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This meeting will include discussion of three appeals against the refusal of planning permission for a house in St Boswells, a house in Denholm, and an extension to a house in Hawick. There will also be discussion of an application to discharge a planning condition in respect of a previously-approved building at Borders General Hospital.
Planning Application 24/00090/PPP at Land East of Marigold, Denholm
The most significant item scheduled to be discussed at this meeting is an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for a house to the east of the existing property named Marigold in Denholm. The application was made by a Mr. & Mrs. Scott and their agent, Aitken Turnbull Architects.
The report pack contains a number of documents relating to this appeal: a request for review by the applicant's agent, dated 3rd December; a statement of appeal submitted by the applicant's agent on 19th November; a copy of the original planning statement submitted by the applicant; a document described as an Urban Character Assesment
prepared by the applicant's agent; a copy of the council's decision notice dated 26th November 2024; a copy of the council's report of handling dated 26th November 2024; a plan of the refused proposal; a copy of all correspondence received from consultees during the application process; a copy of all comments received from members of the public in support of the application; a copy of all objections to the application received from members of the public; and a list of the policies that the council considers relevant to the review.
The appeal is against the decision of the council to refuse planning permission for the erection of a dwelling house. This decision was made by the council's planning officers under delegated powers.
According to the council's report of handling, the application was refused on the grounds that the site lies outwith the settlement boundary of Denholm as defined by the Scottish Borders Local Development Plan 2016.
The site lies outwith the settlement boundary for Denholm. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of Policy PMD1 ‘General Requirements for New Development’ of the Scottish Borders Local Development Plan 2016, and the more detailed provisions of Policy HSG1 ‘Housing Land Supply’ of the Scottish Borders Local Development Plan 2016.
The applicant's agent argued in their appeal statement that the Local Review Body should grant planning permission for the development because, in their view, the economic and social benefits of the development outweigh any impact on the character of the area. They stated that
In summary, the proposal seeks to achieve a number of economic, social and environmental benefits which are considered to clearly outweigh any perceived adverse impacts on the character and appearance of the area.
Planning Application 24/00334/FUL at Land At Cottage Hospital, Bridge Street, St Boswells
The Local Review Body is also scheduled to consider a request to overturn the refusal of planning permission for a house on land at Bridge Street in St Boswells, to the north east of the existing property named Whinfield.
Included in the report pack are: a copy of the Notice of Review submitted by the applicant; a summary of the application; a statement from the applicant's agent; a copy of the council's decision notice; the council's report on the application; a site plan; and a list of development plan policies relevant to the application.
The application, by JS Crawford & Co, was refused under delegated powers by planning officers. Their report states that the refusal was because the application is contrary to the local development plan.
The Local Development Plan seeks to protect and enhance greenspaces within settlements... The proposal, by virtue of the introduction of a dwelling house with associated curtilage to this greenspace, would erode the open character of the site, which contributes positively to the character and visual amenity of the area.
The applicant's agent, John Steedman, argues that permission should be granted because the site is brownfield land1, and that the development would enhance the character of the area.
We consider that the site is brownfield in nature and that the principle of residential development is therefore acceptable.
Planning Application 24/00089/FUL at Land To The North West Of, 14 Rubers Law, Hawick
The Local Review Body will be asked to make a decision about whether to overturn a decision to refuse planning permission for an extension to 14 Rubers Law, Hawick.
The applicant, Mr. Stuart King, appealed against the refusal of planning permission to build a two storey extension and detached garage at the side of his property, which he says is needed to provide space for his family.
The proposal will allow our family to stay living together and will future proof the property
The council refused the application because it considered that the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the character of the area.
Given the prominent corner siting of the application property, it is considered that the proposed extension when viewed in the street scene fails to respond positively to the established building line and rhythm of the surrounding area.
Planning Application 23/01634/FUL at Land North of 74 Bongate, Jedburgh
The meeting will also include discussion of an application to discharge a planning condition in respect of a building at Borders General Hospital.
NHS Scotland, which is responsible for healthcare in Scotland, submitted an application to discharge a suspensive planning condition2 attached to a previously-approved planning permission for a new boiler house at the hospital. Planning condition 2 of the permission required the applicant to submit a scheme for the approval of the planning authority to demonstrate how the development would meet the biodiversity net gain requirements of the Local Development Plan.
The original planning application was approved in 2010. The development, which comprises a single-storey modular building to house a new boiler, will allow the hospital to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
The proposed development at BGH will...provide a low carbon heating solution.
