Request support for Crawley
We're not currently able to provide detailed weekly summaries for Crawley Council. We need support from the council to:
- Ensure we can reliably access and process council meeting information
- Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
- Maintain and improve the service for residents
You can help make this happen!
Contact your councillors to let them know you want Crawley Council to support Open Council Network. This will help ensure residents can stay informed about council decisions and activities.
If you represent a council or business, or would be willing to donate to support this service, please contact us at
AI Generated
We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, you can contact your councillors to request support.

Imran Ashraf
Labour • Langley Green & Tushmore

Kim Jaggard
Conservative • Maidenbower

Nick Hilton
Labour • Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

Yasmin Khan
Cabinet Member for Public Protection • Labour • Southgate
Kareen Plympton
Jess Tamplin
Astrid Williams
Jo Osborne