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Adult Social Services, Health and Housing Committee - Monday, 16 December 2024 7.00 pm

December 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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This meeting of the Adult Social Services, Health and Housing Committee will include a mid-year progress update on the Richmond Corporate Plan, presentations from the homelessness charity SPEAR, and a number of reports about the future of adult social care in Richmond.

Richmond Corporate Plan

The mid-year progress update on the Richmond Corporate Plan indicates that most of the key performance indicators relating to the Committee's work are 'green rated', although there are some notable areas of underperformance.

These include the number of properties where major disability adaptations have been completed; the number of households in temporary accommodation; and the number of physically active adults being supported by Council projects.

SPEAR presentation

SPEAR will provide a presentation to the Committee about their work supporting people experiencing homelessness in South West London. The presentation will include details of Richmond's Rough Sleeper Strategy and the challenges faced by people sleeping rough in the borough.

There will also be updates about current provision at Penny Wade House and the Housing First scheme.

Contract Award of Community Independent Living Service (CILS) Partnership, Health and Wellbeing Contract

This report recommends that the Committee approves the award for the Community Independent Living Service (CILS) Partnership, Health and Wellbeing contract to Age UK Richmond.

The CILS Partnership brings together a number of organisations from the voluntary sector, allowing Richmond Council to manage demand for adult social care services, support its residents to remain independent, and deliver on its commitments under the Care Act 2014.

Richmond Day Services - Future Model

This report details plans to change the way that the Council supports people who access its day services.

This report details the proposed changes to the way Adult Social Care support older and disabled people requiring day services in the London Borough of Richmond.  

The report includes an overview of the current provision at the three day centres currently operating in the Borough: Whitton Day Centre, Sheen Lane Day Centre and Woodville Day Centre. It then describes the proposed new model which would see services integrated and aligned:

To APPROVE the proposals to integrate and align social care day support services for vulnerable adults across the London Borough of Richmond to achieve an overarching ‘modern day services’ offer. This will incorporate a network of services with the voluntary and community sector by 2027/28.

The proposals also include a reconfiguration of the Council's day centre services which would see the closure of Whitton Day Centre, and remodelling of services at both Sheen Lane and Woodville:

To APPROVE the remodelling of the Council managed day centre services to operate from two locations in East Sheen and Ham in order to address underutilisation across services and allow for investment in building, facilities and equipment and reconfiguration over a carefully planned and phased period from 2025.

Continued Participation in the London Sexual Health and Contraception e-service (

This report seeks approval for Richmond to continue its participation in the London Sexual Health and Contraception e-service,

This report considers Richmond upon Thames’ continued participation in the London Sexual Health and Contraception e-service is a remote service which offers testing for sexually transmitted infections, as well as a number of contraception options. The service is currently provided by Preventx, but is due to be reprocured in 2026.

The report includes a detailed overview of the service, including an analysis of the benefits of continuing to invest.

Richmond Dementia Strategy Action Plan Report

This report provides an update on progress made towards the priorities set out in the Richmond Health and Care Dementia Strategy 2022-2031.

This report provides an update on progress towards the priorities set out in the Richmond Health and Care Dementia Strategy 2022-2031.

The report includes a detailed overview of the five key priority phases of the strategy. It also includes details of the Council's plans to establish a dementia hub.

Committee Work Programme

The Committee Work Programme for future meetings is also included on the agenda.

Richmond Care Homes - Future Model Report

This report seeks approval to commission residential and nursing care provision in the borough's three care homes: White Farm Lodge Care Home, Greville House and Laurel Dene Care Home.

This report seeks approval to commission residential and nursing care provision in 3 care homes in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames which aims to provide long-term quality, accessible and sustainable care home provision for Richmond residents.

Care services at all three homes are currently provided by Care UK under a 25 year Private Finance Initiative (PFI) agreement which is due to expire in 2026. The report proposes that a single service provider should be commissioned to deliver both care and facilities management for a period of 17 years, following a reprocurement exercise.

To APPROVE the procurement route to secure a single service provider to deliver both the specialist care and facilities management function within the care homes. The contract will be for an initial 10-year period with provision for extension of 5 years and a further 2 years.

The report also details plans to reconfigure the number of beds available at each of the homes, to better meet future needs.