Homes

The Executive noted a report from the Housing Scrutiny Committee on the Council’s New Build Homes programme and agreed to provide a response at a later date. The report detailed evidence that the Committee received from residents of the Parkview Estate about the disruption caused by construction projects, and made eleven recommendations, including exploring innovative partnership arrangements with other developers, and investigating different models for funding affordable housing.

Corporate Performance Update

The Executive noted that performance in a number of areas was off-target, including persistent absence rates in schools, the percentage of household waste being recycled, and call waiting times at the Council’s contact centres.
The Executive noted a letter from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, which highlighted issues with the Council’s approach to managing complaints.

Vacant School Caretaker Houses

The Executive approved the adoption of a new policy for vacant caretaker houses at Islington’s Community Schools. The policy sets out the Council’s commitment to first seek to repurpose vacant school caretaker houses for use by other Council services, then offer it for use as key worker accommodation and only sell the houses if neither of these options are suitable.

Communal Heating Service Standards

The Executive agreed to increase service provision for the borough’s communal heating systems, following a public consultation.

Procurement of Housing Maintenance Contracts

The Executive agreed to a procurement strategy for the maintenance of communal mechanical systems in the borough’s council homes using the Fusion 21 framework agreement, and agreed to the procurement of a separate borough wide contract for ventilation systems.

Procurement of Legal Advice

The Executive approved a procurement strategy for the engagement of external legal advice from barristers and solicitors using the London Boroughs’ Legal Alliance (LBLA) fourth generation framework agreements.

Door Entry & Access Control Systems

The Executive approved a procurement strategy for the maintenance of door entry and access control systems across the Council’s housing stock using an Open Procedure.

Update on Care UK Contract

The Executive agreed to a number of recommendations in relation to a contractual matter with Care UK, the details of which are exempt from publication.

Active Travel

The Executive noted a report from the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee on Active Travel in the borough and agreed to provide a response at a later date. Councillor Rowena Champion, the Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport, praised the work done by the council to promote active travel and improve air quality in the borough.

At the end of the meeting, Councillor Comer-Schwartz stepped down as Leader of the Council. Councillor Ward proposed a vote of thanks, praising her leadership.

Planning Sub Committee A - 21 October 2024

The meeting considered two planning applications: one for the change of use of residential garages to commercial car hire at garages at Priors Estate, Cumming Street and the other for the refurbishment and extension of a restaurant at 50 Florence Street. The application to change the use of the garages at Priors Estate was refused, while the application to extend and refurbish the restaurant at 50 Florence Street was approved subject to conditions.

Garages at Priors Estate

The application requested permission for the continued use of the garages at Priors Estate, Cumming Street for commercial car hire. Planning officers recommended that the application should be approved, because Islington’s Strategic and Development Management Policies (2023) strongly encourage the redevelopment of existing car parks, and because they judged that the commercial use was less intensive than use by residents.

The committee heard objections from a local resident, who raised concerns about increased noise and air pollution and the applicant, Peabody Trust, being unable to enforce planning conditions.

Councillor Paul Convery noted that the applicant had not provided details of the business operating from the garages, or its operation. Councillor Diarmaid Ward agreed with the residents' concerns about Peabody and their management of sites. The committee voted unanimously to reject the application.

50 Florence Street

The application requested permission for the refurbishment and extension of a restaurant at 50 Florence Street, including the installation of a basement extension. Planning officers recommended approval of the application because it would bring heritage benefits to the building, which is locally listed and located within the Upper Street (North) Conservation Area.

The committee heard from a local resident, who expressed concern about increased noise from the restaurant, and that the proposed opening hours were inappropriate. They highlighted that the council had previously received noise complaints when the building operated as a pub. The applicant responded that the business would operate at a much lower capacity than the previous pub.

Councillor Convery acknowledged the residents' concerns regarding noise, but concluded that the impacts could be managed. The committee voted unanimously to approve the application.

Licensing Sub Committee A - 22 October 2024

The Licensing Sub-Committee A meeting on 22 October 2024 was scheduled to consider two licensing applications: one for The Bottle Cocktail Shop, and one for the London Lebanese Grill.

London Lebanese Grill

The application for the London Lebanese Grill at 151-153 Blackstock Road, N4, was for a new premises licence. The application requested permission for the sale of alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises from 11am to 11pm, Monday to Sunday. Representations in objection to the application were received from the Metropolitan Police, the Council's Licensing Authority, the Council's Environmental Health Team, and Councillor Diarmaid Ward 1.

The Bottle Cocktail Shop

This application for The Bottle Cocktail Shop at 128 Essex Road, N1 was for the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises only between the hours of 10am and 11pm, Monday to Sunday. A representation objecting to the application was received from the Council's Licensing Authority.

No transcripts were provided for this meeting.

  1. Councillor Diarmaid Ward represents the Holloway ward in Islington Council. 

Islington Council: New NHS Trust & Scrutiny of Adult Social Care

This week in Islington:

  • The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee met to discuss the state of Islington's Community Centers, hear an update on the council's work to reduce homelessness and rough sleeping, and review the newly-drafted protocol for working with families who are homeless under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989.
  • The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee reviewed the performance of the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust, and heard evidence about a scrutiny review of adult social care accommodation.

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee - 14 October 2024

The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee met this week to receive a presentation on the state of Islington's Community Centers. You may recall from previous emails that the Committee has been increasingly focusing on the role of community centers in the borough, and their importance in providing a range of services to local residents.

No transcript for this meeting was made available.

This meeting also received an update on the council's Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2024-2029.

Islington Council defines a strategy as a document that sets out the high-level approach the council will take to achieve its priorities.

The strategy contains a range of commitments intended to tackle homelessness in Islington, including:

  • Preventing and relieving homelessness through early and tailored intervention
  • Eliminating rough sleeping by helping people into settled housing
  • Improving housing options available to meet the needs of Islington residents
  • Providing accommodation and resettlement services to refugees and migrants

The committee also received an update on the council's work with internet service providers to install broadband connections on council estates. The report pack stated that the three companies installing fiber on the council's estates are Hyperoptic, Community Fibre and G.Network.

The report stated that, as of October 2024, over 25,500 properties are now able to connect to full fiber broadband. This reflects the council's commitment to improving digital connectivity for its residents. The council's stated aim is to deliver full fiber broadband to 90% of council homes by the end of 2025.

The committee also received an update on the council's Voids Programme. The report described the process the council uses to bring empty properties back into use, from the initial notification of a void to the final letting.

The committee considered a new draft of the Joint Protocol on Section 17 Families between Children's Social Care and Homes and Neighbourhoods. The protocol sets out how the two departments will work together to support families who are homeless under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989.

The Children Act 1989 is a law that deals with how local authorities should care for children. Section 17 of the act gives local authorities powers and duties to provide services for children in need.

Finally, the committee reviewed the work programme for 2024/25. It lists the items that are scheduled for discussion at future meetings, including further discussion of Community Centers, updates on the council's work to install fiber broadband, and reports on the council's performance in managing its housing stock.

No transcript for this meeting was made available.

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - 15 October 2024

The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee met to review the performance of the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust.

Prosper Mafo, Managing Director of the Islington division at the Trust, provided an update on the Trust, including its merger with the Barnet, Enfield, and Haringey NHS Trust to form a new North London NHS Foundation Trust. The new Trust is expected to be launched on 1 November 2024.

You may recall from previous emails that this is the latest in a series of mergers of local NHS Trusts. As you may recall, this Committee considered a report on the proposed merger of the Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust at its meeting on 11 June 2024.

The committee discussed the performance of the Trust's mental health services, with a particular focus on the recovery rate targets for talking therapies, and support services for carers of people with dementia. Councillor Tricia Clark raised concerns about the recovery rate targets for talking therapies, which are currently set at 50%. Councillor Mick Gilgunn asked about support services for carers of people with dementia. The committee also discussed the use of Clozapine, an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, and expressed concern about its side effects. Councillor Clark asked about the Trust's work to address stigma surrounding mental health within BAME communities.

Ian Swift, Director of Housing Operations at the council, gave evidence about a scrutiny review of adult social care accommodation in the borough. He explained that the council does not have any sheltered accommodation for older people and that this type of accommodation is now largely provided by housing associations.

Councillor Benali Hamdache asked for more details about the accommodation available to older people in the borough. Mr Swift explained that, although the council is not planning to build any new sheltered accommodation, it does offer a “right-size moves” scheme, which helps older people to move from larger accommodation to smaller accommodation. He also highlighted the Seaside and Countries Home Initiative, which allows people to move from Islington to sheltered housing on the coast.

Councillor Hamdache also asked about the impact of the Right to Buy on the availability of sheltered housing. Mr Swift confirmed that Right to Buy does have an impact on the availability of sheltered housing, as some properties are sold to private owners. He also said that the council is reviewing the management framework for over 50s accommodation, as some of the existing schemes are no longer fit for purpose.

Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz asked about the council’s progress in delivering accessible homes in new builds. Mr. Swift explained that the council is delivering on the 10% target for accessible homes in its new builds. Councillor Comer-Schwartz also asked if the council had considered intergenerational living as a model for future housing developments. Mr. Swift stated that the council had been asked to investigate this model, but that the priority at the moment is to meet the needs of homeless households.

Finally, Jonathan O'Sullivan, the Director of Public Health, presented a performance report for the council's public health team. He explained that the report covers the period from January to March 2024. He highlighted a number of key areas where the council has made good progress, including increasing uptake of the NHS Healthy Start scheme, and maintaining the high quit rate for smokers using stop smoking services.

Councillor Comer-Schwartz asked about the impact of homelessness on the performance of drug and alcohol treatment services. Mr. O’Sullivan agreed that homelessness does have an impact on treatment outcomes and said that the council is investing in outreach services to engage with people who are homeless.

Councillor Clark asked about recruitment pressures within the drug and alcohol treatment services and how the service is reaching people leaving prison. Mr. O’Sullivan said that the council has been able to recruit new staff to meet the increased demand for services and that it is able to offer treatment to people while they are still in prison. Councillor Clark also asked about smoking cessation and relapse rates, noting that she has observed fewer young people smoking, and asked if this was a generational trend.

Councillor Hamdache asked about immunisation rates, which have remained static. Mr. O’Sullivan said that the council is working hard to increase immunisation rates, but that they have been “stubbornly” low for a number of years. He said that the council is working to better understand the reasons why people are not getting their children vaccinated and to address those concerns.

Councillor Burgess asked if the council’s public health team works with the housing team to reach vulnerable residents who live on estates. Mr. O’Sullivan confirmed that the public health team does work with the housing team to provide support to residents on estates. He said that the council recognises the importance of stable accommodation for people who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

Islington Council: Street Cleansing Scrutiny & Pension Fund Update

This week in Islington:

  • The Licensing Committee considered proposed amendments to the membership of one of the council's Licensing Sub-Committees.
  • The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee heard about a range of topics, including the state of street cleansing in the borough, the Archway Leisure Centre retrofit project, and the annual report of the Executive Member for Environment, Equality and Transport.
  • The Pensions Committee was scheduled to discuss the performance of the Islington Pension Fund, and a draft of the 2023/24 annual report.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee D was scheduled to consider an application from Collective Acting Studio for a variation to their premises licence.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - 08 October 2024

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee met this week to consider a range of issues relating to the environment, climate change and transport in Islington.

The committee heard a presentation from Bill Simfield, Acting Head of Operational Services, and Mark Fontaine, Operations Lead for Street Cleansing, on the state of street cleansing in the borough. This was a follow up to the Committee's Scrutiny Review of Net Zero Carbon 2030 - Active Travel, which was discussed at the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting on 03 September 2024. The review looked at the Council’s programme of projects, initiatives and promotion of different forms of active travel, including the barriers to active travel.

The committee were very interested in the presentation on street cleansing. This is a topic that is often raised by residents, and the committee is keen to ensure that the council is doing everything it can to keep the borough's streets clean. In particular, the committee raised concerns about the council's use of the private company, Kingdom, to carry out enforcement against environmental crime.

Councillor Caroline Russell questioned whether it was appropriate for the council to be using a company whose staff are paid out of the fines that they issue. She suggested that this could lead to a situation where enforcement officers are more likely to issue fines to people who are less able to afford them, and asked how this approach sat with the council's values. Councillor Russell's concerns reflect a wider debate about the use of private companies to carry out public services.

The committee also expressed concern about the council's plans to reduce the frequency of street cleaning in some areas of the borough. Councillor Gary Heather noted that some side streets in town centre areas get a lot of litter, and that reducing the frequency of street cleaning in these areas could lead to a build-up of rubbish. He also argued that the council should be prioritizing enforcement against more serious offences, such as fly-tipping, rather than focusing on littering.

The committee heard a presentation from Martijn Kormans, Director for Climate Change and Transport, and Felice, Energy Project and Programmes Officer, on work to retrofit Archway Leisure Centre to reduce its carbon footprint.

The retrofit is part of the council's wider efforts to decarbonise its buildings and achieve its target of becoming a net zero carbon borough by 2030. The committee was supportive of the project and expressed interest in learning more about the technology being used to decarbonise the building.

Councillors expressed concern about the cost of decarbonising council buildings, and asked whether the government would provide more funding to help councils meet their net zero targets. Councillor Rowena Champion, Executive Member for Environment, Equality and Transport, responded by saying that the council was doing everything it could to secure funding from central government, but that it was also looking at other ways to fund its decarbonisation programme, such as through borrowing and through partnership working with other organisations.

Finally, the committee heard a presentation from Councillor Champion on her annual report. The report highlighted the progress that had been made on a number of key areas, including tree planting, recycling, and the delivery of liveable neighbourhoods. The committee was generally supportive of the report, but raised a number of questions about the council's performance in some areas, particularly in relation to recycling.

This reflects a growing concern about the council's performance on recycling, which has been a recurring theme in recent meetings. At the Executive meeting on 05 September 2024, for example, Councillor Champion acknowledged that the council was still struggling with recycling rates and outlined the steps that were being taken to improve the situation, such as investing in estate-based recycling.

Councillors asked why the council was not making faster progress on improving its recycling rate, and whether it planned to introduce a detailed action plan for improving its recycling rate over the next few years. Councillor Champion responded by saying that the council was working on a new waste reduction and recycling plan, which would set out a detailed strategy for improving recycling rates.

The committee also discussed the impact of the government's new Extended Producer Responsibility regulations on recycling. The regulations will require producers of packaging to pay a proportion of the cost of recycling their products, which the council hopes will lead to a reduction in the amount of packaging used and an increase in recycling rates.

Pensions Committee - 07 October 2024

The Pensions Committee met this week to receive a report on the recent performance of the Islington Pension Fund. This is a regular item on the committee's agenda, and the report provides an update on the fund's assets and liabilities.

No video of the meeting was provided.

This committee frequently discusses the performance of the Islington Pension Fund, including the fund's asset allocation, fund manager performance and the funding of the Pension Scheme.

The committee also considers issues relating to the fund's investment strategy, and the council's commitment to investing the Islington Pension Fund ethically. In previous emails, we have reported on the council's efforts to divest from companies that profit from fossil fuels or arms sales, and to invest in companies that are committed to social and environmental responsibility. This is a reflection of the council's commitment to tackling climate change and promoting social justice.

This meeting also considered the Fund's investment in impact investment. The report pack included a draft of the annual report for 2023/24, which outlined the progress that had been made on impact investing. The report noted that the fund had not yet made any impact investments, but that it was working to develop a strategy for impact investing and was considering a shortlist of impact investment funds.

The committee was scheduled to review and note the report and its contents. The committee is responsible for setting the fund's investment strategy and for monitoring its performance. However, the committee can delegate certain decisions to officers, such as the decision to make specific investments.

The committee also reviewed the draft Pension Annual Report for 2023/24, which was prepared by the Corporate Director of Resources. The report included details of the fund's performance in the most recent quarter, its asset allocation, a summary of its financial report, including its income and expenditure for 2023/24, and statements of responsibility for the pension fund. It also included the Fund's statutory statements (including the Investment Strategy Statement, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Policy Statement, and Communication Policy Statement), and a glossary of terms.

