Local Development Committee - Monday 23rd September 2024 6.30 p.m.

September 23, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of Newham Council's Local Development Committee will consider applications for planning permission for a new community centre, a house in multiple occupation, and new fencing. The meeting will also appoint a new Deputy Mayor.

409 High Street North, Manor Park

The Committee will consider a planning application for permission to demolish a former Kwik Fit garage and replace it with a part three and part four-storey building containing a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)1 on the upper floors and a mixed use co-working space and café at ground floor level.

The HMO would contain 29 rooms, 27 of which would be for double occupancy and 2 for single occupancy. There would also be a residents-only co-working space. In addition to kitchen, dining, and living facilities on each floor, there would be communal amenity space and a roof terrace on the second floor.

The applicant, Partap Property Co., has agreed to contribute £80,656 towards local employment initiatives. Their submitted report on employment explains that:

35% local employment on the construction phase of the development [would mean] 22 jobs

The report pack proposes that the planning permission be granted subject to several conditions. The conditions include the requirement for a car-free development, with the exception of disabled parking, a requirement for sustainable transport initiatives and cycle storage, and measures to mitigate noise and air pollution, and loss of daylight to the neighbouring Manor Pre-School.

The report also requires that prior to construction commencing a programme of archaeological investigation will be undertaken due to the site's location within the Manor Park to North Woolwich Road Archaeological Priority Area.

Hudson Bay, 1-5 Upton Lane, Forest Gate

This application seeks permission for a change of use of the former Hudson Bay pub, which closed in July 2023, from a pub to a multi-functional community centre.

The applicant, Quwwat-Ul-Islam Society, states that the community centre will operate between 09:00 and 19:00 seven days a week and will provide:

  • Vocational training
  • Language classes
  • Parent/toddler sessions
  • Social clubs for the elderly
  • Youth clubs
  • Study groups
  • IT skills training
  • Workshops, and
  • Fitness classes.

The application pack notes that the building is located in the Forest Gate Town Centre Conservation area and that planning permission for the pub, granted in 1998, included the condition that:

the proposed use operates solely by J D Wetherspoon PLC in order to help manage the likely detrimental amenities in relation to the proposed use.

The applicant has not provided evidence that the building has been offered to the market as a pub, or that the pub is not viable.

Clapton Football Club, Upton Lane, Forest Gate

The Committee will be asked to consider an application to replace a 120 metre long fence, which ranges in height from 2 metres to 3.75 metres, separating Disraeli Walk from the football ground.

The application seeks permission to install an 83 metre long, 3.75 metre high green metal fence. The report pack states that this will improve the existing safeguarding measures implemented. The report notes that:

The proposed fence is considered to be fit for purpose, of appropriate design-quality, and would not appear incongruous within the context of the existing street scene or surrounding area.

The report pack proposes to grant planning permission subject to conditions. They include a requirement to use the materials proposed in the application and a restriction on construction hours.

  1. A House in Multiple Occupation is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 'household' (for example a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen.