Planning Sub-Committee (2) - Tuesday 26th November, 2024 6.30 pm

November 26, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting will consider planning applications for a variety of locations in the City of Westminster including Broadcasting House, 138 Grosvenor Road and 47 Rupert Street. Amongst the applications to be considered are an application to modify an existing legal agreement and two applications to vary conditions attached to previously approved planning permissions.

Modification of legal agreement - Broadcasting House, 2-22 Portland Place

The report pack contains an application by the British Broadcasting Corporation to modify the legal agreement made between them and the council relating to the planning permission granted for Broadcasting House in May 2003. It is proposed to modify the existing Public Spaces Management Plan to enable changes to public access arrangements. The BBC request that public access to the reception areas and the Media Café be excluded from the Management Plan. The BBC's reasoning for this change is their assertion that they have been forced to close these areas since 2017 due to terrorist activity and the COVID pandemic. They argue that they cannot practically reopen these spaces and manage public access due to ongoing terrorism concerns.

As an international news broadcaster, the BBC and its Board are the subject of public criticism as a result of high-profile incidents involving BBC staff, both historic and recent. This leads to London Broadcasting House being a focal point for a vast number of protests: some pre-planned and many others spontaneous.

The BBC contend that the introduction of the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill in Parliament, which they believe will soon become law, would impose additional responsibilities upon them if they were to reopen the reception and Media Café areas to the public. They argue these responsibilities would make public access unviable, as they would be required to search every member of the public entering the building, which they consider an impossible task.

The report pack also contains an objection from a member of the public arguing that the proposal to modify the existing legal agreement will result in a reduction of public access to the BBC. They argue that the security concerns raised by the BBC are unfounded, and that other public sites in Westminster with similar security challenges manage to offer public access. The objector also claims that the BBC is leasing the Media Café to an associated private social club which is allowed to admit guests, rendering their security concerns invalid.

Application to vary condition - 47 Rupert Street

An application to vary the conditions attached to the planning permission granted on 30 October 2019 (RN 19/07041/FULL) for 47 Rupert Street is included in the report pack. This permission was for:

Demolition of existing roof structures (excluding chimneys), erection of new mansard roof and associated works in connection the use of the 5th and new 6th floors as 1 x studio; 3 x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed residential units (providing one additional unit) (Class C3)' (Retrospective application) (Site includes 51-53 Rupert Street)'

The application seeks to retain the 6th-floor rear gantry, retain the gantry access door at the rear of the building and extend the timescale for the creation of an internal corridor. The application has been submitted by Mr Scott Levy via his agent Mr Marcus Clarke.

Letters in support of the application, written by the owners of a flat within the development, argue that the retention of the rear gantry would provide an additional means of escape and would accord with Policy 12 of the City Plan 2019-2040 (Adopted April 2021).

The application is submitted in the belief that even if not ‘absolutely necessary’ as an amenity or fire safety mechanism, it is inconceivable that the gantry should be removed when it demonstrably makes the development safer, more inclusive and accessible and provides a much higher standard of safety and amenity for current and future residents.

This policy relates to housing quality, and requires new housing developments to be designed to the highest quality, taking into account factors relating to the health, well-being and safety of its occupants. The supporters also argue that the gantry does not negatively affect the character and appearance of the Soho Conservation Area.

Application to vary conditions - 138 Grosvenor Road

The report pack contains an application by Westferry Properties Ltd to vary conditions on the planning permission granted on 15 December 1999 for 138 Grosvenor Road (RN: 98/06288/FULL). This application proposes the construction of an additional storey on each of the four existing residential buildings, providing three additional flats, and the installation of a new heating and cooling system.

The application has received a large number of objections from local people and amenity groups. The report pack also contains an objection from a local Councillor. The objectors raise concerns including the impact on residential amenity, the visual impact of the development, the impact on air quality, a lack of affordable housing and the inadequacy of the existing waste management provisions. The application has also received some letters of support from local people. The supporters praise the improved energy efficiency that the development would provide and its contribution to local housing needs.