The report also provided an update on the fund's pooling arrangements, the exercise of shareholder voting rights, and the funding of the Pension Scheme.

The committee was informed that a summary of the draft annual report would be distributed to pension members at the Annual General Pension Meeting, which was scheduled to be held on 30 September 2024.

The committee also received an update on the fund's administration. The report pack detailed its performance against key benchmarks, including the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure, compliments and complaints, and a Scheme Advisory Board update.

It also included minutes from the Board's meeting on 31 July 2024, which listed the topics discussed, including pension administration performance, the Risk Register, and a draft of the 2023/24 pension fund accounts. It also noted Councillor Paul Convery's comments on the fund's performance and investment strategy, and an update on the Pensions Dashboard.

The Committee also received an update on the Pension Fund's Risk Register. The Risk Register is a document that identifies and assesses the risks facing the fund. The report noted that the Committee had previously recommended that the Risk Register needed to be revised, and that work was ongoing to achieve this.

Finally, the Committee was asked to review the Pension Board's forward work programme. This included the following:

  • 10 December 2024: Pensions Administration performance for the period August to October 2024, Risk Register Review, Pension Fund performance for the period 1 July to 30 September 2024, update on draft response to government’s consultation on LGPS pooling deadline 31 March 2025, and an update on the actuarial valuation as at 31 March 2025.
  • 3 March 2025: Pensions Administration performance for the period November 2024 to January 2025, Risk Register review, Pension Fund performance for the period 1 October to 31 December 2024, review of agreed objectives and targets for 2024/25, and a review of draft response to government’s consultation on LGPS pooling before submission.
  • 16 June 2025: Pensions Administration performance for the period February to April 2025, Risk Register review, Pension Fund performance for the period 1 January to 31 March 2025, and a review of the Scheme Advisory Board feedback/report.

The report pack also included minutes from the Board's meeting on 31 July 2024, which listed the topics discussed, including pension administration performance, the Risk Register, and a draft of the 2023/24 pension fund accounts. It also noted Councillor Convery's comments on the fund's performance and investment strategy, and an update on the Pensions Dashboard.

Licensing Sub Committee D - 08 October 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee D met this week to consider an application from Collective Acting Studio at 2 Tiltman Place for a variation to their premises licence.

No video of the meeting was provided.

Licensing Committee - 08 October 2024

The Licensing Committee met this week to consider a report on proposed changes to the membership of one of the council's Licensing Sub-Committees. The committee is responsible for overseeing the council's licensing function, which includes the granting of licences for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and entertainment.

No video of the meeting was provided.

Islington Council: Impact investing & community centres reviewed.

This week in Islington:

  • The Pensions Committee were scheduled to receive a report on the estimated funding position of the Islington Pension Fund, review the implementation of the Fund's investment strategy, and consider a shortlist of impact investment funds.
  • The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee heard about a forthcoming review of community centres, received an update on the Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy and the purchase of ex-Right to Buy homes, and considered a new protocol for the support of young care leavers.

Pensions Committee - 26 September 2024

The Pensions Committee met this week and were scheduled to receive a number of reports, but no transcript was made available for this meeting.

You may recall from previous emails, such as the one for 14 September 2024, that the Pensions Committee has been increasingly focusing on impact investing. This reflects the council's commitment in its 2022 manifesto to ensure that the Islington Pension Fund will be invested ethically and will not be invested in companies that profit from fossil fuels or arms sales. This meeting continued that trend, with the Committee being asked to consider a shortlist of impact investment funds for officers and advisors to conduct due diligence1 on.

The Committee was also asked to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Resources to make the required commitment of around £120m to cover the projected gap in the Fund's private debt allocation. The Council's Governance Policy Statement sets out how the Pension Fund is governed and managed. It states that the Pensions Committee is responsible for setting the Fund's investment strategy and for monitoring its performance. However, the Committee can delegate certain decisions to officers, such as the decision to make specific investments.

The Committee was scheduled to receive a report on the estimated funding position of the Islington Pension Fund. This is a regular item on the Committee's agenda, and the report provides an update on the Fund's assets and liabilities. The report pack included a report prepared by Mercer, Islington Pension Fund's actuary2. The Committee was scheduled to note the report's summary findings.

The Committee was also scheduled to review the implementation of the Pension Fund's investment strategy. The strategy was agreed in June 2020, and the report outlines the progress that had been made on implementing it since the previous meeting in July 2024.

The report pack also included the draft Pension Annual Report for 2023/24, which was prepared by the Corporate Director of Resources and was scheduled to be reviewed by the Committee. The report provided an update on the Fund's recent performance, including fund manager performance, asset allocation, pooling arrangements, the exercise of shareholder voting rights, and the funding of the Pension Scheme. It also included the draft statement of accounts, the fund's statutory statements (including the Investment Strategy Statement, Funding Strategy Statement, Governance Policy Statement, and Communication Policy Statement), and a glossary of terms.

The Committee was asked to review and note the report and its contents. The Committee was also informed that a summary of the draft annual report would be distributed to pension members at the Annual General Pension Meeting, which was scheduled to be held on 30 September 2024.

The Committee was scheduled to receive a report reviewing progress on the Fund's four-year business plan and seeking their views on the plan's objectives for the coming year.

Finally, the report pack included an update from the London CIV who manage investments on behalf of the Islington Pension Fund. The Committee was scheduled to note the update.

The London CIV pools the investments of 32 London boroughs to achieve economies of scale and reduce costs. It currently manages over £50 billion of assets. In 2021, Islington Council decided to increase its investment in the London CIV, and the CIV now manages a significant proportion of the Islington Pension Fund.

The Committee also received an update on the restructuring of the Fund's passive equity portfolio, which is managed by Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM).

The restructuring was intended to ensure that companies on the UN’s list of businesses involved in activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory deemed compliant in human rights abuses are excluded from the Fund’s investments.

This followed a motion passed by the Council in 2022, which called on the Pension Fund to divest from companies that are complicit in human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Council's motion was controversial, with some councillors arguing that it was not appropriate for the council to take a political stance on this issue.

At its July meeting, the Committee had instructed the Corporate Director of Resources to consult with Pension Fund members on the proposed restructuring of the Pension Fund and carry out the necessary equalities impact assessment3. The report informed the Committee that LGIM had confirmed that they would not be able to accommodate Islington’s request to exclude companies from the passive equity portfolio on ethical grounds. The Committee was informed that officers were seeking further advice from legal counsel and would report their findings to the Committee in due course.

The Committee was asked to note the update.

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee - 26 September 2024

The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee met on 26 September 2024 to consider a range of issues relating to housing and homelessness in Islington.

The committee heard about a forthcoming review of community centres in the borough, received an update on the Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy and the purchase of ex-Right to Buy homes, and considered a new protocol for the support of young care leavers. The committee was also briefed on rough sleeping data for the borough and reviewed the performance of the Housing Department against its targets.

As in previous meetings, such as the one for 11 September 2024, the committee expressed concern about the increase in homelessness in the borough. Councillors asked what the council was doing to address the issue, and whether enough resources were being allocated to homelessness prevention.

The meeting papers provided details of the financial challenges facing the council, particularly in relation to temporary accommodation. For example, the cost of nightly booked emergency accommodation is relatively high, compared to other temporary accommodation. This reflects a trend of rising demand for temporary accommodation, which has been discussed at previous meetings. You may recall, for example, that at the Executive meeting on 05 September 2024, Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, expressed concern about the council's ability to manage demand for temporary accommodation within its budget.

This meeting also included a discussion of the council's performance in relation to leaseholders and the establishment of a new leaseholder forum. Councillor Ward reported that the council's performance in relation to leaseholders was pretty good and that the council was working to improve communication with leaseholders.

The committee also discussed the council's consultation on potential changes to communal heating hours, reflecting its concern about the impact of the cost of living crisis on Islington residents, which has been a recurring theme in recent meetings.

  1. Due diligence is an investigation, audit, or review performed to confirm the facts of a matter under consideration. In a financial context, due diligence requires an examination of financial records before entering into a proposed transaction with another party.  

  2. An actuary is a business professional who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty. 

  3. An equalities impact assessment is a systematic analysis of the likely or actual effects of a policy, strategy, function or service on people in respect of their protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation 

Islington Council approves new allowance and tackles catastrophic bleeding.

This week in Islington:

  • The Audit and Risk Committee held a deep dive on the state of Islington's parking and commercial property income, after expressing concern about volatility and shortfalls in both areas.
  • The Planning Sub Committee B approved the construction of a new sixth storey at 123 Golden Lane, and the change of use of disused garages on Bingfield Street to create 8 affordable workspace units.
  • The Council debated a range of topics, including a motion to increase support for residents experiencing catastrophic bleeding, the establishment of a new Special Responsibility Allowance for the leader of the second largest opposition group, and efforts to tackle the scourge of racism and fascism.
  • The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee were scheduled to consider the scrutiny initiation document for a review of Adult Social Care accommodation, and to hear reports on Healthwatch Islington's performance and work plan.
  • The Licensing Sub Committee C considered an application from Bodegare Ltd. for a new premises licence to store and sell alcohol at 11 Hercules Street.

Audit and Risk Committee - 16 September 2024

The committee noted the progress reports on the parking and commercial income budgets, the external and internal audit progress reports, the fraud investigation report, and the whistleblowing monitoring report. The committee discussed the external audit progress, the performance of the parking and commercial property portfolios, and compliance with internal audit recommendations.

External Audit

Grant Thornton UK LLP1 has been appointed as the council's new external auditor, replacing KPMG2. The committee discussed the progress made by the new auditors in their audit of the council's 2023-24 accounts. The auditors reported that they are aiming to complete their fieldwork during the second half of October and issue their audit opinion in November, ahead of the statutory deadline of 28 February 2025. The auditors confirmed that they had not identified any significant risks to the council's financial sustainability.

Councillor Paul Convery asked whether the new auditors had identified anything that the previous auditors had missed. Rashpal Kangura from Grant Thornton replied that they had not identified any significant risks or weaknesses in the council's financial arrangements, but their work was still ongoing. Councillor Convery noted that the committee was getting a service here, which is an improvement, significant improvement compared to the previous auditors.

Councillor Convery also asked about the auditors' review of the pension fund. The auditors confirmed that they had engaged their own actuaries to review the underlying assumptions used in the pension fund valuation and had not identified any indicators of misstatement. They noted that if the council were to change its assumptions in the future, they would need to discuss this with the auditors to ensure that they were still comfortable with the assessment.

Parking Budget

The committee discussed a report on the performance of the parking budget. Councillor Convery noted that members had been very concerned about the volatility of the parking income and expenditure and highlighted that the projected deficit for the parking revenue account had increased from £4.2 million at this time last year to £12.8 million at year-end.

He sought reassurance from Jed Young, Corporate Director of Homes & Neighbourhoods, that the parking budget was now under control. Mr Young explained that the parking budget was affected by a number of factors, including a reduction in the number of parking permits sold, a decrease in the amount of time people are parking for, and an increase in the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued to unregistered vehicles.

He said that the service was taking action to mitigate these risks, including working with the council's enforcement contractor, NSL, on revised enforcement practices, enhancing debt recovery activity, and working with other boroughs on the issue of unregistered vehicles.

The committee raised concerns about the sustainability of relying on PCN income from the introduction of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs). Councillor Caroline Russell 3 noted that as people become more aware of the LTNs, the number of PCNs issued will inevitably decrease. She asked how the council was modelling this in its budget projections.

Mr Young explained that the service had modelled a higher level of non-compliance when a new scheme is introduced, which then tapers down over time. He said that the model had tracked pretty well against actual data, but acknowledged that the council would eventually need to find other sources of income to replace the revenue from LTNs.

Councillor Russell also raised the issue of the impact of heavier electric vehicles on road surfaces, and questioned whether they should be charged more for parking than conventional vehicles. Councillor Convery stated that the council's current policy is to discount parking charges for EVs because they produce no tailpipe emissions, but acknowledged that this could be reviewed in the future.

Councillor Nick Wayne asked about the projection for parking permit income, which showed a significant increase over the next few years. He questioned whether this was realistic, given the trend of declining car ownership in the borough and the fact that the council had recently increased permit charges.

Mr Young acknowledged that the council was probably at the edges of elasticity in terms of permit pricing, and that further increases could lead to a decrease in revenue. He said that the service was keeping a close eye on permit sales and would revise its projections if necessary.

Commercial Income Budget

The committee then discussed a report on the commercial income budget. Councillor Convery noted that the directorate had a negative variance of £1.1 million, mainly due to the termination of a single tenancy. He asked Stephen Biggs, Corporate Director of Community Wealth Building, to explain the council's strategy for its commercial property portfolio and whether it should be reconsidered.

Mr Biggs explained that the council's strategy had historically been to hold onto surplus property to generate rental income rather than selling it to generate a capital receipt. He said that this strategy had been successful in the past but had become more challenging in recent years due to the declining property market, particularly in the office sector.

Councillor Hyde asked about the net yield of the council's commercial property portfolio. Mr Biggs said that the yield varied significantly across different types of property, but was generally in the region of 4-5%, which Councillor Convery described as a very low yield. He suggested that the council should consider disposing of some of its assets and investing the capital receipt in other ways.

Mr Biggs acknowledged that this was an option that the council would need to consider, but highlighted that there were other factors to take into account, such as the social value of some of the properties. He said that the council was currently reviewing its options and would report back to the committee in due course.

The committee discussed the possibility of disposing of community centres. Mr Biggs reassured the committee that no decisions had been made, and that any disposals would be subject to a thorough review process, taking into account the social value of the centres.

Councillor Convery suggested that the committee recommend that the council undertake a proper net yield appraisal of all of its properties, to identify those which are most problematic. He also highlighted the potential for development opportunities in some areas, particularly in Brewery Road where there is a growing creative economy. He concluded by noting that the government's new focus on economic growth could create fresh opportunities for the council in the commercial property sector.

Internal Audit

The committee then reviewed the Internal Audit Annual Report for 2023-24. Councillor Convery noted an increase in the number of limited and no assurance internal audits reported to the committee, and asked whether this was a cause for concern.

Nasreen Khan, the Head of Internal Audit, Investigations and Risk Management, explained that this was partly due to the council undertaking more complex activities, as well as the internal audit service having increased capacity to carry out more audits. She assured the committee that management was typically well engaged with internal audit recommendations, and that the increase in findings was a positive sign that the service was identifying and addressing weaknesses in the council's controls.

The committee discussed the rate of implementation of internal audit recommendations, with Councillor Alan Finch raising concerns about two audits where there had been limited or no assurance and only moderate implementation of actions. Ms Khan explained that there was a genuine reason for the delays in these cases, and that there was not a culture of ignoring internal audit recommendations. She added that the corporate management team regularly reviewed outstanding actions, and that progress was discussed with managers as part of their performance reviews.

Councillor Anne Begg expressed concerns about the continued appearance of the same service areas in the list of audits with limited assurance, particularly schools and Tenant Management Organisations (TMOs). She asked whether there was a cultural issue in these areas, and whether the committee should escalate its concerns.

Ms Khan responded that the internal audit service was working closely with the schools finance team to address recurring issues, and was providing training to school staff. She added that a new resource had been put in place to review the financial arrangements of TMOs, which she hoped would have a fundamental impact on their performance.

Fraud Investigation and Whistleblowing

The committee noted the Annual Fraud Report for 2023-24 and the Bi-Annual Whistleblowing Monitoring Report covering the period 1 February 2024 to 31 July 2024.

Councillor Convery highlighted the importance of probity in the council's housing operations, given the perception that the council's housing portfolio was a really profitable way of scaling the council. He praised the work of the housing investigations team, noting that they had recovered 47 properties in 2023-24.

However, he also expressed concern that the scale of potential fraudulent activity was likely to be much higher than the number of cases currently being discovered, and asked how the council could ramp up its activity in this area.

