Officer Key Decision - Thursday 19th September 2024

September 19, 2024 View on council website
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The Officer Key Decision meeting on 19 September 2024 will include a report on a proposal to award a contract for cycle training in the borough.

Cycle Training Contract

Aled Richards, the council's Corporate Director of Environment & Sustainable Transport, will be asked to approve the award of a contract to Cycling Instructor Ltd. The contract would be for the provision of cycle training across the borough and would be worth up to £600,000 over four years. The money would be provided by Transport for London (TfL) as part of the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and other TfL programmes.

The report prepared for the meeting claims that Cycling Instructor Ltd is the highest-ranked provider on a framework agreement set up by Waltham Forest Council. It also says that using a framework agreement will save the council time and money, and that it will provide better value for money than running a full tender process.

The report argues that providing cycle training will help the council deliver its corporate priorities, including:

Enabling residents to travel more regularly by active modes

The report claims that this will contribute to:

Corporate Plan Priority 1 ‘A Healthier Newham and Ageing Well’

The report goes on to claim that the cycle training will help to:

Support delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy ‘50 Steps to a Healthier Borough’, through increased physical activity, increased levels of safer road cycling, reductions in car use, improving air quality and noise levels.

Finally the report states that:

Enabling more sustainable travel directly contributes to local environmental outcomes as included in Corporate Plan Priority 3 ‘Your Neighbourhood’, including the Air Quality Action Plan, and to addressing the Climate Emergency via delivery of the Just Transition Plan.