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Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families - Monday, 10th February, 2025 10.00 am
February 10, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, please subscribe or get in contact at
- Alistair Hendry
- Andy Hadley
- Andy Kendall
- Evie Potts-Jones
- Frances Nicholson
- Heather Shearer
- Jeny Snell
- Jo Roundell Greene
- John Hunt
- Leigh Redman
- Lucy Trimnell
- Marcus Kravis
- Martin Lovell
- Norman Cavill
- Pauline Ham
- Peter Clayton
- Simon Carswell
- Mary Cox Roman Catholic Diocesan Representative
- Ruth Hobbs School Governor Representative
- Superintendent Lisa Simpson
- Swavek Nowakiewicz
- The Rev'd Tobie Osmond Church of England Diocesean Representative
- Vacancy
- Childrens Wellbeing and Schools Bill
- PDF DSG DMP - Scrutiny 100225 other
- childrens wellbeing and schools bill - CSC reform- Jan 25 updated reading timescales other
- Agenda frontsheet 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families agenda
- Public reports pack 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families reports pack
- Public Guidance Notes
- Information about the Committee
- CF link to join 10.02.2025
- PDF Reviewing Education systems governance - Scrutiny 100225 other
- DSG Update Report 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
- JTAI report for Scrutiny feb 25 other
- JTAI Update Reports 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
- Somerset Education Data - Schools Assessment and Attainment Results 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny
- DSG DMP - CF Scrutiny Committee report 100225 - FINAL other
- Reviewing Education Systems Governance 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Famil
- JTAI Report
- Reviewing Education Systems Governance - CF Scrutiny Committee report 100225 - FINAL other
- PDF Somerset Education data - Scrutiny - 100225 other
- Somerset Schools Assessment Attainment data 2024 - CF Scrutiny Committee report 100225 - FINAL
- Outcome Tracker 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
- Current Work Programme 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
- Minutes From Previous Meeting other
- The Committees Work Programme
- The Committees Outcome Tracker
- Minutes of the previous meeting 10th-Feb-2025 10.00 Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families other