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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 9.30 am
December 17, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub-Committee will be provided with a report on an application for the suspension of a taxi driver's licence. They will also be asked to consider whether to recall the suspension of another taxi driver’s licence, and to make decisions on a number of other licences.
Edinburgh's Hogmanay Torchlight Procession
The Sub-Committee will consider an application to hold the Edinburgh's Hogmanay Torchlight Procession on 29 December 2024. The report pack contains a proposal that the Sub-Committee grant permission for the procession to go ahead.
Request for Suspension of Taxi Driver’s Licence – Azadur Rahman
The Sub-Committee has been asked to consider a request to suspend the taxi driver's licence of Azadur Rahman. A letter from licensing enforcement officers will be provided to the committee. The letter requests that the committee suspends Azadur Rahman's licence, and describes the grounds on which they can do so. The report pack describes the powers available to the Sub-Committee, explaining that:
The Committee can decide to take no further action, issue a warning to the licence holder, or suspend the licence.
Request for Recall of Suspension – Baris Eroglu
The Sub-Committee will be asked to consider a request to recall the suspension of the taxi driver’s licence of Baris Eroglu. The report pack contains a request from a representative of Mr Eroglu to reinstate his licence.
Application for Private Hire Driver’s Licence – Dariusz Wachulak
The Sub-Committee has been asked to decide on an application for a Private Hire Driver's Licence from Dariusz Wachulak. Mr Wachulak has lived outside the UK, and so is required to provide a criminal convictions check before his application can be approved. The report states that:
The Polish Ministry of Justice has issued a criminal convictions certificate to the applicant (Appendix 2), which does not explicitly detail the offences of which the applicant was convicted.
The Sub-Committee will therefore be asked to use their discretion to decide whether to grant the licence in the absence of this information.
Private Hire Vehicle Licence (New) - Bashir Ahmad
The Sub-Committee will be asked to consider an application for a new private hire vehicle licence from Bashir Ahmad. The agenda notes that:
Applicant has not completed DSDP foundation training course
The meeting agenda does not explain what the DSDP foundation training course is.
Edinburgh's Hogmanay
The City of Edinburgh Council will be asked to make decisions on a number of licences relating to Edinburgh's Hogmanay.
Market Operator Licence (Temporary) - The Meadows, Edinburgh
The Sub-Committee will be asked to decide on an application for a temporary market operator licence from Unique Assembly Ltd for The Meadows. The agenda notes that the Network Management and Enforcement Team have no objections to the licence being granted, but recommend a condition of the licence should be:
The applicant does not unreasonably obstruct road or footway users, affect their safety or obstruct access to public seating or waste bins.
Public Entertainment Licence (Temporary) - The Meadows, Edinburgh
The Sub-Committee will be asked to decide on an application for a temporary public entertainment licence from Unique Assembly Ltd for The Meadows. The agenda notes that the Network Management and Enforcement Team have no objections to the licence being granted, but recommend a condition of the licence should be:
The applicant does not unreasonably obstruct road or footway users, affect their safety or obstruct access to public seating or waste bins.
Market Operator Licence (Temporary) - West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh
The Sub-Committee will be asked to decide on an application for a temporary market operator licence from Unique Assembly Ltd for West Princes Street Gardens.
Public Entertainment Licence (Temporary) - West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh
The Sub-Committee will be asked to decide on an application for a temporary public entertainment licence from Unique Assembly Ltd for West Princes Street Gardens. The agenda notes that the Network Management and Enforcement Team have no objections to the licence being granted, but recommend a condition of the licence should be:
The applicant does not unreasonably obstruct road or footway users, affect their safety or obstruct access to public seating or waste bins.
- 6.4 - SS - PEL - 540369 - West Princes street gardens
- 5.1 - Parades
- Agenda frontsheet 17th-Dec-2024 09.30 Licensing Sub-Committee agenda
- 6.1 - SS - LMO - 540370 - Meadows
- Public reports pack 17th-Dec-2024 09.30 Licensing Sub-Committee reports pack
- 6.2 - SS - PEL - 540368 - Meadows
- 3.1 - Request for Suspension or Revocation of Licence -Rahman - Reports
- 6.3 - SS - LMO - 540371 - west princes street gardens
- 3.2 - Recall susp - Eroglu
- 3.3 - Application for Private Hire Drivers Licence - Wachulak - Report
- 4.1 - SS - 525834 - LVD - Mr Bashir Ahmad