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Extraordinary Licensing Committee, Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 5.00 pm, NEW

December 17, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Committee of East Hampshire District Council will meet to discuss a number of licensing applications and the Council's draft Statement of Licensing Policy, which sets out how the Council will make decisions about licensing applications over the next five years. The Committee will hear an update on the responses received during the recent public consultation on the draft policy. It will also consider the minutes of three previous Licensing Sub-Committee meetings that decided on licensing applications for restaurants and bars in Alton.

Draft Statement of Licensing Policy

The Licensing Committee will discuss the Council's draft Statement of Licensing Policy 1, which was published on the Council's website and went out for public consultation for six weeks from 11 October until 21 November 2024.

The Committee will consider the responses received during the consultation and decide whether to make any changes to the Policy. The amended draft policy will then be submitted to the Full Council for final approval.

Five responses were received. Alton Town Council replied to advise that Alton Town Council has no comment. Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council replied to say they commend this thorough document which covers the safety of people using, and in the vicinity of licensed premises.

The three remaining consultation responses came from Hampshire Constabulary, Hampshire County Council Public Health and the South Downs National Park Authority.

Hampshire Constabulary

PC Brian Swallow from Hampshire Constabulary, said:

The East Hants District, although geographically expansive, it does not have a “City” and it only benefits from Market Towns and villages. As such, it does not have identified night time economy (NTE) areas with traditional style night clubs and late night refreshment (LNR) venues. What it does have are towns with pubs and bars and few LNR venues. Such areas are found in Alton (Market Square), Petersfield (The Square) and Bordon (The Shed). These areas do suffer from higher numbers and severity of incidents of crime, disorder, ASB, vulnerability & welfare than any other area within the District but not to a level that a cumulative impact or saturation policy would be required.

PC Swallow also suggested that the policy should include references to:

  • The welfare and vulnerability of both customers and staff at licensed premises
  • The Ask for Angela and WAVE schemes. These schemes train bar staff to recognise and respond to vulnerability and help people to get home safely at night.
  • Martyn's Law. This is a new law that will require venues with a capacity of over 100 people to take steps to protect their customers from terrorism.
  • Changes to smoking legislation that the Government is considering.

Hampshire County Council Public Health

Michael Newman, a Senior Public Health Practitioner at Hampshire County Council, said:

Whilst East Hampshire compares well to national and county rates on many key indicators of alcohol-related health harms, there were 1,812 admissions to hospital where alcohol was a direct cause or a contributing factor in 2022/23.

Mr Newman also suggested that the policy should include:

  • A statement encouraging licensed premises to adopt voluntary initiatives to help reduce alcohol harm.
  • A statement about cumulative impact, that includes alcohol-related harms beyond just anti-social behaviour and social disorder.
  • References to the impacts of alcohol-related harm on communities, when discussing special saturation policies.

South Downs National Park Authority

Nathaniel Belderson, Principal Planning Link Officer for the South Downs National Park Authority, suggested that the policy should include references to:

  • The SDNPA's guidance note for organisers of large festivals and events in the South Downs National Park.
  • The duty of the Licensing Authority to further the purposes of the National Park.
  • The fact that the SDNPA is the sole planning authority for the whole of the South Downs National Park.

Mr Belderson also suggested that the policy should include a statement about the tranquil qualities of the SDNP and the need to control light pollution that may affect the Park's International Dark Skies Reserve designation.

Licensing Sub-Committee Minutes

The Licensing Committee will consider the minutes of three previous Licensing Sub-Committee meetings held on 23 September, 16 October and 6 November 2024.

23 September 2024 Meeting

At its meeting on 23 September 2024, the Licensing Sub-Committee considered an application for a premises licence from Loungers UK Ltd for a new cafe bar called Lounge at 38 High Street, Alton.

The applicant requested a licence to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, to provide late-night refreshment and to open until midnight Sunday to Thursday and 2am on Friday and Saturday.

Representations were received from Hampshire Constabulary, Environmental Protection and Alton Town Council. A number of local residents also wrote to the Council to object to the application.

The Sub-Committee heard evidence from the applicant, the Police, Environmental Protection and a number of the objectors. It then adjourned to make its decision.

The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application, but with a number of conditions attached, including:

  • Reduced opening hours: The premises will be allowed to open until 11pm Sunday to Thursday and midnight on Friday and Saturday.
  • Restricted use of the outdoor area: The outdoor area will be limited to four tables and will be closed at 10pm Sunday to Thursday and 11pm on Friday and Saturday.
  • Staff training: All staff will be trained on the licensing objectives, including the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm. They will also receive training on age verification, Challenge 25 and the Ask Angela scheme.

16 October 2024 Meeting

At its meeting on 16 October 2024, the Licensing Sub-Committee considered an application for a new premises licence from Nensi Hebovija for the restaurant, Cucina Dei Sapori, at 8 High Street, Alton. Ms Hebovija wanted to be able to sell alcohol on and off the premises.

The previous premises licence for the restaurant had been revoked by the Sub-Committee earlier in the year, following an application for review by Immigration Enforcement. This followed a number of issues that arose in relation to the employment of staff.

At the October meeting, the Sub-Committee heard from the applicant and her solicitor. It also considered a representation from two local residents, who were concerned about the potential for noise nuisance from the use of the restaurant's rear garden.

Environmental Protection had initially made a representation, but withdrew it after the applicant agreed to limit the use of the garden to between 10am and 10pm.

The Sub-Committee granted the application with the condition that the rear garden be closed to patrons and staff between the hours of 10pm and 10am, seven days a week. It also included a condition that Mr Gentian Nela, the former licence holder and Designated Premises Supervisor, would not be involved in the running of the business.

6 November 2024 Meeting

The Licensing Sub-Committee had been scheduled to hear an application for a variation to a premises licence from Froyle Park, a wedding venue in Upper Froyle. However, before the meeting took place, the applicant contacted the Council to withdraw the application.

  1. A Statement of Licensing Policy is a document that sets out how a local authority will carry out its licensing functions. It must be reviewed every five years. The policy provides guidance for applicants and licence holders and helps to ensure that the licensing objectives are promoted. The licensing objectives are the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.