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Assembly - Wednesday, 26 February 2025 7:00 pm
February 26, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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- Adegboyega Oluwole
- Ajanta Deb Roy
- Alison Cormack
- Andrew Achilleos
- Cameron Geddes
- Chris Rice
- Dominic Twomey
- Donna Lumsden
- Dorothy Akwaboah
- Edna Fergus
- Elizabeth Kangethe
- Emily Rodwell
- Faraaz Shaukat
- Faruk Choudhury
- Fatuma Nalule
- Giasuddin Miah
- Hardial Singh Rai
- Harriet Spoor
- Ingrid Robinson
- Irma Freeborn
- Jack Shaw
- Jane Jones
- John Dulwich
- Josie Channer
- Julia Williams
- Kashif Haroon
- Lynda Rice
- Manzoor Hussain
- Maureen Worby
- Michel Pongo
- Mohammed Khan
- Moin Quadri
- Muazzam Sandhu
- Muhammad Saleem
- Muhib Chowdhury
- Mukhtar Yusuf
- Paul Robinson
- Phil Waker
- Princess Bright
- Regina Rahman
- Rocky Gill
- Sabbir Zamee
- Sade Bright
- Saima Ashraf
- Simon Perry
- Summya Sohaib
- Syed Ghani
- Tony Ramsay
- Val Masson
- Victoria Hornby
- David Harley
- Deirdre Collins
- Elaine Allegretti
- Fiona Taylor
- Leanna McPherson
- Leona Menville
- Mike Haywood
- Richard Harbord
- Sal Asghar
- Report - Luljeta Nuzi
- Vision Priorities May 23 other
- Public reports pack Wednesday 26-Feb-2025 19.00 Assembly reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 26-Feb-2025 19.00 Assembly agenda
- Assembly Seating Plan Feb252 other
- Minutes 29012025 Assembly other
- BF 2025-26 - App C Reserves
- BF 2025-26 - App B Savings Growth
- Minutes 21012025 JNC Appointments Salaries and Structures Panel other
- CTS 2025-26 Report
- CTS 2025-26 - App A Models
- CTS 2025-26 - App B
- CTS 2025-26 - App C
- CTS 2025-26 - App D
- CTS 2025-26 - App E
- Budget Framework 2025-26 Report
- BF 2025-26 - App A MTFP Summary
- BF 2025-26 - App D Stat Budget Determ
- BF 2025-26 - App E Council Tax
- TMSS 2025-26 Report
- TMSS 2025-26 - App 1
- TMSS 2025-26 - App 2
- TMSS 2025-26 - App 3
- Pay Policy 2025-26 Report
- Pay Policy 2025-26 - App. A Statement