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The Planning Sub-Committee (1) of Westminster City Council is scheduled to meet on Tuesday 01 April 2025. There are three planning applications to be considered at the meeting, two of which will be discussed in public, with one confidential item to be discussed in private.
British Broadcasting Corporation, Delaware Road
The most significant item scheduled for discussion relates to a planning application and listed building consent for the British Broadcasting Corporation building on Delaware Road1. The application concerns the retention and partial demolition of the existing building, a Grade II listed former roller skating rink built in 1909, and its alteration for continued use as film and music studios.
The building is currently owned by film and music composers Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan of Working Title Films, Hans Zimmer and Steven Kofsky of RC Productions and Portman LX, who purchased the building from the BBC in 2023. The BBC are currently in the process of moving out of the building, and the applicants intend to occupy it by October 2026.
The report pack states that the proposed works would:
include a partial basement excavation, replacement of the existing roof, installation of new plant and external amenity spaces to the rear, façade and access alterations, highway works and all other works associated with the development. Internal works to include the restoration of studios MV1-3, introduction of a new studio space and removal of studios MV4-7
The report pack identifies that 78 objections have been received from residents, with four representations in support of the proposals. Objections were received on a wide range of matters, including noise and disruption during the works, loss of parking, highways alterations, potential anti-social behaviour, noise from the new plant equipment and terrace and other concerns regarding the impact of the works on the Grade II listed building.
The report states that the proposals would see a reduction of three pay by phone parking bays to allow for the provision of a 20 metre long yellow line for articulated lorry servicing to the north western end of the building.
The report states that:
The proposed development would cause less than substantial harm to the site itself
and that:
the package of public benefits arising from the development are considered to outweigh this harm.
The benefits that the report states would arise from the development include:
- The reuse of an iconic building contributing to the creative and arts industry in Westminster
- The reuse of an iconic building substantially contributing the Westminster’s, London’s and the UK’s economy
- A 53% reduction in carbon emissions on-site and a carbon offset payment of £21,731 that can be used to reduce carbon emissions elsewhere within Westminster
- Provision of a financial contribution of £116,351.55 towards employment and worklessness programmes prior to commencement of development
- A CIL2 contribution of over £1 million that that would improve infrastructure throughout Westminster but particularly in the local area.
- Consolidated servicing; and
- Consolidated operational management plan.
7 Stratton Street
The second planning application to be discussed in public is for 7 Stratton Street3, and concerns the erection of an additional storey on the existing building and the infilling of a rear lightwell to provide additional office accommodation.
The report pack states that the proposals would see an increase of 142 square meters of office floorspace.
The report pack identifies that nine objections have been received and five representations in support of the application. Objections concerned a wide range of topics, including the loss of a residential unit that objectors believed to be on the third and fourth floors of the building, the appearance of the rear elevation and its impact on the neighbouring listed building, noise from the proposed terraces, fire safety and escape routes, the lack of cycle parking, and that inaccurate and/or false information had been submitted as part of the application.
The report pack states that:
On balance there has not been a residential flat at the property for a period long enough to make it lawful, if indeed there has been one there at all in recent history.
It also states that the proposals are of an acceptable design:
The amended proposed roof extension reflects the local roofscape, building heights and materials.
The report pack states that the proposed terrace at fifth floor level is acceptable:
Given that there is little to no residential in the immediate vicinity of the site, and none to the immediate rear or in the neighbouring buildings, the terrace is unlikely to cause issues in terms of overlooking.
6A Elm Tree Road
The third item is confidential and will be discussed in private. It relates to a Tree Preservation Order application for 6A Elm Tree Road4.
Delaware Road is a residential street in Maida Vale, a district of West London, that is known for its grand Victorian mansion blocks. ↩
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008, that local authorities in England and Wales can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money raised from the levy can be used to fund infrastructure projects that support the development of the area. ↩
Stratton Street is a street in the Mayfair district of London. ↩
Elm Tree Road is a residential street in the St John's Wood district of London. ↩

- Agenda frontsheet 01st-Apr-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 agenda
- Public reports pack 01st-Apr-2025 18.30 Planning Sub-Committee 1 reports pack
- Printed minutes 18022025 1830 Planning Sub-Committee 1 other
- SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS - Sub-Committee 1 April 2025