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Humberside Police and Crime Panel - Tuesday 10th December 2024 9.30 am
December 10, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Humberside Police and Crime Panel was scheduled to receive updates from the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner, Jonathan Evison, about a range of topics and to receive the Police and Crime Commissioner's annual report for 2023-24. It was also scheduled to discuss the OPCC's finances and to receive an update on the progress of the Police and Crime Commissioner's savings plan.
Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner - Annual Report 2023-24
The Police and Crime Commissioner's annual report for 2023-24 was included for discussion. The report says that, over the previous year, the Police and Crime Commissioner's office:
- Dealt with 238 individual public enquiries with an average turnaround time of 13 days.
- Received 50 Freedom of Information requests with an average turnaround time of 7 days.
- Dealt with 114 individual complaint review applications.
- Had 16 misconduct hearings.
- Had more than 60 members of the public volunteer to help hold the Humberside Police to account, and now runs a new Independent Custody Scrutiny Panel.
- Helped to get almost 50,000 subscribers to My Community Alert.
- Dealt with 260 referrals through Restorative Justice, 106 of which involved violence against the person.
- Invested almost £1 million in Rounds 3 and 4 of the Community Safety Fund, supporting around 6,000 participants.
- Received almost 1,400 responses to a survey on the Police and Crime Plan Review in Autumn 2023, and almost 1,300 responses to a precept consultation.
- Had a social media reach of almost 1.3 million people for its domestic abuse campaign.
- Saw a further increase in incident referrals to the Blue Door ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) Service, with 84% being new referrals.
Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner - Update
Jonathan Evison, the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner, was scheduled to give an update to the panel. The Police and Crime Commissioner's update described:
- The formation of a Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Interventions task and finish working group.
- The launch of a public awareness campaign about domestic abuse over the school summer holiday period.
- The launch of a Winter domestic abuse campaign beginning on 25 November 2024.
- The publication of the OPCC's annual report for 2023-24.
- The relaunch of the Not In Our Community brand.
- The launch of a new service to support people affected by crime, delivered by Victim Support.
- The publication of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan.
- The launch of a toolkit for practitioners to help tackle Anti-Social Behaviour.
- The publication of a survey to gather the public's views on Anti-Social Behaviour.
- The launch of a new scrutiny panel dedicated to addressing Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls.
- The ongoing negotiations with T/CC Judi Heaton to extend her tenure as Temporary Chief Constable past December 2024.
- The publication of a timeline of events leading up to the retirement of the previous Chief Constable, Paul Anderson.
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Update
The Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner was scheduled to give a general progress report to the panel on all areas of the OPCC's work. It included:
- A description of the increase in incoming correspondence of 35% from January 2024 to November 2024, compared to the same period in the previous year, and the prediction of an 88% increase over the year as a whole.
- A description of the increase in demand for Freedom of Information requests of almost 50%.
- A note that three complaints about the Chief Constable had been received between January and November 2024.
- A note about the considerable increase in the number of misconduct hearings being brought by the Force.
- Confirmation that the capital grants programme round of the Community Safety Fund, announced in August 2024, had closed on 7 October and that applications were currently being appraised.
- An update on the Force Control Room Independent Domestic Violence Advisor service.
- A note that the OPCC team is working with key stakeholders to build a partnership to support a CARA (Cautioning and Relationship Abuse) model for Humberside.
- Confirmation that the OPCC team continues to support stakeholders involved in responding to the Legacy Funeral Investigation.
- An update on plans to hold a workshop with stakeholders to discuss the commissioning of a Child Sexual Assault Assessment and Referral service.
- A note about the OPCC's ongoing collaboration with local authority Combating Drugs Partnerships and engagement with partners on a Whole System Approach to female offender pathways and Out of Court Disposals.
- A note about the OPCC's involvement in a co-production event with Humberside Police and Forum, a voluntary community sector infrastructure organisation in Hull, to help develop an Independent Victims Voice panel for system change.
- Confirmation that members of the OPCC team had met with members of the South Bank authorities public health team in November for a networking and ideas exchange day.
