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Planning Committee - Wednesday 18th December 2024 2.00 pm

December 18, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting will include a site visit, the discussion of a major planning application, and a number of smaller applications. There will also be a discussion of the reserved matters for an application previously deferred from a meeting in November.

Land off Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey

This application is for the approval of reserved matters for a residential development of 74 dwellings, open space, and associated infrastructure. Outline planning permission (PA/2020/588) for the development was previously granted on 26 March 2021. The application has been called in by Councillors Trevor Foster and David Garritt due to significant public interest, with Kirton in Lindsey Town Council objecting to the application in its current form.

The report notes that a number of objections were raised by members of the public, including that:

...there was no level information on the site plan and housing layouts to indicate the heights, scale and massing of the proposal.

The report states that a number of amendments have been made to the plans in response to the concerns of local people, including that:

...plots 23 to 26 moved westwards by 0.6 to 0.9m

A statement of community involvement was also submitted with the application, which describes how the applicant consulted with the local community and stakeholders about their plans. It states that:

...[t]he consultation leaflet asks for views on the detailed design and layout of the proposals.

Garden Centre, Belton Road, Epworth

This major application concerns a proposal for a mixed-use development, including commercial uses (Class E1), a health centre (Class E), an educational area (Class F12), landscaping, and associated infrastructure following the demolition of an existing garden centre (Class E). The application has been called in by Councillors David Robinson and Tim Mitchell.

The officer's report notes that the site is within the setting of the Church of St Andrew, which is:

...a grade I listed building located to the east...

The report also states that the application site is within the Isle of Axholme area of special historic landscape interest, and that the Historic Environment Record has objected to the application, saying that:

...[t]he application adversely affects the area of special historic landscape interest of the Isle of Axholme which is designated for its unique historic landscape retaining the pattern of ancient open strip fields and enclosures surrounding the villages on the Isle.

Epworth Town Council supports the application. The report notes that many members of the public have written to the council about this application, with those supporting the application saying that:

...[t]he central position of this proposed supermarket, together with the new Isle Shopper community bus (no. 97), will make it accessible to many people across the Isle, providing benefit to a much wider area than Epworth.

The officer's report concludes that, subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement, permission should be granted.

Beechwood Farmhouse, 18 East Street, Hibaldstow

This application seeks planning permission for alterations to a rear window on the southern elevation of this property. Hibaldstow Parish Council supports the application.

The report notes that the application has been reviewed by the council's Conservation Officer, who has said that:

...[t]he proposed new window is contemporary in design and would result in a notably larger opening than is appropriate for the intended simple and non-elaborate appearance of this range.

The report concludes that the application should be refused, as it would result in harm to the listed building.

Listed Building Consent for Beechwood Farmhouse, 18 East Street, Hibaldstow

This application seeks listed building consent for the alterations to the rear window on the southern elevation of Beechwood Farmhouse. It is being discussed in conjunction with application PA/2024/1256, which seeks planning permission for the same alterations.

  1. Class E of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 covers a range of commercial, business and service uses.  

  2. Class F1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 covers non-residential institutions.