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Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 29th January, 2025 10.30 am

January 29, 2025 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee will be asked to consider their procedure for the meeting and to determine whether to grant a new premises licence to New Barnet Supermarket.

New Barnet Supermarket Premises Licence Application

New Barnet Supermarket at 20 - 24 Station Road, Barnet have applied for a new premises licence to permit them to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises from 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week.

The licensing authority can confirm that the Premises were in possession of two Temporary Event Notices following submission of the application...

The Police have agreed to the application, on the condition that a long list of measures are implemented at the shop. These include:

  • No high strength beers, lagers, and ciders above 6% ABV shall be stocked or sold at the premises.
  • No single cans of beer, larger or cider be sold.
  • No miniatures (5cl or 50ml) to be sold.
  • Persons identified as drinking alcohol in the immediate area around the premises (whether or not they have purchased alcohol from the premises) will be requested to leave and if they refuse to do so a report will be made to the police.

A representation was received from Mr Shaji Surendran of xx Station Road, Barnet, objecting to the application. Mr Surendran states that he believes:

...the premise has fully displayed alcohol and selling to customers without a granted premise licence in place... there is no need for another store just close to each other to have a premise licence as this will cause the public to buy more alcohol. The area already has many people who are addicted to alcohol and giving another licence to the same street is not very safe for the public residing in the area and also for the wellbeing of the ones who are alcoholic

The Sub-Committee will be asked to decide whether to grant the licence.

Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure

The Sub-Committee will be asked to confirm their hearing procedure. The procedure suggested by officers is based on the Licensing Act 2003 1 and the Secretary of State's associated regulations 2. It lays out how long the applicant, the police, and members of the public have to speak, and sets out the rules around the use of video evidence.

  1. The UK Government website has a page that describes the Licensing Act 2003, and the guidance and legislation related to it: 

  2. The procedure document does provide links to the regulations. However, the links do not go to a page that exists, and it is not clear whether the document refers to the original regulations, or to regulations that have replaced them.