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Audit Committee - Wednesday 15th January 2025 7.00 p.m.

January 15, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Audit Committee noted the Treasury Management Mid-Year Report, and that the Council's borrowing in the first half of the year had taken place at a favourable interest rate. The Committee also noted a report on the Council's Social Value policy, and asked officers to carry out further work to assess its effectiveness.

Social Value Policy

The Committee discussed a report on the Council's Social Value policy, which was introduced in 2019. The policy allows the Council to offer discounted rents to voluntary and community organisations that provide a 'social value' to the borough.

So those two parts of the process are separated. So I think the identification of properties is as objective as we can make it. Although there is a, you know, a large degree of judgment that has to be applied, which is applied by whoever is in my post. Which is based on the, on the factors that I've listed in 2.7 - Giles Clark, speaking about the Social Value policy

The Committee heard that only two properties have been let under the policy in the last four years. These were the Citizens Advice Bureau and [Subco[/url].

The Committee raised concerns about the transparency and fairness of the policy, and the process by which properties are identified. The Committee also questioned whether the Council has a consistent approach to monitoring the financial sustainability of organisations that are in receipt of discounted rents under the Social Value policy.

Members heard that one organisation in receipt of a discounted rent under the policy, the Apple Cart Arts Centre, recently closed.

I think Applecart is an exception. I think it was one of the very first social value leases, and that's why I wasn't directly involved in it. As I said, there was a different team who aren't in the council, people who aren't in the council anymore. My understanding, and I can go back and forth and look, my understanding is that it was actually written into the lease, which is not the way the policy is set out to be. - Giles Clark, speaking about the Apple Cart Arts Centre

Following the discussion, the Committee asked officers to carry out further work on the policy, to consider its effectiveness and to ensure that it is being implemented consistently.

Treasury Management Mid-Year Report

The Committee noted the Treasury Management Mid-Year Report

Perhaps some of the highlights in the mid-year report is that we did draw down 246 million pounds BWB debt. And you'll see that we we drew down that debt at the lowest points or close to the lowest points on the. - Stephen Wilde, speaking about the Treasury Management Mid-Year report

The Committee noted that the Council's borrowing of £246 million in the first half of the year had been taken out at a time when interest rates were low, which was positive. The Committee also noted that the Council is forecasting that interest rates will start to fall again, but that they are expected to remain higher for longer.