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Crime, Environment and Transport Scrutiny Commission - Tuesday 25th February 2025 7.00 p.m.

February 25, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of Newham Council’s Crime, Environment and Transport Scrutiny Commission is scheduled to include discussions on residential anti-social behaviour, the impact of the 2019-2024 Air Quality Action Plan, and the Commission’s work programme.

Air Quality Action Plan 2025-2030

The Committee is scheduled to be provided with a draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) 1 covering the period from 2025 to 2030. The report pack states that the AQAP is a statutory requirement for Newham Council following the declaration of the whole borough as an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) 2 in December 2019. It says that the new AQAP builds upon the previous plan 3 covering the period from 2019 to 2024.

The draft AQAP says that it:

...aims to focus on People, Health and the Environment.

It goes on to say that:

...the Council is in a difficult financial situation, but sets ambitious objectives to deliver for our residents.

It explains that its aims will be achieved via 35 actions, spread across 6 themes. The report pack also says that the Committee will be asked to consider a separate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) document 4 that sets out how the council plans to measure the success of its activities. It states that the document is still in development.

The report pack notes that Councillor John Whitworth, Cabinet Member for Air Quality and Climate Emergency, is scheduled to be in attendance for this item.

Residential Anti-Social Behaviour

The Committee will be asked to review how Newham Council deals with residential anti-social behaviour (ASB). The report pack states that:

...the proposals to be considered by the Mayor and Cabinet [are at the] pre-decision scrutiny [stage].

It explains that the report will cover the reorganisation of the council’s ASB team, its performance and compliance with regulatory standards, and partnership working with other social landlords in the borough.

Work Programme

The Committee will be asked to review and note its work programme 5 for the 2024-2025 municipal year.

  1. The Air Quality Action Plan is a statutory document that sets out how local authorities will work towards improving air quality in their areas. 

  2. An Air Quality Management Area is a designated area where air pollution levels exceed the national air quality objectives, requiring the local authority to develop and implement an Air Quality Action Plan to address the issue. 

  3. Newham Council's current Air Quality Action Plan (2019-2024) 

  4. The Key Performance Indicators document sets out how Newham Council will measure the success of its Air Quality Action Plan (2025-2030).  

  5. The Work Programme sets out the schedule of items for the Crime, Environment and Transport Scrutiny Commission’s forthcoming meetings.