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Adults and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee - Monday 13th January, 2025 7.00 pm

January 13, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The committee discussed Barnet Council's performance in adult social care, progress on vaccinations and immunisations in the borough, and the committee's forward plan. They agreed to send a letter to the government about the financial pressures facing adult social care once the value of a government grant has been confirmed.

Adult Social Care

The committee considered a report on the performance of adult social care, which is measured against ten indicators in the national Adult Social Care Framework (ASCOF) 1. The committee heard that:

  • Performance in Barnet was generally good when compared to London and national averages.
  • 5,715 people received long term support from the council, and of these:
    • Four performance indicators have improved since last year, three remain the same, and three have slightly reduced.
    • There was a 22% increase in the number of people who were independent 91 days after being discharged from hospital.
    • There was a 15.3% reduction in the number of people offered reablement 2 after being discharged from hospital, which is because the council and NHS are working together to promote independence in hospitals. For example, they are working with therapists at Barnet Hospital 3 to ensure patients are more active before they are discharged.
  • The council also undertakes an annual survey of people who receive long term support from the council, and a biennial survey of carers. The response rate for these surveys was similar to other London boroughs. In general, satisfaction with the service was high, although the proportion of carers who felt supported to continue in their caring role for as long as they wanted to had reduced. The committee heard that this is partly due to known issues with the survey, and that the council is working with carers to improve their experiences.
  • There are ongoing issues with the quality of equipment provided to people in Barnet, and performance remains below expectations. The committee asked for a report on how the situation could be improved.

Vaccination and Immunisation

The committee considered a report on the uptake of routine vaccinations and immunisations in Barnet. They heard that:

  • Uptake for most pre-school vaccinations had declined since the start of 2024, and that GP practices in Barnet had been asked to contact families to encourage them to come forward for vaccinations.
  • The decline in uptake was likely due to parents misunderstanding when their children needed a polio booster jab, and believing that a polio booster they received aged 2-3 also included their pre-school booster.
  • The committee were sent an appendix 4 to the main report which contained more detailed information about vaccinations in pregnancy.
  • Uptake of the HPV vaccine in Barnet has fallen to 45% for boys and 55% for girls, compared to 60% and 80% respectively in 2018-19.
  • The committee heard that this was due to a number of factors, including the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy, and the way the service is delivered.
  • The committee heard from Vaccination UK 5, who are contracted to deliver the school age vaccination programme in Barnet. Vaccination UK told the committee that they were working to increase uptake of the vaccine by:
    • Working with schools to promote the vaccine.
    • Offering appointments in schools and clinics.
    • Providing information and support to parents.
  • The committee questioned whether the current approach to communication - which includes sending texts, letters, emails and making phone calls - was effective, or if it might be overwhelming to parents.
  • The committee heard that digital poverty, misinformation and distrust were also contributing to low uptake of the vaccine.

Forward Plan

The committee noted that their next meeting would be on 6 May 2025 and that they would be considering a report on the implementation of the Carers Action Plan. The Chair confirmed that the draft letter to government on the financial pressures facing adult social care would be circulated to members as soon as possible.

  1. ASCOF is a set of indicators used by all local authorities in England to measure the outcomes of adult social care. The data is used to track performance, identify areas for improvement, and hold local authorities accountable for the quality of their services. You can find out more about ASCOF on the GOV.UK website. 

  2. Reablement is a type of short-term care that helps people regain their independence after an illness, injury or stay in hospital. It typically involves a therapist or other healthcare professional working with the person to help them relearn skills or adapt to their new circumstances. 

  3. Barnet Hospital is a large NHS hospital in North London. It is run by the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.  

  4. An appendix is a section at the end of a document that contains supplementary information. In this case, the appendix contained information about vaccinations in pregnancy. 

  5. Vaccination UK is a private company that provides vaccination services to schools and other organisations. They are contracted by Barnet Council to deliver the school age vaccination programme.