In addition to their formal discussion of the reports, the committee also received an informal verbal update on the council's financial position. Councillor Convery expressed concerns about continued pressure on the council's finances, particularly in relation to parking and commercial rent shortfalls.

Planning Sub Committee B - 17 September 2024

Islington Council's Planning Sub Committee B approved three applications. Permission was granted for the change of use of disused garages under Bingfield Street to create 8 affordable workspace units. Listed building consent was granted for internal works at 54 Newington Green. The committee also approved the erection of a two-storey mansard roof extension at 123 Golden Lane, also known as Concordia House, to provide additional office floorspace.

123 Golden Lane

The application from Bywater Properties Ltd. was to redevelop the roof of the existing five-storey office building on Golden Lane to create a sixth floor, with a new zinc-clad mansard roof. This would increase the office floorspace in the building by 427 square metres. As part of the application, all of the windows would be replaced with new double glazed, crittal style windows and double glazed timber sash windows to match the existing windows, and new doors would be installed, including new louvred doors to the bin store on Honduras Street.

The applicant, represented by Theo Michel, explained that their proposal was about retaining existing buildings and bringing them back into use in line with sustainability goals. He argued that the proposal would bring back into use a building which was becoming unusable in its current condition. The committee agreed that

it's welcome to see an old building like this have its life extended.

The existing mansard roof dates from 1979 and is considered to be unattractive. A member of the committee noted:

I think it is quite a characterful building

The building is in the St Luke’s Conservation Area and the replacement mansard roof will be larger than the existing one. The St Luke’s Conservation Area Design Guidelines state that no visible roof extensions will be permitted on this building, but the committee agreed with the planning officer that the existing mansard roof is already visible from the street and is unattractive, and the proposed roof extension, while larger, is of a much higher design quality.

The committee heard from the only objector to the proposal. Dipam Patel of Triac Services Ltd. explained that he was objecting on behalf of his client, Serra Eluvai, the owner of 125 Golden Lane. He explained that the building is a prize-winning building, designed by Joe Hagen, who included a roof terrace overlooking London. He argued that the proposed development would impact this terrace by overshadowing it and creating an overbearing presence.

Kevin Francis, a daylight and sunlight consultant speaking for the applicant, explained that there would be some impact to the roof terrace on 125 Golden Lane:

the proposed development fails to meet that 21st of June test.

He went on to argue that this was an acceptable loss as the terrace already fails to meet the BRE guidelines for sunlight. He added that the terrace would continue to receive good levels of sunlight in summer months, when it would be most likely to be in use.

The committee noted that the applicant had sought to minimise the impact on the terrace by reducing the size of the proposed roof at pre-application stage.

The proposed development will include 20 cycle spaces for staff in the basement, and two accessible cycle spaces on the ground floor.

The committee queried how visitors to the building, especially couriers, would access the cycle parking if it was expected that they would use the basement cycle parking.

David Lomax of Walthaeston Architects, speaking for the applicant, explained that the two accessible spaces on the ground floor were oversized so that they could be used by cargo bikes. He added that there would be channels installed on the stairs to allow people to wheel their bikes down to the basement.

Councillor Bliney Hamdash expressed concern that there was only limited cycle parking for visitors and asked whether the applicant would consider paying for the installation of Sheffield Stands on the street. Mr Michel agreed to consider this. Councillor Hamdash suggested a contribution of up to five Sheffield Stands.

Councillor Toby North suggested adding a condition requiring the applicant to provide further information about the types of windows that would be installed.

Councillor Diarmaid Ward welcomed the proposal and stated that he was:

particularly struck by the fact that of the addition of more accessible toilets and the new cycle parking it really is uplifting this very attractive building for the modern era.

The committee resolved to grant planning permission, with the condition that the applicant engages with officers about contributing to the cost of up to five Sheffield Stands for visitor cycle parking, and the amendment to the materials condition suggested by Councillor North.

Bingfield Garages

The first application on the agenda was from Islington Council to change the use of a block of eight disused garages under Bingfield Street to eight separate class E studio units2 for use as affordable workspace. The proposal included the removal of the existing boundary wall to Bingfield Park and the provision of a new refuse store and timber-clad storage container.

Alison Minto, speaking for the applicant, said that the units would be used for a range of purposes:

generally office use, gives scope for small businesses and micro businesses who may be prototyping or doing some elements of kind of creative work.

Councillor North noted that the Class E designation would allow a wide range of uses, including industrial processes. He sought an assurance that the operational management plan would address the possibility of noisy or disruptive uses.

The applicant, Graham Hughes, explained that the units would be heated with electricity because there is no gas supply. Councillor Hamdash expressed concern that the development did not include any proposals to green the site and expressed disappointment that no new planting was proposed. Mr Hughes responded that there is a longer-term ambition to extend the park into the site, but that this is not possible currently because of budgetary constraints.

The committee resolved to grant planning permission for the development with an amendment to Condition 5 requiring the applicant to provide information about the proposed uses of each of the units, and an informative that the ambition for a longer-term greening of the site should be considered in any future planning applications.

54 Newington Green

The final application was a Listed Building Consent application from Blakeney & Bond Ltd. for internal works at 54 Newington Green. This was for alterations to the layout of the existing ground floor kitchen to improve the visibility of the window and a bressumer beam. It also proposed the removal of a kitchen island to allow a better appreciation of the proportions of the room.

Councillor Diarmaid Ward expressed concern about the sustainability of the proposal, as it involved removing existing kitchen units, but the Planning Officer explained that Councillor Caroline Russell, the applicant, had explained that the existing units were being replaced with units that she already owned and which she would otherwise have had to dispose of.

The committee resolved to grant Listed Building Consent for the application.

Council - 19 September 2024

The Council approved changes to its constitution to create a new allowance for the leader of the second largest opposition group. It also approved changes to its capital programme, including the reallocation of £12.852 million from a decarbonisation scheme. Finally, the Council approved six motions, most notably on a cross-party basis, to take more action to tackle catastrophic bleeding, create a safer night time economy, and challenge racism and fascism.

Racism and Fascism

The Council approved a cross-party motion to stand together against racism and fascism, which was proposed by Councillor Sheila Chapman and seconded by Councillor Benali Hamdache.

The motion condemned the recent riots in Southport, which were triggered by the murder of three young girls and fuelled by far-right activists spreading misinformation online. Councillors agreed that social media platforms and their use by right-wing extremists have created a ‘perfect storm’ for far-right conspiracy and extremist ideologies resulting in the domestic terrorism we witnessed across the UK.

Councillor Chapman spoke about a recent event for refugees and asylum seekers organised by Muslim Welfare House, which provides a range of services to the local community. She was moved by hearing about people's experiences and committed to working to improve their situation.

The motion also noted the important role played by Islington Faiths Forum, which brings people together from different faiths, as well as Islington's status as a Borough of Sanctuary.

The motion resolved to:

  • Support the government's review of the role of tech companies in the riots.
  • Urge the government to crack down on the press and any instigators of hate.
  • Address the role that 14 years of austerity has played in creating a culture of hate and blame.
  • Further promote the work of the Council’s Hate Crime Prevention Champions, who are trained volunteers working to tackle hate crime in Islington.
  • Continue to actively work with the borough's diverse communities to promote community cohesion.
  • Be purposeful and explicit in council communications in condemning racism.

A number of councillors, including Councillor Cinko-Oner, Councillor Ibrahim, Councillor Hyde, Councillor Graham and Councillor McKee, spoke passionately in support of the motion. Councillor Cinko-Oner suggested that the council take part in the Show Racism the Red Card day of action by wearing red on 18 October, which was endorsed by the meeting's Chair.

Stop Fatalities From Catastrophic Bleeding

The Council approved a motion proposed by Councillor John Woolf and seconded by Councillor Hannah McHugh to take further action to reduce the number of fatalities from catastrophic bleeding. This includes working with community stakeholders to identify locations for new bleed control kits, which contain equipment that can be used to help control serious bleeding. The motion noted the work of the Daniel Baird Foundation, which was set up in memory of Daniel Baird, who was fatally stabbed in 2017.

The motion states that: In many tragic cases, these deaths are preventable and seeks to ensure that we are constantly data led.

The motion was also supported by Councillor Russell from the Green Party.

A Safer Night Time Economy

The Council approved a motion proposed by Councillor Angelo Weekes and seconded by Councillor Heather Staff to make Islington's nighttime economy safer.

This follows an announcement in the recent King’s Speech that the government plans to introduce a new law that would make spiking a specific criminal offence. This was welcomed by councillors, who resolved to write to the government for further information about the plans.

The motion also noted the council’s support for Operation Rana, which was launched by the Metropolitan Police in 2021 to tackle drink spiking. In Islington, this has involved the police working with licensed venues to raise awareness of drink spiking, share crime prevention advice, and distribute materials, such as drink covers, to help reduce the risk of spiking.

The motion also highlighted the importance of the WAVE training scheme, which aims to provide those working in licensed premises with the skills they need to identify and support vulnerable customers. The scheme covers a range of topics, including drink spiking, violence against women and girls, and mental health.

Councillor Staff spoke about the experience of a friend who was the victim of drink spiking at a club where they were working as a DJ. They said that the incident had had a massive impact on their friend and wanted to see more action taken to prevent such incidents from happening again.

The motion was also supported by Councillor Russell from the Green Party.

Play in Islington

The Council approved a motion, proposed by Councillor Ernestas Jegorovas-Armstrong and seconded by Councillor Caroline Russell, to continue its work to improve play facilities for children and young people in Islington.

The motion noted that: Play is an important part of every child’s development and essential both to their health and happiness. It also noted that Playing outdoors can help children to develop self-confidence and social skills, as well as keep healthy.

The motion resolved to:

  • Continue to change the way the council approaches place by promoting play and investing in physical activity.
  • Protect and prioritise funding for adventure playgrounds, which provide free, safe spaces for children to play.
  • Recognise the achievements of playworkers and publicly promote their work.
  • Continue to celebrate Playday and to celebrate the UN's International Day of Play next year.

Two Child Benefit Limit

The Council approved a motion, proposed by Councillor Cinko-Oner, to condemn the government's two child limit for child benefit and its associated rape clause, which requires women to disclose that a third or subsequent child was conceived as a result of rape or during an abusive relationship in order to be eligible for child benefit.

The motion notes that: Since its introduction in 2017, the policy has pushed 250,000 children into poverty, impacting disproportionately on lone parent families, larger families and children from ethnic minority backgrounds.

An amendment to the motion, proposed by Councillor Comer-Schwartz, added wording that acknowledges that: The new Labour Government has committed to abolishing the two-child limit, but not yet the rape clause.

The motion as amended resolves to:

  • Write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to demand the abolition of the two child limit and the rape clause.
  • Continue to raise awareness of the two child benefit cap and the services available to support residents to claim benefits to which they are entitled.
  • Publish a statement condemning the rape clause and the two child limit.

A New Deal for Workers

The Council approved a motion, proposed by Councillor Turan and seconded by Councillor Williamson, calling on the government to improve workers' rights.

The motion welcomes a new green paper on employment rights published by the Labour Party, which includes proposals to:

  • Ban zero hours contracts.
  • Give workers day one rights to sick pay, holiday pay, and parental leave.
  • Create a single status of 'worker' for all but the genuinely self-employed.

The motion resolves to:

  • Write to the government calling for the green paper's proposals to be implemented within the first 100 days of the next Labour government.
  • Write to the government urging for a change to the immigration rules that apply to domestic migrant workers. The motion notes that the current rules mean that many workers are forced to stay in abusive relationships in fear of losing their visa status.
  • Call on the government to make jobs, pay, and workers' rights a central part of its vision for the future.
  • Continue to work with trade unions and encourage Islington residents to join a union.

Constitution Update

The Council approved a report containing a number of changes to its constitution. These include:

  • Amending the language in the constitution so that it acknowledges that there may be more than one opposition group on the council. This is necessary because four councillors recently left the Labour Party to form the new Islington Independents group.
  • Adding wording to the constitution to create a new Special Responsibility Allowance for the Leader of the second largest opposition group. The amount payable will be 35% of the allowance paid to the Leader of the largest opposition group.
  • Increasing the size of the Licensing Regulatory Committee from four to five members to ensure the committee’s political balance properly reflects the political balance of the Council.

Capital Programme 2024/25 Quarter 1 Budget Changes

The Council approved a report detailing changes to its capital programme for 2024/25. This includes:

  • Reallocating £12.852 million from a scheme to decarbonise council buildings. The report notes that the cost to complete these works has increased but not the grant funding available, making the schemes unviable and unaffordable to the council at this time.
  • Terminating a new-build housing scheme at Elmore Street and Lindsey Mews. The report notes that it has been determined that the scheme will not deliver value for money.
  • Adding £3.366 million to the capital programme to reflect a technical accounting adjustment to capitalise existing expenditure for the Disabled Facilities Grant, which helps residents adapt their homes to better meet their needs. The grant is funded by central government.
  • Adding £1.790 million to the capital programme for the Future Work Phase 2 scheme, which supports residents to find employment. This is a technical accounting adjustment and is not an approval for new council spend.


No petitions were submitted.

Mayoral Announcements

The Mayor spoke about a number of recent engagements they had attended, including events to celebrate Windrush Day, Pride, Armed Forces Week, Refugee Week, and the anniversary of the D-Day landings. They also spoke about their work to raise awareness of hidden disabilities, and their support for their chosen charity, Brickworks Community Centre, which provides a range of activities for local residents.

Leader's Announcements

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz, spoke about the death of Ahmed Habib, a young man who was fatally stabbed in Finsbury Park. She said the council was working with the police to support the community. She also spoke about:

  • The new Labour government's plans to ban dangerous weapons and invest in a new Young Futures Programme.
  • The council's work to support adult carers, celebrate D-Day and Armed Forces Day, and promote Refugee Week.
  • The council's commitment to making Islington a Borough of Sanctuary, which seeks to create a welcoming environment for refugees and asylum seekers.
  • The council's efforts to improve the lives of working people.
  • The anniversary of the Finsbury Park terror attack and the importance of unity against hate.
  • The council's successful challenge to the Metropolitan Police's use of live facial recognition.

The Leader of the Opposition, Councillor Cinko-Oner, responded to the Leader's announcements, expressing her sorrow at Ahmed Habib's death. She said that she welcomed the end of Conservative rule and hoped that the new Labour government would tackle the challenges ahead. She also said that many Islington residents had voted for candidates with policies bolder than those proposed by the national Labour Party, and urged the council to adopt a more radical agenda.

Questions From Members of the Youth Council

Five questions were asked by members of the Youth Council:

  • Young Mayor, Tyra, asked the Leader of the Council what plans she had to improve the lives of young people in Islington, particularly in light of the recent change in government.
  • Deputy Young Mayor, Amira, asked the Executive Member for Community Safety how the council was supporting young people from different faiths and ethnic backgrounds to feel safe in Islington following the racist marches and riots that had taken place over the summer.
  • Young Councillor, Merriam, asked the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities & Inclusion what the council had been doing to tackle racism.
  • Young Councillor, Mairan, asked the Executive Member for Homes & Neighbourhoods what support systems were available for young people experiencing poverty and homelessness.
  • Young Councillor, Billy, asked the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy, Culture & Jobs what the council was doing to ensure that Islington continued to have a vibrant cultural offer for young people, particularly in light of the fact that some cultural organisations had recently moved out of the borough.

