Discretionary Housing Payments Review Advisory Panel - Tuesday 19th November, 2024 10.00 am

November 19, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the Discretionary Housing Payments Review Advisory Panel was scheduled to review two refused applications for Discretionary Housing Payments.

The meeting was also scheduled to consider, in private, a report on a matter relating to information relating to any individual. The Local Government Act 1972 allows councils to hold meetings in private in certain circumstances. 1

Review of Refusal to Grant Discretionary Housing Payment

The meeting considered two requests for reviews of refusals to grant Discretionary Housing Payments:

  • One review request related to an individual.
  • The other related to an individual.

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) are payments that can be made by local authorities in England and Wales to help people on low incomes with their housing costs. They are usually paid to people who are in receipt of Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit. DHPs are intended to provide short-term help to people who are struggling to afford their rent. They can be used to cover a variety of housing costs, including rent arrears, rent deposits, and removal expenses. 2

Local authorities have limited funds available for DHPs, so they have to carefully consider each application. They will take into account the applicant's income and expenditure, their housing costs, and their personal circumstances.

In some circumstances, councils have a legal duty to provide DHPs. For example, they may have to provide a DHP to someone who is at risk of becoming homeless. However, in most cases, the decision of whether or not to award a DHP is at the discretion of the local authority.

  1. The Local Government Act 1972 was a significant piece of legislation that reorganised local government in England and Wales. It established a two-tier system of counties and districts, replacing the previous system of county boroughs and county councils. The act also set out the powers and responsibilities of local authorities, including their role in planning, housing, education, and social services. Section 100A of the Act allows councils to exclude the public from meetings where confidential or sensitive information is likely to be discussed. 

  2. Universal Credit is a payment made by the UK government to help with living costs. It is paid to people who are on a low income or out of work. Housing Benefit is a payment made by the UK government to help people on low incomes pay their rent. It is paid to people who rent their home from a private landlord, a housing association, or a local council.