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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 11, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting was scheduled to consider a reserved matters application for a major development in Farnham, and a full application for the construction of 3 new houses in Haslemere.


The committee were scheduled to consider a reserved matters application for the development of land to the north of Coxbridge Farm on West Street in Farnham. The reserved matters application, submitted by Cala Homes (South Home Counties) Ltd, was for the approval of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of a development of 320 dwellings (including 96 affordable homes).

The application was previously deferred at the meeting on 8 October 2024. The deferral was in order for the applicant to reconsider the layout and design of the development's eastern boundary with Hazell Road, seeking to provide more of a green buffer to the boundary.

A revised layout plan was submitted to address this. This revised plan showed all of the dwellings on the eastern boundary being re-orientated so that their back gardens would now back onto the gardens of the houses on Hazell Road, rather than a mixture of side and rear elevations as previously proposed.

The revised plan included a vegetated strip between the rear gardens of the new houses and the existing rear gardens of the houses on Hazell Road.

A maintenance strip would be accessible to the Management Company via a series of locked gates behind Plots 10, 19, 32, 40, 47, 56 and 57. This would both prevent unauthorised access to the buffer strip, allow maintenance to be carried out and enable re-planting if necessary.

The report noted that the proposed development is on a site allocated for housing development in Policy SS1 of the Waverley Local Plan Part 1 (2018) and Policy FNP14g of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.

Land at Coxbridge Farm, Farnham, as identified on the Adopted Policies Map is allocated for around 350 homes.

The report identified a number of objections that had been made by residents, and by Kingsley Smith Solicitors on behalf of residents of numbers 20, 22 and 30 Hazell Road. These included concerns that:

  • The applicant had not engaged with residents before submitting the reserved matters application.
  • The proposal was contrary to Policy FNP14g of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.
  • The proposed separation distances to the Hazell Road boundary had been reduced from the suggested 18 metres to 12 metres.
  • The close proximity of the development to the eastern boundary would create overlooking and a loss of privacy for residents of Hazell Road.
  • Some of the most densely packed housing in the development would be placed along the northern boundary of the site.
  • Social housing had been included along the boundary with Hazell Road, and questioned its suitability.
  • The development would be constructed in 6 phases over 5 years.

An email was also submitted by Rachel Banks of 24 Hill View Road suggesting that the site should be used as a park and ride during the implementation of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme.

The report noted that a Design Review Panel, requested by Policy DM4 of the Waverley Local Plan Part 2 (2023), had taken place in October 2023 to consider a layout plan that had been submitted at the pre-application stage. It noted a number of concerns about this plan, including:

  1. The rigid layout with housing laid out in strict, regimented rows.
  2. Lack of greenery.
  3. Prioritisation of cars over pedestrians, for example through the use of large junction radii.


The committee were scheduled to consider a full application for the construction of three detached houses and associated works to the rear of 13 Derby Road in Haslemere.

The application was previously deferred at the meeting on 13 November 2024. The deferral was so that the applicants, Mr & Mrs Metelerkamp, could explore the possibility of moving the access road to the development further away from the boundary with 15 Derby Road.

Revised plans were submitted showing the access road being moved further east, increasing the distance to the boundary.

Amended plans have been received showing the proposed access road being moved by approximately 1m further towards the east, resulting in a separation distance of between approximately 6m and 3.6m to the common boundary with No.15. This would allow for the access road to follow the natural topography of the site without impacting on the root protection areas of the mature trees on site.

20 objections from 16 different households were received, and a neutral letter was received from another household. These objections included concerns about:

  • The lack of consultation with residents before the application was submitted.
  • The density of the development being contrary to policy.
  • The impact of the development on the character of the road.
  • The impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties, especially 15 Derby Road.
  • Traffic and parking congestion on Derby Road.
  • The safety of children walking to St Bartholomew's School.
  • The access arrangements being too close to 15 Derby Road.
  • The lack of a Flood Risk Assessment.
  • The loss of trees and biodiversity.
  • The potential for noise disturbance.
  • Setting a precedent for the development of other back gardens.

The report noted that the site is located within the settlement boundary of Haslemere, and therefore the principle of residential development on the site was acceptable.

The report addressed the issue of the impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties:

With regards to Nos.11 and 15 Derby Road, located to the north-east and north-west of the application site respectively, in addition to the fact that proposed dwellings would not be sited directly behind these neighbouring properties, the separation distances would be even greater. In addition, the common boundaries are fringed with dense mature foliage and the proposed dwellings would be sited on a significantly lower ground level that these neighbouring properties. As such, there would be limited views, if any, at a significant distance away that are not considered to result in harm to the amenities of the occupiers of these dwellings by reason of loss of light, overbearing impact or potential overlooking and loss of privacy.

It noted that the application site falls within Flood Zone 1, the area at lowest risk of flooding. It said that although the site might be vulnerable to surface water and groundwater flooding, a Drainage Strategy submitted by Lanmor Consulting Civil Engineers & Transport Planners showed that mitigation measures could be taken.

The report also noted that the site is within 5km of the East Hants and Wealden Heaths Special Protection Areas, but the development was not likely to have a significant impact on their integrity. It said that a Habitats Regulations Assessment was therefore not required.