Planning Committee - Thursday 26th September, 2024 7.00 pm, NEW

September 26, 2024 View on council website
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The Barnet Council Planning Committee (New) is scheduled to consider a number of planning applications at its meeting on 26 September 2024. The applications include proposals for the installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP), the construction of a third floor level to provide additional flats, the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of new builds.

The Thomas Watson Cottage Homes, Leecroft Road

The Thomas Watson Cottage Homes is seeking to fell four London Plane trees, and reduce the size of two Oak trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). The report pack states that the applicant's agent, MWA Arboriculture Ltd, believes this action is necessary to remedy subsidence damage to two properties on the estate.

The loss of these trees of special amenity value is not justified as a remedy for the alleged subsidence damage on the basis of the information provided.

- Officer's Assessment, TPP-0509-23 The Thomas Watson Cottage

The Officer's report notes that the estimated cost of underpinning the two properties to stabilise their foundations would be £120,000, while the installation of a root barrier would cost £63,084.95. The report also calculates the amenity value of one of the trees as being £35,328.

East Barnet School, 5 Chestnut Grove

East Barnet School is seeking permission for the installation of floodlights on an existing synthetic grass football pitch. The proposal has been called in by Councillor Cohen to ensure that it is properly examined, despite the councillor supporting the application.

I would like to call in this application so there can be a proper examination of the proposals. We as councillors support the application as it provides an income for the school while taking account of the interests of local residents. And we believe any examination will bear this out ie that it is a reasonable plan.

- Councillor Cohen, East Barnet School - Committee Report

49 objections to the proposal were received during the consultation period, mostly citing concerns about noise and light pollution. 15 letters of support for the proposal were also received, many focusing on the economic benefits for the school.

21 Hampstead Gardens

Mr Gagea is seeking permission to convert the existing residential dwelling at 21 Hampstead Gardens into 3 self-contained flats. The application also includes proposals for a part single, part two-storey side and rear extension, and a number of roof extensions and rooflights.

The proposed development does not provide a legal agreement to mitigate the highways impacts of the proposed development and it is therefore considered that it would have a detrimental impact on the free flow of traffic and highway safety, contrary to Policy T6.1 of the London Plan (2021), Policy CS9 of the Adopted Core Strategy (2012) and Policy DM17 of the Adopted Development Management Policies DPD (2012) and the Planning Obligations SPD (2013)

- Officer's Assessment, 24-0431-FUL Committee Report 21 Hampstead Gardens

The report pack includes a recommendation that the application be refused if the applicant does not enter into a legal agreement with the council to mitigate the impact of the development on local highways by 24 December 2024.

Marwood Court, 25 Gruneisen Road

Mr A Rexha has submitted an outline planning application to construct a third floor level to provide two new flats on top of the existing building at Marwood Court. The application has been called in to committee by Councillor Rich.

I have visited the sight and am concerned about the possible overlooking of gardens in Wentworth Avenue.

- Councillor Rich, Marwood Court

The report pack states that seven objections to the application were received, all citing concerns about the impact of the development on the privacy of residents of nearby properties in Wentworth Avenue.

4 Woodside Avenue

Mr Gareth Antonioni is seeking permission for the demolition of the existing dwelling at 4 Woodside Avenue and the erection of a new building containing 6 self-contained flats. The report pack contains a number of letters of objection from local residents.

The neighbourhood is already saturated with new flats, and this project would exacerbate issues related to infrastructure, character, and congestion.

- Letter of Objection, Committee Report 4 Woodside Ave

The objections cite concerns about the impact of the proposal on the character of the area, levels of traffic and parking, noise and pollution, and the capacity of local amenities and infrastructure.

O/s 77-81 Russell Lane

The report pack contains two applications for the installation of electric vehicle charging points at 77-81 Russell Lane. One concerns the installation of the EVCP unit itself, the other relates to the installation of advertising that will form part of the unit.

The primary function of the JOLT unit is electric vehicle charging, with a secondary function of digital out-of-home advertising, which pays for the daily free charge.

- Officer's Assessment, 23.5291.FUL 77-81 Russell Lane

Eight objections to the proposal were received during the consultation period. The concerns raised mostly relate to the impact of the development on parking, and the accessibility of the pavement for pedestrians with mobility issues.

Torrington Court, 40 Torrington Park

Mr I Heitner is seeking permission for the alterations and extensions of the existing buildings at Torrington Court to provide an additional 5 self-contained flats. The proposal includes the addition of a storey to one of the buildings, and the creation of crown roofs for two of the existing buildings.

The plans only add 5 new homes, which is fewer than some of the other developments on this street. I am pleased to see that these plans include new hedging and trees as well as retention of a garden for residents at the back of the site.

- Letter of Support, 23-3688-FUL Torrington Court Committee Report

The report pack states that 15 objections to the proposal were received. The objections mostly cite concerns about the impact of the development on the privacy and light of surrounding properties, traffic and parking levels, and ecological impacts.