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Planning Board - Tuesday, 14th January, 2025 6.30 pm

January 14, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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This meeting of the Royal Borough of Greenwich Planning Board considered two applications for major developments on Beresford Street in Woolwich. Both applications were approved by the committee.

Vacant plot adjacent to development site at 81 to 88 Beresford Street (application 24/3095/F)

This application sought permission to build a 12 storey student accommodation building providing 120 student bedrooms.

A speaker representing residents of Ocean House argued that the new building would block light to the south-facing living rooms of residents, and that the loss of light would be greater than predicted in the daylight and sunlight assessment submitted with the application. He argued that this is because the assessment modelled the loss of light from a cleared site, and did not take into account the impact of the recently constructed building on the adjacent site. They stated that the impact of the new development was already being felt by residents:

I took a photo today, and that's from our balcony at 1340. And it shows the sun and the tower block, the towers that are currently being built. So the sun is less than halfway up the tower blocks. Now, obviously, it's winter, so the sun is lower in the sky. But nevertheless, I think it shows some indication of the loss that it currently exists, or will be, when the current phase is completed. This will simply add to that loss.

In response, planning officers stated that they felt that the impact on existing residents would not be unreasonable, given the context of the site:

in terms of daylight and sunlight, a report was provided within the company documentation, which is all compliant with BRE. So I think there were nine living room spaces where there were some deviations to the guidance. But in terms of annual probable sunlight hours, most of the requirements of the daylight and sunlight provisions were accepted.

Officers also noted that the site is covered by the Woolwich Masterplan, adopted in 2014, which already envisaged a taller building on the site, meaning the council would be at risk of losing an appeal were they to refuse permission on the grounds of loss of light.

After hearing representations from residents, the committee moved to a vote, and voted unanimously to grant permission.

Riverside House, Beresford Street (application 24/2813/F)

This application proposed the redevelopment of the existing Riverside House building to create a 332 room student accommodation block, a 265 bedroom hotel, new commercial space and public realm.

Concerns were raised about the potential for anti-social behaviour given the density of student accommodation in the area, the lack of detail about the pastoral care that would be provided to students, and the impact of the loss of the site on creative businesses that currently occupy the building on a meanwhile basis.

Planning officers advised the committee that the management of student behaviour is an operational matter and would not normally be a material planning consideration.

Members of the committee expressed enthusiasm for the scheme:

I am excited about seeing more and more students in Woolwich and their economic impact on the town centre. I think it will give some more vibrance and, and lively atmosphere.

The committee voted unanimously to approve the application.