Questions From Members of the Public

Four questions were asked by members of the public:

  • Sheridan Cates asked the Executive Member for Finance and Performance what percentage of Islington pensioners that are eligible to receive Pension Credit were known to be claiming it. The Pension Credit scheme is a benefit for people over State Pension age that tops up their weekly income. She expressed concern that many pensioners were missing out on this important benefit and urged the council to do more to support residents to make a claim, including potentially working again with the charity Policy in Practice, which had previously worked with the council on a similar project.
  • Rona Topaz asked the Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods about plans for a residents' lounge at the new Holloway Park development, where Peabody is the registered provider. She asked why a two-tier system was being implemented, whereby private tenants would have automatic access to the lounge, but social tenants would have to opt in and pay an additional fee. She said that she was in favour of a “tenure blind” approach, whereby all residents would have the same access rights.
  • Pete Gillman asked the Leader of the Council if she would commit to working with other local authorities to call on the government to restore powers that had been removed from councils since Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in 1979. He highlighted that the Conservative Party had been systematically reducing the powers of local government for over 40 years and wanted to see this trend reversed. He expressed concern that the Labour Party's Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, had indicated that a Labour government would seek to remove bureaucratic impediments for developers, which he feared could lead to a further reduction in the powers of local authorities. The Leader responded by saying that she would be happy to work with other local authorities to call for more powers to be devolved to councils. She said that Islington Council had been a leader on this issue in the past, having successfully led a campaign that made the 2016 Housing and Planning Act inoperable.
  • David Harrison asked the Executive Member for Climate and Transport what plans the Council had to promote walking in Islington, particularly in light of the recent improvements to Clerkenwell Green and the opening of the New Green Link Walk, which runs from Peckham to Epping Forest, passing through Clerkenwell. Councillor Champion responded by saying that the council was committed to promoting walking and had a number of schemes underway, including its Liveable Neighbourhoods programme. She said that the programme was about creating quiet streets, safe, connected walking and cycling routes, attractive community spaces, but also getting to really, really incorporate things like child friendly features, shade and seating, as well as of course pavement improvements, which we know are so important. She also said that the council was working with organisations such as Footways to develop new walking routes.

Questions From Members of the Council

Seven questions were asked by councillors:

  • Councillor Clarke asked the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families about the future of Islington's adventure playgrounds, which are run by the Islington Play Association. She asked for reassurance that the playgrounds would continue to be funded and that the staff who work in them would have their terms and conditions protected. This follows an announcement by the Islington Play Association that it is planning to reduce staff pay by 20%.
  • Councillor Heather asked the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families about the job security and housing arrangements of caretakers who work in schools in Islington. This follows a case in her ward, where a school caretaker had been made redundant and given notice to vacate their home as part of a school reorganisation.
  • Councillor Paul Convery asked the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities & Inclusion how many voters were turned away from polling stations at the recent general election because they did not have a valid form of photo ID.
  • Councillor Russell asked the Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods how the council supports vulnerable residents when lifts on their estates break down. This follows a number of lift outages that have recently taken place in her ward.
  • Councillor Hamdache asked the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities & Inclusion for an update on the council's plans to find sites for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Islington.
  • Councillor Pandor asked the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families about the impact that Islington’s Youth Justice Service has had on improving outcomes for young people.
  • Councillor Hayes asked the Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport about the impact of the climate emergency on residents in Islington and what the council is doing to prepare for its future effects.

Councillor Nanda asked the Executive Member for Equalities, Communities & Inclusion about the recent riots against ethnic minorities and asylum seekers and what

  1. Grant Thornton UK LLP is one of the UK's largest accountancy and business advisory firms. 

  2. KPMG is a multinational professional services network, and one of the Big Four accounting organizations. 

  3. Councillor Caroline Russell is a Green Party councillor representing the Highbury East Ward. 

Islington Council: NHS Trust merger & school results scrutinised

This week in Islington:

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health - 09 September 2024

The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health met to consider a range of reports, but no transcript was made available for this meeting.

Merger of North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

This was a report on the proposed merger of the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

This is the latest in a series of mergers of local NHS Trusts. As you may recall, this Committee considered a report on the proposed merger of the Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and the Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust at its meeting on 11 June 2024.

The report identified four clinical service areas which would be prioritised for early integration following the merger:

  • Cancer
  • Research and development
  • Colorectal surgery
  • Surgical hubs1

It listed a number of benefits expected to be achieved as a result of the merger, categorised as benefits for patients, for local communities and for staff of the Trusts.

NCL Estates and Infrastructure Strategy 2024

This report provided an update on the North Central London Integrated Care Board's (NCL ICB) Estates and Infrastructure Strategy for 2024.

The report pack stated that a public consultation was held to consider two options to reduce the number of maternity and neonatal units from five to four. The options considered were:

  • Option A - retaining these services at the Whittington Hospital but closing them at the Royal Free Hospital
  • Option B - retaining these services at the Royal Free Hospital but closing them at the Whittington Hospital

The report stated that no decision had been made about this service change and that feedback from the consultation would inform a decision-making business case which would be considered by the NCL ICB and NHS England London Region Specialised Commissioning.

Merger of Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust

This was a report detailing the proposed merger of the Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust to create a new Trust called North London NHS Foundation Trust.

This is a reminder that local NHS Trusts are increasingly merging to create larger organisations.

Work Programme

This was an update on the committee's own work programme for 2024-25.

The report pack listed the following possible items for inclusion in future meetings:

  • Health inequalities fund
  • Smoking cessation & vaping
  • Strategic role of GP Federations
  • Vaccination initiatives
  • Paediatric service review
  • Primary care commissioning and the monitoring of private corporations
  • The efficacy of online GP consultations
  • Increases in the number of people being charged for NHS services

The report pack suggested that the committee should consider its own Terms of Reference when considering suitable topics for inclusion in its work programme.

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - 10 September 2024

This meeting considered four reports: one on persistent absence in secondary schools, one on the council's SEND framework, one on the council's provisional school results for 2024, and a Quarter 4 2023-24 performance report. The committee also considered its own work programme for 2024-25.

As in previous meetings, the issue of persistent absence was of particular concern to councillors, who noted that Islington schools were still lagging behind other inner London boroughs. They asked how the council monitored persistent absence rates and whether they were accurate. Councillor Paul Convery also highlighted the significant range in persistent absence rates across different schools in the borough and asked how the council was investigating the causes of this. The committee also discussed off-rolling, which is when children are removed from a school roll without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Councillor Ilkay Cinko-Oner asked what the council was doing to address this issue.

The committee received a report on Islington Council's provisional school results for 2024, which showed that results were encouraging. They heard from Ben Dunn, Assistant Director for School Improvement, who explained that the results were encouraging, with improvements at all key stages. He highlighted the fact that these pupils had all experienced significant disruption to their education during the pandemic.

The committee also considered a report on the council's SEND framework and transitions update, but asked no questions on this topic, perhaps because, as John Abbey, Director of Children's Services acknowledged, the report was unclear.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - 12 September 2024

This meeting discussed the Leader of the Council's annual presentation, evidence on the Council's 'Progressive Procurement Strategy', the first quarter budget monitoring report for 2024/25 and received a summer update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

Leader's Presentation

Councillor Comer-Schwartz, Leader of the Council, presented an annual report on the state of the Council.

As in previous presentations, she highlighted the financial pressures facing the council, and the unprecedented demand for services, particularly for Temporary Accommodation. This is consistent with the concerns raised in previous emails about the council's finances. For example, in the email for 03 August 2024, we reported that Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, had described the council's financial position as incredibly challenging.

Councillor Comer-Schwartz presented a new [Delivery Plan 2024-26]( which sets out the organisation's key objectives for the next two years. She explained that the Council had developed a new set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to ensure transparency, grip and pace in delivery.

Councillor Comer-Schwartz's presentation was similar in content and tone to the presentation she gave at the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting on 24 July 2024.

Scrutiny Review of Progressive Procurement

The Committee received an update on the Council's 'Progressive Procurement Strategy'.

Officers explained that the strategy had been developed in 2020 and contains 25 commitments, supported by 222 actions.

Councillor Comer-Schwartz and Councillor Santiago Bell-Bradford, the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy, were in attendance at this part of the meeting. They both regularly attend this committee to discuss issues relating to procurement and the local economy.

Budget Monitoring Q1 2024-25

As in previous years, this report contained details of the Council's financial performance in the first quarter of the financial year. Officers presented a revised general fund forecast position of an overspend of £0.648m for the year.

Councillors expressed their concern about the projected increase in council tax.

Medium Term Financial Strategy

The committee received a summer update on the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

This report was discussed at length, and Councillors expressed their concern that the budget position was very challenging. The report highlighted the significant budget gap of £23.098m in 2025/26.

Other Business

Before concluding the meeting, the Committee agreed:

  • To hold a one-off meeting with Thames Water to scrutinise their operations in Islington
  • To move consideration of the 'Annual Workforce Report' to the December meeting of the Committee.

  1. Surgical hubs are dedicated facilities that provide elective surgery, which is planned surgery that is not an emergency, and do not provide emergency care. 

Islington Executive approves boat club lease and reviews budget

This week in Islington:

  • The Licensing Sub Committee B discussed an application for Techspace Goswell Road to open 24/7 and sell alcohol, and for Myddleton Arms to add a private dining area.
  • The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee discussed engagement and greener spaces, the Active Travel Scrutiny Review, and their future workplan.
  • The Executive agreed to lease the land at 16-34 Graham Street to Islington Boat Club1 for a peppercorn rent of £1 per year, reviewed a budget report, adopted several new policies around schools, development projects, anti-social behaviour and neighbourhood policy, and received findings from two scrutiny reviews.

Licensing Sub Committee B - 05 September 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee B met this week to consider two applications, one for a new premises licence and one for a variation to an existing licence. The Licensing Sub-Committee is responsible for considering applications for new licences, and for changes to existing licences for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and entertainment. This committee makes its decisions in accordance with the Licensing Act 20032 and the council's own Licensing Policy.

Techspace, Technique Building, 140 Goswell Road

The first application considered at the meeting was from Techspace for the Technique Building at 140 Goswell Road. They had applied for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol and showing of films for consumption on and off the premises.

The application listed the operating hours as 24 hours a day, but stipulated that the sale of alcohol would be allowed between 12:00 and 22:00 Monday-Friday and 12:00 - 20:00 on weekends.

This application is similar to the recent application from The Shoap, considered at the Licensing Sub-Committee A meeting on 22 August 2024, which also sought to extend the hours during which alcohol would be sold.

In a statement included in the meeting report pack the applicant explained that:

The operating hours state 24 hrs, this reflects the fact that the building is accessible to members 24 hours a day, because of the international timescales some of their members work to.

The application was subject to 26 representations from local residents. Residents often submit representations when a licence application is made, as it allows them to raise any concerns they have about the impact of the proposed activity on their neighbourhood. The representations made by residents on this application reflected a number of concerns, including the potential for noise nuisance from the premises. The meeting papers did not include the full text of the representations received.

The meeting papers also included comments from the council's planning department. They noted that the proposed activities were not consistent with the Use Class3 of the building, which is B1(a)4, and that:

The application is for a premises licence which relates to the internal areas of the first and 4th floor areas only....The licence is not for the general public to be allowed into the premises for the sale or consumption of alcohol for to view films.

It is likely that the Sub-Committee will have taken these comments into consideration when making their decision.

No transcript for this meeting was made available.

Myddleton Arms, 52 Canonbury Road

The second application considered at the meeting was from the Myddleton Arms at 52 Canonbury Road. They were applying for a variation to their existing licence to allow the first floor of the premises to be used as a private dining area for up to 30 people until 23:00. The application was subject to three representations from local residents. The representations concerned the potential for noise nuisance, and the impact of the proposed activities on the amenity of the area.

The meeting papers included the applicants' responses to the representations, in which they stated that:

...[A]n intimate dining room...for a limited number of guests and the environment would not be suitable for loud noise levels.

The papers also included suggested conditions agreed with the Metropolitan Police, Islington’s Noise Team and Trading Standards Team. These conditions included the requirement for an incident log, the implementation of Challenge 25 and CCTV requirements.

As you may recall, applications for variations to existing premises licences are governed by the Licensing Act 2003. The Act sets out the four licensing objectives that licensing authorities must consider when determining applications:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

In addition to these, the sub-committee is also required to consider the council's own Licensing Policy when determining applications.

These applications are often complex, and the sub-committee must balance the interests of the applicant with the interests of local residents. It is likely that the sub-committee will have taken all of these factors into consideration when making their decision.

No transcript for this meeting was made available.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - 03 September 2024

At this meeting, the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee discussed the Islington Citizens' Panel on engagement and greener spaces, the Active Travel Scrutiny Review, and their future workplan. A deputation was also heard on motorcycles as active travel. The Committee agreed on the Scrutiny Initiation Document (SID) for their new scrutiny topic, with some additions, and agreed the Active Travel Scrutiny Review report.

Islington Citizens' Panel

The Committee received a presentation on the Islington Citizens' Panel which focused on climate resilience, in particular greening the borough and building community resilience.

The panel was delivered as part of the Council's commitment in its Vision 2030 strategy to deliver a climate citizens’ panel. part of that strategy, we committed to delivering a climate citizens panel to make sure that we were hearing from residents and getting their input on what we need to do in order to get to net zero and respond to the climate crisis.

The Council partnered with the Sortition Foundation to recruit 34 residents using a democratic lottery. The process ensured a demographically representative sample and ran from April to July 2024. It included a range of activities such as presentations from external speakers, discussions and the development of proposals.

The feedback from this panel will be used to inform the Council's Climate Action Plan, Green Infrastructure Strategy and its approach to managing extreme weather events. A report outlining the discussions and recommendations is due to be published in Winter 2024.

Councillors were particularly impressed with the work of the panel and the way in which the Council had managed the project, in particular the:

  • high level of engagement from residents;
  • focus on inequality;
  • measures taken to ensure inclusivity, such as paying residents the London Living Wage for their time and providing food, childcare and transport.

...the fact that everyone was paid living wage and you kind of dealt with all the issues like transport and kind of childcare and food, and it just sounds like absolutely tip-top best practice.

It was agreed that the report on the Citizens' Panel should be brought back to the Committee in early 2025. The Chair suggested that panel members could be invited to attend the meeting.

There was some confusion from some Councillors about whether the Panel would also be engaging residents on the issues included in the Scrutiny Initiation Document (SID), such as street cleaning, enforcement and accessible streets. Officers confirmed that this would be for future engagement projects and that the focus of the Citizens Panel was on climate adaptation and building resilience.

Scrutiny Review of Net Zero Carbon 2030 - Active Travel

This was a report back on the Committee's previous scrutiny review, which took place between October 2023 and April 2024, on the topic of Active Travel.

'Active travel' refers to any form of human-powered transportation, such as walking and cycling as opposed to using motorised vehicles.

The review looked at the Council’s programme of projects, initiatives and promotion of different forms of active travel, including the barriers to active travel.

The report was agreed and will now be submitted to the Council's Executive for a decision.

The eleven recommendations made in the report included:

  • a review of the Council’s footway renewal programme to ensure pavements in the worst condition are prioritised;
  • the removal of unnecessary street furniture to declutter pavements and cycleways;
  • exploring how the Council can work with Adult Social Care and Children's Services to support more people to take up cycling;
  • commissioning a study into the relationship between pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair and pushchair users.

You can read the full list of recommendations here.

Scrutiny Initiation Document (SID)

Councillors discussed the SID for the new scrutiny topic, ‘Inclusive Streets’. They agreed on the scope of the review, which covers greening, street cleansing and accessibility, and the evidence that will be considered.

...this isn't just about greening, this is about street cleansing. It's about that sort of stuff as well. And it's also about the way that impinges negatively on our areas and whatever.

However, there was some discussion about whether the Islington Citizens' Panel would be used to engage residents on all of the issues outlined in the SID. There were also some suggestions from Councillors on who should be invited to give evidence to the Committee. The Committee agreed that Council officers should reconsider who they invite to the first evidence session to ensure they can speak about all aspects of the scrutiny topic, including street cleaning, enforcement and accessible streets.

Councillor Russell suggested that the Committee should be mindful of consultation fatigue amongst residents when considering who to invite.

...many of the disability organisations like Transport for All and Inclusion London are talking about consultation fatigue, and so I think if we're hearing from people, they need to sort of understand what the outcomes are that come from giving evidence to us, and how that feeds back into council policy, and actually to see some change.

The Committee agreed that residents should be invited to give evidence to the Committee on their experiences of Islington’s streets.

Councillor Edd suggested inviting Rosie Apperley, the project coordinator for Nature Neighbourhoods, to a future meeting.

