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Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions - Friday 20 December 2024 12.00 pm

December 20, 2024 View on council website
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The Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture is scheduled to decide whether to approve the proposed fees and charges for 2025/26 for Kingsbury Water Park Fishery.

Kingsbury Water Park Fishery Fees and Charges 2025/26

The Portfolio Holder will be asked to approve new fees and charges for Kingsbury Water Park Fishery.

Warwickshire County Council are proposing a number of changes to the fees and charges for the 2025/26 season.

The cost of the majority of fishing tickets and permits will remain the same as the 2024/25 season, though some permits for Specimen Carp Night Fishing will be reduced in price. The cost of an annual permit for existing permit holders will be reduced by 9%, and the cost of a new permit will be reduced by 5.1%. The council say that

The current financial year has seen a drop in sales for annual permits and day tickets and the proposed pricing is intended to attract new customers and extend the existing customer base whilst remaining competitive.

The council also say that they intend to introduce new night fishing tickets “to extend the offer”. They say these will cost £27.50 for Pine Pool and £22.50 for Gibsons Pool.

The report also says that the council intend to offer a new option for existing permit holders to purchase guest night fishing bookings at a cost of £25.00 per night, which the council say “will add to our offer and cater for a different sector of the market, with the prospect of attracting new permit holders from those introduced as guests”.

The report says that the income from these activities is reinvested into the fishery. The report says that

Income generated from the fishery at Kingsbury helps pay for ongoing habitat and maintenance work that it is required across the site. Our fish stock is substantial, including a specimen carp, 44lb in size, and this along with other sizeable fish are a key attraction of the fishery.

The report states that the Council will be using a third party online booking system from 2025 onwards. The report authors say that

This year the Specimen Carp Night Fishing Annual Permit has only sold 50% of available permits. Therefore, to drive interest and remain competitive in the market, it is proposed that the price of a permit is decreased ... for new applicants and ... for existing permit holders wishing to renew ... Our research has indicated the proposed price reduction, alongside being able to promote our prices at the start of the calendar year will put the fishery in a more competitive position with the aim of selling all the night fishing permits.

The report also says that the council have applied for and received grant funding to make improvements to the fishery. The report authors say that

Work continues on habitat management around the fishing lakes, restoring marginal plants and removing overgrown shrubs from the banks. The Council has received a grant to install new accessible fishing platforms and there have been a series of events and competitions bringing new and experienced anglers to Kingsbury.

The report says that the new fees and charges, if approved, will come into effect from 1 April 2025, but that the council want to start selling them on 1 January 2025. The report authors say that

Being able to sell permits from 1 January, to start on 1 April 2025, will ensure that sales are maximised as many other fisheries advertise and sell permits very early in the year.