- Confirmation that the four Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) are into their final year of their three-year funding agreements, that the Police and Crime Commissioner has committed to a further four years of funding for them from April 2025, and that the CSPs have been issued with new business cases to complete. It also included an update on the progress of the four CSPs:
- Hull CSP: The Hull CSP had launched Hull Orchard Park Estate (HOPE), a project that involved engagement with residents on the Orchard Park Estate in partnership with neighbourhood policing teams, the fire service and Hull City Council. The project saw the refurbishment of Shaw Park, which was reopened at an event attended by approximately 500 young people.
- East Riding of Yorkshire CSP: The East Riding of Yorkshire CSP had held a summer youth event that had been attended by 200 young people and involved various partners. The CSP had also continued to provide support for neighbourhood watch groups, doing additional work in Bridlington, linked to a Clear, Hold, Build project. Three new neighbourhood watch groups had been established in the previous quarter.
- North Lincolnshire CSP: The North Lincolnshire CSP had partnered with PAUL for Brain Recovery, a brain injury charity, to talk to 200 young people about the impact of one-punch assaults. The CSP had also launched a book about the subject and delivered active bystander training to potentially 600 scouts in the area.
- North East Lincolnshire CSP: The North East Lincolnshire CSP had held several engagement events and consultations, including ones on safety on public transport and Violence Against Women and Girls. The CSP had also focussed on improving its communications and engagement.
- Confirmation that the Police and Crime Commissioner had agreed to partially fund the post of the Crimestoppers Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Manager to March 2026.
- An update on the progress of the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership, including:
- The Navigator service, a project that will see staff working in all three local Emergency Departments to intervene with young people who have been involved with violence, will be publicly launched during the week beginning 9 December 2024.
- The launch of
Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Knife Crime Together
, a training package for professionals that also includes an educational offer for young people addressing misconceptions about knife crime. - The launch of the
Trusted Adult
campaign, which encourages young people to talk to trusted adults without judgement, agenda or expectation. - The upcoming launch of
Anyone. Anywhere. Understanding Healthy Relationships
, an educational resource pack developed in collaboration with secondary school pupils and staff across the Humber region that explores healthy and unhealthy relationships and aims to help young people recognise the signs of relationship abuse and understand how to respond and support others. - The continuing development and promotion of Youth Connect, a resource for signposting young people to positive activities.
- The organisation of an event in October that brought together around 130 partner agency staff to support the implementation and development of trauma-informed practice within systems and organisations.
- The ongoing development of a shared data platform and work on that year's Strategic Needs Assessment.
- The ongoing engagement with the Home Office about the development of future policy and funding decisions for the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership past March 2025.
Finance Update - December 2024
A report was scheduled to be discussed that provided the panel with an update on the progress of the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner's savings plan. It reported that:
- £1.408 million of the £1.5 million savings target for the year had already been achieved to 30 September 2024, mainly through procurement savings, the automation of processes and an organisation review of the Finance and Procurement teams.
- The mid-year budget review had identified £2.018 million of in-year pay and overtime pressures, £1.585 million of in-year non-pay pressures and £1.289 million of in-year savings.
- The predicted overspend at the end of the year was £1.339 million (0.55% of the OPCC Group's £245.334 million budget for the year).
- The predicted level of reserves at the end of the year was £17.730 million.
- John Davison
- Mashook Ali
- Abhimanyu Singh Hull City Council
- Amanda Talbot East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- Jonathan Cahill Hull City Council
- Kevin Shutt North East Lincolnshire Council
- Linda Tock Hull City Council
- Matthew Nundy
- Mrs Hazel Chase Independent Member
- Mrs Sue Whittaker Independent Member
- Paul Smith East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- Samantha Whyte East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- Stewart Swinburn North East Lincolnshire Council
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Dec-2024 09.30 Humberside Police and Crime Panel agenda
- Public reports pack 10th-Dec-2024 09.30 Humberside Police and Crime Panel reports pack
- Minutes Public Pack 29102024 Humberside Police and Crime Panel other
- HPCC Annual Report 2023-24
- Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Update
- Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Appendix
- Finance Update - December 2024 other