Deputation on Motorcycles as Active Travel

A deputation was received from Rachel from the Motorcycle Action Group and Ben from Save London Motorcycling who spoke about their request for the Council to adopt an 'evidence-based proportionate policy approach to motorcycles'.

...Islington doesn't have a specific policy approach to motorcycles. The council's transport strategy doesn't consider us. But in real-world policy, we're lumped in with general traffic and treated as a form of car. This is clearly irrational and counterproductive.

They argued that:

  • motorcycles, in particular electric motorcycles, are a sustainable and active mode of transport and should be recognised as such in the Council’s transport strategy;
  • the Council’s current approach to motorcycles is irrational because they are subject to many of the same charges as cars, despite not having the same impact, in particular when it comes to parking.

We see this in particular in the residents' parking permits for motorcycles. The charges are half that of cars, but bikes aren't half of a car. We're a different mode with different impacts. And there's no justification for charging electric motorcycles at all under the terms of the policy.

They drew on the example of other Councils, such as Oxford City Council, which they argued are more progressive in their approach to motorcycles.

Councillor Heather argued that the Council would need to balance the positives of motorcycles, such as reduced emissions, with the negatives, such as noise pollution.

I agree with you about motorcycles being part of the transport strategy of the Council and it would be a rational approach. But I think that you've explained some all positive things, but there would be some negative considerations as well.

In response to the issues raised during the deputation, officers agreed to:

  • take away the suggestion of including a specific section on motorcycles in the Council's Transport Strategy;
  • share further information on how they define active travel and how this is influenced by the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.

One-off Reports

Councillors discussed which topics they would like to receive one-off reports on during the year. They agreed on the following:

  • Thames Water, with a focus on water quality in London.
  • The Climate Action Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which sets out how Islington can achieve net zero carbon in new developments.
  • Leisure, although there was no discussion about what the focus of the report should be.

Councillor Jeapes suggested that the Committee should also receive a short report on a £1.5m variance in the Council’s parking budget. It was decided that Council officers should discuss with the Chairs of the Corporate Resources and Audit Scrutiny Committees which Committee would be the most appropriate to scrutinise this.

Councillor Heather argued that the Committee should also have oversight of the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee budget.

...this environment should look at the budget and how it is worked out within our own section every year. We should have a sort of financial report somehow coming here where we can see what things look like.

No decision was made on this.

Executive - 05 September 2024

The Executive is the council's main decision-making body. It is made up of 10 Labour councillors, including the Leader of the Council and the Deputy Leader. The Executive is responsible for making decisions on a wide range of issues, including the budget, council tax, housing, planning, and environmental services. The Executive meets every month, usually on a Thursday. The meetings are open to the public, and residents can ask questions of the Executive members.

Islington Boat Club

The Executive approved a recommendation to grant a new lease to Islington Boat Club for the premises at 16-34 Graham Street. As you may recall, the previous lease for the site was terminated in early 2023, following a period of uncertainty about the club's future.

Councillor Diarmaid Ward, the Executive Member for Finance and Performance, commended the report and explained that the club had appointed new trustees and developed a new business plan. He said that we do need to closely monitor that as well and closely uh hold the boat club to account on their business plan and that the lease would include break clauses if things went wrong.

This echoes the situation with the sports pavilion on Wray Crescent which was discussed at the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on 23 July 2024. In that case, the committee approved the application for the construction of a new pavilion, despite concerns from residents, on the basis that the council would monitor the situation closely.

Councillor Una O'Halloran, the Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods, also welcomed the report, noting that:

so many children with special needs get the opportunity where we don't you know to experience going on a boat or lessons and's just it's really great

The decision to grant a new lease to the club was welcomed by local residents and stakeholders.

Budget Monitoring

Councillor Diarmaid Ward introduced a report that summarised the council's budget position for the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. As in previous years, the council is facing a challenging financial situation, with a forecast overspend of £0.648m. Similar concerns were raised by Councillor Watts at the Executive meeting on 18 July 2024 when he noted the significant financial challenges associated with managing the council's housing stock, and the increasing demand for temporary accommodation.

Let's be in no doubt that we're going to have an incredibly challenging year forward though, an incredibly challenging budget process moving forward to the budget in March.

The report also noted several key pressures and opportunities across a range of council services:

  • Adult Social Care: Adult Social Services was forecasting a £1.065m overspend, mostly attributed to the unavailability of care home places in the borough, and the associated costs of placing people outside of the borough. The report noted that private providers were due to open new care homes this financial year and this pressure was therefore expected to be short-term. A pressure of £1.180m was forecast due to shortfalls in commercial rent income from properties at Old Street. The council was due to receive £0.5m in additional social care funding from central government in 2025/26.
  • Planning: A £0.626m shortfall in planning income was forecast due to a downturn in planning activity.
  • Parking: The council was forecasting a £1.550m shortfall in parking income, attributed to a delay in the implementation of Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs), and an increase in parking operational costs.
  • Leisure: An overspend of £0.336m was forecast in leisure services as a result of the temporary closure of Sobell Leisure Centre, which had been closed for an estimated seven months due to flooding.
  • Temporary Accommodation: There was a £1.399m overspend in temporary accommodation. The report noted that this was due to an increase in the number of people presenting as homeless, a position compounded by the relatively high cost of nightly booked emergency accommodation, in comparison with other temporary accommodation.
  • Capital Programme: The report noted several areas of slippage and acceleration within the capital programme. The largest project in the programme was the redevelopment of Finsbury Leisure Centre which was due to deliver 100 new council homes and a new leisure centre. Following a review, the scheme costs had increased and the council had agreed a virement5 of £6.115m to the project.
  • Schools: Schools in Islington were forecasting a total deficit of £10.397m by 2025/26 and 17 schools were currently reporting a deficit. To help manage this position, the council was continuing to implement its School Organisation Plan.

The council noted the report.

Fair, Inclusive and Accessible Housing Services Commitment

Councillor Una O'Halloran introduced a report on a new 'Fair, Inclusive and Accessible Housing Services Commitment' for the council's housing services. The commitment set out how the council would respond to the needs of residents who may be vulnerable or who require additional support in order to access the council's services. Councillor O'Halloran said the policy was developed with the support and input from a wide range of our stakeholders including residents, the Islington Housing Partnership6 and the Octopus Network7.

The report noted that the policy had been benchmarked with other landlords including Hammersmith and Fulham, Waltham Forest, Kingston, Hackney, Haringey, Newlon Housing Trust, Clarion Housing, Barnet Homes, Havering, and Westminster Councils, as well as Newlon Housing Group, Clarion Housing Group, Hyde Housing, One Housing, Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association, SHIAN Housing Association, the L&Q Group, the Guinness Trust, Barnsbury Housing Association, Peabody Housing Association, and Southern Housing.

The council agreed the report.

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

Councillor O'Halloran also introduced a new Anti-Social Behaviour Policy. She said the policy:

clearly outlines the council's approach to tackling anti-social behaviour offering a clear definition as to what constitutes anti-social behaviour...and the processes therein

The policy had been developed following a recommendation from a review of ASB services that the council should have a single corporate ASB policy. The report noted that the policy would explain the council's approach to residents, define ASB, describe how to report ASB, and explain the council's powers and responsibilities in responding to ASB. The report also noted that the policy had been benchmarked against other councils.

The policy was agreed.

Good Neighbourhood Management Policy

Councillor O'Halloran also presented a new Good Neighbourhood Management Policy. She explained that this policy was part of a neighbourhood policy and would:

seek to set clear standards of neighbourly behaviour to promote positive behaviours and build resilient communities in the borough

She also noted that the policy would:

closely complement the work that councillor John Woolf is championing to invigorate the work doing to tackling anti-social behaviour by fostering a culture of tolerance understanding and harmonious coexistence amongst its residents and tenants

The report noted that the policy had been developed following a determination from the Housing Ombudsman that the council should have a Good Neighbourhood Management Policy to manage behaviour that did not meet the ASB threshold, and following a recommendation in the Ombudsman's spotlight report on noise complaints.

Councillor Paul Convery raised concerns that the policy would give the council's caretakers too much power to decide what can and can't be left in communal areas and gave an example of residents being prevented from leaving items in communal corridors that add to the attractiveness of the area.

i can assure you there's been huge amounts of work done on fire safety and what is an allowed acceptable outside properties

Councillor O'Halloran responded by saying that we have to sometimes move plant pots bikes and everything else to keep residents safe, and that she would not put anybody's safety at risk.

residence safety has to come first

The council agreed the policy.

Complex Anti-Social Behaviour Review

Councillor John Woolf, the Executive Member for Community Safety, introduced the findings of a review into Complex ASB undertaken by the council's Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee. He commended the report, saying the:

recommendations are spot on

and noted that the committee had made a call for a public health approach to tackling asb which permeates um the asb policy that we've just approved. He thanked the committee for their diligent work.

Councillor Flora Williamson, who had chaired the scrutiny committee, also spoke about the review:

i just want to put on record also um how i and other members of committee felt like the council staff were very open to this and though it kind of um it was very clear that council staff are really passionate to try and tackle complex asb even if they felt that there was still room to go

She commended the council staff for being open to kind of scrutinizing themselves and looking at what could be done better.

Linda, a resident of Lakewood, asked to meet with Councillor Woolf to discuss the report, as she was doing some really interesting work with some criminologists social scientists and data scientists at [City University]( just down the road. Councillor Woolf agreed to meet.

The council agreed to note the findings of the review.

Access to Health and Care Services in Islington Review

Councillor Flora Williamson, the Executive Member for Health and Social Care, introduced the findings of a scrutiny review into Access to Health and Care Services in Islington.

i just want to put on record my thanks um to uh last year's um health and social care committee scrutiny committee for doing this important work

The report reviewed access to GP practices and Adult Social Care. She said the committee had made a number of recommendations and looked forward to working through the recommendations around what we can what we can implement over the year.

The council agreed to note the findings of the review.

Other Business

  • The council agreed to note a budget monitoring report for the first quarter of the financial year.
  • The council agreed to adopt a School Organisation Plan. Councillor Michelline Safi Ngongo explained the plan was necessary because:

    the number of children not just in Islington across London and we start to see it even outside London is still continue to decline. That means doing nothing is not an option we need really to continue to do everything and by putting our children first.

  • The council noted a decision taken under urgency procedures to surrender the leases for the council-owned office blocks at 45 and 69 Old Street.

  1. Islington Boat Club is a community-run rowing and watersports club based in City Road Basin that provides a range of activities for all ages, but is particularly well-known for its youth rowing program. 

  2. The Licensing Act 2003 consolidated and reformed much of the law relating to alcohol licensing in England and Wales. It introduced a single system of premises licences and personal licences, replacing the previous two-tier system of justices’ licences and occasional permissions. The Act also gave local authorities greater control over the granting of licences. 

  3. Use Classes Order (UCO) defines which activities are allowed within each category of land use.  

  4. Use Class B1(a) - Offices (other than those that fall within A2 - Financial and Professional services.  

  5. Virement is the transfer of funds from one part of a budget to another. 

  6. The Islington Housing Partnership (IHP) is a partnership between the council and residents that provides opportunities for residents to be involved in shaping housing services and policies. It was introduced in 2003 and operates with a board made up of council tenants and leaseholders.  

  7. The Octopus Network is a network of voluntary and community sector organisations in Islington that work with older people.  

Islington Licensing Sub-Committee considers two late-night venue applications.

The Licensing Sub Committee A met on Thursday 22 August 2024 to discuss two applications for changes to existing premises licences in Islington.

Licensing Sub Committee A - 22 August 2024

This week's meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee considered two applications for variations to existing premises licences. The Licensing Sub-Committee is responsible for considering applications for new licences, and for changes to existing licences for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and entertainment. This committee makes its decisions in accordance with the Licensing Act 20031 and the council's own Licensing Policy.

The Upper Place, First Floor, Nags Head Market, 22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG

The first application was from The Upper Place, a bar located on the first floor of Nags Head Market at 22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG. The owners applied to vary the existing premises licence to allow: sales of alcohol until 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays, an hour later than currently allowed and opening hours until 10:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, also an hour later than currently allowed. The application also proposed changes to a number of the licence conditions.

One local resident objected to the application, arguing that the changes to conditions mean that:

The exceptions to Islington’s cumulative impact policy on which the original Premises Licence was granted in June 2023 will no longer be applicable...

The resident also stated that:

...[M]any would say that we have not seen any high standards of management since the premises licence was granted last year. Our streets are still heavily littered by the market and other takeaway outlets. No-one clears it up.

As you may recall, applications for variations to existing premises licences are governed by the Licensing Act 2003. The Act sets out the four licensing objectives that licensing authorities must consider when determining applications:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

The applicant responded to the resident’s objections, and a copy of this response was included in the report pack, but not published on the council website.

Licensing applications often result in representations from local residents, particularly when the application relates to a cumulative impact zone, such as this one. This reflects the importance of these committees, and the role they play in ensuring that the needs of residents are considered when making licensing decisions.

The Shoap, 406 St John Street, EC1V 4NJ

The second application considered in the meeting was from The Shoap at 406 St John Street, EC1V 4NJ. They applied to vary the existing premises licence to allow:

  • Sales of alcohol from 8am to 10pm from Monday to Sunday. The current licence allows sales from 11am to 10pm, Mondays to Saturdays only.
  • Opening hours until 10:30pm from Monday to Sunday. The current licence allows opening from 8am to 10pm, Mondays to Saturdays only.
  • Opening hours until midnight on 30 November (St Andrews Day), 25 January (Burns Night), Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The current licence allows this, but only until 11pm.
  • Opening hours until midnight for Scotland national football team and Scotland national rugby union team international matches.

The applicant also proposed a change to condition 12 of the licence to allow:

Alcohol... to be served on the premises as an ancillary to a food order to customers who are seated with the exception of a maximum of 8 persons standing while waiting for a table or seating to become available during busy periods.

One local resident objected to these changes, arguing that the applicant is attempting to:

...[C]ircumvent the Council’s cumulative impact designation...

The applicant responded to the resident’s objections, and a copy of this response was included in the report pack, but not published on the council website.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

  1. The Licensing Act 2003 consolidated and reformed much of the law relating to alcohol licensing in England and Wales. It introduced a single system of premises licences and personal licences, replacing the previous two-tier system of justices’ licences and occasional permissions. The Act also gave local authorities greater control over the granting of licences. 

Islington Licensing Committee: Late Sales & Market Impact?

The Licensing Sub Committee A met on Thursday 22 August 2024 to discuss two applications for changes to existing premises licences in Islington.

Licensing Sub Committee A - 22 August 2024

This week's meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee considered two applications for variations to existing premises licences. The Licensing Sub-Committee is responsible for considering applications for new licences, and for changes to existing licences for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and entertainment. This committee makes its decisions in accordance with the Licensing Act 20031 and the council's own Licensing Policy.

The Upper Place, First Floor, Nags Head Market, 22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG

The first application was from The Upper Place, a bar located on the first floor of Nags Head Market at 22 Seven Sisters Road, N7 6AG. The owners applied to vary the existing premises licence to allow: sales of alcohol until 10pm on Fridays and Saturdays, an hour later than currently allowed and opening hours until 10:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, also an hour later than currently allowed. The application also proposed changes to a number of the licence conditions.

One local resident objected to the application, arguing that the changes to conditions mean that:

The exceptions to Islington’s cumulative impact policy on which the original Premises Licence was granted in June 2023 will no longer be applicable...

The resident also stated that:

...[M]any would say that we have not seen any high standards of management since the premises licence was granted last year. Our streets are still heavily littered by the market and other takeaway outlets. No-one clears it up.

As you may recall, applications for variations to existing premises licences are governed by the Licensing Act 2003. The Act sets out the four licensing objectives that licensing authorities must consider when determining applications:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

The applicant responded to the resident’s objections, and a copy of this response was included in the report pack, but not published on the council website.

