Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education (SACRE) - Thursday, 26th September, 2024 6.30 pm

September 26, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting of Lewisham SACRE on 26 September 2024 included for discussion a range of matters arising from the previous meeting and an update from a public health consultant about reducing health inequalities. It concluded with the first part of a self-evaluation of the work of the SACRE.

Jewish Life Exhibition

The meeting was to include a discussion of the Jewish Life Exhibition, due to be hosted by the Catford Synagogue1 in November 2024. Information packs and booking details have already been circulated to all schools in the borough.

Vicki Ashmore, an ex-headteacher and a member of the Bromley SACRE, was scheduled to attend the meeting to answer questions about the exhibition. She was involved in the exhibition when it was hosted by Bromley Synagogue and reported that 650 people visited over the two weeks it was open.

Review of the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus

The meeting was to include the first discussion of the review of the Lewisham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education2. The Agreed Syllabus is used by schools to teach Religious Education. All members were asked to re-read the current syllabus and consider if it was still an appropriate representation of their faith group. The review, which will be scoped and costed, will formally begin in the Autumn term. Once it is complete, a formal request will be made to Lewisham Council to establish an Agreed Syllabus Conference.

Standards in schools – exam results initial overview

The meeting was also scheduled include an initial overview of this year's exam results from Anthony Doudle.

Reducing health inequalities through working with faith groups

The meeting was to include a presentation about reducing health inequalities through working with faith groups. This was due to be delivered by Lisa Fannon, Senior Project Manager at BLACHIR 3 and Kerry Lonergan, Public Health Consultant at Lewisham Council.

Matters arising

A number of matters arising from the previous meeting, which took place at the London Sivan Kovil4 in July, were scheduled to be discussed. These included:

  • An update on the arrangements for Holocaust Memorial Day, and whether the SACRE will be represented on the organising group;
  • Confirmation that a meeting of secondary RE leads will take place in the next term;
  • Feedback from Cllrs Johnston-Franklin and Tam, who attended the NASACRE5 Annual Conference and AGM; and
  • A report on the response the Chair received from candidates in the recent General Election to his ‘Manifesto for RE and SACREs’.

  1. Catford Synagogue is a synagogue in Catford

  2. All Local Authorities are required to have an Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. It is written by the SACRE and agreed by the local authority. All state-funded schools must teach RE and, in doing so, they must have regard to the locally agreed syllabus. More information is available on the website of the Religious Education Council of England and Wales

  3. BLACHIR is an organisation that works to improve the health and wellbeing of Black and Minority Ethnic communities in South East London.  

  4. London Sivan Kovil is a Hindu temple in Plumstead, South East London.  

  5. The National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (NASACRE) is a charity that provides advice and support to SACREs. 


  • Aaron Ayala
  • Angela Scattergood
  • Anthony Doudle
  • Caroline Kalu
  • Cheryl Abbam
  • Daisy Scalchi
  • David Hutchens
  • David Osborne
  • Denise Chaplin
  • Elizabeth Maxted
  • Gerald Rose
  • Gwen Carney
  • Imam Ashraf
  • Imam Sabir
  • Janey Joaovel
  • Jennifer Sutherland
  • Joan Goldberg
  • John Turner
  • Judith Nweze
  • Karen Hansen
  • Katy Brown
  • Kim Knappett
  • Korkor Burnett
  • Layo Segun
  • Louis R McLeod
  • Martin Gormlie
  • Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
  • Nicholas Gunner
  • Nick Gunner
  • Pastor Nick Hughes
  • Revd Steve Lawrence
  • Ruth Griffiths
  • Sharmila Manoharan
  • Shaun Burns
  • Sian Blackwood-Carlyle
  • Stephen Sealy
  • Vallipuram Bala