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Climate Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 27th March, 2025 7.00 pm
March 27, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Climate Scrutiny Committee will be reviewing a report on a range of subjects. The Committee will be provided with a report on the progress and impacts of the Enjoy Waltham Forest Programme over the past 10 years, alongside a report into the ways in which the Climate Emergency Team has worked with the Procurement Team to embed climate considerations in procurement processes and decisions. The Committee will also receive the Council’s annual Air Quality update.
Enjoy Waltham Forest - 10 Year Review
The Committee will be asked to review a report on the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme, which looks at the programme's aims and achievements over the past 10 years. The report notes that
Waltham Forest was one of only three boroughs in London to be awarded ‘Mini-Holland’ funding from Transport of London in 2014, with an allocation of £27 million.
The report goes on to say that
Whilst the initial programme of infrastructure schemes was completed in 2019, subsequent walking and cycling schemes have built upon the ethos and design principles of the Enjoy Waltham Forest Programme to expand its reach, including ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ schemes in residential areas and new protected cycle routes around the borough.
The report also details the progress that has been made in installing electric vehicle charging points and bike hangars in the borough. It says that
1,146 EV charging sockets have been installed on the public highway within Waltham Forest to date
and that
900 Bikehangars have been installed on residential streets across Waltham Forest since 2015, providing secure and convenient cycle parking spaces for 5,400 residents.
Climate Action within Procurement
The Committee are being asked to note a report on Climate Action within Procurement. The report notes that
The Climate Change Committee’s Local Authorities and the Sixth Carbon Budget report estimated that although Local Authorities typically directly account for 2-5% of emissions, they can influence around a third of local area emissions.
The report sets out the ways in which the Climate Emergency Team has engaged with the Procurement Team on climate action, including by:
- Encouraging purchasers to consider climate implications in procurements and mandating this for all projects over the UK procurement threshold values.
- Encouraging supplier engagement on sustainability and climate targets, at early stages of the procurement process and during the contract term.
- Encouraging efficiency, minimising wastage, carbon emissions and cost.
- Facilitating climate related training on procurement.
- To support continual improvement and innovation
The report goes on to describe the work that has already been undertaken to embed this approach, and some proposed next steps for climate action within procurement at the council.
Air Quality Update
The Committee are being asked to review the Council's Air Quality Update. The report details the activities undertaken in 2024 to improve air quality in the borough. These activities included reviewing planning applications, encouraging residents to reduce wood burning, and promoting active travel. It notes that:
In 2024 the AQEP reviewed 601 planning applications and made appropriate recommendations, where required.
The report goes on to describe work that the council has undertaken alongside other London boroughs to tackle air pollution, and lists some of the initiatives that have contributed to improving air quality in the borough, including School Streets, the ZED Waltham Forest delivery service and the installation of Electric Vehicle charging points. The report concludes by saying that:
Waltham Forest Council has continued the implementation of its current AQAP during 2024 and further progress in improving air quality has been made, with a particular focus on tackling key PM 2.5 sources.
The Scrutiny Report
The Committee will also receive The Scrutiny Report, which provides an update on the Committee’s actions and recommendations, and invites the Committee to review the draft work programme for the coming year.

- 1 - Ten Years of Enjoy WF - Climate Scrutiny 27 March
- 2 - Climate Action within Procurement - Climate Scrutiny 27 March
- Minutes 23012025 Climate Scrutiny Committee other
- 3 - Air Quality Update - Climate Scrutiny 27 March
- 4 - The Scrutiny Report - Climate Scrutiny - 27 March 25
- Agenda frontsheet 27th-Mar-2025 19.00 Climate Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 27th-Mar-2025 19.00 Climate Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- 4a - Draft Climate Scrutiny Committee Summary of Activity for 24-25 other
- 4b - Climate Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-25 other
- 4c - Climate Scrutiny Action Tracker
- 4d - Climate Scrutiny Recommendations Tracker
- 4e - Action Response_CAP and KPIs