Licensing applications often result in representations from local residents, particularly when the application relates to a cumulative impact zone, such as this one. This reflects the importance of these committees, and the role they play in ensuring that the needs of residents are considered when making licensing decisions.

The Shoap, 406 St John Street, EC1V 4NJ

The second application considered in the meeting was from The Shoap at 406 St John Street, EC1V 4NJ. They applied to vary the existing premises licence to allow:

  • Sales of alcohol from 8am to 10pm from Monday to Sunday. The current licence allows sales from 11am to 10pm, Mondays to Saturdays only.
  • Opening hours until 10:30pm from Monday to Sunday. The current licence allows opening from 8am to 10pm, Mondays to Saturdays only.
  • Opening hours until midnight on 30 November (St Andrews Day), 25 January (Burns Night), Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The current licence allows this, but only until 11pm.
  • Opening hours until midnight for Scotland national football team and Scotland national rugby union team international matches.

The applicant also proposed a change to condition 12 of the licence to allow:

Alcohol... to be served on the premises as an ancillary to a food order to customers who are seated with the exception of a maximum of 8 persons standing while waiting for a table or seating to become available during busy periods.

One local resident objected to these changes, arguing that the applicant is attempting to:

...[C]ircumvent the Council’s cumulative impact designation...

The applicant responded to the resident’s objections, and a copy of this response was included in the report pack, but not published on the council website.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

  1. The Licensing Act 2003 consolidated and reformed much of the law relating to alcohol licensing in England and Wales. It introduced a single system of premises licences and personal licences, replacing the previous two-tier system of justices’ licences and occasional permissions. The Act also gave local authorities greater control over the granting of licences. 

Astro Bar Licence Decision: Islington Council

The Licensing Sub Committee D met on Tuesday 06 August 2024 to discuss a Premises Licence Variation application by Astro at 4 Exmouth Market, London.

Licensing Sub-Committee D - 06 August 2024

The Licensing Sub-Committee D met this week to consider an application for a variation to the premises licence for Astro, a bar at 4 Exmouth Market, London. The application sought permission to extend the bar's licensed hours for the sale of alcohol and opening to the public until midnight from Sunday to Wednesday and until 2am from Thursday to Saturday. Currently, the bar's licence permits the sale of alcohol until 11pm Sunday to Wednesday and until 12am Thursday to Saturday.

Applications for variations to existing premises licences are governed by the Licensing Act 2003.1 The Act sets out the four licensing objectives that licensing authorities must consider when determining applications:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

The Licensing Sub-Committee received three representations from local residents objecting to the application on the grounds of potential public nuisance. The residents expressed concerns about noise and anti-social behavior associated with the later closing time. They also argued that granting the application would set a precedent for other businesses in the area to extend their hours.

As Astro is located within the Clerkenwell Cumulative Impact Area, the sub-committee was required to consider Licensing Policy 3 when determining the application. This policy, adopted in February 2016, creates a presumption of refusal for applications for new premises licences or variations to existing licences that are likely to add to the cumulative impact of licensed premises in the area, unless the applicant can demonstrate that there will be no negative impact.

Similar concerns about cumulative impact have been raised in previous Licensing Sub-Committee meetings. For example, at the meeting of Licensing Sub-Committee A on 27 June 2024, Councillor Watts expressed concern about the extensive hours requested for the sale of alcohol at Flora Cafe, which is also located in a cumulative impact zone.

In response to the residents’ concerns, the applicant emphasized Astro’s good relationship with its neighbours and provided assurances that noise would be kept to a minimum. The applicant also highlighted several mitigating measures, including a no vertical drinking policy, a booking-only system for late customers, and the employment of SIA-registered door staff from 9pm until 30 minutes after closing. SIA, or Security Industry Authority, is the organization responsible for regulating the private security industry in the United Kingdom.

The sub-committee will now consider the application and the representations received and will publish their decision within five working days of the hearing.

  1. The Licensing Act 2003 consolidated and reformed much of the law relating to alcohol licensing in England and Wales. It introduced a single system of premises licences and personal licences, replacing the previous two-tier system of justices' licences and occasional permissions. The Act also gave local authorities greater control over the granting of licences. 

Islington Council: Climate Plans & Pension Fund Scrutiny.

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee met on 29 July 2024 to discuss a range of topics including the draft Climate Action and Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document, Thames Water, and the selection of a new scrutiny topic for 2024/25. The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting was held on Tuesday 30 July 2024, and included scheduled discussions on the council's end of year budget position, its performance against a range of targets, and its spending plans for the next few years. The Islington Pensions Board met on Wednesday 31 July 2024 to discuss a range of issues relating to the performance and administration of the Islington Pension Fund.

Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - 29 July 2024

The Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday 29 July 2024, saw councillors discuss a range of issues, including plans for a new Climate Action Supplementary Planning Document, the performance of Thames Water, and the selection of a new topic for its next scrutiny review. The meeting began with a presentation from officers on the draft Climate Action and Net Zero Carbon Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPD, which sets out how Islington Council will deliver its Local Plan policies on sustainable development, will include detailed guidance on reducing carbon emissions from new developments, and improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings. The committee heard that the SPD will cover a wide range of issues, including energy efficiency, sustainable transport, and green infrastructure. The document is intended to provide greater certainty for developers about what the council expects from them, and to ensure that all new developments are built to the highest possible environmental standards. The committee also heard from officers about the council’s plans to introduce a new Retrofit Handbook alongside the SPD. The handbook will provide advice for homeowners on how to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, and highlight some of the financial support that is available to help with the cost of retrofitting. This document is separate from the SPD to allow for easier updating as technologies change, and to reflect that it does not carry the same formal weight. You may recall that a number of previous emails have discussed the significant financial challenges associated with retrofitting the UK's existing housing stock, and the difficulties of accessing suitable grant funding to carry out this work. This was also a topic of discussion during the recent Executive meeting on 18 July 2024 which considered proposals to redevelop the Finsbury Leisure Centre.

Councillors welcomed the draft documents and praised the work of officers in bringing them forward. However, they also raised a number of issues and sought assurances from officers about how these would be addressed. One of the key concerns related to the need to ensure that the council’s approach to retrofitting was inclusive, and would meet the needs of all residents, particularly those living in social housing. Councillors heard from officers about the work that the council is doing with housing associations to support them to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, and the bids that have been submitted to the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

Another concern related to the need to ensure that the council’s approach to sustainable development did not disproportionately impact on disabled residents. This concern has also been raised in the context of the council’s People Friendly Streets programme, which has been the subject of several recent emails. Councillors asked officers to provide further details about how the SPD would address this issue.

Councillors also sought assurances that the SPD and the Retrofit Handbook would be updated regularly to take account of changes in technology and policy. They were told that the documents would be reviewed on an annual basis, and that updates would be made as required. Councillors also asked officers to ensure that residents were kept informed about the development of the SPD. They were told that a public consultation on the draft document would be launched later in the year.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - 30 July 2024

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee was scheduled to meet on Tuesday 30 July 2024, to discuss a range of financial matters. The meeting was expected to include a presentation on the draft 2024/25 budget, which will set out the council’s spending plans for the next financial year. The committee was also scheduled to receive an update on the council’s financial performance in 2023/24, and to consider a number of reports on the council’s procurement processes. One of the most interesting items on the agenda was a proposal for the committee to undertake a review of the council’s procurement processes and how they can be used to deliver wider social benefits. You may recall that this topic was also discussed at the recent meeting of the full council on 11 July 2024. In particular, the review was expected to focus on how the council can use its purchasing power to support local businesses and to create jobs for Islington residents. As you know, the council has been a long-standing advocate of using its procurement processes to achieve social value, and this review is an opportunity for the committee to scrutinise how effective the council has been in this area. The review was also expected to examine how the council can improve its procurement processes to make them more efficient and effective.

Islington Pensions Board - 31 July 2024

This week saw the Islington Pensions Board meet to discuss the performance of the Islington Pension Fund. The committee considered several reports on the fund, covering performance, administration, and risk management. Attendees heard from Apex, the council’s independent investment advisers, who provided an analysis of the performance of the fund’s investments. This is similar to the recent Pensions Committee meeting on 24 July 2024, where councillors heard that the pension fund will begin the process of divesting from companies that have commercial interests in the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

Islington Council: New Wray Crescent sports pavilion approved despite tree concerns.

This week, Islington Council held 5 meetings: the Planning Sub Committee A, the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health, the Licensing Sub Committee C, the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, and the Pensions Committee. The Planning Sub Committee A meeting on 23 July 2024 approved the construction of a new sports pavilion on Wray Crescent Open Space despite concerns from local residents about the loss of trees. The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health met on 25 July 2024 to discuss a range of topics including the ‘Start Well’ programme, access to primary care, and dental services. The Licensing Sub Committee C meeting, also on 25 July 2024, considered an application for a new premises licence for W1 Curates at 6-9 Timber Street. The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee met on 23 July 2024 and discussed supported internships, school organisation and the children's workforce. The Pensions Committee meeting on 24 July 2024 included discussions of the Pension Fund's recent performance, its decarbonisation policy, and the use of shareholder voting.

Planning Sub-Committee A - 23 July 2024

The Planning Sub-Committee approved three applications at its meeting on Tuesday 23 July 2024. These were the demolition of a disused caretaker’s house at Vittoria Primary School on Treaty Street to be replaced by a sensory garden, the redevelopment of Toffee Park on Ironmonger Row to provide a new family hub and improved facilities at the adventure playground, and the construction of a new sports pavilion at Wray Crescent Open Space on Wray Crescent. The meeting's agenda, including links to the applications and supporting documentation, can be found here.

The Planning Sub-Committee has responsibility for determining planning applications in the borough. They must make their decisions in accordance with the Islington Local Plan, the National Planning Policy Framework, and other relevant legislation.

The most contentious application considered at the meeting was the proposal for Wray Crescent Open Space. The application sought permission to demolish the existing sports pavilion, which has been out of use since 2018, and replace it with a new building of a similar size.

This application, which is similar to the proposal for the redevelopment of the Sunnyside Community Center discussed at the full council meeting on 11 July 2024, reflects the council's commitment to improving sports facilities in the borough.

The new building will be single-storey and include new changing and toilet facilities, a new community room, and a kitchen. It is intended that the community room will be available to hire, providing a valuable resource for local people. This is in line with the council's stated aim of providing high-quality community facilities.

There were a significant number of objections to the application, with 42 objections and seven comments of support received during the consultation period. Similar concerns were raised by residents during the consultation for the redevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre, which was discussed at the council's Executive meeting on 18 July 2024. The redevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre was also met with significant local opposition.

These objections are consistent with a national trend of increased scrutiny of planning applications, as residents become more aware of the impact of development on their local area.

Many of the objections related to the design and appearance of the proposed building, which is to be constructed in grey brickwork with a grey zinc roof and grey window frames. The council’s Design and Conservation officers shared these concerns but the committee decided that the use of these materials was appropriate.

This decision highlights the complex balance that planning committees must strike between aesthetic considerations, functional requirements, and budget constraints.

A number of objectors also raised concerns about the loss of trees to facilitate the creation of a new storage space. Six trees, part of a tree vegetation group, and a hedgerow were proposed to be removed to create the storage space. In response, the committee added a condition to the application that 12 new trees should be planted.

This decision reflects the council’s commitment to protecting trees and increasing canopy cover in the borough, as set out in its Urban Forest Policy.

Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health - 25 July 2024

The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Health met on 25 July 2024 for their first meeting of the 2024/25 municipal year. The meeting was scheduled to include an update on the ‘Start Well’ programme following a recent public consultation on proposed changes to maternity, neonatal and children’s surgery.

This committee scrutinises the work of the North Central London Integrated Care Board (ICB) which has responsibility for planning, buying and monitoring health services for the residents of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington.

The 'Start Well' programme reflects the ICB's responsibility for ensuring the provision of a comprehensive health service across the five boroughs. Scrutiny of the ICB is particularly important as it is not directly accountable to the residents of the boroughs it covers. Instead, accountability is provided through scrutiny by this committee.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

Licensing Sub Committee C - 25 July 2024

The Licensing Sub Committee C met on 25 July 2024 to consider an application for a new premises licence for W1 Curates at 6-9 Timber Street. The application, which sought permission to sell alcohol until 11pm from Sunday to Thursday, and until midnight on Friday and Saturday, was met with objections from a number of local residents.

The Licensing Sub-Committee is responsible for considering applications for new licences for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and entertainment. This committee makes its decisions in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, and the council's own Licensing Policy.

Licensing applications often result in representations from local residents, particularly when the application relates to a cumulative impact zone, such as this one.

The meeting report pack contains several representations from residents concerned about the impact of the application on their neighbourhood.

This reflects the importance of these committees, and the role they play in ensuring that the needs of residents are considered when making licensing decisions.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - 23 July 2024

The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee met on 23 July 2024. The committee were scheduled to discuss a number of topics including supported internships, school organisation, the children's workforce, and their principal topic of scrutiny for 2024-25: “Attendance - Persistent Secondary School Absences”.

The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee scrutinises decisions made about children and young people in the borough. One of their most important roles is to hold the council's executive to account for its decisions in this area.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

Pensions Committee - 24 July 2024

The Pensions Committee met on 24 July 2024 to discuss the performance of the Islington Pension Fund. The committee received several reports on the performance of the fund, including a report on the fund's progress towards its decarbonisation goals. The committee also discussed the impact of shareholder voting on corporate governance, and the potential for the Islington Pension Fund to use its influence to promote positive change.

The Pensions Committee has responsibility for ensuring that the Islington Pension Fund is properly managed and that the interests of its members are protected.

The committee's discussions about the fund's decarbonisation goals reflect the increasing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations for investors.

No transcript for the meeting was made available.

Islington Council: Leisure Centre Redevelopment Approved Amidst Controversy

The Islington Council held four meetings in the last week: the Licensing Sub Committee B, the Planning Committee, a postponed unnamed meeting, and the Executive.

Redevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre

The most impactful meeting this week was the Executive meeting on Thursday, 18 July 2024, where the council reaffirmed its commitment to the controversial redevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre at Norman Street.

The proposed redevelopment would see the demolition of the existing leisure centre and its replacement with a new leisure centre, housing, and a medical centre. The scheme is currently estimated to cost £157.668m.

Despite significant community opposition, the council maintains that the scheme is viable and will deliver much-needed housing, a new medical centre, and an updated leisure facility.

During the meeting, a member of the public questioned the financial viability of the project, citing concerns about the falling property market in the area and the reliance on the sale of private flats to fund the scheme.

In response, Stephen Biggs, Executive Director of Place, stated that the council had taken a prudent assumption of sales values and that the scheme remained viable and fully funded.

Another resident raised concerns about the loss of green space, stating that the redevelopment would sacrifice one of the last open communal spaces in one of the most densely populated areas in the country.

Councillor Halloran responded by emphasizing the council's commitment to building new homes, stating that every single councillor, it is our number one priority to build homes, homes, homes.

The redevelopment of the Finsbury Leisure Centre has been a contentious issue in Islington for some time, with strong opinions on both sides of the debate.

This latest meeting suggests that the council remains committed to the scheme despite ongoing opposition.

People-Friendly Streets Individual Exemption Policy

The Executive meeting on Thursday 18 July 2024 also saw the council formally adopt a new exemption policy for its people-friendly streets programme. The decision follows a trial period of the policy, under which 79 individual exemption permits were granted to residents with a disability or chronic health condition. These residents rely on private vehicles for transportation and were found to be substantially disadvantaged by the re-routing of journeys required due to traffic filters installed as part of the people-friendly streets programme.

Mr. Martin, a disabled business owner and resident of Islington, delivered a deputation before the meeting, highlighting what he believed were serious flaws with the policy. He argued that the council was attempting to shrink-wrap the vast array of disabilities into just two, criticized the policy's reliance on the applicant's level of pain as a qualifying criterion, and argued that it represented a deliberate attempt to exclude more than include. He urged the council to free the disabled and rethink their policies.

Councillor Champion, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality, and Transport, defended the policy, arguing that it struck a balance between the needs of disabled people and the council's commitment to creating a greener, healthier Islington.