- - Spare Ipad 2
- Aileen Orr
- Donald Moffat
- Eric Small
- Jane Cox
- Marshall Douglas
- Neil Richards
- Sandy Scott
- Simon Mountford
- Viv Thomson
- - Spare Ipad 1
- Declan Hall
- Fiona Henderson
- Kyle Wise
- Legal
- Lynne Cuerden
- Nuala McKinlay
- Sarah Thompson
- Scott Shearer
- 24_00334_FUL_-_OFFICERS_REPORT-4049775 other
- Agenda frontsheet 16th-Dec-2024 10.00 Local Review Body agenda
- Public reports pack 16th-Dec-2024 10.00 Local Review Body reports pack
- Item No. 4a - 24_00355_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE-4024217 other
- Item No. 4a - 24_00355_FUL_-_REPORT_OF_HANDLING-4024215 other
- Item No. 4a - 24_00355_FUL_-AGENT_REPLY_TO_ROADS_PLANNING-4024224 other
- NOR 1 - NOTICE_OF_REVIEW-4024156 other
- NOR 2 - APPLICATION_SUMMARY-4024158 other
- NOR 3 - AGENT_STATEMENT-4024157 other
- Item No. 4b - 24_00355_FUL_-REFUSED_DRAWINGS-4024218 other
- Item No. 4c - 23_00784_FUL_-_DECISION_-_REFUSAL-4043189 other
- Item No. 4c - 23_00784_FUL_-_OFFICERS_REPORT-4043191 other
- Item No. 4c - 20_01175_FUL_-_DECISION_-_REFUSAL-4043188 other
- Item No. 4c - 17_00856_FUL_-_WITHDRAWL_NOTICE-4043193 other
- Item No. 4d - 24_00355_FUL_-CONSULTATION_REPLIES-4024221 other
- Item No. 4f - 241120 December 2024 LRB Policy List KW other
- Item No. 4f - 241120 December 2024 LRB Policy List KW other
- Item No. 5a - 23_01634_FUL_DECISON_NOTICE-4024333 other
- Item No. 5a - 23_01634_FUL_REPORT_OF_HANDLING-4024332 other
- NOR 1 - REQUEST_FOR_REVIEW-4024282 other
- NOR 2 - APPEAL_STATEMENT-4024285 other
- Item No. 5b - 23_01634_FUL_-_REFUSED_DRAWINGS-4024349 other
- Item No. 5c - 10_00189_CON_-_DECISION_NOTICE-4043202 other
- Item No. 5c - 10_00189_CON_-OFFICERS_REPORT-4043203 other
- Item No. 5c - 10_00190_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE-4043204 other
- Item No. 5c - 19_00190_FUL_DECISION_NOTICE-4043208 other
- Item No. 5c - 19_00190_FUL_OFFICERS_REPORT-4043209 other
- Item No. 5c - 22_00492_CON_-_WITHDRAWL_NOTICE-4043210 other
- Item No. 5d - 23_01634_FUL_-_CONSULTATION_REPLIES-4024335 other
- Item No. 5e - 23_01634_FUL_-_SUPPORT_COMMENT-4024338 other
- Item No. 5f - 23_01634_FUL_-_OBJECTION_COMMENTS-4024336 other
- Item No. 5g - 241120 December 2024 LRB Policy List KW other
- NOR 1 - APPLICATION_FORM-4027129 other
- NOR 4 - PLANNING_STATEMENT-4027121 other
- NOR 5 - LOCATION_PLAN-4027122 other
- Item No. 6c - 21_01174_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE other
- Item No. 6d - 2400090PPP_-_CONSULT_REPLIES other
- Item No. 6b - 24-00090-PPP_-_REFUSED_-_DRAWINGS other
- Item No. 6c -21_01174_FUL-OFFICERS_REPORT other
- Item No. 6e - Dec LRB Policy List SS other
- NOR 1 - APPLICATION_FORM-4027170 other
- NOR 4 - CD2_PLANNING_STATEMENT-4027159 other
- NOR 5 - CD3_LOCATION_PLAN-4027163 other
- Item No. 7b - 24_00089_FUL_-_REFUSED_DRAWINGS other
- Item No. 7c - 23_01817_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE other
- Item No. 7c - 21_01174_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE other
- Item No. 7c - 21_01174_FUL_-_OFFICERS_REPORT other
- Item No. 7c - 23_01817_FUL_-_OFFICERS_REPORT other
- Item No. 7c -15_00007_RREF-LRB_DECISION_NOTICE other
- Item No. 7c - 14_00835_FUL_-_DECISION_NOTICE other
- Item No 7d - 24_00089_FUL_CONSULTATION_REPLIES other
- Item No. 7e - Dec LRB Policy List SS other
- 23_00776_FUL_WITHDRAWAL_LETTER-4049776 other
- 24_00334_FUL_-_DECISION-4049774 other
- Supplementary Agenda - Local Review Body - 16 December 2024 16th-Dec-2024 10.00 Local Review Body agenda