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Gary Dillon
Dave Sullivan
Peter Baker
Sam Littlewood
Asli Mohammed
Patricia Greenwell
Victoria Geoghegan
Alex Smith
Neil Willey
Beth Lancaster
Pam Ryatt
Deborah Crockett
Eleanor Penn
Jahdia Spencer

Raja Zeeshan
Labour • Shooters Hill
- Agenda frontsheet 25th-Mar-2025 18.30 Local Planning Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 25th-Mar-2025 18.30 Local Planning Committee reports pack
- Public Information Planning
- Declarations of Interests other
- List of Outside Body Membership 2024-25
- Minutes of 28 January 2025 Planning Baord Meeting other
- Appendices to 47 Speranza Street Plumstead London SE18 1NX - Ref 243752F
- Addendum to 88 Corelli Road Kidbrooke SE3 8EW - Ref 243979F
- Main report - 88 Corelli Road Kidbrooke SE3 8EW - Ref 243979F
- 108 Woolwich High Street Woolwich London SE18 6DN - 242652F other
- Appendices to 88 Corelli Road Kidbrooke SE3 8EW - Ref 243979F
- 47 Speranza Street Plumstead London SE18 1NX - Ref 24.3752.F other
- Appendices to 108 Woolwich High Street Woolwich London SE18 6DN - 242652F other
- Minutes cover other
- Item 5 - 88 Corelli Road 2nd Addendum Report 25th-Mar-2025 18.30 Local Planning Committee
- Item 7 - 108 Woolwcih High Street - Addendum 25th-Mar-2025 18.30 Local Planning Committee
- Item 5 - 2nd Addendum to Committee Report - 88 Corelli Road
- Item 7 - Addendmum to 108 Woolwich High Street report other