Councillor Champion acknowledged that the council may have been slow to recognize the need for exemptions for disabled people but maintained that the adopted policy was the result of extensive consultation and considered all circumstances, including the council's legal obligations under the Equality Act.

Licensing Sub Committee B

The Licensing Sub Committee B meeting on Monday, 15 July 2024 was convened to consider an application for a new premises licence for Dreamery Ice Cream Shop at 21 Halliford Street. The application, made by Dreamery London Ltd, sought permission for the sale of alcohol on and off the premises from 9am to 9:30pm, Monday to Sunday, and until the start of permitted hours on New Year's Day.

The sub-committee approved the application with conditions, following representations from residents about potential public nuisance.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meeting on Monday 15 July 2024 considered three applications:

  • 176-178 York Way: The committee granted permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of an 8-storey commercial building for lab-enabled office floorspace, a makerspace, community space, and affordable workspace.
  • William Martin Court: Permission was granted for changes to William Martin Court at 65 Margery Street, including converting the building from staff accommodation to temporary accommodation for families of Maltese nationals receiving medical treatment in the UK.
  • 1 Torrens Street: The committee approved a stopping up order for three sections of footway at 1 Torrens Street as part of a previously approved planning application.

Unnamed Postponed Meeting

The meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 16 July 2024 was postponed. No further details were provided.

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee

No video was provided for the Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee meeting on Thursday, 18 July 2024.

Islington Council This Week: Sunnyside Community Centre, Barnard Park & Divestment Vote

The Islington Council held five meetings this week: the full council, the Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Audit and Risk Committee, and the Standards Committee.

Full Council

The most significant decision made this week was at the meeting of the full council, which discussed a petition calling for the Sunnyside Community Center to be redeveloped. The center is in a state of disrepair and the petition called for a full refurbishment. The Council agreed to consider the petition as part of its review of community centres. The meeting was held on Thursday 11 July 2024.

The council also debated parking in Barnard Park. In a deputation from The Friends of Barnard Park, Ms Green complained that cars parking on the grass were damaging it and making the park less accessible. In response, Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz said that:

“We are committed to creating a greener, healthier Islington, and that includes protecting our parks and green spaces,” she said. “Illegal parking is not only unsightly, but it can also damage the environment and put pedestrians at risk.”

The Council agreed to note the concerns of the Friends of Barnard Park.

During the meeting Councillor Paul Convery, Chair of the Pension Fund Committee, announced that the pension fund will begin the process of divesting from companies that have commercial interests in the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. This decision comes after the dissolution of Parliament caused the death of the controversial Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill, which would have prevented councils from taking this kind of action.

Now we therefore consulted with Council who advised that divestment at any time would clearly fall foul of that bill's provisions once enacted and would in effect do so retrospectively. However, the good news, with the dissolution of parliament six weeks ago that bill died and with the formation of the new Labour government last week there is in my view no possibility of such legislation being laid in parliament in the foreseeable future.

The full council also agreed to several appointments to committees, including the appointment of Councillor Diarmaid Ward as the chair of the Finance and Performance scrutiny committee.

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

The Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee met on Monday 08 July 2024 and discussed the performance of Adult Social Care, the performance of Moorfields Eye Hospital, and the Committee's workplan for 2024-25.

The Committee noted the reports on Adult Social Care, and Moorfields but asked for more information about the transition between Children and Adult Social Care to be brought to their next meeting. The Committee resolved to approve their workplan for 2024-25.

The Committee also discussed their plans for the year ahead, and agreed to focus their work on reviewing adult social care accommodation.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board met on Tuesday 09 July 2024. They discussed and approved the Smokefree Generation Islington strategy. This plan aims to reduce the rate of smoking in the borough to below 5% by 2030.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee met on Monday 08 July 2024 to discuss the Council’s principal risks.

Members noted with concern the number of risks assessed as red or amber. The Committee were content with the proposed Audit Committee Work Plan for the year ahead, and noted the Audit Committee Response Tracker.

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee met on Tuesday 09 July 2024 and discussed the Localism Act 2011 and its application to councillor conduct, agreeing to update the council's procedures. Councillors also received an update on recent complaints made against councillors.

Islington Council Grants Licences, Supports Youth Housing

In the past week, the Islington Council held the following meetings:

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee

The Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee meeting on Tuesday, 25 June 2024 was postponed. No further details were provided.

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee meeting on Thursday, 27 June 2024 took place, but no video was provided for this meeting.

Licensing Sub Committee A

The Licensing Sub Committee A meeting on Thursday, 27 June 2024 discussed three applications for licensed premises in Islington. All three licence applications were granted.

Flora Cafe

The meeting began by considering an application by Flora Cafe for a new premises licence at 5-15 Cromer Street, Islington. The applicant, Mr Fioralba Kociu, was represented by Mr Robert Sutherland of Kingsley Licensing.

Councillor Watts expressed concern about the extensive hours requested for the sale of alcohol:

Councillor Watts: ...looking at the application in front of me and it says sale by retail of alcohol off the premises, Monday to Sunday, 8am to 11pm. So that's 15 hours a day, 7 days a week... and this is in a cumulative impact zone.

Mr Sutherland responded by explaining that the hours requested were a formality, and the shop would likely not be open for those hours:

Mr Sutherland: ...the hours applied for on the application are there, as you rightly point out, they are quite extensive. But realistically, a business of this kind, which is going to be very much geared towards, as my client has indicated, the local community, is highly unlikely to be open, I would have thought, anything like 15 hours a day.

The sub-committee approved the application.

216 St Pauls Road

Next, the sub-committee heard an application from Vagabond Wines for a new premises licence at 216 St Pauls Road, Islington. The application was presented by Mr James Clark of John Gaunt & Partners, who explained the nature of the business:

Mr Clark: ...they are not your average wine bar... their business model very much focuses on the tasting of wine.

He elaborated on the business model:

Mr Clark: ...they are very keen to emphasize this is not a vertical drinking can't come in and just have a pint at the bar, you can't come in and just have a glass of wine at the bar. In order to consume alcohol on the premises, you have to purchase one of these cards which are pre-loaded with a set amount of money.

The sub-committee had no questions for Mr Clark and approved the application.

Rush Cocktails

Finally, the sub-committee heard an application for a variation to the licence for Rush Cocktails at 186 Essex Road, Islington. The application was to change the designation of the premises from a 'restaurant' to a 'bar'.

The application was presented by Ms Lauren Wright of John Gaunt & Partners on behalf of the applicant, Ms Surinder Ram. Ms Wright explained:

Ms Wright: This is simply just to change the operating style of the premises... the reason why my client's looking to change it is she wants to be able to offer more flexibility.

The sub-committee had no questions for Ms Wright and approved the application.


The Executive meeting on Thursday, 27 June 2024 covered several important topics, including the council's budget, the procurement of accommodation for young people, and updates to the Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy.

Council Budget

Councillor Diarmaid Ward began the discussion by thanking officers for their work in managing the council's budget amidst austerity:

We've endured a decade of austerity, and the bottom line here is, we're doing okay. It's not quite a break-even position, but it's almost there.

The council made £11.647m of savings in 2023-24, as detailed in Appendix 3_Delivery of Agreed 23-24 Savings to the 2023-24 Quarter 4 Budget Monitoring Report - Executive.

Councillor Ward warned of huge challenges in the coming year and noted an increase in complaints, which he attributed to the council's efforts to listen to residents' issues.

Young People Supported Accommodation Pathways

The Executive approved the Young People Supported Accommodation Strategy 2024_Executive, which aims to increase the number of supported accommodation places for young people aged 16-25 to 200. Councillor Kaya Comer-Schwartz emphasized the need for readily available accommodation for at-risk youth:

...we need to be able to have accommodation readily available for children at risk, especially those aged 16 to 25.

The strategy aims to keep young people closer to the borough and provides a more flexible procurement framework to address the current market's challenges.

Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy

The Executive also approved an updated Repairs and Maintenance Policy. Councillor Paul Convery highlighted the council's efforts in carrying out 112,000 repairs annually, up from 90,000 the previous year. The updated policy includes commitments to proactive checks on roofs and gutters, and a guide will be published to explain the policy in more narrative terms.

This week's meetings underscored the council's commitment to managing its budget effectively, supporting at-risk youth, and maintaining high standards in housing repairs and maintenance.

Islington Council Approves Key Planning Applications

In the past week, the Islington Council held a Planning Sub Committee B meeting on Tuesday, 18 June 2024.

Planning Sub Committee B

The most impactful meeting this week was the Planning Sub Committee B, which convened on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, to discuss two significant planning applications: 48 Great Sutton Street and 33-37 Corsica Street. The meeting was chaired by Councillor Ruth Hayes and included discussions on design, sustainability, and community impact.

33-37 Corsica Street - Demolition and Replacement House

The application for 33-37 Corsica Street involved the demolition of an existing house and the erection of a replacement house. This proposal sparked considerable debate due to its potential impact on the local environment and community.

Key Discussions:

  • Tree Preservation: One of the main concerns was the removal of an Indian bean tree in the front garden. The tree was causing structural damage to the existing house, and its removal was deemed necessary. However, the applicant proposed planting 12 new trees on the site to mitigate this loss.
  • Sustainability: The new house would feature high sustainability standards, including a biodiverse green roof, air source heat pumps, and solar panels. Despite these measures, the development would not achieve net zero carbon, leading to a financial contribution of £1,500 towards carbon offsetting.
  • Community Impact: Objectors raised concerns about the height of the new building, potential loss of light, and the impact on the pavement width. The applicant addressed these concerns by setting the building back from the highway and increasing garden space.

Decision: The committee approved the application with conditions, including a financial contribution of £9,000 towards planting three new trees in the locality and a Section 278 highways agreement for changes to the highway. The decision was made considering the Islington Local Plan and national planning policies.

48 Great Sutton Street - Conversion to Office Space

The application for 48 Great Sutton Street involved converting a two-bedroom flat into office space. The flat had poor daylight quality and was deemed unsuitable for residential use.

Key Discussions:

  • Daylight Quality: The existing flat had very poor daylight quality, making it an unsuitable living space. The conversion to office space was seen as a more appropriate use of the building.
  • Cycle Parking: The proposal included indoor cycle storage, but due to space constraints, the committee discussed the possibility of providing off-site cycle parking by replacing a bollard with a Sheffield stand.

Decision: The committee approved the application with a condition to secure a financial contribution for off-site cycle parking. This decision aligns with the council's Bunhill and Clerkenwell Area Action Plan and aims to support local businesses while improving the quality of the built environment.

This week's meetings highlighted the council's ongoing efforts to balance development with community needs and environmental sustainability. The focus on tree preservation, high sustainability standards, and appropriate land use continues to be a central theme in the council's work.

Islington Council Grants New Licences for Filo and Brunch on the Green

In the past week, the Islington Council held several meetings, including the Licensing Regulatory Committee on Monday, 10 June 2024, the Licensing Sub Committee D on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 10 June 2024, the Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, and the Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 13 June 2024.

Licensing Sub Committee D

The most impactful meeting this week was the Licensing Sub Committee D, which convened on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss new premises licence applications for Filo at 81 Holloway Road and Brunch on the Green at Units 1-3, 34 Islington Green. Both applications were granted with specific conditions to address community concerns and ensure compliance with the council's licensing policies.

Filo, 81 Holloway Road, London, N7 8LT - New Premises Licence

The committee reviewed the application for a new premises licence for Filo, located at 81 Holloway Road, London, N7 8LT. The applicant sought to extend the hours for licensable activities, including the sale of alcohol and late-night refreshments.

Key Discussions:

  • Revised Hours: The applicant proposed revised hours, ceasing licensable activities at midnight and closing the premises at 00:30, seven days a week. For New Year's Eve, the hours would remain the same, with any additional needs addressed through a Temporary Event Notice.
  • Community Concerns: Interested parties expressed concerns about potential noise disturbance and the length of the delivery window. They noted historical issues with other premises in the vicinity and the need to adhere to the Licensing Policy’s framework hours, which stipulate a closing time of 11pm.
  • Applicant's Mitigation Measures: The applicant's legal representative highlighted measures to reduce disturbance, such as double glazing and a dispersal policy agreed with the Noise team. The applicant also agreed to appoint a noise consultant and implement noise control measures.
  • Conditions and Concessions: The applicant agreed to several conditions, including restricting the off-licence supply of alcohol to 10pm and ensuring no internal combustion engine vehicles are used for deliveries.

Decision: The committee granted the licence with the following conditions:

  1. Sale of alcohol on supplies from 10:00 until 23:00 Sundays to Thursdays, and 10:00 until 00:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
  2. Sale of alcohol off supplies from 10:00 until 22:00 Sundays to Thursdays, and 10:00 until 23:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
  3. Playing of recorded music from 10:00 until 23:00 Sundays to Thursdays, and 10:00 until 00:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
  4. Performance of live music from 10:00 until 23:00 Mondays to Sundays.
  5. Premises open to the public from 10:00 until 23:00 Sundays to Thursdays, and 10:00 until 00:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
  6. Licensable activities extended from the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day.
  7. Additional condition: No internal combustion engine vehicles for deliveries.

The decision was made considering the Licensing Act 2003, national guidance, and the council’s Licensing Policy.

Brunch on the Green, Units 1-3, 34 Islington Green, London, N1 8EU - New Premises Licence

The committee also reviewed the application for a new premises licence for Brunch on the Green, located at 34 Islington Green, London, N1 8EU.

Key Discussions:

  • Business Model: The applicant described the business as a small restaurant seeking to sell alcohol between 11am and 10.30pm. The focus would be on food, with alcohol offerings primarily consisting of wines and cocktails.
  • Community Engagement: The applicant highlighted their engagement with the community, obtaining signatures of support from neighbours and addressing objections.
  • Operational Details: The applicant clarified that there would be no vertical drinking, and the environment would be ambient with no live music. Waste management procedures were already in place, and the business would use a private outdoor space to mitigate noise.

Decision: The committee granted the licence with the following conditions:

  1. Sale of alcohol on supplies only from 11:00 until 23:00 Mondays to Sundays.
  2. Premises open to the public from 07:00 until 23:00 Mondays to Sundays.

The decision was made considering the Licensing Act 2003, national guidance, and the council’s Licensing Policy.

For further details, you can refer to the Printed minutes 30012024 1830 Licensing Sub Committee D.

Other Meetings

  • Licensing Regulatory Committee on Monday, 10 June 2024: No video was provided for this meeting.
  • Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 10 June 2024: No video was provided for this meeting.
  • Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 11 June 2024: This meeting was postponed.
  • Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 13 June 2024: This meeting was postponed.

This week's meetings highlighted the council's ongoing efforts to address community concerns through licensing regulations and ensure compliance with local policies. The focus on community engagement and proactive policy development continues to be a central theme in the council's work.

Islington Council Refuses Controversial Planning Application and Focuses on Community Wealth Building

In the last week, the Islington Council held two meetings: the Planning Committee on Tuesday, 04 June 2024 and the Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 06 June 2024.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday, 04 June 2024, focused on a single planning application for a site located on the corner of Margery Street and Yardley Street. The application had already been appealed for non-determination by the applicant. The committee ultimately agreed to refuse the application based on several key issues, including design, impact on heritage assets, residential amenity, and carbon emissions.

Key Reasons for Refusal

  1. Design and Appearance

    • The proposed building was criticized for its incongruous appearance and corporate character in a primarily residential area.
    • Specific issues included the design of the fenestration, the relentless street elevation, and a poorly detailed cantilevered corner entrance.
  2. Impact on Heritage Assets

    • The proposal was deemed to adversely affect the character and special architectural and historic interest of nearby Grade II listed buildings and the New River Conservation Area.
  3. Residential Amenity

    • The proposed development would result in unacceptable harm to the amenity of neighboring residents through loss of daylight and privacy.
  4. Affordable Workspace

    • The proposed affordable workspace unit was criticized for its poor standard of amenity, awkward layout, and lack of natural light.
  5. Whole Life Carbon Emissions

    • The application failed to adequately address whole life cycle carbon emissions, including pre-construction demolition emissions.
  6. Servicing Arrangements

    • Concerns were raised about the proposed servicing arrangements, which involved reversing vehicles on Yardley Street, a cycle route.

Public Objections

  • Margery Street Tenants and Residents Association and Wilmington Square Society both supported the refusal.
  • Concerns included loss of daylight, impact on heritage assets, privacy, noise, and inappropriate densification of office use in a residential area.

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee

The Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee met on Thursday, 06 June 2024. The meeting focused on the new committee's remit, performance management, and the selection of a scrutiny topic.

Performance Management

The committee reviewed the performance management system, Islington Check-ins, introduced on April 1, 2023. This system replaced the previous model, Quality Conversations, and involves monthly check-ins between managers and team members, with a review every four months. The committee discussed the communication and engagement campaigns carried out to introduce the new approach, including workshops for managers and online resources. They also reviewed the results from a recent all-colleagues survey, which showed improvements in managerial effectiveness in dealing with inappropriate behavior and poor performance.

Selection of Scrutiny Topic

The committee discussed potential scrutiny topics for the year. The primary focus was on community wealth building and procurement practices. The committee agreed on the importance of scrutinizing how the council's procurement practices can deliver social value and community wealth building. This includes ensuring that the council's spending benefits the local community, supports local businesses, and addresses inequalities.

Other Discussions

  • The committee agreed on the need to monitor the council's response to complaints and ensure high-quality responses to residents' concerns.
  • There was a discussion on the importance of ensuring that the council's services are accessible to all residents, particularly those who may not be aware of the services available to them.
  • The committee also discussed the need for a focus on equalities and how this can be integrated into the scrutiny of procurement practices.

This week's meetings highlighted the council's ongoing efforts to address key issues in planning and performance management. The focus on community engagement, proactive policy development, and ensuring social value in procurement practices continues to be a central theme in the council's work.

Islington Council's Week: Strengthening Community Spaces and Tackling Social Care Challenges

This week, the Islington Council held four meetings: the Licensing Sub Committee C on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, the Licensing Committee on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, the Executive on Thursday, 23 May 2024, and the Audit and Risk Committee on Tuesday, 21 May 2024.

Licensing Sub Committee C

The Licensing Sub Committee C met on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. No video was provided for this meeting.

Licensing Committee

The Licensing Committee also met on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. No video was provided for this meeting.


The Executive meeting on Thursday, 23 May 2024, covered several impactful topics, including appointments, leases, and a response to a scrutiny report.

Appointments for 2024-2025 The Executive approved appointments to the London Grants Committee and the LGPS London Collective Investment Vehicle. These appointments are crucial for ensuring that Islington has a voice in regional funding and investment decisions.

Grant of Lease to Sunnyside Community Centre Councillor Halleran introduced the grant of a lease to Sunnyside Community Centre. This move strengthens the community lease for Sunnyside Gardens, which has been a vital community space since 1997. The formal registration as a charity in 1992 and the ongoing support from the council highlight the importance of this community hub.

This is a good news story because anybody that knows Sunnyside Gardens have occupied this site since 1997. — Councillor Halleran

Grant of Sublease for 2-4 Old Street Yard Councillor Bell-Bredford discussed the grant of a sublease for 2-4 Old Street Yard to Fair Share, a national charity focused on food distribution. This decision mitigates financial pressures from an empty building and brings in a tenant that adds social value to the community.

This paper allows us to mitigate that pressure by filling it with a high-quality tenant in the form of Fair Share. — Councillor Bell-Bredford

Executive Response to the 2022/2023 Scrutiny Report from Adult Social Care Transformation Councillor Williamson presented the Executive's response to the scrutiny report on adult social care transformation. The report includes 11 recommendations focused on modernizing practices, fostering collaboration, and implementing smart travel solutions.

Broadly, the recommendations fall into modernisation of practice, collaboration and culture change, and smart travel. — Councillor Williamson

Executive Committee Arrangements The Executive discussed the importance of integrating voluntary and community sector work into the main executive meeting, rather than as a sub-arrangement. This change aims to give these sectors the prominence they deserve in council governance.

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee met on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, with Councillor Diarmaid Ward in attendance. Key topics included social care market instability, training for committee members, and the draft unaudited annual governance statement.

Social Care Market Instability The committee discussed the instability in the social care market, particularly concerning adult social care overspend. The need for a monitoring format to track market instability was agreed upon.

Any wobbles in that social care market has a very, very immediate impact on the adult social care budget. — Meeting Transcript

Training for Committee Members A review of training for committee members was conducted to ensure all members are up-to-date with necessary skills and knowledge.

Draft Unaudited Annual Governance Statement The draft annual governance statement was reviewed, highlighting the council's internal controls and governance framework. The importance of monitoring progress on governance issues was emphasized, with plans to bring a six-month update to the committee.

We plan to bring a six-month update for next year. — Meeting Transcript

This week's meetings highlighted the council's ongoing efforts to strengthen community spaces, address social care challenges, and ensure robust governance practices. The focus on community engagement and proactive policy development continues to be a central theme in the council's work.

Islington Council's New Housing Strategy, Community Safety Wins, and Budget Challenges: Key Updates from This Week's Meetings

This week, the Islington Council held three meetings: the Housing Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 13 May 2024, the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, and the Annual Council on Thursday, 16 May 2024.

Housing Scrutiny Committee

The Housing Scrutiny Committee focused on the development and progress of housing projects, broadband infrastructure, and a new homelessness prevention strategy.

Housing Development The council is committed to starting 750 new homes by 2027, with key projects at Phidgby Legendre Centre, South Bemerton, Volley Road, and Harvest. However, financial pressures and planning delays were acknowledged, with some schemes only funded up to the planning stage.

Broadband Infrastructure Efforts to enhance broadband infrastructure are ongoing, with negotiations with providers like BT Open Reach in the final stages. The council aims to ensure that infrastructure work does not leave streets and roads in poor condition post-installation.

Homelessness Prevention Strategy A new strategy was introduced, emphasizing a holistic and trauma-informed approach. The council is proactive in purchasing properties for temporary housing, aiming to spread these acquisitions across various neighborhoods to avoid concentration in poorer areas.

The strategy aims to reduce rough sleeping and ensure that those in temporary accommodation are housed as locally as possible and for the shortest time. — Meeting Transcript

Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee

The Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee covered community safety, corporate performance, and council transformation projects.

Community Safety Councillor John Wolfe presented on community safety, highlighting the five-year violence reduction strategy and the youth safety strategy. Significant reductions in public order crime types were noted, and the importance of partnership working with the police was emphasized.

Wolfe noted significant reductions in public order crime types, including motor vehicle crime, robbery, knife crime, and firearms discharges. — Meeting Transcript

Corporate Performance Issues such as the use of agency staff and the recruitment of IT staff were discussed. The need for innovative solutions to rising costs was highlighted.

Council Transformation Projects Updates on initiatives like the Access Islington Hubs and the Somali community plan were provided. The importance of delivering early intervention and prevention services was emphasized.

Annual Council

The Annual Council meeting focused on changes in council roles, budget pressures, and various administrative updates.

Council Role Changes Several councillors were acknowledged for their work, and new executive members were appointed. Councillor Chapman will manage equality, communities, and inclusion, while Councillor Halloran will address new housing builds and maintenance.

Budget and Housing Challenges The impact of budget pressures on the new home build program and the rising need for housing maintenance were discussed. The goal is to manage housing finances effectively and maintain high-quality housing stock.

Procedural Votes Several items, including a constitutional update and the appointment of councillors to political positions, were voted on and agreed upon without opposition.

This week's meetings underscored the council's commitment to addressing housing needs, enhancing community safety, and managing budget pressures. The focus on realistic and evidence-based recommendations, as well as the emphasis on community engagement and feedback, reflects a proactive approach to policy development and community welfare.

Key Updates on SEND Support and Housing Innovations from This Week's Islington Council Meetings

This week, the Islington Council held three meetings, with significant discussions taking place during the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday, 29 April 2024 and the Housing Scrutiny Committee meeting on Tuesday, 30 April 2024. The Licensing Sub Committee C meeting had no summarized notes available, and the Licensing Regulatory Committee meeting was cancelled.

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee

The Children's Services Scrutiny Committee focused on several critical areas concerning education and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Key decisions and discussions included:

  • School Attendance and Performance: The committee addressed the issue of school attendance, particularly the impact on Black Caribbean families, proposing inclusive educational settings and attendance awareness courses. This decision aims to enhance student engagement and reduce absenteeism, which is crucial for improving educational outcomes.

  • SEND Transitions: The council reviewed the SEND transitions report, acknowledging the increase in students with SEND and the strain on resources. They discussed the implementation of a new template for education, health, and care plans to simplify processes. This is a vital step towards providing better support for SEND students during their transition phases.

  • Elective Home Education: A significant increase in elective home education was discussed, with concerns about the impact on school funding and support for home-educated students. This highlights a growing trend that the council needs to address to ensure all students receive adequate educational resources.

Housing Scrutiny Committee

The Housing Scrutiny Committee tackled issues related to ongoing housing projects and new build recommendations. Key areas of focus included:

  • Staffing Structure Review: The committee recommended a review of the staffing structure within the new homes development team to improve project management and outcomes. This could lead to more efficient handling of housing developments.

  • Alternative Funding and Delivery Models: There was a decision to explore alternative funding and delivery models, including the potential for a council-owned development company. This approach could offer new ways to manage and fund housing projects, although it carries risks of inefficiency or lack of transparency.

  • Resident Engagement Improvement: The committee agreed to overhaul resident engagement strategies following significant resident testimonies. Enhanced engagement is expected to improve project management and resident satisfaction.

  • Prefabricated Building Methods: Interest in prefabricated building methods was expressed as a way to accelerate housing construction. This method could lead to faster completion times and cost savings, though it requires careful consideration of quality and planning.

Both meetings this week highlighted the council's ongoing commitment to addressing key issues in education and housing. The focus on improving support for SEND students and enhancing housing project management through better engagement and innovative methods demonstrates a proactive approach to community welfare and development.

Islington Council Approves Dark Supermarket: Balancing Economic Growth with Community Welfare

This week, the Islington Council held a notable meeting concerning urban development and community welfare. The Planning Sub Committee A meeting on Thursday, 25 April 2024 focused on the approval of a dark supermarket in the Angel Central Shopping Centre.

Approval of the Dark Supermarket

The committee approved the application for a dark supermarket, which is essentially a fulfillment center for online grocery orders, with no walk-in customer access. This decision was based on the potential utilization of vacant space and the provision of local employment opportunities. The approval came with conditions aimed at mitigating potential negative impacts:

The approval was contingent on additional conditions including a revised operational management plan, a point of contact for residents, and a requirement for a new transport statement after one year of operation. — Meeting Transcript

These conditions reflect the council's effort to balance economic benefits with community impact, ensuring ongoing review of the supermarket's effects on the area.

Broader Traffic and Delivery Issues

An interesting occurrence during the meeting was the extensive discussion on existing traffic and delivery issues at the Angel Central Shopping Centre, unrelated to the supermarket application. This discussion highlighted broader concerns about area management and the enforcement of existing regulations.

This underscores the council's responsiveness to community feedback beyond the immediate application at hand. — Meeting Transcript

This theme of responsive governance aligns with previous discussions, such as those in the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday, 15 April 2024, where the importance of data and community feedback in shaping policies was emphasized.

Overall, the decision to approve the dark supermarket, while addressing broader traffic and community concerns, illustrates the council's approach to urban development: cautious yet progressive, with a clear focus on sustainable practices and community welfare.

Islington Council's Latest Moves: Enhancing Healthcare Access and Community Safety

This week, the Islington Council held two meetings, with significant discussions taking place during the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday, 15 April 2024. The key topics included adult social care access, drug and alcohol services, and community safety and health services.

Adult Social Care Access

The committee decided to implement a charter for primary care service access, aiming to enhance service accessibility and choice for residents, including those with disabilities. This decision is expected to increase patient satisfaction and streamline access to care, promoting a higher standard across healthcare services.

Drug and Alcohol Services Review

Continuation and expansion of outreach and support programs were agreed upon, with a particular focus on naloxone distribution and overdose prevention. This move addresses the high prevalence of drug and alcohol abuse in the community by enhancing support and prevention measures. The implications could be significant, potentially leading to a decrease in overdose incidents and broader community awareness of substance abuse issues.

Community Safety and Health Services

The council plans to increase the integration of health services with community safety measures. This holistic approach includes mental health and substance abuse considerations, which could potentially reduce crime rates and improve public health outcomes.

An interesting point raised during the meeting was the urgent need for improved data collection and sharing across services to better address community health and safety challenges. This highlights a recurring theme we've discussed before: the importance of data in shaping effective community services and policies.

Unfortunately, the details of the meeting held on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, by an unknown committee are not available as the notes have not yet been summarized. We will keep an eye on this and update you in future communications.

Recent meetings
Audit and Risk Committee

Audit and Risk Committee - Monday, 24th March, 2025 7.00 pm

The meeting on 24 March 2025 concerned the adoption of Islington Council's draft Internal Audit Plan for 2025-26, and included an update on the council's 'whistleblowing' procedures. This plan describes how the council intends to meet its legal obligation under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 to monitor its own financial stability. Also included were reports on the council's plans for mitigating a range of risks it faces in 2025-26, including financial instability, cyber attacks and serious fraud.

March 24, 2025
Planning Committee CANCELLED

Planning Committee - Monday, 24th March, 2025 7.30 pm

This meeting has been cancelled.

March 24, 2025
Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 7.30 pm

We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting.

March 20, 2025
Licensing Sub Committee C

Licensing Sub Committee C - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 6.30 pm

We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting.

March 20, 2025
Planning Sub Committee A CANCELLED

Planning Sub Committee A - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 7.30 pm

This meeting has been cancelled.

March 18, 2025
Licensing Committee

Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 6.30 pm

We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting.

March 18, 2025
Licensing Regulatory Committee CANCELLED

Licensing Regulatory Committee - Monday, 17th March, 2025 6.30 pm

This meeting has been cancelled.

March 17, 2025
Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 7.30 pm

The meeting discussed a successful pilot of a new thermal imaging scheme that helps residents identify how to make their homes more energy-efficient, and plans to develop the Council's work with anchor institutions[^2] in the Borough. The Committee heard a presentation from Councillor Sheila Chapman on the work of her Equalities, Communities and Inclusion portfolio, and then a presentation from Council officers on the Council's work with anchor institutions.

March 11, 2025
Health and Wellbeing Board

Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 1.00 pm

The meeting accepted all of the reports put before it. This included the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025 which is still in development and will be consulted on in the summer of 2025. The meeting also accepted the Better Care Fund 2025/26 and agreed that, due to time constraints, it would be signed off by the chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Chief Executives of both Islington Council and the North Central London Integrated Care Board.

March 11, 2025

Pensions Committee - Monday, 10th March, 2025 7.00 pm

This meeting was about the Islington Pension Fund, how it is performing and how it should be invested. The meeting considered whether the Fund should change its investments to reduce their impact on climate change and to better reflect the council's goal of building a more inclusive economy in the borough.

March 10, 2025
Upcoming meetings

Pensions Board - Tuesday, 25th March, 2025 4.00 pm

March 25, 2025

Employment and Appointments Committee - Thursday, 27th March, 2025 10.00 am

March 27, 2025

Executive - Thursday, 27th March, 2025 7.00 pm

March 27, 2025
Licensing Sub Committee D

Licensing Sub Committee D - Tuesday, 1st April, 2025 6.30 pm

April 01, 2025
Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 1st April, 2025 7.00 pm

April 01, 2025
Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee

SPECIAL MEETING ON THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY, Environment, Climate and Transport Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 2nd April, 2025 6.00 pm

April 02, 2025
Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee

Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 3rd April, 2025 7.30 pm

April 03, 2025
Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee

Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 7th April, 2025 7.30 pm

April 07, 2025