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Council - Monday 24th March 2025 7.30 p.m.

March 24, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Council adopted a new Statement of Licensing Policy for the next five years. It also noted the appointment of Robert Reynolds to the role of Mayoral Assistant in late January 2025. Finally, a motion to mandate DBS checks for all councillors was defeated.

Newham Commission for the Future of Belonging and Inclusion

Sandra Katwala from British Future presented an update on the work of the Newham Commission for the Future of Belonging and Inclusion.

Councillor Sabia Kamali asked Ms Katwala how the Commission's approach to fostering inclusion and belonging differs from the Council's current strategy, and where she believes the Council has failed in engaging with residents. Ms Katwala said that the Commission is engaging with a range of stakeholders and that they will offer recommendations for the council, the police, and others at the end of the engagement phase.

Councillor John Gray asked about how the Commission will address the issue of socioeconomic class. He noted that the new Labour government will introduce a duty for local authorities to tackle socioeconomic class. Ms Katwala said that the Commission will reflect the intersectionality of class and belonging in their work.

The Mayor asked Ms Katwala how councillors can help support the engagement with the Commission, and how the Commission will address the issue of intersectionality. Ms Katwala said that councillors can help by hosting events and encouraging people to participate in the call for evidence. She added that the Commission will consider how issues of intersectionality are linked with the Council's work on fairness.

Public Questions

Three questions were submitted by members of the public.

A member of the public asked what provisions are being made for gymnastics lessons and training if the East London Gymnastics Club is no longer available. The club has been evicted from their location at 1 Triumph Road due to a private sale.

A member of the public asked when the promised cinema at Hallsville Quarter will open.

Ben Lambert asked when the council will revisit plans for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood1 for Woodgrange and Capel. He noted that the Council previously proposed an LTN that included closing Balmoral Road bridge to through traffic, but that the consultation was stopped without explanation.

Members' Questions

Four questions were submitted by members of the council.

Councillor Shantu Ferdous asked the Mayor how she plans to address the need for more special schools and specialist professionals for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Councillor Nate Higgins asked the Cabinet Member for the Environment about the controlled parking zone in Chobham Manor. He noted that he objected to the expansion of the East Village Controlled Parking Zone to cover newly adopted roads in Chobham Manor. He said he has not received a formal response to his objection.

Councillor Joshua Garfield asked the Cabinet Member for Community Safety about the enforcement strategy for Meridian Square. He noted that the square is blighted by a range of issues, including urban encampments, excessive litter, and harassment.

Councillor Danny Keeling asked the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care if they will work with sexual health partners to roll out Naloxone to service users.

Statement of Licensing Policy

The council adopted a new Statement of Licensing Policy2 for 2025-2030. The new policy was developed following a six-week consultation that began on 16 December 2024.

The policy sets out the Council's expectations for licensed premises and the steps that they should take to promote the four licensing objectives:

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm

The policy includes a number of new provisions, including:

  • A section on women's safety, which sets out expectations for licensed premises to create a safe environment for women. This includes guidance on staff training, safe spaces, drink spiking, and incident reporting.
  • Guidance on the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn's Law, which will soon become legislation. The Bill will require certain premises to take steps to reduce their vulnerability to terrorist attacks.
  • An updated model pool of conditions, which provides guidance on the types of conditions that may be imposed on licensed premises.
  • The removal of the power to implement Early Morning Restriction Orders (EMROs). An EMRO is a power to restrict the sale of alcohol from licensed premises during the early morning. This power has never been used in England and Wales, and the Council believes that the power is unnecessary.

The policy also includes a number of existing provisions that have been updated. For example, the policy now includes a presumption against the presence of unaccompanied children under the age of 12 after 11pm on premises that are not serving alcohol.

Motion: Enhancing Public Confidence through Mandatory Bi-Annual DBS Checks for Councillors

Councillor Mehmood Mirza proposed a motion to mandate enhanced DBS checks for all councillors. The motion noted that public trust in local government is crucial, and that mandatory DBS checks would enhance this perception.

The motion was defeated.

Motion: Expanding Landlord Licensing To Stratford Olympic Park And Royal Victoria

Councillor Nate Higgins proposed a motion to support the expansion of the landlord licensing scheme borough-wide. The motion noted that Stratford Olympic Park and Royal Victoria wards were previously removed from the borough-wide scheme and that all private landlords in the rest of the borough are required to hold licenses for their rental properties. The motion stated that licensing is a vital tool for tenant justice and that it should be extended borough-wide.

The motion was passed.

  1. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are a traffic management scheme designed to reduce traffic by closing streets to through traffic. This forces traffic to use major roads instead. 

  2. A statement of licensing policy is a document that sets out the principles that a local authority will apply when making decisions about licensing applications. This document is reviewed and published by the authority every 5 years. 


Councillor Rohima Rahman
Profile image for Councillor Imam Haque
Councillor Imam Haque  Deputy Chair of Council 2024/2025 •  Labour •  East Ham
Councillor Caroline Adaja
Councillor Zulfiqar Ali
Councillor Musawwar Alam
Profile image for Councillor Syed Bashar
Councillor Syed Bashar  Labour •  Little Ilford
Councillor James Beckles
Councillor Nur Begum
Councillor Rita Chadha
Councillor Carolyn Corben
Councillor Liz Cronin
Councillor Mariam Dawood
Profile image for Councillor Canon Ann Easter
Councillor Canon Ann Easter  Commissioner for Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue •  Labour & Co-Operative •  Royal Albert
Councillor Femi Falola
Councillor Shantu Ferdous
Councillor Mohammed Gani
Councillor John Gray
Councillor Alan Griffiths
Profile image for Councillor Lewis Godfrey
Councillor Lewis Godfrey  Labour & Co-Operative •  Green Street West
Councillor Belgica Guaña
Profile image for Councillor Zuber Gulamussen
Councillor Zuber Gulamussen  Chief Whip of Newham Independents Group •  Newham Independents •  Plashet
Councillor Nate Higgins
Councillor Dina Hossain
Councillor Lester Hudson
Councillor Anamul Islam
Councillor Sabia Kamali
Councillor Danny Keeling
Councillor Mumtaz Khan
Councillor Joy Laguda MBE
Profile image for Councillor Susan Masters
Councillor Susan Masters  Scrutiny Commission Chair •  Labour & Co-Operative •  East Ham South
Councillor Mehmood Mirza
Councillor John Morris
Councillor Sophia Naqvi
Councillor Thelma Odoi
Profile image for Councillor Miraj Patel
Councillor Miraj Patel  Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment •  Labour •  Green Street East
Councillor Salim Patel
Councillor Terence Paul
Councillor Simon Rush
Councillor Lakmini Shah
Councillor Rachel Tripp
Councillor Amar Virdee
Profile image for Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee
Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee  Labour & Co-Operative •  Boleyn
Councillor Neil Wilson
Councillor Tonii Wilson
Councillor Aktharul Alam
Profile image for Councillor Blossom Young
Councillor Blossom Young  Cabinet Member for Housing Landlord and Tenant Experience Improvements •  Labour •  Beckton
Councillor Melanie Onovo