East Area Committee - Monday 23rd September, 2024 7.00 pm

September 23, 2024 View on council website
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The East Area Committee of Barnet Council will meet to discuss the allocation of funding for local projects under the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL), and to receive an update on the status of a number of road safety schemes. They will also discuss a resident’s issue relating to the ongoing replacement of pavements in Temple Fortune.

Pavement replacement works – Finchley – Temple Fortune

A resident has written to the council to complain about pavement replacement works taking place in Finchley Road, Temple Fortune. They expressed specific concern about the fact that an area in front of Dudley Court had been dug up after initially being completed. They said that they were appalled at the incredible waste of other taxpayers', and my money. The council will provide the following response:

I confirm there was no additional cost to the authority to replace these blocks, this cost was borne by the Councils Contractor.

Area Committee Funding - Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) & Road Safety and Parking Fund update

The committee will be asked to note the status of the NCIL and Road Safety & Parking budgets for the East Area Committee. Councillors will be told that there is a total of £238,295 available to spend during 2024/25, and they will be invited to consider applications for funding at the meeting. The report to be presented to the committee describes the process by which the Community Infrastructure Levy is calculated and distributed, and how applications for funding are assessed. It explains that

The amounts approved from the CIL reserve were based on estimates from the service department, with a view that should the estimate prove to be understated there would be no further call on the Area Committee budgets without an additional approval.

A number of projects will be highlighted in the report, including:

The committee will also receive a report on progress that has been made on schemes that have already received funding, including the provision of:

The committee will be told that work to improve pedestrian safety on Hampstead Way in Golders Green will be the subject of a future report to Councillors.