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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Wednesday 18th September 2024 10.00 a.m.

September 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing Sub-Committee has decided to grant the Chandos Community Association a new premises licence for the Chandos Community Association in Colegrave Road. However, licensable activities must end by 22:00 Sunday to Thursday and 23:00 on Friday and Saturday. The committee also imposed more than 30 conditions to address the concerns raised by residents and the police and environmental health.

The History of the Application

This is the applicant's second attempt to obtain a licence for the premises. A previous application was rejected in April 2024, and the committee expressed concern that the applicant had not adequately considered the four licensing objectives1 in her application.

The Chandos Community Association previously held a club licence that was issued to The Chandos Centre Social Club Ltd. in 2006. The club licence lapsed in January 2024 after the organisation was removed from the Charity Register in May 2023.

Concerns about Noise Nuisance

The Council's Commercial Environmental Health team, the police and local residents have raised concerns about noise nuisance.

The environmental health officer pointed out that the hall has single glazed windows, which could allow noise from events to escape and disturb nearby residents. There is also a small outdoor space which is overlooked by residents at Miles Lodge.

The premises is situated in a quiet residential street some distance from the nearest busy road consequently the ambient noise level in the area is low.

The nearest residential premises is Miles Lodge. - Ian McConnell, Public Protection Officer, Newham Council

Several residents also spoke about the noise they had experienced at past events at the centre.

The alleyway that runs down the back of the community centre is between the end of the terraced houses and the car park and it operates as a fantastic opportunity for drug dealers and addicts to meet and disperse without being able to be cornered by the police - Jonathan Gillett, local resident

Concerns about the Applicant's Understanding of the Licensing Objectives

The environmental health officer and the police licensing officer both raised concerns that the applicant may not fully understand the four licensing objectives and had not included an adequate set of conditions in her operating schedule. The committee's decision letter from the April 2024 meeting stated that the applicant had not read the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy or Model Conditions.

The applicant has not in my opinion took heed of the decision and the Reasons for refusal. - Colin Hunt, Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer, Newham Council

The committee asked the applicant several questions about her operating schedule and the Model Conditions.

Committee: Could you tell me why you was not able to put in some of the homework that you needed to make this um application more stronger?

Anita Foreman: I don't know i don't know i just i need you to write it out right okay

Committee: Now that's that's fine considering we did tell you the last time we have a licensing team here which would literally hand hold you through and make sure that you cover all the points that gave us concern the last time which once again you haven't. Now if you're the sole person that we have to talk to you're the one that's applying for the premises license john wants to step away the the premises is not being run properly you want an alcohol license aside the tens that you can apply for um why do you think that gives us i don't know confidence because we're now this license to run it properly that's why we want the license we want to run it properly.

Committee: Even on the last decision um have you come up with any policies that you could submit to us like the dispersal policies uh policies that we spoke about the last time people coming in people coming out people making noises down?

Anita Foreman: But i i'm going to do keeping away and always to be quiet

Drug Dealing in the Area

The police reported that there had been drug dealing in the area in the past, but that this has recently subsided. The police licensing officer said that the applicant had assisted their efforts to eradicate the drug dealing.

The Maryland Police Safer Neighbourhood Team have mentioned that drug dealing involving Class A drugs was prevailent in the immediate vicinity of the premises but that the applicant has assisted their efforts to attempt to eradicate it. They have continuously issued banning orders to both dealers and addicts and the problem has recently quietened down. - Conal Stoat, Metropolitan Police Licensing

Busy Angels Day Nursery

The committee expressed concern about the presence of Busy Angels Day Nursery on the same site as the community centre. The nursery closes at 18:00 which would mean a significant overlap with the licensed hours the applicant had applied for. The committee heard that there had been no communication between the applicant and the nursery about the application.

The nursery staff raised concerns about safeguarding, the use of shared facilities, and the presence of rubbish in the car park after events.

The members noted that the nursery closes at 6pm which would mean an overlap with the applicant’s licence should it be granted. There were further concerns raised in respect of sharing of the building between nursery and the licence holder such as sharing of communal areas such of the toilets and safeguarding of children whilst there are ongoing licensable activities etc. It became apparent to the members that there had been no dialogue between the applicant and the owners of the nursery on the issue of sharing a building and in fact the nursery owners only had learnt of this application through a resident rather than directly from the applicant or the building’s manager who appears to control the building. - Steve Jackson, Licensing Enforcement Officer, Newham Council

The committee asked the applicant how she would mitigate these concerns.

Committee: And so you're saying if carol highs out of horn anything that happens you're going to be in charge of what the bar is it just with the bar well which regarding the bar?

Anita Foreman: Yeah okay anything else any clear enough or anything you stand to carol okay you've got my weird setup really weird

The Decision

After deliberating in private, the committee decided to grant the application but with reduced hours. The licensable activities must end by 22:00 Sunday to Thursday and 23:00 on Friday and Saturday.

The committee also imposed a number of conditions on the licence, which will be detailed in the decision letter. The letter will be sent to the applicant within five working days, and all parties have the right to appeal the decision to the Magistrates Court within 21 days.

  1. The four licensing objectives are the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm. They are the guiding principles of the Licensing Act 2003, which provides a framework for regulating the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of late night refreshment, and the provision of regulated entertainment.